HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/10/1948 C1 ty ~ South San Franci. seo $ 10th, Meeting of the Commission was on Wednesday November lOth at 7....30 ppm.>> and there were present ~... Mr. Eo M.. in. the Chair. Messrs , Venturi, , Zanetti, Chas.E4I Randlett, at , G. Rozzi and Building , and J. G. Walker, Absent -Commissioner Barrett. The of the Minutes of October 13th,1948, were re:ad anda.pproved. A Ie from the Club was read, protest1n, of any buildings such as the proposed warehouse on Linden,Avenue, Rider and Bayshore Hi a lette~ was read from Ci the of Mr. Clerk stating the City Council had Wise as Planning Adviser for the ensuing year. Public on Application for Variance or Adjustment by Messrs J.Bona.lanza. and F.Donofrlo. Chairmen declared the Public Hearing to consider 'the application for Variance Or Adjustment of Bona.lanza & Donofrio for Parcel 23J Zone C-acreage, and Lots 21 and 23 G. Peck's Lots ston to be ad in Zone "Oft@ There being no abuectiens heardf Chair.m~ declared the Closed. Application for Variance by and Donofrio Motion for resolution by l~? Regularly my.a. Mr. Robinson~ seconded by Mr. .Braecot and carried unanimously that the Commission recommends that said Variance be granted", . Public Hearings streets and Highways Master Plan.. Chairman. Schaul' declared the Public Hearing (First Hearing) on the above matter opene There being no objections heard, the chairman declared the First Hearing on the streets fJ!ld Master Plan closed. . for Varianoe and Adjustment by Company", '-- Application for Varianoe by the Brentwood Oompany on Lots 34-4g inclusive, lD Block 22, and Lots 26-37 in Block 31, in Brentwood Sub-Divi .. as to allow a 10' 0" Set-back from front property line instead of 15' 0", for tha purpos~ of providing larger yard space. Motion for reso~utiQn by Mr. Robinson. Regularly mo"ed by Mr. Bracco, seconded by MrIilZanetti, and carried unanimously that a Public Hearing be held on Wednesday December 8th,l948, at a ppm. I Application for Variance by Mr.Howard Sherwood. Application fo r Variance or Adjustment (by Mr. Sherwood) of Lots 2-4-6 in Block 10, Town of Baden>> Avenue "A" requesting that Lots be divided in to two Lots sizes 37t xlOO Feet. Motion for resolution made by Mr. Venturi. Regularly moved by Mr..Venturi,l s.c~nd.d by Mr. Volonte, anct ca.rried unanimously that Fubiic Hearing be set for December 8th>>1948, at a p.m. Application Use Permit by F.G.Wasson for Launderette (Self Service Laundry) in Buri Bur! Tract. The above application for Use Permit, subject to there being no (}utside Drying Yari, was approved. Motion for resolution mad. by Mr. Venturi. Regularly moved by Mr.Venturi,seeonded by Mr. Zanetti, and carried una.nlmously~ thatvsame be approved. Application for Use Permit by Mr.Paul H~ Beare. The application for Use Permit of Mr. Faul H. Beare fDr the building of a One story sales building onLot 73 South City Village, (Auto Sales Agency), was read. Motion for resolution by Mr. J. Bracco. Regularly moved by Mr. Bracco, seconded by Mr. Venturi, and carried Wluimously that same be @ranted , subjeot to the 8ame set-back being :maintained on Village W~, and that the bailding shall face Linden Avenue. Construction of Proposed Steel Building by M r. ~ack Hicke~, on the South Side of Linden Avenue, $ize appro~imately 40xlOO'. Mr. Hickey was present and outlined just what he proposed to build, and that same would be used as a warehouse, and also as a Sales Room. There was oppostion by residents, and a letter of protest from the Paradise Valley Improvement Club. Also Mr. Ramsey of Peck's Lot Olub spoke. Mr. Hickey was infom.ed that the Qnly interest the Planning Commission had was the architectural des1gD. of proposed b.uilding, and that before approval could be give. he would have to submit sketch to the Commassi0n tor i ts approval. Resolutien 61383 by the City Council Deolaring its intention to Ameai Ordinaace No.269 to plaeeland located on the North side of Baden AT6nue (.6 desoribed. in said resolutio.) in a 0-1 Distr~ct,and instructing the Pla.nning Commi.s.s1en to set dates for Public Hearing. ~tion for resolutioB by Mr. Robinson. It was regularly D10yea by Mr. .RGb1n8Gn~ seoond.ed by M r. BracoQ, and carried lmoim0usly the. t Publ! c Hearings be held o.n the abCf'f6 on the following dates, December 8th~1948,and January 12th.1949. Master Plan for ";;'treeta alld Sub-Di'V"is1..s in the Future. It was the general co.census of opinion that all tuture Street. in South SaD. Francisco shQuld be wid.eruad., and that st8Iuiari widths be established. Mr. Venturi alao suggested. Master Plu for speoiticat.len$ ef materials go tag i 11 to roads e It was alae suggested. that no future alley be less thaa the minimum wlith 0f streets. Motion tor resolutioB by Mr.Ventur1. Regularly moved bJ1 Mr. Lautze, .eoo_ed by Mr.Braecom and carried uaan.1mously that the tolow1ng resolution be submitted te the City CQuncil for their approval. "'- ' WHEREAS; the Planning Commission of the City of South San Fruc1sc.~ State of Osl1f~nia, desires to reeommend adopiion ot aertailD. typical street SectIens as part of the Street and Highway PlaB to act as a guide for tutttredevelopmeat in the City of Sou~h Sam Frane1ac0. ana. vv.HEREAS said Plan.ing Commissl$D bad studiea various street seetiens so as to arrive at a set of stand.aria that will further publiC safety, general c welfare and the orderly_growth ot stld City~ therefore be it RESOLVED: that Planning Commisio:a of sa.id City approves said typical street sectiGas . set forth. 011 the attacked Plat enti t~ed "Typical sectiensm Master Flu. of streets and Highways~, ami B~ IT FURT.HER RESOLVED: that sali street sectiens are referrei to the City Council wi th the reeomme:ndatians that said street sections be appreTeti by resolution of said. Council>> as part of the Streets and Highway plo, and so to act as guide for all tutu.re development in theCity 0f South San Francisco, state of California." Regularly Fass6d and adopted by the Planning COmmissiea ef the City of South San Francisee,State ot CalifarDia, on the 10th day of November,l946, by the following vote. Ayes: ComudasioBers Volonte, Ventur1,Lautze, Maher,Bracco, Zanetti , Robinson>> Schaur. Noes:Commiss1oners None Absent: Commissioner Barrett. ..alon Park. It wqs reglillarly meTei, see.0nded , and carried umm,imC!>ualy that the Commissicn recommends the approval of the Revialen of the Tentative ~ap of Avale. Park, as submitted. 0.$111111 ttees. Chair.maa Schaul" appointed the followiag Co~tte.s for the ensuIng year:- streets and Sewers Maner, V8& turi, ZaJletti. R!.!!!!. Volont..Bar.retttB~aceoJ RQbiBsoa. Zonlag Lantze, Zanetti, Volente. Public Belati... Sckaur,Venturi, Robinson, Barrett. Salary .of Seeretar,y It was regularly moyed. seconde4, and carried unanimously th,tvthe Plemming CeDmdssion reeGmme~d8 te the City C~uncl1 that the salary of the Secretary be raised from 325 per .mat. to i40 per menth. No further bustaees coming fQrward" it was reguarly moved, ..coni.ti, and carried. that the meeting be adJ.uraei util December Stii,194B, Respectfully submitted, J .G.Walker, Seere ta.ry 41/