HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 240-1945 ORDINANCE No.. 240 ' tern, subject to the provisions of the odical investigation and valuation AN ORDINANCE OF TH~ CITY OF State Employees' Retirement Act. required by law, provided that SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO AU- 2. City shall participate in said said amount shall not exceed $2.00 THORIZING A CONTRACT BE- Retirement System, making its em- per fiscal year per member, on the TWEEN THE CITY OF SOUTH ployees members of said System, basis of the number of employees SAN FRANCISCO AND THE from and after July 1, 1945. of City wh9 are members on July BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION, 3. Employees of City in the fol- 1st of the respective fiscal, years, CALIFORNIA STATE'EMPLOYEES' lowing cia~see shall besome members or with respect to the first year of RETIREMENT SYSTEM, PRO¥1D- of said Retirement Sys~m in accord- participation, on 'the effective date ING FOR THE PARTICIPATION ance with the provisions of said Re- of said participation. OF SAID CITY IN SAID STATE 'tirement Act; governing member. d. A reasonable amount as fixed by · EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYS-. ship in said Retirement System, andf the .Board, payable in one install- TEM, AND MAKING THESE EM- subject to the further excll~sio'ns ment frown time to time as the oc- PLOYEES MEMBERS OF SAID from membership in the next follow- casions' arise, to cover the costs of SYSTEM. lng sentence: special valuation~ on account of The people of the City of South !. San Francisco' do ordain as follows/ Number of Employ- Minimum Age for 1. That a contract between the esa El~ible Volunim-y C/fy of South San Francisco and the for Membership Service Board of Administration, State Em- Class of Employees on July 1, 1945 Retirement ployees' Retirement System of the .a. City Firemen, Os defined in Sec- State of California, is hereby au- tion 8c of the State Employees' thorized, a copy of said contract be- Retirement Act .. ............................... 7 ~ 60 \ · · . ' .... . b. City Policemen~ as defined in Sec- lng attached hereto marked Exhibit A," and by such reference made a tion 8b of the State Employees' part hereof as though herein set out Retirement Act ............... .~..~ ............. 14 60 in full. ~ c. EmployeeS other than City Fire- - 2. The Mayor of sai~l city and the men and City Policemen ................ '~ 20 As provided in the City Clerk are. hereby authorized, . .4. Retirement Act emlSowered and directed to execute said contract for. and on behalf of In addition to the employees ex- employees of City and the costs of said subdivision, eluded from membership by said Re- the periodical investigation into 3. In the event of the adoption Of tirement Act, the following .employ- the experience under said Re- this ordinance bY a majority of tl!e ecs shall not become members of the ~ tirement System, as it affects said qualified voters of said City Of South Retirement System: lqo additional employees, and the valuation ,of San Francisco et the special election exclusions. Board and City agree the assets and liabilities of said to be held Ion the 31st day of Au- that, except as ~rovided in para- System on account of said em- gust, 1945, this'ordinance shall graph~ 5,. no adjustment shall be ployees. take effect and be in force on the made in the amount of contributions Contributions required of City and 1st day of September, 1945, and provided in paragraph Sa, on account its employees shall be subject/o ad- Shah be published by one (1) inset- of prior'service, or in the percentage justment by the Board of Adminis~ tlon in The South San Francisco provided in paragraph 5b, because of tr~tion, on aCCOunt of amendments Journal, a newspaper of general ci? variations in the numbei~ of em* 'to the State Employees' Retirement culation printed and published m pioyees who become members of said Act, and on account o! experience said City of South Sen Francisco. Retirement System on the effective under the Retirement System, as de- * · * ' date hereof, from the numbers ~ .termined by the' periodical investiga- I, Daniel McSweeney, City Clerk above, due to termination of service tion, valuation and determination of the City of South San Francisco: by such causes as death, resignation do hereby certify that, at a special or discharge, or the employment of provided for by said Retirement ACt. municipal election held in and individuals not included in said hum- 6. Contributions required of City , under paragraph 5 immediateJy pre- through the City of South San Fran- bets. cisco on the 31st day of August, 4. Benefits on account of 'prior ceding, and contributions required of City's employees who are members 1945, the foregoing ordinance was service, that is, service credited of said System, shall be paid by City adopted by a. majority of all the' hereunder as rendered to City prior to the State Employees' Retirement votes cast for and against the propo- to the effective date hereof, shall be sition whether said ordinance should allowed to city firemen and city System within thirty days after the be adopted, end of the month or longer period to Ilq WITlqESS WHEREOF I have policemen sad to other employees, which said contributions refer. If only as percentages of the respec- hereunto set 'my hand and affixed rive average salaries specified in Saiod[ more or less than the correct amount the seal of said City of South San Retirement Act, for each year o of contribution required of City or its Francisco, this 12th day of Septem- such service, and said percentages, employees is paid for any period, bar, 1945. shall be equal to 100 per cent of the proper adjustment shah be made in connection with subsequent remit- ' analogous percentages now used un.- tances of the City to the Board, to (Seal) DANIE~ McSWEENE~, der said' Retirement System in cai- rectify the errors; or such adjust- City Clerk. culating benefits on account of prior EXHIBIT A service, all6wed to members of the meats on account of errors made in contributions required of employees, STATE EMPLOYEES' RETIREMEh'T California State Highway Patrol and may be made by direct cash pay- SYSTEM to other employees of the State of ments between the employee in con- SACRAMEBITO, .CALIFORNIA California, respectively, nection with whom the error 5. City shall contribute to said Re- made, and Board. Payments of City CONTRACT tirer~ent SYstem as follows: between to Board may be made in the form BOARD OF COUi~CILMEBI a. The sum of $5,854.11 per mmum, of warrants, bank checks,, hank payable in equal monthly or less drafts, certified checks, money or- l~ame of IJegislative Body frequent installments as Board ders, or cash. of shall require, {or a period o! 20 7;' The provisions of Section 84 of CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO years, on account of the liability the State ~mployees' Retirement Act , for benefits based on service ren- shall apply to employees of Sub- l~ame of Municipal'~ Corporation dered to City prior to the effective division, who become members of and the date hereof, said Retirement System. BOARD OF ADMIlqISTRATIOIq b. 9.947~ per cent of total salaries WITlqESS OUR HANDS the day of the paid ~0y City each month to its and year first above written. CAL1FORlqLA ~STATE EMPLOYEES' employees who'are members of RJVI3REMEh'T SYSTE~ said Retirement System, provided of THIS A(~RF_,EMEI~ made this that only salary earne~:] as mere- lqame of Legislative Body day of , 194--, bors of said System Shall be in- by and between the Legislative Body c~ded in said total salaries, and lqame of Municipal Corporation of City of South~/~m Franciscol here- that employees w~o_ are members By after' referred to as "City," and' the of said System shall include em- Presiding Officer Board Of Administration, California ployeas who become tnembers Attest: State Employees' Retirement Sys- upon the effective date hereof and tern, hereafter referred ' to ~ as employees who 'become ~members "Board.*' ' 'thereafter.. Clerk WITNE~SETH: c. A reasonable amount as fixed by BOARD OF ADMHqISTRATI01~ In consideration, of the covenants Board~ payable in equal monthly STA?E E/~PLOYEES' RETIRHMEIqT and agreements hereinafter con-~ or ies~ frequent in~,*llments, as SYSTEM tainod and on-the part of both par. Board droll requi~e, to cover the By tie~ to be kept and performed, City ,costs of ad_rniDisteri/tg said Sys- President, Board of Administration and Board hereby agree as follows: tern as it affects the employees of Attest: . 1. City is' to participate in the City, not including the'costs of State Employees' Retirement Sys- special valuations or of the ~peri- Secretary OR~Ii,J~JCE NO. 240 __~O;.,~Q)_- "~'CO/i~O../~ ~ 0~~TCE 0F T~ CITY 0F SOUTH ~ F~CISC0 ~"~0 AUTHORIZ~G A CONT~CT BET~ ~ CITY 0F ~H ~'~ S~{ F~CIS~ ~D THE BOARD 0F ADM~IST~TION, C~IF0~JIA STA~ EMPL0~S' ~TI~T SYS~, PROV~G FOR T~ P~TICIPATION 0F ~ID C~Y E ~ STAE E~L0~' ~TI~NT SYS~, ~D ~K~G T~ ~0~S ~I~RS 0F SA~ SYS~. The people of the City of South San ~ancisco do orda~ as follows: 1. That a contract between the City of South S~ Fr~cis~ and the ~a~ of Administration, State ~ployees' Retire~nt System of the State of California, is hereby author- ized, a copy of said contract being attached hereto marked "Exhibit A", and by such ~ference made a part hereof as though herein set out in full. 2. The Mayor of said city ~d the City Clerk are hereby authorized, empowered ~d directed to execute s~d contrac~ for ~d on behalf of said subdivision. 3. In the event of the adoption of this ordin~ce by a majority of the qualified ~ters of said City of ~uth San Fr~cisco at the speci~ election to be held on the 31st day of August, 1945, this ord~ce sh~l t~e effect and be in force on the 1st day of ~ptember, 1945, and shall be published by one (1) insertion in The ~uth S~ Francisco Jo~nal, a newspaper of general circulation prated ~d published in said City of South San Fr~cisco. EXHIBIT A STATE EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA CONTRACT between BOARD OF C0~CILMEN Name of Legislative Body of CITY OF SOUTH .%AN FR~CISC0 Name of Municipal Corporation and the BOARD OF ADMI~ISTRATION of the CALIFOP~IA STATE EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM THIS AGREEMENT made this day of , 194_ , by and between the Legislative Body of City of South Sam Francisco, hereafter referred to as "City", and the Board of Administration, California State Employees' Bmtirement System, hereafter referred to as '~oard." WIT~UE SSETH: In consideration of the covenants and agreements herein- after contained and on the part of both parties to be kept amd performed, City and Board hereby agree as follows: 1. City is to participate in the State Employees' Retirement System, subject to the provisions of the State Employ- ees' Retirement Act. 2. City shall participate in said Retirement System, making its employees members of said System, from and after July 1, 1945. $. Employees of City in the following classes shall become members of said Retirement System in accordance with the p~ovisions of said Retirement Act, governing membership in said Retirement System, and subject to the further exclusions from membership in the next following sentence: Number of Employ- Minimum Age for ees Eligible Vo lunt ary for Membership Service Class of Employees on July 1, 1945 Retirement a. City Fireman, as defined in Section 8c of the State Employees' Retirement Act 7 60 b. City Policemen, as defined in Section 8b of the State Employees' Retirement Act lA 60 c. Employees other than City Firemen and City Police- men ........... 20 As provided in the Re ti rement Ac t In addition to the employees excluded from membership by said Retirement Act, the following employees shall not become members of the Retirement System: No additional exclusions. Board and City agree that, except as provided in paragraph 5, no adjustment shall be made in the amount of contributions provided in paragraph Sa, on account of prior service, or in the percen- tage provided in paragraph 5b, because of variations in the numbers of employees who become members of said Retirement System on the effective date hereof, from the numbers listed above, due to termination of service by such causes as death, resignation or discharge, or the employment of individuals not included in sai~ numbers. 4. Benefits on account of prior service, that is, service credited hereunder as rendered to City prior to the effective date hereof, shall be allowed to city firemen, an~ city policemen and to other employees, only as percentages of the respective average salaries specified in said Retirement ~ct, for each year of such service, and said percentages shall be equal to 100 per cent of the analogous percentages now used under said Retirement ~ystem in calculating benefits on account of prior service, allowed to members of the California State Highway Patrol and to other employees of the State of California, res- peetively. 5. City shall contribute to said Retirement System as follows: a. The sum of $5,854.11 per annum, payable in equal monthly or less frequent installments as Board shall require, for a period of 20 yea~s, on account of the liability · for benefits based on service rendered to City prior to the effective date hereof.- b. 9.947 per cent of total salaries paid by City each month to its employees who are members of said Retirement System, provided that only salary earned as members of said System shall be included in said total salaries, and that employees who are members of said System shall include employees who become members upon the effective date hereof and employees who become members thereafter. c. A reasonable amount as fixed by Bosrd, payable in eqmal monthly or less frequent installments, as Board shall require, to cover the costs of administering said System as it affects the employees of City, not including the costs of special valuations or of the periodical investi- gation and valuation required by law, provided that said amount shall not exceed $2.00 per fiscal year per member, on the~'basis of the number of employees of City who are members on July 1st of the respective fiscal years, or with respect to the first year of participation, on the effective date of said participation. d. A reasonable amount as fixed by the Board, payable in one installment from time to time as the occasions arise, to cover the costs of special valuations on account of employees of City and the costs of the periodical in- vestigation into the experience under said Retirement System, as it affects said employees, and the valuation of the assets and liabilities of said System on account of said employees. Contributions required of City and its employee8 shall be subject to adjustment by the Board of Administration on account of amendments to the State Employees' Retirement Act, and on account of experience under the Retirement System, as determined by the periodical investigation, valuation and determination pro- vided for by said Retirement Act. 6. Contributions required of City under paragraph § immediately preceding, and contributions required of City's employees who are members of said System, shall be paid by City to the State Employees' Retirement System within thirty days after the end of the month or longer period to which said contributions refer. If more or less than the correct amount of contribution required of City or its employess is paid for any period, proper adjustment shall be made in connection with subsequent remittances of the City to the Board, to rectify the errors; or such adjust- ments on account of errors made in conSributions required of employees, may be made by direct cash payments between the em- ployee in connection with whom the error was made, s~d Board. Payments of Oity to Board may be made in the form of warrants, bank checks, ban~ drafts, certified checks, money orders, or cash. 7. The provisions of Section 84 of the State Employees' Retirement Act shall apply to employees of Subdivision, who become members ~o£ said Retirement System. ~ITNESS OUR PL~DS the day and year first above written. of Name of Legislative Body ! h-ame of Diunicipal Corporation By Presiding Officer Atte st: C1 erk BOARD OF AD~LNISTRATION STATE EMPLOYEES' RET~~T SYSTEM By Attest: President, Board of Administration Secretary