HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 244-1946 0 ~IN~C~ ~ O~I~gO~ OF ~ CITY OF ~H ~ F~OI~O0 T~ CITY OF ~UTH ~ F~CIS~. The City Co~cil of the City of ~uth ~n Fr~isco ~oes ordain as follows: ~~ t~ Oity Council of the Oity of ~uth cisoo d~, on the 26th day of Dece~er, 19~5, receive a ~itten petition f~m Bu~-Buri ~mes, ~c., a ~rporation organized ~d existing ~der the laws of the State of California, to ~nex said City of ~uth S~ Fr~cisco the ~inhabited territory herein- after described; ~d %~~ the territory'hereinafter described is the territory sought, 'in said petition, to be included in said City of South S~ Francisco a~ is ~inhabited territo~, as expression "~inhabited territory" is used in that certain act of t~ Le~slat~e of the State of Ca~fornia entitle~: "~ act to provide for the alteration of the bo~d~ies of ~n~rporated towns ~ cities by the ~nexation of ~habited territory thereto ~d for the incorporation of sUch ~exed territory in ~d as a part of such m~icipality, ~d for the districting, gover~ent ~d m~icipal control of such ~nexed territory.", Chapter ZgV of Statutes of 1959, as ~ended, ~d is contiguous to said City of ~uth S~ Francisco; ~d ~S, on the B6th day of December, 19A5, sa~ City Oo~cil did pass its certain resolution giving ~tice of the p~- posed ~exation of the ~inhabited territory hereinafter des- cribed to said City of Suth San Francisco, ~d did, in s~d resolution, fix ~nday, the 21st day of J~uary, 19A6, at the ho~ of 8 o'clock p. m., in the~Co~cil Ch~ber in the City ~ll of said City of ~uth S~ ~ancisco as the ti~ ~d place when and where any persons owning real property within the territory hereinafter described, and so proposed to be annexed, and having any objection to the proposed annexation of said territory, ma,y appear before said City Council end show cause why said territory should not be so annexed, and did, in said resolution, find that said corporation is the owner of more than one-fourth (1/4) of the area of the land hereinafter described and rePresents more than one-fourth (1/4) of the assessed value of said property according to the last preceding equalized assessment roll of the County of San Mateo; and said City Council did, in said resolution, direct that the City Clerk of said city cause a copy of said reso- lution to be published once a week for two (2) successive weeks prior to the 21st day of January, 1946, in 'The Enterprise", a weekly newspaper of general circulation published in said City of South San Francisco; and WHE~ said resolution was published in said "The Enterprise" on the following dates: The 2nd, 9th and 16th days of January, 1946; and '~PIEREAS no person has filed or made any written or other protest against the annexation of said territory, or any part thereof, to said City of South San Francisco; NOW, THEREFORE, said City Council does ordaih~aa follows,: Section 1. Said City Council hereby determines that said Buri-Buri Homes, Inc., a corporation, is the owner of more than one-fourth (1/4) of the area of the land hereinafter des- cribed and represents more than one-fourth (i/A) of the assessed value of said land according to the last preceding equalized assessment roll of said County of San Mateo aud that said land is uninhabited territory and is contiguous to said City of South San Francisco. Section 2. Said City COmacil hereby approves the annexation to said City of' South San Franci sc~ of the territory described as follows: The land hereinbefore described consistm of all that certain tract or parcel of land-situate in the County of San Mateo, State of California, and particularly described as follows: Begin at a point on the southwesterly llne of the state highway 'known as El Camino Real, said line being the southwesterly corporate limits line of the City of South San Francisco, at the intersection of said line with the center line of Twelve Mile Creek, said point being the most easterly ~orner of that certain tract of land described as Parcel i in deed from Edward P. Murphy, Trustee, to california Pacific Title Insurance Company, dated October 9, 1945, and recorded October 10, 1945, Recorder's file No. 67884F, Records of Sen Mateo County, California; Running thence from said point of beginning northwest- erly along said southwesterly line of E1 Camino Real the following courses and distances, on the arc of a curve to the left, the center of which bears South 51 degrees 13 minutes 43 seconds West 2967 feet from the point of beginning of this description, having a radius of 2967 feet and a central angle of 9 degrees 43 minutes 45 seconds, an arc distance of 503.81 feet; t hence North 48 degrees 30 minutes West 647.53 feet to the intersection of said southwesterly line with the southwesterly production of the southeasterly line of Oak Avenue, as said 0akl Avenue now exists in the City of South San Francisco; thence North 53 degrees 06 minutes 45 seconds East, along said last mentioned line, which is also the corporate limits line of the City of South San Fran- cisco, 67.38 feet to the northeasterly line of E1 Camino Real; thence in a northwesterly direction along said northeasterly line of E1 Camino Real the following courses and distances: North 48 degrees ~0 minutes West 244.20 feet to a point; thence on the arc of a curve to the left, tangent to said last mentioned course at said last mentioned point, having a radius of 10B~ feet and a central angle of ? degrees §l minutes, an arc distance of 141.5~ feet to a point; thence North 56, degrees 21 minutes Nest 1178o10 feet to a point; thence on the arc of a curve to the right, tangent to said last mentioned course at said last mentioned point, having. a radius of ?6? feet and e central angle of Z8 degrees 29 minutes 08 seconds, an arc distance of §10.19 feet to a point, said point being the intersection of said northeasterly line of E1 Camino Real with the northeasterly production of the northwesterly line of the above described tract of land conveyed to California Pacific Title Insurance Company; thence leaving said northeasterly line of E1 Camino Real South 40 degrees lB minutes ~6 ~seconds ~est, along the northeasterly production of the northwesterly line of said tract of land conveyed to California Pacific Title Insurance Company and along the northwesterly line of said tract of land, 2~76.09 feet to a point thereon; thence leaving said last mentioned line South 84 degrees 30 minutes East 9~0 feet; thence South 71 degrees BO minutes East 680 feet end South 64 degrees 59 minutes East 516.98 feet, more or less, to a point in the center line of Twelve Nile Creek, hereinbefore mentioned; thence in a general easterly direction down the center of said Twelve Nile Creek the following courses end distances: North ~8 degrees 15 minutes 20 seconds'East E~1.65 feet; South 66 degrees 05 minutes 50 seconds East 15~.6Z feet; North 80 degrees 14 minutes BO seconds East ~0~.70 feet; South 6Z degrees 45 minutes 40 seconds East 148o20 feet; ~outh 89 degrees 4B minutes l0 seconds East 1~5.~5 feet; ~outh 64 degrees 19 minutes 40 seconds East ~B.10 feet; North ~4 degrees 15 minutes 40 seconds East 56.6? feet; North 75 degrees 24 minutes l0 seconds East 96.71 feet; South 7B degrees 55 minutes 50 seconds East 60.05 feet; North 79 degrees 11 minutes 20 seconds East 155.50 feet; South 85 degrees 51 minutes 40 seconds East 376.60 feet; North 81 degrees 56 minutes 50 seconds East 68.86 feet; South 86 degrees 01 minute 50 seconda East 56.18 feet and North 81 degrees 48 m~nutes 35 seconds East 174.26 feet to the point of beginning. Containing 93°938 acres of land, more or less, end being a portion of the hereinbefore described tract of land conveyed to California Pacific Title Insurance Company and a portion of the state highway known as E1 Camino Real. Section 3. This ordinance shall be published by one insertion in "The Enterprise", a weekly newspaper of general circulation printed a~ud published in said City of South San Francisco and shall take effect and be in force upon the expira- tion of thirty (30) days following its passage. ~ * * Introduced this 21st day of January, 1946. Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San Francisco at a regular memting of the City Council of the City of So~th Sa~ Francisco, this ~ day 1946, by the following vote: Ayes, Councilmen /~ ~~ ~ ~ · Noes, CounCilmen Absent, Councilmen The foregoing ordinance is hereby approved by me, as Mayor of the City of South San Francisco, this ~%~ day of , 1946. Mayor of the 0ity of South San Francisco. Attes~ ~,,