The City Council of the City of ~outh San Francisco does
ordain as follows:
WHEREAS the City Council of the City of South San Francisco
did, on the 1st day of July, 1946, receive a written petition from
Burl-Burl Homes, Inc., a corporation organized and existing under the
laws of the ~tate of California, to annex to said City of South San
Fraucisco the uninhabited territory hereinafter described;
~U~R~.~2 the territory hereinafter described is the territory
south, in said petition, to be included in said City of South San
Francisco and is uninhabited territory, as the expression 'uninhabited
territory" is used in that certain act of the Legislature of the ~ate
of California entitled: "An act tO provide for the alteration of the
bounds.rios of incorporated towns and cities by the annexation of unin-
habited territory thereto and for the incorporation of such annexed
territory in and as a part of such municipality, and for the districting,
government and municipal control of such annexed territory.", Chapter
~.97 of Statutes of 1939, as amended, and is contiguous to said City of
South San Francisco; and
~Bl~a~A$, on the 1st day of July, 1946, said City Council did
pass: its certain resolution giving notice of the proposed annexation
of the uninhabited territory hereinafter described to said City
~outh San Francisco, and did, in said resolution, fix Monday, the 5th
day of August, 1946, at the hour of 8 o'clock p.m., in the Council
Chamber in the Oity Hall of said City of South San Francisco as the
time and place when and where any persons owning real proper~y within
the territory hereinafter described, and so proposed to be annexed,
and having any objection to the proposed annexation of said territory
may appea~ before said City Council and show cause why said territory
should not be so annexed, and did, in said resolution, find that
said corporation is the owner of more than one-fourth (1/4) of
the area of the land hereinafter described and represents more
than one-fourth (1/4) of the assessed value of said property
according to the last preceding equaliz®d assesamen~ roll of the
County of San ~/ateo; and said City Council did, in said resolution,
direot that the City Clerk of said city cause a copy of said reso-
lution to be published once a week for two (2)~mu~cessive weeks
prior to the 5th day of August, 1946, in "The Enterprise", a
.weekly newspaper of general circulation published in said City of
South San Francisco; and
~EREAS said resolution was published in said "The
Enterprise~ on the following dates: The 3rd, 10th and 17th days
of July, 1946; and
~/HEREAS no person has filed or made any written or
other protest against the annexation of said territory, or any
part thereof, to said City of South San Francisco;
NON, THEREFORE, said City Council does ordain as
Section 1. Said City Counoil hereby determines that
said Buri-Buri Homes, Inc., a corporation, is the owner of more
than one-fourth (1/4) of the area of the land hereinafter des-
oribed and represents more than one-fourth (1/4~ of the assessed
value of said land according t° the last proceeding equalized
assessment ro~ of said County of San Mateo and that said land
i~uninhabited ~erritory and is contiguous to said City of South
San Francisco.
Section 2. Said 0ity Council hereby approves the
annexation to said City of South Sa~ Francisco of the territory
described as follows:
The laud hereinbefore referred to consists of all that
certain tract or parcel of land situate in the Oounty of San
Mateo, State of California, and particularly described as follows:
Begin at a point which is the most Westerly corner of
that certain 93.938 acre tract of land as described in Deed from
California Pacific Title Insurance Company, a corporation, to Buri-
~uri Homes, Inc., a corporation by Dead dated December 20, 1945,
and recorded December 21, 1945, Recorder's File No. 79054-F, Records
of San Marco County, State of California; said point being in the
Northwesterly line of that certain tract of land described as Parcel
1 in Deed from Edward P. Murphy, Trustee, to California Pacific Title
Insurance Company, dated 0etober 9, 1945, and recorded October 10,
1945, Recorder's File No. $7884-F, Records of San Marco County,
State of California, which said point is the most ~'~esterly point
in the Corporate Limits line of the City of South San Francisco;
running thence from said point of begi~uing South 40013'36" West
along said Northwesteri~ line of said lands conveyed to said Cali-
fornia Pacific Title Insurance Company 7?0.?2 feet to a point there-
-on; thence leaving said last mentioned line South 26°06'23" East
2217.5~ feet to a point in the center line of Twelve Mile Creek;
~hence in a general Eaaterly direction down the center of said
Twelve Mile Creek the following courses and distances: North
78°23' East 169.28 feet, North 40°14~' East 170.31 feet, South
80°54, East 126.59 feet, North 57°06' East 404.95 feet, North
3~°41, East 216.37 feet, North 50048, East 174.26 feet, North
5°21, East 160.54 feet, North 30058, East 408.13 feet, North
14°56' Wes~ 310.49 feet, North 20°46, East 310.24 feet, North
35000, East 244.08 feet, North 85014, East 120.42 feet and north
30035'46" East 100.20 feet to the most southerly corner of the
above described 93.938 acre tract of land; said point being in
the Southerly corporate limits line of the City of South San Fran-
Cisco; thence North 64059,, West 516.98 feet, North 71°30' West
680.00 feet and North 84030, West 930.00 feet along said Corporate
Limits line which is the southerly boundary of said 93.938 acre
tract to the point of beginning.
Containing 89.829 acres more or less.
Section 3. This ordinance shall be published by one
inmertion in "-The Enterprise", a weekly newspaper of general
circulation printed and published in said City of South San
Francisco and shall take effect and be in force upon the expira-
tion of thirty- (30) days following its passage.
** $ * * **
Introduced this 5th day of August, 1946.
Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South
San Francisco at a ~rgular meeting of the City Council of the
City of South San Francisco,this (~day of August, 1946, by
the following vote:
Noes, Councilmen
Absent, Councilmen
The foregoing ordinance is hereby approved by me, as
Mayor of the City of South San a~_iseo, this day of August,
Mayor of the City of South San Francisco
City Clerk~/