HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 283-1949 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINi~NGK GR~,~TIN8 THE OFFIGE OF SUPERINTEND~T OF P~,RKS ~D PhYORO~D8 ~ND PRESCRBINO ~8 DUTIES, The C{~y Co~o{~ of %he C~gy of South San Fr~c{sco does ordain ~a ~eet~on 1. ~e office of superintendent of parks and play~~a ~a hereby create. Section ~. It shall be the duty off the euper~nt~dent of parks and playKro~a to supervise the uae of, and ~ on all parks, p~ay~da, all ~o~da and places p~v~ded for sport ~d other athletic activities, and all bu~din~a prov~d~ Zor recreational pu~oaea ~n sa~d city. ~he activities of said ~per- ~ntendent of p~rks and p~yg~da ~d ~he u~ of a~ ~ch parke~ playA~da, other gro~da ~ plaeea ~d build. Aa aha~l be subject to such ~ee and re~at~ona aa sa~d c~ty ~unc~l shall establish ~ec~on ~. Dur~n~ ~he t~e of h~a offence, the super- int~dent off par~ a~ playKro~a shall m~a~e In no oc~pat~on or enplo~t other t~n ~hat here~n ~ect~on ~, The aup~endent off parka ~d playA~da shall receive coapensa~on for h~a service in such ~t aa nay be ffix~ by o~d c~ty co~c~l. Zec~on ~. This ord~n~ce eh~ ~ pub~ah~ once ~n ~e ~~r~ee, a newspaper of Eeneral c~rcula~lon~ pr~n~ed a~ published ~n aa~d C~ty off ~uth San Fr~c~s~ a~ shall take efffect and be in force on the e~r~ion of t~rt~ (~0) days ~er i~a adoption. ~nt~duc~ th~s /7~ day of ~an~ry, Paaa~ ~d adopt~ as ~ ord~n~ce of the C~ty of ~ou~h follo~- .oes, Counci~ Absent, Councilmen Approved: Mayor o~ ~he C[~y of South San Francisco