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Ord 243-1945
Al~ ©RD.~U2[CE OF TiiE CiTY 02' $OU'i'H o~R,~ FR~ZTCISC0 ~i~ALIi'iG TP~~,~n~r~? ~,?~o~,:~o 0F o~iD CITY DESi~'TATED AS FOLLC'ffS: O~%'~TCE l'10. Mi~ E!tTiTLED "~ 6I~'~u.C~ C~%AT~G A LOCAL DEFE!'T~ ~r~'~?~'IL~...~,. P~SCRiBI~fG ITS DUT~S ~D ~SI~0%ISIB~IT~S", ~0PTED BY ~ID CI~ CODICIL 01i ~i~ 16, 19!i, CITY 0F SOUTH S~2! FRAifCISC0 ~LA2~{G T0 ~iIR i~IiD is~C~iUTI0'2S'', ~oi-T~D BY S~I~ CI'i~~ CCUi. ICIL 0RDii%C!'CE 0E T!~E CITY 0F SOUT>i '~ ?'~ '~' :='T''~w 0F ~*?? CIi'Y 0F N0. 219 ENTiTLLu "~¢ 0Ru~-:,~ z~.~ SOO'TH S~T F~Io~C ZSTABLZS~[LTG. ~'? ~U~[~IARY FIi~E ~OI::2=ED BY SA~ CITY CO~OIL 02! ~,~?.CH 2, 1942; 0~L'4~'4CE }I0. 220 ~TITLED "~¢ 0i~I..,J;,=i.;CE C,F ~uX~Z~z~ POLiC~ FORC~~,~' ..... i~R~VIDL~O FOR ITS DUTIES %,ID C02'?T~L', ~0PTED BY SAID ,CITY COUi{CIL 07 ~,~RCi-t 2, 1942; 0~~CE i'f0 221 ~'~t~L~D ~[,TD i'ROViDIi[G F0R ITS C0~[TLOL", ~02~TED BY SAID CITY u0v,,.CEL CdT I~$CH 2, 1942; 0RDI:;~'fCE ~0 226 ~?T[TLED "A;; 0RDE..L~:fCE 0F Ti~ C~Y 0E SOUTH Fi~[CISC0 ~T~G T0 RESTRICTED LIGHTilfG", ;~0?T~D BY ~AED C~TY COT~{CIL 0~ 0CTOBE~ 2?, ~942. The City Council of thev~ity of South 5an Francisco does ordain as follows: Section ~. T~e o~dinances of said City of "~" '~ Francisco desi~ated as follows: 0rdiz, ance ;[o. 2~3 entitled "~ ordinance creating a local defense council and prescrib~n~ its duties and responsibilities", adopted by said City Co,~cil on Z~e ~6, lull; Ordinance lTo. 2~? entitled: "~ ordin~ce of the City of ~u, th ~ ~'rancisco relating to air raid precautions", adopted by said City Co~cZl on Decembey ~?, ~94~; Ordinance ~st~ of ~outh 5an Fr~cisco 2~8 entitled '%n ordinance of the ~'" establisb_inc an emercency control center", sdopted by said City Council on ~darch 2, ~9~2; Ordinance ~[o. 2~9 entitled: "$n .... n~ioe of ttie City of ~outh 5an Fra~icisco establish~''~,''~ an ~L'Ltxiliary Fire Force aha ~roviding for its duties mad co:~trol" adovted by said Oity Council on l~:aroh 2, 1~42; Ordinance L'o. 220 entitled '~n ordinance of the City of ~outh San kraucisco establishing an A~o~itiary i~oiice ForCe and oroviding for its duties and co~trol,, adopted by said City Council on i~,!arch £, 19~; Ordi~ance ~o. BE1 entitled "An ordinance establishin.c an Air Raid ~arden Servioe and providing for its control", ado!~ted by said City Council! on ~iarch £, 19m~,~ and Ordinance ~o. aa6 entitled "An ordinance of the' ~mt,~' ~ of South San z~rancisco relating to restricted li~hting", adopted by said City Council on October £?, 19&~, are hereby repealed. Section ~. This ordinance shall be published by one (1) insertion in "The w~ · ~nterprmse" a newspa'oer of general cir- cuiation published ~d circulated in said city, and shall ta~e effect and be in force on the expiration of thirty (~0) days after its adoption. Introduced thisY~ day ofNo~ember, 19&$. I hereby certify t~at the foregoing ordi~_ance was adopted by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, regular meeting, o~ the .~ day of ~-~,~~ , at a 19&O, by the follo~ing vote: i,~oes, Gouncilmen ~ Absent, Councilmen ~ ~pproved~~ h~ayor of the City of South San Francisco. Atte st: