HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 269-1947ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO, CALIFORNIA, ADOPTING A ZONING OR DISTRICTING PLAN FOR SAID CITY BY ESTABLISHING VARIOUS DISTRICTS IN SAID CITY, WITHIN WHICH CERTAIN REGULATIONS SHALLBE IN .EFFECT, RELATING TO THE USES OF LAND AND BUILDINGS: HEIGHT LIMITS OF BUILDINGS AND YARDS ~ND OTHER OPEN SPACES ABOUT BUILDINGS: REQUIRING THAT CERTAIN PERMITS SHALL BE SECURED FOR CERTAIN OF SUCH BUILD- INGS AND USES: DEFINING CERTAIN TERNS USED HEREIN: AND SPECI- FYING THE PROCEDURE FOR THE AMENDMENT, AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE PROVISIONS HEREOF: REPE~LING ALL OTHER ORDINANCES OR PARTS OF ORDINANCES IN CON- FLICT ~i~HEREWITH. The City Council of the City of South San Francisco does ordain as follows: Section 1. ADOPTION OF ZONING PLAN. 1.1 There is hereby adopted a zoning or districting plan as a part of the master plan of the City of South San Francisco, California. Said plan is adopted to promote and protect the public health, safety, peace, morals, comfort and general welfare. It con- sists of the establishment of variou~ districts, including / therein all the territory within th~boundaries of said city, within various of which districts it shall be lawful, and with- in various of which it shall be unlawful to erect, construct, alter, or maintain certain buildings or to carry on certain trades or occupations or to make certain uses of land, and within which the height and bulk of buildinEs shall be limited, and within which certain open spaces shall be required about buildings and consisting, further, of appropriate regulations to be enforced in such districts, all as set forth in this ordinance. -1- Section 2. ESTABLISHMENT OF DISTRICTS. 2.1 The several districts into which the city is hereby divided are designated as follows: single family residential districts, hereinafter referred to as R-1 districts; duplex family residential districts, hereinafter referred to as R-2 districts; multiple family residential districts, hereinafter referred to as R-3 districts; residential; agricultural districts hereinafter referred to as R-A districts; limited commercial districts, hereinafter referred to as C-1 districts; general commercial districts, hereinafter referred to as C-2 districts; industrial or manufacturing districts, hereinafter referred to as M districts; and unclassified districts, hereinafter referred to as U districts. The use herein of any letter designation of a district, without an accompanying numeral designation, shall include all districts of the class indicated by the letter designation. 2.2 The districts hereinabove indicated in Section 2.1 are hereby established and the designations, locations, and boundaries thereof are set forth and indicated in sections 3 and ~ which consists of sectional districting or zoning maps; provided that all the incorporated portions of the City of South San Francisco not included or indicated on the sectional districting or zoning maps are hereby designated and classified as U districts. Said map and all notations, references, data and other information shown thereon are hereby made a part of this ordinance. -2- 2.3 If uncertainty should exist as to tho boundary of any district th~ followinE rules shall apply: (a) Where such boundary is indicated as approximatoly following a street or alley line, such street or alley line shall be deemed to be such boundary. (b) Wher~ such boundary is indicated as approximately following a lot lin~? such lot line shall be deemed to be such boundary. (c) In unsubdivided property and where a district boundary divides property, the location of any such boundary, unless the same is indicated b~ dimensions shown on the afore- said map, shall be determined by the use of the scale appear- ing on said muD. 2.4 Except as hereinafter otherwise provided: (a) No building shall be erected and no existinE building shall be moved, altered, added to or enlarged, nor shall any land or buildin~ be used, or designed to be used for any purpose or in any manner, nor shall any yard or ot~r open space surrounding any buildin~ be encroached upon or reduced, exceot as permitted by ~n8 in conformity to the regulations soecifie~ herein for the district in which such buildinz or y~.rd or other open space is located. (b) No buildin~ shall be erected, reconstructed, or s~ructurally altered to exceed the height limit hereinafter designed for the district in which such buildin~ is located. (c) No yard or open soace provided about any build- ing for the puroose of complyin~ with tb~ provision~ of thi~ ordinance shall be considered as providin~ a yard or open sos~ce for any other buildin~ or any other lot. -3- Section 3. INDEX MAP TO SECTIONAL DISTRICTING OR ZONING MAPS. 3.1 The index map to sectional district maps is attach- ed to tb~ end of this ordinance and is made a psrt~ereof by reference. Section $. DISTRICTING OR ZONING MAPS. 4.1 The district- ing or zoning map is attached to~tha end of this ordinance and is made a part'thereof by reference. Section 5. BUILDING LINES. 5.1 Buildinz lines ara here- by established for th~ purpose of measuring yard dimensions and determinin~ buildin~ loc~.tions. Such buildin~ lines ar~ indicated on the districtinE or zoning map adopted as Section 4 of this ordinance. 5.2 BuildinE lines shall be measured from tha property line and all required yards shall be measured from any establish- ed buildin~ lin~, provided however~ that if any official plan line is established for any street as part of a street and highway master plan, all required yards shall be measured from such official plan line. Section 6~ REGULATIONS FOR R-1 DISTRICTS. 6.1 The follow- ing regulations shall apply in all R-1 districts and shall be subject to the provisions of Section 14. (a) Uses permitted: 1. On~ family dwellings, public parks an~ playgrounds, crop and tree farming, and truck gardening. 2. Schools, churches and libraries, when such uses will not be detrimental to the neighborhood in which they are to be located and subject to securin~ a use permit in each case. 3. Accessory buildings and uses on tbs same lot wit~ any of the above uses; provided, however, that no accessory building shall~be constructed on a vacant lot unless concurrently with the Construction of t~e main building. (b) Building ~eight limits: Two and one-half (2½) stories but not exceedinE thirty-five (~) feet in height. (c) Buildin~ site area required: Each dwelling, together with its accessory buildings, shall be located on a building site in one ownership having an area of not less than five thousand (5,000) square feet; provided that any parcel of land of a less area under one ownership at the time of adoption of this ordinance, or shown as a lot on any subdivision map filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of San Mateo, prior to the adoption of this ordinance, when tb~ owner thereof owns no adjoining land, may be used as a buildin~ site for one (1) dwelling by t~ owner of such parcel of land or by his successor in interest whe~ all other regulations for tb~ district are complied with. In no case sh~ll there be more than one (1) dwelling on any one (1) lot exceot ~s otherwise provided in this ordinance. (d) PercentaEe of lot coverage: The buildings on any lot shall not cover in aggregate more tha~ forty percent (~0%) of its area. -5- (e) Front yard required: Each lot shall have a front yard not less than fifteen (15) feet in depth; provided that in case a building line for the street upon which the lot faces is established by this ordinance or if an official plan line is established by any master street and highway plan of the city, then the front yard shall have a depth of not less than that specified thereby. (f) Side yards required: Each lot shall have side yards each having a width of not less than five (5) feet except as follows: 1. On any parcel of land of an average width of less than fifty (50)'fe~t, which parcel was under one (1) ownership Bt the time of, or is shown as a lot.on any sub- division filed in the office of the County Recorder of the County of San Mate°, prior to the adoption of this ordinance, when the owner t~ereof owns no adjoining land, the width of each side yard · may be reduced to ten (10) percent of the width of such parcel, but in no case to less than three (3) feet. 2. On a corner lot adjacent to a key lot ~he side yard on the street side of such lot shall have a width of not less than fifty (50) percent of the front yard depth required for the lots to the rear of such corner lot, to a maximum required width of ten (10) feet for such side yard, but this regulation shall not be so applied as to reduce the buildable width, after providing the required interior side yard, or ay such corner lot to less than twenty (20) feet. -6- 3. In case a dwelling is so located on a lot that the front or rear thereof faces any side lot line, such dwelling shall be not less than fifteen (15) feet from such lot line. (g) Rear yard required: Each lot shall have a rear yard of a depth of not less than twenty (~ percent of the depth of the lot, to a maximum required depth of twenty (20) feet. Section 7. REGULATIONS FOR R-2 DISTRICTS. 7.1. The following regulations shall apply in all R-2 districts and shall be subject to the provisions of Section (a) Use____~spermitted: 1. &ll uses permitted in R-1 districts; subject to securing a use permit for any use for which such is required in an R-1 district. 2. Two-family dwellings, including duplexes when such uses will not be detrimental to the neighborhood in which they are to be located and~subject to the securing of a use permit in each case. 3. Private schools, child nurseries, when such uses will not be detrimental to the neighborhood in which they are to be located and subject to the securing of a use permit in each case. Building height, limit: Same as specified in (b) R-1 Districts. Building site area required: in R-1 districts. Same as specified -7- (d) PercentaEe of lot coverage: Same as specified for R-1 districts. (e) Front yard required: Same as specified for R-1 districts. (f) S~de yard required: Same as specified for R-1 districts. (g) Rear yard required: Same as specified for R-1 districts. Section 8. REGULATIONS FOR R-3 DISTRICTS. 8.1. Th~ follow- in~ re~lations shall apply in all R-3 districts and shall be subject to th~ provision of Section 14. (a) Us~s permitted: 1. All residential uses permitted in R-1 or R-2 districts. 2. Multiple dwellings, including apartments, dwelling groups and flats. 3. Home occupations provided that no name plate or sign exceeding two (2) square feet in area shall be displayed in connection therewith; provided further that such sign or name plate shall be attached to the main building and shall not project into any yard area. 4. Hotels, clubs, lodges, private schools, child nurseries, boarding and rooming houses and automobile courts when such uses will not be detrimental to the neig~o~8o~ in which they are to be located and subject to the securin~ of a use permit in each case. 5. Rest homes, clinics for the treatment of human ailments, institutions and professional offices when such uses will not be detrimental to the neighborhood in which they are to be located and subject to securing a use permit in each case. (b) Building heiEht limit: Four (4) stories but net exceeding forty-five (45) feet. (c) BuildinE s~te area required: Same as specified for R-1 districts, except there may be more than one (1) dwell- in~ upon one (1) lot. (d) Percentage of lot coverage: The buildings on any lot shall not cover in the ~ ggregate more than sixty (60) percent of its area. (e) Front yard required: Each lot shall have a front yard of not less than fifteen (15) feet in depth; provided that in case a building line for the street upon which the lot faces is established by this ordinance or if an official plan line is established by any master street and highway plan of the city, then the front yard shall have a depth of not less than that specified thereby. (f) Side yard required: Same as specified for R-1 districts, except as hereinafter specified for dwelling groups and automobile courts; provided, that for any building of more than two (2) stories in height, the width herein required for each side yard shall be increased by two (2) feet for each story by which the height of such building exceeds two (2) stories. (g) Rear Yard required: Each lot shall have a rear yard of ~ depth of not less than fifteen (15) feet, except as hereinafter specified for dwelling groups and automobile courts; -9- provided that for any buildinz of more t~an two (2) stories in height, the depth herein required for the rear yard shall be increased by three (3) feet for each story by which the heizbt of such building exceeds two (2) stories. (h) Distance between buildings on same lot: No main buildin~ shall be closer than fifteen (15) feet to any other main building on the same lot, exceot as hereinafter soecified for dwelling groups and automobile courts. (i) Yards required for dwelling groups ~nd automobile Courts: 1. In case the buildings of the group are so located on the lot that the rear of the building, which faces the street, is faced by the front of a building to the rea~, (that is, in a'front to back" series), no such building shall be closer than fifteen (15) feet to any other such building and the side yard providing access shall not be less than eight (8) feet. 2. In case the buildings of the group are so located on the lot that the rears thereof abut upon one side yard and the fronts thereof abut upon the other side, (that is, in ~ single row "side to side" series) the side yard to the rears thereof shall have a width of not ness than five (5) feet and the court shall have a width of not less than sixteen (16) feet. 3. In case the buildings of algroup are so located on the lot that the rears thereof abut upon each side yard and the fronts thereof face a court (that is, in a double row "side to side" series), the side yards to the rears thereof shall not be less than five (5) feet and the court shall have a width of not less than twenty (20) feet. -10- 4. No building in any group shall be so located on the lot that the rear thereof abuts on any street line. 5. In no case shall any building of the group be closer to any other building of the group than a distance of eight (8) feet. 6. Each lot upon which a buildin~ group is constructed shall have a ~ar yard of a depth of not less than five (5) feet. 7. Distances required between buildinEs on the same lot and as yards and courts for dwelling groups shall be increased by two (2) feet for each story that the height of any buildinE or dwelling group exceeds two (2) stories. 8.2. Name plates or signs may be displayed in connection with any of the above uses provided that such name plate or sign shall be attached to the main building and shall not project into any yard area and provided, further, that a use permit shall first be secured in each case. Section 9. REGULATIONS FOR R-A DISTRICTS. 9.1. The follow- ing regulations shall apply in all R-A districts subject to the provisions of section 14. (a) Uses permitted: 1. All uses permitted in R-1 districts; sub- ject to securing a use permit for any use for which such is required in an R-1 district. 2. All agricultural uses o~her than those allowed in an R-1 district when such uses will not be detrimental to the neighborhood in which they are to be located by reason of -ll- the emission of offensive odors, dust, smoke or noise; and subject to the securing of a use permit in each case. (b) Building height limit, building site area required, percentage of lot coverage, and side and rear yards required same as specified for R-1 districts. Section 10. REGULATIONS FOR C-1 DISTRICTS. 10.1. The following regulations shall apply to all C~l districts and shall be subject to the provisions of Section 14. (a) Uses permitted: 1. All uses permitted in any R district, without regard to securing any use permit, except single family dwellings. 2. Stores and sheps for the conduct of any retail business, but not including second-hand stores; automobile service stations for the sale of gasoline, oil and minor accessories only; banks; barbershops, beauty parlors; restaurants, refesh~eut'~t stands; music or dance studios; dressmaking, millinery, shoe and tailor shops; messenger offices; professional offices; storage garages; studios; telegraph offices; theatres; and other business uses which, in the opinion of the planning commission, are of the same general character as those enumerated in this subsection an not obnoxious or detrimental to the neighborhood in which they are to be located. 3. Single family dwellings Subject to securing ~ use permit in each case. 4. Stores andshops for the conduct of any wholesale business; creameries; launderies; launderettes; storage of goods or materials; automobile sales and service; used car sales; sale of used or ~econd-hand goods; mortuaries; automobile storage or repair; nurseries; animal hospitals and pet shops; and other uses which in the opinion of the planning commission are similar in character to those enumerated in this subsection and will not be obnoxious or detrimental to the neighborhood in which -12- they are to be located a~d a~l subject to t~ securing of a use permit in each case. $. No dance hall, road house~ night clu~, commerci~! c!~b~ or any establishment whe~ liquor is served, or commercial place of a~u~em~nt or recreation or any sun~ place or any ot~er place where entertainers ar~ provided, whether as social como~nions or otherwise? shall be established in any C-1 district closer th~ two hundred (200) feet to t~e bo~ndar¥ of any dwelling district, unless and until a use permit sha].l first have been secured for the establishment, mainten- ance and operation of such use. ~. The use of power-driven machinery incidental and accessory to any of the uses permitted in C-1 districts. $. Outdoor advertising signs and structures when appurtenant to any use permitted in the district; provided, however, that in any case where such sign or structure projects into any yard or street right of way and is over eight (8) square feet in area, a use permit shall first be secured. Other out- door advertising signs and structures subject to the securing of a use permit in each case. (b) Building height limit: Six (6) stories, but not exceeding seventy-five (75) feet. (c) Yards required: None except: 1. Where the frontage in a block is located adjacent to any "R" district, in which case the front yard depth or side yard width on the street side of the lot adjacent to the dwelling district shall~e~same as required for the dwelling district or as an alternate the rear or side yard abutting any -13- lot in any "R" district shall not be less than ten (lO) feet~ In any case, the rear or side yard abutting any lot in any "R" district shall not be less than five (5) feet and shall be in- creased by two (2) feet for each story by which the height of any building on such lot exceeds two (2) stories. 2. Where any building line is established by this ordinance or if an official plan line is established by any master street and highway plan of the city, then the front yard shall have a depth of not less than that specified thereby. Section ll. REGUlaTIONS FCE C-2 DISTRICTS. ll.1. The following regulations shall apply in all C-2 districts and shall be subject to the provisions of Section 14, except single family dwellings. (a) Uses permitted: 1. All uses permitted in any R or C-1 district without regard to securing any use permit. 2. Single family dwellings subject to the securing of a use permit in each case. 3. Lumber yards, mills, carpenter shops, blacksmith and welding shops, clothing manufacture, bottling works, feed and fuel yards, manufacture of handicraft products, wholesale storage or petroleum products, and other uses which in the opinion of the planning commission are similar in character to those enumerated in this section and subject to the securing of a use permit in each case. 4. Junk yards, auto wrecking ~nd contractors' yards only when conducted within ~ building or when enclosed by ~ solid board, concrete, or masonry fence at least seven (7) feet in height and subject to the securing of a use permit in each case. (b) Building height limit: Six (6) stories but not exceeding sev~ty-five (75) feet. (c) districts. Section 12. Yards required: Same as specified for C-1 REGULATIONS FOR M DISTRICTS. 12.1. The following regulations shall apply in all M districts and shall be subject to the provisions of Section 14. (a) Uses permitted: All uses not otherwise pro- hibited by law, except uses which in the opinion of the planning commission are objectionable by reason of the production of noise, offensive odor, smoke, bright light, vibration, or in- volving the handling of explosive or dangerous materials; pro- vided, however, that none of the following uses shall be established in any M district, unless and until a use permit in each case shall first have been secured for such use~ 1. All uses permi~ed in any R district. 2. Drilling for removal of oil, gas, or other hydrocarbon substances; commercial excavation of building or construction materials; distillation of bones; dumping, disposal, incineration or reduction of garbage, sewage, offal, dead animals or refuse; fat rendering; manufacture or storage of acid, cement, explosives or fireworks, fertilizer, gas, glue, gypsum, lime or plaster of paris; stock yard or slaughter of animals; refining of petroleum or its products; smelting of copper, iron, tin, zinc, or other ores; junk yards; hog raising. (b) Building height limit: Six (6) stories, but not exceeding seventy-five (75) feet. (c) Yards required: Same as specified for C-1 districts. -15- Section 13. REGULATIONS FOR U DISTRICTS. 13.1. The following regulations shall apply in all U districts and shall be subject to the provisionsof Section 14. (a) Uses permitted: Ail uses not otherwise pro- hibited by law; provided that a use permit shall first be secured for any use to be established in any U district. (b) Other regulations: Building height limits, building site area required, and yards required shall be as specified in the use permit. Section 14. GENERAL PROVISIONS AND EXCEPTIONS. 14.1. The regulations specified in this ordinance shall be subject to the following general provisions and exceptions. (a) Uses: 1. The following accessory uses, in addition to those hereinbefore specified shall be permitted in any R district; provided that such accessory uses do not alter the character of the premises in respect to their use for the purposes permitted in such respective districts: a. Renting of rooms or the providing of table board in a dwelling as an incidental use, but not to the extent of constituting a rooming house or hotel, unless permitted in such district. b. Accessory buildings not over twelve (12) feet in height may occupy not more than thirty (30) percent of a required rear yard in any R district. Such accessory build- ings may be permitted over twelve (12) feet in height upon the obtaining of a use permit in each case. -16- c. Accessory uses normally a part of the operation of any use permitted in the district. This shall not be construed as permitting any commercial use in any R district, unless such is specified in the regulations for the district. In addition to any outdoor advertising signs or structures permitted by this ordinance, outdoor advertising .signs and structures not exceeding in the aggregate six (6) square feet in area for each lot may be displayed for the purpose of advertis- ing the sale or lease of any property upon display. Outdoor advertising signs and structures, other than those otherwise permitted, may be displayed for the advertising of the sale of a subdivision, upon the securing of a use permit in each case. (b) No amusement park or center, circus, carnival, theatre, race track, recreation center, or similar use, shall be permitted in any district, unless and until a use permit shall have been secured for the establishment, maintenance and operation of such use. (c) HeiEht: 1. In any district with a height limit of less than seventy-five (75) feet, public and semi-public buildings, schools, churches, hospitals and other institutions permitted in such district may be erected to a height not exceeding seventy- five (75) feet, provided that the front, rear, and side yards shall be increased two (2) feet for each story by which such building exceeds the height limit hereinbefore established for such district. -17- 2. In R-1 districts dwellingsmay be increased in height not to exceed ten (10) feet and to a total of not exceeding three (3) stories when two (2) side yards of widths of not less than fifteen (15) feet each are provided. 3. Upon securing a use permit any building in any C or M district may be erected to a height exceeding that herein specified for such district; provided that the cubical contents of the building shall not be increased beyond that possible for a building erected within the height limit hereinbefore specified for such district. 4. Subject to other provisions of law, towers, flag poles, gables, spires, penthouses, scenery lofts, monuments, chimneys, cupolas, water tanks and similar structures and necessary mechanical appurtenances may be built and used to a greater height than the limit established for the district in which the building is located; provided that no such exception shall cover at any level above the height limit more than fifteen (15) percent in area of the lot and, that no tower, gable, spire, or similar structure shall be used for sleeping or eating quarters or for any commercial purpose other than such as may be incidental to the permitted uses of the main building. (d) Fences and hedges: No fence or hedge shall here- inafter be constructed or grown to exceed six (6) feet in height on any property line to the rear of the front line of any dwell- ing, nor to exceed three (3) feet in height on any property line from the front line of any dwelling to the street right of way line except upon securing a use permit in each case~ nor shall fence or hedge be constructed or grown beyond the front property line without the obtaining of a use permit in each case. (e) Yards: 1. In computing the front yard dimensions the measurement shall be taken from the nearest point of the front wall of the building to the street right of way line, or if a building line or an official plan line has been established for the street, then to such building line or official plan line; provided that architectural features of the kind and not exceeding the limits hereinafter stated shall not be considered in making such measurements, to wit: cornices, canopies, eaves, or any similar architectural features ex- tending beyond, said front wall not exceeding two (2) feet and landing places or uncovered p~rches extending beyond said front wall not exceeding six (6) feet; provided that the above enumerated architectural features may also extend into any side or rear yard the same distance that they are permitted to extend beyond any front wall, except that no porch or landing plage, or outside stairway shall project more than three (3) feet into any side yard and then, in the case of an outside stairway, only if the same is unroofed and unenclosed above and below the steps thereof. In any R-1 or R-2 district where twmnty-five (25) percent or more of the lots in any block, exclusive of the frontage along the side of a corner lot, has been improved with buildings at the time of the passage of this ordinance, then the front yard required on each lot in said block shall be of a depth not less than the average depth of the front yards on -19- the lets on which such existing buildings are located to a maximum required depth of that specified by the regulations for such district. In no case, however, shall any building be erected closer to any street line than any building line or official plan line established for such street. In case an accessory building is attached to the main building, it shall be made structurally a part of and have a common wall with the main building and shall comply in all respects with the requirements of this ordinance applicable to the main building. An accessory building, un- less so attached to and made a part of the main building shall not be closer than l0 feet to the main building, on the same or adjacent lot, except as otherwise provided in this section. Detached accessory buildings in R districts shall conform to the following additional regulations as to their locations upon the lot: (A) In the case of an interior lot abutting upon i street, no detached accessory building shall be erected or altered so as to encroach upon the front half of the lot. (B) In the case of an interior lot abutting upon 2 or more streets, no accessory building shall be erected or altered so as to encroach upon the 1/~ of the lot nearest either street. (¢) In the case of a corner lot abutting upon 2 streets, no accessory building shall be erected or altered so as to,e- ject beyond the front yard required on the adjacent lot and nor shall it be located closer to either street line than the main building constructed on the lot. (D) No detached accessory building shall be within 5 feet of the side line of the front half of any adjacent lot. (E) No detached accessory building shall be within 5 feet on any alley. (F) Notwithstanding any requirements in this section, the foregoing rules shall not re- -20- quire ahy detached accessory building to be more than 75 feet from any street line bounding the lot, unless access may be provided from any existing alley. (f) &utomobile storage or parkin~ space: Storage or parking space for the parking of automobiles or mobile equip- ment off the street shall be provided as follows: 1. One garage space for each family unit in any multiple dwelling, apartment, dwelling group, automobile court or dwelling. 2. Space required for other uses allowed in the R-2 districts and not set forth herein shall be determined and set forth by the planning commission in approving the use permit for any such use. (g) Where alleys provide access to the rear of any C districts, provision shall be made for deliveries and pickups of merchandise and goods at the r ear of any commercial build- ing constructed therein. Section 15. NON-CONFORMING USES: Except as otherwise provided in this section, the lawful use of land existing at the time of the adoption of this ordinance, although such use does not conform to the regulations specified for the district in which such land is located, may be continued, provided that no such use shall be enlarged or increased, nor be extended to occupy a greater area than that occupied by such use at the time of the adoption of this ordinance, and that if any such use ceases, the subsequent use of such land shall be in conformity to the regulations specified by this ordinance for the district in which such land is located. -21- The lawful use of building existing at the time of the adoption of this ordinance may be continued, although such use does not conform to the regulations specified for the district in which such building is located; provided, such use may be extended throughout the building provided no structural alterations except those required by law or ordinances are made therein. If no structural alterations are made, the non-conforming use of a building may be changed to another non- conforming use, which in the opinion of the planning commission, is of the same or of a more restricted nature. Except upon securing a use permit, no existing building designed, arranged or intended for or devoted to a use not per- mitted under the regulations specified by this ordinance for the district in which such building is located shall be enlarged, extended, reconstructed, or structurally altered unless, such use is changed to a~se permitted under the regulations specified by this ordinance for such district in which such building is located; provided that work done in any period of 12 months on ordinary structural alterations or replacements of walls,fixtures, or plumbing not exceeding 25% of the building's assessed value according to the assessment of the assessor of the city for the fiscal year in which such work is done shall be permitted with- out securing a use pe~nit, but that the cubical contents of the buikiing, as it existed at the time of the passage of this ordinance, shall not be increased. If, at any time, any building in existence at the time of the adoption of this ordinance, which does not conform to the regulations for the district in which it is located, be damaged or destroyed by fire, explosion, act of God, or act of the publ~ -22- enemy, to the extent of more than 75% of the assessed value thereof according to the assessment by the s aid assessor for the fiscal year during which such destruction occurs, or if the actual operation of a non-conforming use ceases for a continuous period of 6 months, then without further action by the planning commission the said building and the l~nd on which said building was located shall be subject to all the regulations specified by this ordinance £or the district in which such land and building are located; provided that upon securing a use permit any such building may be rebuilt after such destruction to a total floor area not exceeding that of the former build- ing and may continue as herein provided'for non-conforming uses. The foregoing provisions shall also apply to non-conforming uses in districts hereafter changed. Nothing contained in this ordinance shall be deemed to require any change in the plans, construction, or designated use of any building upon which actual construction was lawfully bMgun prior to the adoption of this ordinance. Actual construction is hereby defined to be: the actual placing of construction materials in their permanent position ~astened in a permanent manner; actual work in excavating a basement, or the demolition or removal of an existing structure begun preparatory to rebuilding; provided, that in all cases actual construction work shall be diligently carried on until the completion of the building or structure involved. Regardless of any other provision of this ordinance, any use, for which a use permit is required or may be granted, as provided in this ordinance, which use is existing at the time of the adoption of this~ordinance in any district in which such use is specifically permitted subject to the securing of a use permit, shall without further action be deemed to be a conforming use in Such district. -23- Section 16. ARCHITECTURAL SUPERVISION. In case an application is made for a permit for any building or structure in any C or M district and where such faces on a state highway or city street, said application shall be accompanied by architectural drawings or sketches showing the elevations of the proposed building or structure and proposed landscape or other treatment of the grounds around such building or structure. Such drawings or sketches shall be considered by the planning commission in an endeavor to provide that the architectural and general appearance of such buildings or structures and ground be in keeping with the character of the neighborhood and such as not to be detrimental to the orderly and harmonious development of the city, or to impair the desirability of investment or occupation in the neighborhood. In case the applicant is not satisfied with the action of the planning commission he may, within 30 days after the decision of said planning commission appeal in writing to the city council and said council shall render its decision within 30 days after the filing of such appeal. No permit shall be issued in any case hereinabove mentioned until such drawings and sketches have been approved by the planning commission or city council and all buildings, structures and grounds shall be in accordance with the drawings and sketches. Section 17. ZONING PER~iITS. Zoning permits shall be quired for all buildings and structures hereinafter erected, constructed, altered, repaired or moved with or into any district established by this ordinance and for the use of vacant land or for a change in the character of the use of land, within any district established by this ordinance. -24- Such permit shall be issued by the city building inspector. Application for such.permit shall be on a form prescribed by the planning commission and shall be kept in the office of the build-' lng inspector. Such application and permit may be a part of the building permit application and permit. Section 18. ADJUSTMENTS, VARIANCES, AND APPEALS. l$.l. The City Council, upon certain findings as set forth in 18.2 (a), (b) and (c), by the planning commission in each case, as hereinafter provided, shall have the p~wer to grant variances in the application of any of the provisions of this ordinance to the following extmnt and no further: (a) To vary or modify the strict application of any of the regulations or provisions contained in this ordinance in cases in which there are practical difficulties or unnecessary hardships in the way of such strict application. (b) To permit the extension of a district where the boundary line thereof divides a lot in one ownership at the time of the passage of this ordinance. 18.2. Application for any variance permiss&ble under the provisions of this section shall be made to the planning commission in the form of a written application, and shall b e accompanied by a fee of ten dollars ($10.00). Upon receipt of any such application, the planning commission shall hold at least one (1) public hearing thereon, notice of which shall be given by one (1) publicatio~ in a newspaper of general circulation in the city, within the ten (10) days next preceding the date of said hearing. At said hearing the applicant shall present a statement and adequate evidence, in such form as the planning commission may require, showing: (a) That there are exceptional or extraordinary circumstances or conditions applying to the land, building or use referred to in the application, which circumstances or -25- conditions do not apply generally to land, buildings or uses in the same district. (b) That the granting of the application is necessary for the preservation and enjoyment of substantial property rights of the petitioner. (c) That the granting of such application will not, under the circumstances of t~e particular case, materially affect adversely the health or safety of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of the property of the applicant and will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in said neighborhood. 18.3 After the conclusion of the aforesaid hearing the planning commission shall make a written finding of facts show- ing whether the three foregoing qualifications apply to the land, building or use for which the variance is sought, and shall report such finding to the city council within thirty (30) daya after receipt of the application. 18.4. In approving the granting of any variance under the provisions of this section, the planning commission shall desiEnate such conditions, in connection therewith as will, in its opinion, secure substantially the objectives of the regulation o r provisions to which such variance applies, as to light, air, and the public health, safety, morals, convenience ~nd general welfare. No permit shall be issued under the provisions of this section, unless a finding of the commission, as aforesaid, approving the granting of the variance, shall be approved and confirmed by the city council. Upon receipt of such report, if the findings of the commission approved the granting of the application, and if the city council shall find that such findings are correct, said city council shall, by resolution, grant such variance, whereupon the permit as -26- applied for may be issued. In all cases in which variances are granted under the provisions of this section, the planning commission shall require such evidence and guarantees as it may deem to be necessary that the conditions designated in connection therewith are being and will be complied with. 18.5. The planning commission shall have power to hear and decide appeals involving the enforcement of this ordinance when such appeals are based upon questions of the interpretation thereof. Section 19. USE PER~ITS. 19.1 Use permits, revocable use permits and use permits valid for a term of six months, may be issued for any of the following: (a) Any of the uses or purposes for which said permits are required or permitted by the provisions of this ordinance. (b) Public utility or public service uses or public buildings in any district when found to be necessary for the public health, safety, convenience or welfare. (c) Removal of minerals and natural materials, including building and construction materials, in any district. (d) To classify as a conforming use any institutional use existing in any district at the time of the establishment of such district. 19.2. The fee for appl~ation for such permits shall be five dollars ($5.00) and such use permits shall be issued under the same procedure as that specified in Section l~ of this ord~ce f~r the granting of adjustments, except that: (a) No public hearing need be held thereon; provided, that the planning commission may hold such hearings thereon as it may deem to be necessary. -27- I II · $ (b) The findings of the planning commission, except as otherwise provided in this section, need include only that the establishment, maintenance or conducting of the use, for which the use permit is sought, will not, under t he circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort, convenience, or welfare of persons residing or working in the neighborhood of such use and will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to property or improvements in said neighborhood. 19.3 All other provisions of said Section 18 including the designation by theplanning commission of any conditions upon which the permit shall apply to the granting of a use permit. Section 20. A~ND~NTS. 20.1. This ordinance may be amended by changing the boundaries of districts or by changing any other provision thereof, whenever the public necessity and convenience and the general welfare require such amendment by following the procedure of this section. Said amendment may be initiated by: (a) The verified petition of one or more owners of property affected by the proposed amendment, which petition shall be filed with the planning commission and shall be accompanied by a fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00), no part of which shall be returnable to the petition~r~ or by (b) Res$1ution of intention of the city council, or by (c) Resolution of intention by the planning commission. 20.2. The planning commission, not later than at its next succeeding meeting following the filing of such verified petition or following the adopting of such resolution of intention, shall set the times and places for such public hearings thereon as may be required by law, and shall give such notice as required by law of the proposed amendment. In case the proposed amendment consists of a change of the boundaries of any district so as to reclassify property from any district to any other district, the planning -28- commission shall give additional notice of the time and place of such hearings and of the purpose thereof by: (a) Posting at least three (3) public notices thereof not less than ten (lO) days prior to the date of the first of such hearings along streets upon which the property proposed to be reclassified abuts. Each such notice shall consist of the words "Notice of proposed zoning change", in letters not less than one (1) inch in height, and in addition thereto a statement in small letters setting forth a general description of the property in- volved in the proposed change of district, the time and place at which the public hearings or the proposed change will be held and any other information which the planning commission may deem to be necessary. 20.3 Any failure to post public notices as aforesaid shall not invalidate any proceedings for amendment of this zoning ordinance. 20.4 Following the aforesaid hearings the planning commission shall make a report of its findings and recommendations with respect to the proposed amendment and shall file with the city council an attested copy of such report, within ninety (90) days after the notice of the first of said hearings; provided that such time limit may be extended upon the mutual agreement of the parties having an interest in the proceedings. Failure of the planning commis~on so to report within ninety ~ (90) days without the aforesaid agree- ment, shall be deemed to be approval of the proposed amendment by the planning commission. 20.5 Upon receipt of such report from the planning commission or upon the expiration of such ninety (90) days as aforesaid, th~ city council shall set the matter for public hearing after notice .~. ' ~' ..~' of the proposed amendment, given as provided by law. -29- After the conclusion of such hearing the city council may adopt the amendment or any part thereof set forth in the petition in such form as said board may deem to be advisable. 20.6 The decision of the city council shall be rendered within sixty (60) days after the receipt of a report and recommendations for the planning commission or after the expiration of such ninety (90) days, as aforesaid. Section 21. ENFORCEMENT, LEGAL PROCEDURE, PENALTIES: All departments, officials and public employees of the City of South San Francisco vested with the duty or authority to issue~permits or licenses shall conform to the provisions of this ordinance and shall issue no permit or license for uses, buildings, or purposes in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance. Any such permit or license issued in conflict with the provisions of this ordinance shall be null and void. It shall be the duty of the building in- spector of the city to enforce the provisions of this ordinance pertaining to the erection, construction, reconstruction, moving, conversion, alteration, or addition to any building or structure. Any person, firm or corporation, whether as principal, agent, employee or otherwise, violating or causing the violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty of a mis- ~ameanor and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by a fine of not more than three hundred dollars ($300.00) or by im- prisonment for a term not exceeding six (6) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Such person, firm or corporation shall be deemed to be guilty of a separate offense for each and every day during any portion of which any violation of this ordinance is committed or continued by such person, firm or corporation, and shall be punished as herein provi~d. -30- Auy building or structure set up, erected, constructed, altered, enlarged, converted,moved, or maintained contrary to the provisions of this ordinance, and any use of any land, building or premises established, conducted, operated or maintained con- trary to the provisions of this ordinance, shall be and the same is hereby declared to be unlawful and a public nuisance. The city attorney of said city shall, upon order of the city council, immediately commence action or proceedings for the abatement thereof in the manner provided by law, and shall take such other steps and shall apply to such courts as may have jurisdiction to grant such relief as will abate and remove such building or structure, and restrain and enjoin any person, fi~, or corporation from setting up, erecting, building, maintaining, or using any such building or structure or using any property contrary to the provisions of this ordinance. The remedies provided for herein shall be cumulative and not exclumive. Section 22. REPE~LING. Or~inance No. 137 entitled: "Au ordinance establishing industrial, business and residential districts or zones in the City of South San Francisco and expressly repealing Ordinance No. ll7 of the City of South San Francisco", is hereby repealed and all other ordinances and parts of ordinances of said city in conflict with this ordinance, to the extent of such conflict and no further, are hereby repealed. Nothing herein con- rained shall be deemed to repeal or amend any ordinance of said city requiring a permit or license or both to cover any business, trade? or occupation. Section 23. REFERENCE. This ordinance shall be known and cited as the zoning ordinance of the City of South San Francisco. Reference ~o section numbers herein are to the sections of this ordinance. -31- Section 24. BEFINITIONS. 2&.l. For the purpose of this ordinance certain terms used herein are defined as follows: The word "lot" includes the word "plot". The word "building" includes the word "structure". The word "shall" is mandatory and not directory. The 'word "city council" as used herein, shall mean the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, California. The words "planning .commission" shall mean the city planning- commission of the City of South San Francisco, California. The word "city" shall mean the City of South San Francisco, California. Agriculture: The tilling of the soil, the raising of crops, horticulture, livestock, farming, dairying, or animal husbandry, including all uses customarily accessory and incidental t~ereto, but not including slaughter houses, fertilizer works, bone yards, or plants for the reduction of animal matter. ~lley: ~Any public thoroughfare which affords only a secondary means of access to abutting property. Apartment: A room or suite of two or more rooms which is designed for, intended for, or occupied by one family doing its cooking therein. ~partment court: See Dwelling Group. Apartment house: See Dwelling, Multiple. Automobile camp: Land or premises which is used or intended to be used, let or rented for occupancy by campers traveling by auto- mobile or otherwise or for occupancy by or of one or more trailers or movable dwellings, rooms or sleeping quarters of any kind. Automobile~court: A group of two or more detached or semi- detached buildings containing guest rooms or apartments with auto- mo~ile storage space serving such rooms or apartments provided in -32- connection therewith, which group is designed and used primarily for the accommodation of transient automobile travelers. Automobile wrecking: See Junk Yard. Basement: A story partly under ground and having at least 1/2 of its height above grade. A basement shall be deemed a story if the vertical distance from grade to the ceiling is six (6) feet or more. Block: That property so designated on an official map of the city or part of the city, or bounded by streets, or by a street or streets and railroad right of way, canal right of way or unsub- divided acreage. Building: Any structure having a roof supported by columns or by walls and designed for the shelter or housing of any person, animal or chattel. Building, accessory: A subordinate building, the use of which is incidental to that of the main building on the same lot. Building, main: A building in which is conducted the principal use of the lot on which it is situated. In any R district any dwelling shall be deemed to be a main building on the lot on which the same is situated. Bungalow court: See Dwelling group. Building lines: Lines as indicated on the districting or zoning map for the purpose of determining building locations with respect to existing property lines. Court~ An open unoccupied space, other than a yard, on the same lot with a building or buildings and which is bounded on two or more sides by such building or buildings, including the open space in a house court or court apartment providing access to the units thereof. -33- District: A portion of the city within which certain uses of land and buildin$~are permitted or prohibited and within which certain yards and other open spaces are required and certain height limits are established for buildings, all as set forth a~ specified in this ordinance. Dwelling, two family: A detached building designed for and occupied by exclusively two families living independently of each other. Dwelling, multiple: A building or portion thereof used and designed as a residence for three or more families living independent- ly of each other, and doing their own cooking in said building, includ- ing apartment houses, apartment hotels and flats, but not including automobile courts. Dwelling groups: A group of two or more detached or semi-de- tached one-family, two-family, or multiple dwellings occupying a parcel of land in one ownership and having any yard or court in common, but not including automobile~ courts. Family: One or more persons occupying a premises and l~ing as a single housekeeping unit, as distinguished from a group occupying a hotel, club, fraternity or sorority house. A family shall be deemed to include necessary servants. Front wall: The wall of the building nearest the street upon which the building faces, but excluding cert~i~ architectural features as specified in section 15. Garage, private: An accessory building for the storage o~ self- propelled private passenger vehicles. Garage, storage: Any premises, except those herein defined as a primate garage, used exclusively for the storage of self- propelled vehicles. Grade: (a) For buildings fronting one street only, the elevation of the sidewalk at the center of that wall fronting the street. (b) For buildings fronting more than one street, the average of the elevations of the sidewalks at the centers of all walls fronting streets. (c) For buildings having no wall fronting the street, the average level of the finished surface of the ground adjacent to the exterior walls of thebuilding. (d) All walls approximately parallel to and not more than five (5) feet from the street line shall be considered as fronting the street. Guest room: A room which is intended, arranged, or designed to be occupied Or which is occupied by guests, but in which no provision is made for cooking and not including d_~m~tories for sleeping purposes. Height of building: The vertical distance from the average level of the highest and lowest point of that portion of the lot co~ered by the building to the ceiling of the topmost story. Home occupation: Any use customarily conducted on residential property carried on by the inhabitants of the dwelling t hereon and entirely within such dwelling, which use is clearly incidental and secondary to the use of the property for dwelling purposes ~ud does not change the character thereof. Hotel: Any building or portion thereof containing six (6) or more guest rooms used, designed, or intended to be used, let, or hired out to be occupied, or which are occupied, by six (6) or more individuals for compensation, whether the compensation for hire be paid directly or indirectly. Junk yard: The use of more than 200 square feet o£ the area of any lot or the use of any portion of that half of any lot, which half adjoins any street, for the storage of junk, including scrap metals or other scrap materials, or for the dismantling or "wrecking" of automobiles or other vehicles or machinery whether for sale or storage. Lot: land occupied or to be occupied by a building and its accessory buildings, or by a dwelling group and its accessory buildings, together with such open spaces as are required under the provisions of this ordinance and having its principal frontage on a street. Lot, corner: A lot bounded on two or more adjacent sides by street lines, provided that the angle of the intersection does not exceed 135 degrees, and having a width of not greater than 75 feet. Lot, inside: A lot other than a corner lot. to Lot, key: The first lot/the rear of a corner lot, the front line of which is a continuation of the side line of the corner lot, a~d fronting on the street which intersects the street upon which the corner lot fronts. Lot area: The total horizontal area included Within lot lines, including ~/2 the width, but not to exceed l0 feet, af any alley or portion thereof abutting any such lot line. Lot depth: The average distance from the street line of the lot to its rear line measured in the general direction of the side lines. Lot frontage: That dimension of a lot or portion of a lot abutting on a street, except the side of a corner lot. Lot lines: Lines bounding a lot as defined herein. Non-conforming uses: A use that does not conform to the regulations for the district in which it is situated. One ownership: Ownership of property (or possession thereof Under a contract to purchase or under a lease the terms of which is not less than ten (lO) years) by a person or persons, firm, corpora- tion, or partnership, individually, jointly, in commoh, or in any other manner whereby such property is under single or unified control. The term "owner" whall be deemed to mean the person, firm, corporation, or partnership exercising one ownership as herein defined. Outdoor advertising sign: Auy sign of any kind or character whatsoever placed for outdoor advertising purposes. Outdoor advertising structure: Auy structure of any kind or character erected or maintained for outdoor advertising purposes, upon which any outdoor advertising sign may be placed. Rooming or boarding house: A dwelling other than a hotel where lodging or meals for three or more persons are provided for compensation. Story: That portion of a building included between the surface of any floor and the surface of the floor next above it, or if there is no floor abo~ it, then the space between the floor and the ceiling next above it. Story, half: A story with at least two opposite exterior sides meeting a sloping roof not more than five (5) feet above the floor of such a story. Street: A public or private thoroughfare which affords principal means of access to abutting property, including avenue, place, way, drive, lane, boulevard, highway, road, and any other thoroughfare except an alley as defined herein. Street line: The boundary between a street and property. Structure: Anything constructed or erected, the use of which requires location on the ground or attachment to something having location on the ground. Structural alterations: Any change in the supporting members of a building, such as bearing wall%columns, beams or girders. Uses: The purpose for which land or premises of a building thereon is designed, arranged, or intended or for which it is or may be occupied or maintained. -37- Use, accessory: A use incidental and accessory to the principal use of a lot or a building located on the same lot. Yard: ~An open s~&ce other than a court on the same lot with a building, which open space is unoccupied and unobstructed from tM ground upward, except as otherwise permitted in section 14. In measuring a yard, as hereinafter provided the line of a building shall be deemed to mean a line parallel to the nearest lot line drawn through the point of a building ~ the point of a dwelling group nearest to such a lot line, exclusive of the respective architectural features enumerated in section 14 as not to be con- sidered in measuring yard dimensions or as being permitted to extend into any front or rear yard. Yard, front: A yard extending across the front of the lot between the inner side yard lines and measured from'the front line of the lot to the nearest line of the building; provided that if any building line o~ official plan line has been established for the street upon which the lot faces, then such measurement shall be taken from such building line or official plan line to the nearest line of the building. Yard, rear: A yard extending ~cross the full width of the lot and measured between the rear line of the lot and the nearest line of the main building. Yard, side: A yard between the side line of the lot and t~ near~st line of the ~ ~ ~ building, and extending from the front line Tar the lot to ~the rear yard. Section 25. INTERPRETATION. In interpreting and applying the provisions of this ordinance, they shall be held to be the minimum requirements adopted for the promotion of the public health, safety, comfort, convenience, and general welfare. Ex- cept as specifically herein provided, it is not intended by the adoption of this ordinance to repeal, abrogate, annul or in any way to impair or interfere with any existing provision of law or ordinance, or any rules, regulations or permits previously adopted or issued, or which shall be adopted or issued pursuant to law relating to the erection, construction, establishment,moving, alteration or enlargement of any building or improvement; nor is it intended by this ordinance to interfere with or abrogate or annul any easement, covenant or other agreement between the parties; provided, however, that in cases in which this ordinance imposes a greater restriction upon the erection, construction, establishment, moving~alteration or enlargement of buildings or the use of any such building or premises in said several districts or any of them, than is imposed or required by such existing provisions of law or ordinance or by such rules, regulations or permits, or by such easements, covenants or agreements, then in.such case the provisions of this ordinance shall control. Section 26. VALIDITY. If any section, subsection, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is, ~ r any reason, held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this ordinance. The city council hereby declares that it would have passed this ordinance and each section, subsection, sentence, clause and phrase hereof, irrespective of the fact that any one or more sections, subsections, sentences, clauses or phrases be declared invalid. Section 27. This ordinance shall be published by one (1) -39- insertion in "The Enterprise", a weekly newspaper published and circulated in the City of South San Francisco, and shall take effect and be in force on the expiration of thirty (~ days after its adoption. Introduced this /7~ day of ~ 19&7. Passed and adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San Francisco, at a regular meeting of the city council of the City of South San Francisco, held on the ~ day of ~J~,~ , 1947, by the following vote: Councilmen ~bsent, Councilmen '-~ APPROVED: Mayor of the City of South San Francisco. Attest: INDEX page Section i Adoption of zoning plan 1 Section 2 Establishment of districts 2 Section 3 Index Map to sectional districting or ~ zoning maps Section 4 Section 5 Section 6 Section 7 S~ction 8 Section 9 Section l0 Section ll Section 12 Section 13 Section 14 Section 15 Section 16 Section 17 Section 18 Section 19 S~ction 20 Section 21 Section 22 Section 23 Section 24 Section 25 Section 26 Section 27 Districting or zoning maps Building lines Regulations ~or R-1 districts Regulations for R-2 districts Regulations for R-3 districts Regulations for R-A districts Regulations for C-1 districts Regulations for C-2 districts Regulations for M districts Regulations for U districts General provisigns and exceptions Non-conforming uses Architectural supervision Zoning permits Adjustments, variances, and appeals Use permits · ~mendmant s Enforcement, legal procedure, penalties Repealing Reference Definitions Int erpr et at ion Validity Enactment 7 8 11 12 15 16 21 2~ 25 27 28 30 31 ~9 We, the chairman of the planning co~m~ission of the City of South San Fr,-~ncisco and the secret.~ry of said planning commission, do hereby certify that the foregoing form of ordinance and the master plan mentioned in said ordin=nce, after public hearings held by s~id planning con~uission ~nd that, at a meeting of said planning commission held on the 20th d~y of August, 19~7, said city planning ~commission recommended the ~=doptinn of said master plan and said ordinance by the City Council of the City of South San Francisco. of the City of South--San Francisco. of the City of South San Francisco. of 0 EAST GRAND AVE ~ INDEX MAP TO SECTIONAL DISTRICT MAPS BEING SECTIONS 3 OF ORDINANCE NO .(,~ CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO SAN MATEO COUNTY -- CALIFORNIA