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DINA~Cl CALLING & SPECIAL E~OTION ~ TI ~ITY OF ~UTH F~0IS~, OO~Y OF ~ ~0, STA~ 0F ~0~, P0H T~ ~OS 0F ~ITTEG ~ T~ ~U~~ ~TO~ OF T~ O~ OF ~UTH ~ F~CI~, A ~IC~. 00~0~TION, A 0~T~N ~0~TION ~ EO~ A B0~ED ~DE~~ ~ PAY T~ ~ 0F A C~TA~ ~I- ~ ~N~0TION ~ EQU~~ 0FA 0~~ ~LICEm ~ATION ~ ~ CITY 0F ~UTH ~ F~CI$~; ~OIT~G T~ ~ 0B~CT ~D ~~S ~R ~CH ~ID ~~~ I$ PR0~D T0 ~ IN~: T~ E~~D ~0F ~ T~ ~0U~ 0F T~ ~~~ P~~D T0 ~C~D T~~R; E~A~IS~G ~ E~ION P~C~OTS ~0~T~G 0FFIC~S 0F ~.~OTION. ~ the 0ity of South ~ Fr~eisee is a m~eip~ eo~orat~n incorporated ~der the laws of the State of Ca~for- nia and the legislative brach of said City of ~uth San ~aneisco is desi~ated as the City Co~cil of the City of Suth S~ ~cisco ~d consists of five (5) members, and t~ ~yor said city ts t~ chief executive of said m~lcipality; ~w~.$ t~ legislative bra& of said City of ~uth $~ ~eis~, Cowry of ~ Marco, ~ate of Carlotta, to-wit, t~ City Oo~eil of t~ City of ~uth S~ Fr~eisco, ~id, on the 19th day of February , 1946, by ~ affi~ati~ vote of more th~ t~-thirds (E/5) of its ~mbers, to-wit: members of said legislative brach, deter~ne iu due ~d proper form by resolutiou that public ~terest ~d necessity de.nd t~ acquisition, construction and ~mpletion ~f a e~ta~ m~i- eipal ~prove~nt in and for said City of ~uth S~ to-wit: The acquisition, construction ~d co~tion of a central police station ~d t~ aeq~sition of the neeessa~ ~rniture ~d e~uip~nt for the s~; that the cost of said m~icipal ~prove- ~nt will be too g~at to be paid out of the ord~y in~me ~d ~me of sai~ City of Suth S~ Fr~eiseo, ~ will, ~ ad~itiou to the oth~r e~endit~es of. said City of ~uth Fr~eisco, ,xee~d the ~co~ ~d reven~ prov~ed for ~y one ye~; ~ WEgt~A~ the executive, the Mayor of said City of South Sen Francisco, County of San Marco, State of California, did, on the 19~h day of ~ebx-Aary , 19A6, duly and regularly approve said resolution; and ~1~.~ the total assessed valuation of all the real and personal property within said City of South San Francisco, as appears in the assessment roll of said City of South San Fran- cisco on this date, is the sum of $ ll.§~?.61A.00 , and the px~sent indebtedness for improvements already incurre~ by said Oity of ~outh Sam Francisco, together with the indebtedness herein proposed to be incurred for said municipal improvement, will not in the aggregate exceed fifteen (1§) per cent of ~he assessed value of all real and personal property of said City of South San ~raneisco; Now, therefore, the City 0ouncil of the City of South San ~ancisco does ordain as fellows: ~ection I. A special election is hereby called and shall be held in the City of South San Francisco, County of Marco, State of California, on Tuesday, the 9th day of April, 1946, for the purpose of submitting, and at which there shall be submitted to the qualified electors of the City of South San Francisco, the proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness for the purpose hereinafter stated. And the last mentioned date, to-wit, the 9th day of April, 1946, is hereby fixed aa the date for holding said special election and notice of said election is hereby given and the said proposition to incur said bonded indebtedness by said City of South San Francisco is hereby submitted to the qualified voters of said 0ity of ~outh San Francisco for their determina- tion at said election. ~ection II. That the object and purpose for which said indebtedness is proposed to be incurred is the following, to-wit: The acquisition, construction and completion of a central police station and the acquisition of the necessary furniture and equipment for the same. Section III. That the estimated cost of the municipal improvement above described, to-wit, the acquisition, construction and completion of a central police station and the acquisition of the necessary furniture and equipment for the same, is One Hundred and Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($125,000.00), and that the cost thereof is a~d will be too great to be paid out of the ordinary annual income and revenue of said City of South San Francisco; that the amomnt o£ the principal indebtedness to be incurred therefor is One Hundred and Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($1~,000. O0 ) Section IV. ~ud it is further ordained and ordered as follows: That bonds of said City of South San Francisco in the amount of One Hundred and Twenty-five Thousand Dollars ($1~5,000.00) shall be issued and sold to pay for the acquisition, construction and completion of a central police station and the acquisition of the necessary furniture and equipment for the same; provided said proposition of incurring said indebtedness for said purpose above set out, se submitted at said special election, shall receive the requisite number of votes, to-wit, the affirmative votes of two-thirds (2/3) of all the qualified voters voting at said special election. Set.on V. The bonds authori~ to be issued pursuant to said election shall bear interest from date of their issuance until paid at the rate of interest which shall be determine~ when they will be offered for sale, said interest to be payable semi-annually, and the principal and interest of said bonds shall S. be payable in lawful money of the United States of A,~rica in the following manner, that is to say: One-twentieth (1/20) part of the whole amount of the principal of said indebtedness created uncle= the p~oposition set forth in Section 1~ of this ordinance shall be paid each and every year at the City Treasury of said City of ~outh See Francisco on a day or ~ata to be fixed by the legislative branch of said municipality, together with interest on all sums unpaid at such date, provided, that the interest on such bonds shall be paid semi-annually so that there shall be a payment of interest on all sums then unpaid in each and every half year, one of such semi-annual payments being at the date of the payment of the annual installment of the principal of such indebtedness, as aforesaid; and Provided further that said interest shall be evidenced by the proper coupons attached to said bonds, a separate coupon being attached to each bond for each semi-annual payment of the interest to become due on such bond; and That the total indebtedness authorized to be created at said eleation shall be represented _by bonds payable in the manner aforesaid, and that said bonds shall be issued in such denominations as the legislative branch of said City of South San Francisco may determine, except that no bonds shall be of a less denomination thee One Hundred Dollars ($100.00) nor of a gx~&ter denomination than One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00) and that said bonds shall be k~own as Municipal Improvement Bonds, ~eriea 1946. ~ection VI. It is further ordained that the manner of holding said special election and of voting thereat for and against said proposition of incur~ said indebtedness, s~all be as provided in this ordinance and that in all particulars not x~oited herein such special election shall be held as provided 4. for by law for holding mmnicipal elections in said City of South San Francisco, end that in all particulars not recited heretn and not provided for by law for holding such mmmicipal elections, the general election laws of the State of California, so far as the same may ~e applicable, shall apply; That, for the purpose of said special election, sai~ City of South San Francisco has been divided and now is divided into thirteen (1~) election precincts to be known as Voting Precinct A, Voting Precinct B, Voting Precinct C, Voting Precinct D, Voting Preelnct E, Voting Precinct F, Voting Precinct Q, Vot- ing Precinct H, Voting Precinct I, Voting Precinct J, Voting Px~einct E, Voting Precinct ;. and Voting Precinct M, respectively. Voting Precinct A shall include all territory described in South San Francisco Precinct No. 1 and South Sen Francisco Precinct No. E, as established by that certain resolution num- bered 187A and entitle~ "Resolution and order dividing the County of San Marco, California, into election precincts and establish- ing the boundaries; thereof," passe~ and adopteA by the Boar~ ef ~mpervisors of the County of San Marco, California, December A, lgAS, and the ~mmlXing place, for said Voting Precinct A shall be Benetti,s garage, at No. 8§1 Baden Avenue, in said City of South San ~rancisco. Voting Precinct B shall include all the territory des- c.ribe~ in ~outh San Francisco Precinct No. ~ amd South San Francisco ~eeinct No. 5, as establishe~ by Said ~esolution of the Boar~ of Supervisors of said County of San Mateo, and the ]~~lace for said Voting Precinct B' shall be.::i~m M. Laufer'a garage at 115 Magnolia Avenue, in .said city. Voting Preeinet-O ahal~l include all the territory des- eribe~ im ~outh ~ Francisco Precinct No. ~, as eatablishe~ by sai~ resolution of the Board of ~Apervisors of said County of 3an. Marco, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct C shall be in $ciandri,s garage at No. ?55 Miller Avenue, in said city. Voting Precinct D shall include all the territory des- cribe~ in South San Francisco Precinct No. ~ and South San Fran- cisco Precinct No. 17, as established by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of ~an Mateo, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct I~ shall be in Tognell&,s garage at No, S01 Miller Avenue, in said city. Voting Precinct E shall include all the territory des- cribed in South San Francisco Preci~.ct No. 8, as establiaheA ~~/O$~by said resolution of the Board of 3apervisors of said County of San Marco, and the l~Ing place for said Voting PrecinCt E shall be in ~¢, 's garage at No. ~ Parkway, in said city. Voting Precinct F shall include all the territory. ~es- cribed in South Sen Francisco Precinct No, 6, .South San Francisco Precinct No. 10, South San Francisco Precinct N~. 13 and South San Francisco Precinct No. 16, as established by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San Mateo, and the i~1~t~g place for said Voting Precinct F shall be in Ktdwell's garage at No. 335 Baden Avenue, in said city. Voting Precinct G shall include all the territory described in South San Francisco Precinct No. ? and South San Francisco Precinct No. ~, as established by said resolution of the Board of ~upervisors of said County of San Marco, amd the polling place for said Voting Precinct G shall be at Pasco's garage at No, 2~9 California Avenue, in said city. Voting Precinct H shall include all the territory ~eseribed, in South San Francisco Precinct No. ll and South ~n Francisco Precinct No. 14, as established by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San Marco, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct H shall be at Bottino's garage at No. 851 Linden Avenue, in said city. Voting Precinct. I shall include all the ter~tory described in ~outh San Francisco Precinct No. lE, as established by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of ~an Marco, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct I shall be at Handel's garage at No. 1011 Bayshore Highway, in sai~ city. Voting Precinct J shall include all the territory deacribe~ in ~outh San Francisco Precinct No. E1 end South Sen Francisco Precinct No. 22, as established by said resolution cf the Board of ~upervisors of said County of San Narco, ami the polling place for said Voting Precinct J shall be at the ~st ~heet Metal ~orks~ at No. 511 ~outh Linden Avenue, in said city. Voting Precinc~t K shall include all the territory describe~ in South San Francisco Precinct No, 18, South San Francisco Precinct No. 20 and South San Francisco Precinct No. 24, as establishe~ by said resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San Marco, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct K shall be at Petroni's garage at No. 40? West Orange Avenue, in said city. Voting Precinct L shall include all the territory des- cribe~ in South San Francisco Precinct No. 19, as established by amid resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of ~an Mateo, and the polling place for said Voting Precinct L shall be in L. G. Thomas' garage at No. 13A Knoll Circle, in said city. Voting Precinct M shall include all the territory ~escribed in ~outh San Francisco Precinct No. 15, as established by sai~ resolution of the Board of Supervisors of said County of San Marco, and the l~lAing place for said Voting Precinct M shall be in Dietsche's garage at No. 10'8 Claremont Avenue, in said city. . - ! At said special election, the polls shall be open at seven o'clock of the morning of such election and shall be kept open until seven o'clock in the afternoon of the same day, when the said polls shall be closed. In said South San Francisco municipal election pre- cinets, the polls shall be held at the places and the elee. tion condueted, as aforesaid by said inspectors, Judges and clerks, respea~tively, hereinafter named as follows, to-wit: In said Voting Precinct A the inspector shall be Lena Forbes, the Judge shall be Kate Maynard and the clerks shall be Mary E. Dinning and Ida R. ~oldner. In said Voting Precinct B the inspector shall be Vey Ferron, the Judge shall be Rsna Ringue and the clerks shall be Marie Im~recia and Elsie Dotson. In said Voting Pre$inet C the inspector shall be Lucetta Har~y, the Judge shall be Maud Hunter and the clerks shall be Mary ~nack and Emma Robinson. In said Voting Precinct D the inspector shall be Clara Rowe, the Judge shall be Abbie Fox and the clerks shall be Amelia Peri. so and May SpinAler. In said Voting Precinct E the inspector shall be Helen Siebecker, the Judge shall be Anita Zuceo and the clerks shall be Dora McOarn and Fre~a Troy. In said Voting Precinct F the inspector shall be Josephine Rossetti, the Judge shall be Harriet H. Blan~ and the clerks shall be Lillie Black and Emma Kelly. In said Voting Precinct Q the inspector shall be Josephine Krawchu~, the judge shall be Amanda Bertueaelli and the clerks shall be B~sella ~ibbets and Antoinette Kozlows~i. In said Voting Precinct H the inspector shall be Jessie 6himenti, the Judge shall be G. Beltr_~_mf and the clerks shall be Louise Bertoldi and Eleanor Fabris. In said Voting Precinct I the inspector shall be 2enmie Schultz, the Judge shall be Ruth 0gburn and the clerks shall be Hazel Church and Lena 0asper. In said Voti~g Precinct J the inspector shall be Josephine Fracehia, the Judge shall be 01ga D. Kean and the clerks shall be Marie Ginier an~ Mildre~ MeDaniell. I~ said Voting Precinct K the inspector shall be Nellie Agresti, the Judge shall be Anita Parry and the clerks shall be Norma Guglielmetti smd Louise dotelli. In said Voting Precinct L the inspector shall be Ethel M. Hernan, the judge shall be Betty Dolwig and the clerks shall he Readette Franklin and Bessie E. ~arlyle. In said Voting Precinc$ M the inspector shall be Anna H.. ~endner, the Judge shall be Mary Bloomer and the clerks shall be Julia Dietsche and Frances N. 0hurch. ~aid polling places a~ove designate~ have been found and are hereby determined to be suitable and proper places for holding such special election, and said several persons above designated as members of the respective boards of election have been found and are hereby determined to be qualified for sai~ respective positions on said boards of alecti~n, as required, by law, and they shall and will be and are hereby ~p~ointed as such officers to conduct such and said election amd comatitute said boards of election, and said boards of election and said officers shall conduct end are hereby directed to conduct said election as by law and this ordinance provided end te emuvass the votes given and cast at said special election and to make and deliver returns thereof in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance and of law end said City Council of the 0ity of South San Francisco shall meet and canvass said returns when received and declare the result of said special election in the manner provided for by law. ~ection VXiI. A sufficient number of ballots shall be and is hereby directed to be prepare, d and cause~ to be printed for said precincts as provided for by law and upon the proper kind of paper, to-wit: The same as used at general elections in the State of California, by the Clerk of the City of South San Francisco and be furnished and provided for the use of the voters in said special election at the expense of the City of South San Fran- cisco, and shall have the following matter ~inted thereon in addition to such other matter as may be required by law, to-wit: "A special election submitting to the qualified voters of the City of South San Francisco, County of San Mateo, State of California, the following proposition, to-wit: The proposition to incur a bonded indebtedness of~-~ $25,000.00 in lawful money of the United States of America for 10. the object and purpose of acquiring, constructing and completing by the City of South San Francisco, a municipal corporation, a central police station and acquiring the necessary furniture, and equipment for the same. For said proposition to incur a bonde~ indebtedness of ~§,00~.00 in lawful money of ~he Unite~ ~tates of America for the purpose of acquiring, constructing and completing a central police station and acquiring 'the nec- essary furniture and equipment ~or the same. Any voter who desires to vote in favor of said proposi- tion and to accept such proposition may do so by stamping a cross {X) in the voting square on the right hand margin of his ballot, after and opposite the word "Yes~; and after such ballot shall be so stamped and deposited in the ballot box it shall be counted as provided by law as a vote in favor of such proposi- tion and accepting the same. Any voter who desires to vote against said proposition and to reject such ~roposition may do so by stamping a cross (X) in the voting square on the right hand margin of the ballot and opposite the word #no-; and after such ballot shall be so stamped and deposited in the ballot box, it shall be canwasse~1 and eounte~ as provi~e~ by law as a vote against such proposi- tion and x~jeeting the same." ~eetion VIXX. ~he manner of voting for or against said proposition for incurring said indebtedness shall be as follows, ts-wit: Any voter who desires to vote for and in favor of said p~oposition to incur said indebtedness, as aforesaid, a~ to accept such proposition, may do so at said special election, as 11. - - I stated in said fo~m of ticket, by stamping a cross (X) in the voting square in the right hand margin of a b~llot, ~eeeive~ from one of the aforesaid boards of election, after and opposite the word "Yes", and after said ballot shall have been so stamped and deposited in the ballot box, it shall be canvassed and counted as required by law as a vote in favor of such proposition and a~cepting the same. Any voter who desires to vote against said proposition to incur said indebtedness, as aforesaid, and to reject such proposition may do so at said special election, as stated in said form of ticket, by stamping a cross (X) in the voting square in ~e right hand margin of a ballot, received from one of the aforesaid boards of election, after and opposite the word ,No-, and after said ballot shall have been so stamped end deposited in the ballot box, it shall be canvassed and counted as require~ by law as a vote against such proposition, and rejecting the same. Such marking or stamping of said cross (X) on said ballot shall be done only with the stamp, which, with necessary pads and ink, shall be provided for each booth in said designated polling places. Section IX. All persons qualified, at the time of holding said election, to vote at municipal elections in and for the City of South San Francisco, or entitled by law ~overning such special election, shall be qualified to vote at such special ele ction. Section X. This ordinance shall be published once a week for twa ~-~) w~eks in "The Enterprise,, a newspaper of general circulation, printed and published and circulated one day a week in said City of South San ~rancisco. No other notice of such election need be given. Sec:tion XI. Ail ordinances or parts of ordinances conflicting herewith are hereby repealed. 3action XII. This ordinance shall ta~e effeet and shall be ia ,fall ~m~-eO and of£ect f~om and after its passage and approval. Introduced this ~~ day of March , 1946. Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of ~outh San Francisco at a regalar meeting of the City Council of' the City of South San Franciseo this /[~ day of March , 1946, by the following vote: Ncaa, Counoilmen Absent, Couneilmen Mayo of the Oity of South San Francisco st, . : e~~.~Franci soo. I hereby approve the foregoing ordinance this /~-~' day of March , 1946. Mayor of the City of South San ~ranclsco.