HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 272-1948 ~REQUIRING HOLDERS OF BUI~ING PE~ITS TO IND~IFY / ~ S~ID CITY FOR D~g~GES TO SIDEWALKS, CURBS, GUTTERS ~ D PAVE}.~NT. The City Council of ~he City of Sou~h San Francisco does ordain as follows: Sec~fon 1. I~~ shall be ghe obligation of every person, firm or 'corporagion ~o whom or ~o which ~ building permi~ may be issued, ~o c~use ~ sidewalk, curb, gu~er or pavemeng, ~hich may becone in~ured by reason of, or in connection wi~h any con- s~ruc~ion work, which may be uhder~aken or performed by ~he holder of such pe~i~, ~o be repaired and ~o be cleaned, go bhe satisfaction of ghe Superin~enden~ of S~ree~s of said City. Section 2. g~ bhe ~ime of ~he issuance of any building permit, ~he applican~ shall deposi~ wi~h ~he building inspecgor of said city cash in ~he ~ount of Fifty Dollars (~50.00) For each building for which a permig has been requembed, fo~ ~he purpose of indemnifying s~i~ city ~g=inst =ny =nd all expenses of repairing such sidewalks, curbs, ~bers or p=vemen~, ~ ~he expense of cleaning, such sidewalks, curbs, gutters' or p~vement. ~ere applica- tion is made for the construction of more th~n five {5) buildings, the applica~it may deposit ~th the building inspector ~ bond to be executed by the applicant and sureties to be ~pproved by the building inspector, in such ~n ~mount as m=y be required by said building inspector, under the terms of this ordin=nce, which .bond sh~ll be conditioned for compliance with 'the provisions of Section 1 of this ordinance. ~y person, who may sign such bond as a surety, must make oath that he is the owner of land situate in the County of San Marco, State of California, and that he is worth the amount of such bond, over ~nd above all his liabilities and property exempt from execution. Section 3. It shall be the duty of the holder of ~ny building permit to notify the Superintendent of Streets of said city when such holder has completed the work provided for in the permit. No sum of money, deposited with the building inspector pursuant to the provisions of section 2 of this ordinance, sh~ll be refunded to the holder of any permit until t~e Superintendent of Streets shull have issued his certificate showing full compliance with the' provisions of Section 1 hereof by the holder of such permit. Section 4. ~ny person, persons or corporation who sh~ll violate any of the provisions of this ordinance, or shall in ~ny way contribute to the violation thereof, sh~ll be deemed guilty of ~ misdemeanor, and, upon conviction thereof, shall be punished by i fine of not less th~n Twenty-~ive Dollars (~25.00) and not ex- ceeding Three Hundred Dollars (~300.00), or by imprisonment for ~ period not exceeding three (3) months, or by both such fine and imprisonment. Each day's violation of this ordinance shall consti- tute ~ separate offense hereunder. Section 5. No sentence .imposed for ~ violation of this ordinance shall be suspended. ,Section 6. This ordinance shall be published once in "The EnterPrise", ~ ~eekly newspaper of general circulation, pub- lished and circulated in said City of South San Francisco and shall take effect ~nd be in force upon the expiration of thirty (30) days after its pass~ge. ~ ~ ~.,."' as City of South Passed and adopted San Francisco at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of South San Francisco, this ~~ day of~-~~ 194~, by the following vote: ' Ayes, Co ~q~cilmen Absent, Councilmen ~ ' ~PPROVED: Mayor of the City of South San Francisco. Attest: