HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice of Availability - 499 Forbes BlvdNOTICE OF AVAILABLITY For a Draft Environmental Impact Report Date: May 20, 2020 To: State Clearinghouse and Interested Parties and Organizations Project Title: 499 Forbes Boulevard Office Project Lead Agency: City of South San Francisco Planning Division City Hall Annex, P.O. Box 711 South San Francisco, California 94083 Contact: Christopher Espiritu, Senior Planner Public Review Period: May 20, 2020 – July 6, 2020, in accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15082 Purpose of the Notice The intent of this Notice of Availability (NOA) is to inform agencies and interested parties that the City of South San Francisco has prepared a Draft Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the proposed 499 Forbes Boulevard Office Project in accordance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Section 15082. The City of South San Francisco is requesting comments on the Draft EIR, which addresses the potential physical and environmental effects of the proposed project in accordance CEQA. Project Location The project site is located at the northwest corner of the intersection of Forbes Boulevard and Allerton Avenue at 499 Forbes Boulevard in the City of South San Francisco. The site, which totals 2.96 acres (128,737 square feet), consists of two parcels (APN #015-082-040 and #15082260), one relatively rectangular parcel, and one long, thin parcel that contains a portion of a decommissioned railroad track. Offices, warehouses, and distribution centers for food packaging companies occur north of the project site, across the railroad tracks. A large surface parking lot and bus station serving the biotechnology company Genentech abuts the project site to the east, and the office and warehouses for a food distribution company abuts the project site to the west. A vacant lot is south of the project site, directly across Forbes Boulevard. Other surrounding uses include additional Genentech and biotechnology company buildings and office buildings. Figure 1 shows an aerial image of the project site. Background The project site is zoned Business and Technology Park (BTP) in the South San Francisco Zoning Ordinance. The project site is currently developed with a surface parking lot and landscaping along the perimeter of the site, and a one-story vacant warehouse building. That building, approximately 54,000 square feet and built in 1968, was previously used by Columbus Salame, a meat processing, packaging and distribution company. Project Description The project would involve the construction of two new structures, a five-story, 128,737 square-foot office structure and a five-story, 97,859 square-foot parking structure with 308 parking spaces. The existing one-story structure would be demolished as a part of project implementation. The new office structure would be approximately 85 feet in height and would occupy the same general footprint as the demolished structure. The parking structure would be 60 feet in height. Additional surface parking spaces (14 stalls) would be located at the western edge of the project site, and bicycle parking would be provided throughout the project site. Landscaped area would account for approximately 42,819 square feet of the project site and would be located mainly along the perimeter, between the two new structures, and at the rear of the site. A terraced outdoor seating area would be located at the northwest corner of the site, near the existing rail line. The project would also involve improvement of the existing railroad tracks as part of the City’s Rails-to- Trails program. The trail would be adjacent to the proposed parking garage and extend northeast for approximately 0.2 mile and then curve southwards to allow access from Forbes Boulevard. A connection would be made between the new built trail and an outdoor amenity space at the northwest corner of the site. Vehicle access to the project site would be provided via a single 26-feet wide driveway on the western portion of the site, allowing for ingress and egress of automobiles and small single-unit trucks. The project would also involve modification to an existing roadway median on Forbes avenue to allow for a new left turn lane. The project sponsor has submitted applications for Design Review, a Conditional Use Permit, including for a reduction in required parking, and a Tentative Parcel Map to merge the two parcels at the project site. Summary of Impacts As discussed in the Initial Study (Appendix IS of the EIR), all issue areas except Transportation were found to have no physical environmental effects, a less than significant environmental effect, or a less than significant environmental effect with incorporation of mitigation measures. Mitigation measures related to nesting birds (Mitigation Measure BIO-1), archeological resources (Mitigation Measure CR-1), seismic-related ground failure (Mitigation Measure GEO-1), and expansive soils (Mitigation Measure GEO-2) are required and with implementation of these measures impacts related to sensitive species, archeological resources, and geology and soils would be less than significant. The Draft EIR evaluates Transportation impacts in detail and identifies mitigation measures related to pedestrian facilities and Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) (Mitigation Measures TRA-1 and TRA-2). With mitigation, the Draft EIR concludes that impacts related to circulation would be less than significant. However, impacts to VMT would be significant and unavoidable even after the implementation of the mitigation measures. The CEQA Guidelines require analysis of a reasonable range of alternatives to the project, or to the location of the project, which would feasibly attain most of the project’s basic objectives and avoid, or substantially lessen, any of the significant effects of the project. The Draft EIR analyzes the following three alternatives: 1) No Project Alternative, 2) Research and Development Building, and 3) Reduced Size Office Building. Providing Comments At this time, the City is soliciting your comments regarding Draft EIR from all interested parties requesting notice, responsible agencies, agencies with jurisdiction by law, trustee agencies, and involved agencies. Reponses to comments will be incorporated into the Final EIR. Because of time limits mandated by State law, comments must be received no later than 45 days after receipt of this notice. Comments may be submitted by U.S. mail or by email prior to July 6, 2020 at 5pm. Mail comments to: Christopher Espiritu, Senior Planner Planning Division City Hall City of South San Francisco 315 Maple Avenue South San Francisco, CA 94083 Email comments to Christopher Espiritu at: [email protected] For comments submitted via email, please include “EIR Comments: 499 Forbes Boulevard Office Project” in the subject line and the name and physical address of the commenter in the body of the email. All comments on environmental issues received during the public comment period will be considered and addressed in the Final EIR, which is anticipated to be available for public review around July 2020. The South San Francisco Planning Commission is anticipated to consider the EIR and make a decision on the project at one of their regularly scheduled meetings after the end of the public comment period. This NOA and other public review documents for this project will be available for viewing online at www.ssf.net/CEQAdocuments. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, hard copies will be mailed upon request rather than accessible to the public at a physical location. If you need a hardcopy of the Draft EIR or any of the documents referenced therein, please contact Christopher Espiritu, Senior Planner, at [email protected] or (650) 877-8535, and he will mail you to one at no cost. If you have any questions about the environmental review process, please contact Christopher Espiritu at the contact information provided above. ________________________________ Christopher Espiritu, Senior Planner Planning Division City of South San Francisco Attachments Figure 1. Project Location Figure 2. Proposed Project Site PlanFigure 2 Proposed Project Site Plan Figure 1 Project Location Figure 2 Proposed Project Site Plan