HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 241A-1945 ..h 01?~]{~CE ~VI.:ING ~ R~ACTING ~ PORTIONS 0F "'"...q LIC~ISI)~G 0F BUS~ES~S'~ Pi~0FESSI0:~S, T~ES, CALL~'~GS ~'7D 0CCUPATIO~,IS ~ T~ CiTY 0F ~UTH S~q F~.~CISCO", ~DOPTED BY T~ CITY COUNCIL OF T~ CITY 0F ~H S~I F~{- CISC0 on the ?th day of l~iay, 195%, ~ICH PO~TIO~S 0F SA~ 0~I~AiICE ~ ~L~ BY 0RD~.]~'~CE NO. ~l of S~D C~Y 0F SOUTH ~ F~,~CISC0. The City Co~cil of the City of South S~ ~'r~cisco does ordain as follows: Section 1. ~l portions of Ordinate ~Io. l?l entitled: "~ ordinsnce providing for licensing of bus~sses, professions, trades, callings ~d occupations in the City of ~uth S~ Fran- cisco'', adopted by the City Co~cil of the City of South S~ Francisco on the ?th day of L~ay, 19~, which portions of said ordinance ~o. l?l~er~ repealed by Ordinance ~o. FO1 entitled: "~ ordinance lice~sing the ca~'ryins on of certa~ businesses, incl~ing trades and co~aercial and m~ufacturing enterprises ~ the City of South San Francisco, for the purpose of raising muni- cipal revenue", adopted on the l?th day of January, 19%%, are hereby revived ~d reenacted. Section. ~. This ordinance shall be published by one (1) insertion in "The Enterprise", a weekly newspap'er of general circulation printed and published in said City of South S~ Francisco and shall take effect upon the expiration of thirty (O0) days after the date of its adoption. introduced this ~ day of ~Iovember, 194~. Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South S~ Francisco at a regular meeting of the City Co~cil of the City of South San Francisco at a regular meeting o~the City Council of the City of South S~ Fr~cisco on th~/~ day of I~ove~er, 1940, by the follo~i~ vote: Noes, Councilmen Absent, Counciln~n Approved: L~ayor Of the City of South San Francisc. Attest: