HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/19/1948
01 ty Hall, south So Franc laco II
Ma.y 19th,ll948.
A Special Meertll1.g of thePlo:ning Oommission was held on W.d:aesday
May 19th,1948,1 in the Oi ty Hall, at 7-3Gp..m.
Present Mr. Andrew Rocca 1) in the Chat r.
Messrs Lautze,J.Braceo,Ed. Barr~tt, Chas E. Randlett,Clty Engl.ee~,
G.. Rozzi, Building Inspector, and J. G. Walker,l Secretary_
Also Mr. Frank Oman and Mr.. rThorseJ!l.lsoJ1, Mr... Breen, represen t1ag the
Av~lon Sub-Divislom.
There were also present about 40 citizens laterested in Spot-Zonil1.g
(for and against).
Mr. Rocca called the metting to order tor the purpose of holding the
First Hear1Bg on the Seato Cristo Society's application for Re-zoni.g.
Mr. F. Nason O'Hara,attomeYII presented objecrt1oDS to the re-zon1ng
of thepropertl owned by the Saltto Oris:to Soeiety tl from
1st. From R.A. to B-3
Sad. He object.' to spot-Zoniag.
3rd. In his opinioD. there was not shawE. public ne.cess! ty or general
welfare of the Communit1.
He also referred to a Petition of 182 freeholders objecting to the
re "'zo lUllg..
Mr. Joe Franko spoke on the subject.
After listening to speakers for and againstre.zoaing, C blir.man Rocca
declared the First Hearing closed.
The Chairman s ta ted the meetiag was now tor gen eral bust ness.
Avalon Sub.Divisioa ... Te.tative M$p
Atter consideratiom of the Tentative Map of Avalon Sub-D~vis1e., ~lt was
RegtUarly moved by.Mr. Barrett, secoaded by Mr. Bracco, and carried Wlu.imous17
that the Comm1ss1.. apprGve the map submitted, proviieiLqts44' 45 in Block 4
are added to - the 01 ty Park, and that the S\ib-di vidal'S pl'Qvide Walk":We.ys frqm
the Park to aerien Drive, and to Avalon Drive, and the Sub-division to be
subject to the requ1rements aDd recommendatiolD.s of the Ct tyEngiaeer as to
Sewers aRd Streets.
It was also suggeste4 to the City Council that the Sewer System should be
investigated wi th the view talt .. Sel.er Assessment Distriet might be fo:nue4 te
take care of the e.tire area.
Avalcm. Sub-Division
It was moyed by Mr. Lautze that a resolution be entertaiaed tor Re-~oni.g
the above propertJ' from B....A to B....l. _
It was :i1sgularly moyecl by Mr6 J. Bracco. seeoItded by Wn-. F. Lautze, and
carried unanimously that Public Hearl_iS beheld on this matter, the iates et
the Hearings ttiJ bell 1st Hearl:ag 1une 9th ,1948 - 2nd Hearing July l4ta,1948.
Proposed. BU11diag Sc>uth Si4e of' Li.d8. Avenue,Dea.r Bay-shore Highway.
A letter was read trom the Carlray CompaJll1, askll.1g fer pe:r.mi t to erect a
bu!141l1.& 40'x80' Oli the South s1i. of Ll:1.d.eli AveDue,approx1mately 250 teet west
of Baysh€)re Highway ... Maps aJAi drawa.gs were atta.c.\.i.
Attar stuiy and coasiierati... of the maps &ad plas, itwas regu:lar11
moved. by Mr. BaD'ett, secoluiea D)' Mr. Braoco, am cur1ed 1I1umlmotlsll1'l that the
CommissiGD. reoOIRands to the 01 ty Council that a permit be groted; p~l'id.i
that in addi ti811to the arch! t$Q'turu stUC"Q fl'QD.t (as ShOlUl on ~drawlni) the
Company have rustic siding for at l.ast 5 teet on the a1 of the bu1.1d1D.8t}amul
that the meta.l part <Dt the build!ag be given. coat of paint.
Re-Zo:afJAg of PNperty West Ead ofGroi Aven.ue fer
Busi,ness purposes"
After very ser10us consideratie. of the abo"'e, and also after a personal
iaspectien of the property by members of the Conmissiful, it waaRegularly
mOTed by Mr? J40 Bracoo, seconde. by Mr.:ii.Ba.rrett$l and carrie,d unanimously the
c.omm1ss1011 believes that t.e cilevelopment in the area does not justify the
chuge I'l and that same would nGt 'be for the general welfa~ of the entire
A :1.etter referred to th~ CommissielL by the 01 ty Clerk 'rom Messrs
Rochelle,Seeton & Whelen, for permissio:a to operaw abusmese confined to n.ew
and Used bul1tilig materials at locati..s ciesignatei in their applieatie., was
. This applieatiollsheuld be made on regular forms provided under the
ZQningOriinoce, and whi ch can be obtai Jlet1 at the Office of the Building
InspeetOJ'e Secretary instrocted to returJll same to the Gl ty Clerk that he
in tun may advise the applicants of the correct prooedure.
Motion to adjo\rlirIL by Ed. Barrett, seconded by Mr. L..-utze, and carried!! that
the meeting be adjounre" _t:hl lUBe 9th ,1948.
Seere tary.