HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/03/1940
Oi tyHall
South S~n Francisco
January 3, 1940
A regul~r meeting of the Sou th San ]'ranc'isco Planning Commission
was held in the City Hall, on Wednesday, Janus:ry 3, 1940, s'nd
Present: Andrew Hynding, ahairman, Messrs, Ksuffme:nn, Marshall,
SElDi, Martinelli, Walta, COleberd, and J. li. V'{alker, Seeret~ry.
Mr. Hynding calla d the mee ting to order, and the Seoretary read
the minutes of the Meetings of October 18, and November 15, 1939,
which ware approved as raad.
Secretary read a latter whioh hSid been received by the Building
Inspector from Mrs. Mary Wallace of 335 Lux Avenue, So. San Fran-
e:lso'o, stating she was planning on having a store building c()n-
struated on Lots 2 and 3 Block 151, Bayshore Boulevard, and ask-
ing necessary requirements for carrying out this plan. Mr. Welte
informed Mrs. Wallace of the proposed widening of the Bayshore
Aftar thi s letter had been given 0 onsideration j Secretary was in-
structed to write the State Highway Uommission ou.tlining the gist
of the letter from Mrs.. Wallace, so the t they may be posted snd
have this informa,tion in their Bayshore Highway files.
Iv1r. Marshall reported the t the Sta ta had appr opiated ~25 ,000
to be set aside for study 0f the Bay shore Highway ai tuation, and
from which he deducted someJthing would be happening shortly on
this proj eat.
Mr. Hynding stated the next order of business would be the re-
zoning matter. Itr. Marshall said he ml:d the IDEtp in readiness ,but
before taking allY action on zoning, though t they should. take in to
consideration the new subdivision on H.illside Bou.levard. He pro-
duead a preliminary sketch of his survey, and this was studied by
the Planning Commission, and as a result, the Commission expreSsed
its desire to co-operate fully wi th the promoters of this sub-
d.ivision and. Secretary was instructed to write the Land Company
expressing the spirit of eo-operation, and suggest to the Company
that this new sub-division be kept entirely residentilSll, that re....
strictions against oolored people, orientals, Philipinos be em-
bodied in their regulations, and also thatt stores will not be
allowed in the traot.
Mr. lwIartinalli brought up the matter of gnats whioh emanate from
the mushroom plant. .Mr. Marshall sa id that the Savory Ivlushro om
Plant just south of Redwood 01 ty had a similar problem and. over-
came it by blowing diatomaciQn$ wi thin the mushroom houses at
the tim61 the gnats were beginning to fly. Messrs. lv1arshall,lflalte f
and ManU.lls, health offioer, ware ap,pointad a committee to inves-
tigate the "Gnatlf nuisance, and repor.t their findings to the
Seoretary, and he in turn to take; the matter up with the I.lumber
Oompany and ask them to remedy this nuisanD6, and ask them for an
early reply.
.No further bU8ina~ss coming forward, meeting adjourned until fur-
ther call by President Hynding.
f /1A-J
Raspactfully submit te{!,
J. G. WALKER, Secretary