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Ord 299-1950
The City C~::uncil of the City of Soutti San Francisco does ordain ~s follows: ',~}iEi:E,,S the city council of t~,e City of Soat],~ San Francisco did, prior to tire 17th day of Ju~_., 1~5(;, receive a written petition from TEE STONECltEST COhPOIt~TIOi~, a corporation organized ~nd existing under t}:e L~ws of the 5t~te of California, to ~mex to said City of Soutt~ San Fr~ncisco t~e uninhabited territory hereinafter described; and ,,~.~cE~,S the territor'y herein~_~fter described is the territory sought, in said petition, to be included in said City of South S~n ..... z ranczsco and is in fi. ct unirfl, ahited territory and is conti~,:uous to said City of Souti~ San f'r~ncisco; council did p~ss its certain resolution giving notice of the pro- posed annext~tion of the uninh~_~bited territory t:er'ein~fter described to said City of South San l r:mcisco and did, in said resolution, fix i'.onday, the 7th day of ~uf:~ust, 1950, at the hour of S o'clock p.m., in the Council Chamber in the City tiail of said Cit? of Soutt~ San Fr~ncisco, ~s t};e time .and pl4ce w}~en .ind where ar~y persons owing re~t property within tt,e territory t:ereinafter des- cribed, 4nd so proposed to be .=nnexed, .~d i:aving ~nv objections to the proposed annex4:ion of s~id territory may appear before said city council and st~ow cause w]:y s~id territory st~ould not be so annexed, and did, in s~id resolution, find ii,at said THE S~t)lJmCth,oT COh~Oh.,iI is the ownez' of more th~n one-fourth (1/~.) of the :~rea of tt~e land.~erein.:~fter described and represents moz'e th~n one-fourth (1/'~) of tie ass~.:s~ed v:=lue of said territory, according to the 1.~st preceding e~lualized asses~r-~ent roll of tLe County of San llateo; ~nd s~id city codncil did, in said resolu- tion direct tt';at tLe city clerk of sai~ city cause ~ copy of said resolution to ~e publis~..ed once .~ week for two (2) succes- sive weeks :~rior to the 7th cL~y of ~uxust, in t~e SOUTIi Fk, d'~Ci~CO L[~TEki~t~ISE-JO~I'L~L, a ~eekly newspa~er of general 'c ir- cml~tion t~ublisl~ed in s,:_~id City of Soutt: San Francisco; and "~IiEkEaS said resolution w,:.~s publisixed in sa~id SOCTEo,~ ~:' ~'' ~.~,~.~w,~ ~"~iSGO L~JTEkPkISE-JOUtLi~L on the follo~ing dates: July 20, '1950, July 27, 1950, and August 3, 1950; ~,2}iEkEkS no person h.:ts filed or ~aade any written or other ~rotest .~Fai~t ti~e annex,:~tion of said territory, Cztv oo~o} S=n br~ncmsco; p.:~rt thereof, t0 said '~ . of ~' ' I'~OL, TIh]iZL~'Oi~E, said city council does ord~in as follows: Section i. Said city council does hereby deter- r~ine that ~ SiO~'~l. Ck~o~ CCkPOkATIOi~ is tt~e owner of more t~:an one-fourth (l/g) of ti:e ,=rea of tLe land herein~fter ~escribed ,~nd represents ~tore tLan one-fourth '(1/1~) of t):e assessed value of said territory, accorain~ to the l~.~st preceding equz~lized assessment roll of tLe County of S~ ][~teo, and t]:~t said land is in f~ct uninh.~bited territory ~nd is contiguous to said City of South San ~rancisco. Section 2. Said tit7 council does hereby approve the annexation to said City of So,ti: San Fr:~ncisco of tLe territory described ~s follows: BLGII'.[LI~[G =t a point on tl~e corporate lir~tits ~' oo~th Sa'~ Francisco, s~id point line of the Czty of ©" being the point of intersection of tke ~ortl:e~oterly line of tl~e 80 foov ri[~t~t of way of tJ;e Cmt; ~nd County of S~n Francisco ~..itl~ tLe ~ort~;xesterly line of f~lock 9, as said block is design~ted on tl:e r~:.~p entitled filed in the office of tl:e Xecorder of t~ e~ount¥ ''~ of San ~'~ 15l~6 in book 25 I'~teo, St=te of C~lii'or'nia, on li~rck ~z, of i]a~-)s at P~]es~ ,~c '~', 29, and 30; thence i'rom said point of beginning along said corporate lir::its line, said line being~ :~iso tt':e ilort]twesterly line of l[~nct~o .~zrm 3uri Su~:aivioion ~'~o I, c~nd along ti:e Soutk~;esterld proionga- tion o1'sama lines Southwesterl'. to ti~e Soutl~esterl,? line of Junipero Serra lk:u.lew~rd; t}:ence i:ortttv~esterly --2-- alon[~[ ti~e South~ester!y line of J~,ipero Serra ~ouie- w~rd to t}~e 5outl~e,~s~erl~~ ii~e of t~e 62.52 acre tract conveyed to i~'r~'~ L~or~rsino by Deed recorded in book 235 of Seeds at page ~52, S~n 12,~teo County i~ecor(~.s; the most So~t,~erly corner of s~id 6~.52 ~cre tr~.ct; t]'~ence along.~ the bound,~ry of said 62.52 acre tr~zct and the bound~ry of t)~e 179.11 acre tract o.~nveyed to Oliver D. }~amlin by Ueed recorded in Book 259 of Deeds at p~ge 366~ San ][~teo County ]~ecords, J'~orthwesterly and Jlort]~easterly to tLe 5outherly corner of 53.95 ~cre tract conveyed to ~,illi~m E. Ar~t~ et al by Deed recorded in Book 210 of Deeds at p~ge 79, S~n ~Jateo County ~ecords; thence along the boundary of s~id 53.95 acre tract Northwesterly and ~.~ortJ:e~;teriy to t~e SouChe~'ly co~'ner o~' the Cypress Lawn Ce~;~etery, sai~ corner being on the corporate limits line o~' the Town of Colma; thence ~ort~e~,sterly along ~J~e e~ste~"~!y line of Cypress Lawn Cemetery and the corporate limits line of the Town of Colm~ to the line of E! C~,~ino ~eai; tLence SoutLe~sterly along tLe I~orthe~steriy line of E1 C~ino ~e~l to the ~.;orthwesterly line of tt~e aforementioned L~gom~rsino 02.52 acre tract; thence [[ortheasterly along the ~ortl~westerly line of said 62.52 ~cre tract to the Southwesterly line of ~k~rhet Street l[ailway and the corporate lib]its line of the Town of Colma~; thence Southeasterly along said corporate limits line to tl~e Southeasterly line of said 62.52 acre tract; thence Southwesterly along t}~e So~the~sterly line of said 62.52 ~icre tr~ct to. tt:e [Tortl~easte~ly line of E1 C~,'~i~o ileal; thence Soutl'easterly along the i'[orti'~euster!y line of i~1 Camino }[e,al to its intersection with the corporate limits line of ti~e oout~ S~ l,'r~nczsco; thence Soutl.,westcrly along said corpor~xte limits line to' tl~e Soutt~westerly line of Camino ![eat; thence [~orthwesterly along tl~e Southv;esterly lille of E1 C~'~ino i~eal to ti~e Soutl~e~ster!y line of the afore~'~entioned 02.52 acre tract; tt~ence Southwesterly along tl~e Southeasterly line of s~id 62.52 acre tract to the ~,[orthe~sterly line of the 80 foot rig~,t of %.~y of the Cit), and County of San Fr~ncisco; thence Southeasterly along the [.~ortl~easterl] line of said ~]'(, foot rigi~t of way to the point of beginning. Section 3. Tt~is ordin,=nce shall be published by one (1) insertion in the SOUTt~ S~N ?t~,~['~]CISCO a weekly newspaper of general circui~tion printed ~nd ~ublisi~ed in said City of Sout'~ San Fr~,ncisco, and sl~a!l take effect and 5e in force upon the e~.3iration of thirty (30) d<~ys following its passage. Introduced this 7th day of 3~u~iust, i~,!5C. Passed ~nd ~dopted ~s an ordin~nce of ti:e City of South San ?r~ncisco ~t a r~',ul~r ~,~eeting of t]~e City Council of -3- the City of $oatt~ San £r~x~'~cisco this 21st d~y of August t95C, b~ t4e following vote: Ayes, Councilmen ~i~or Boido, Charles K. ~der, Adolph Sani, Jose~ ~acco Noes, Com~cilmen None ~.~bsent, Councilmen ~lio Cortesi T~e foregoing ordinance is hereby a~,proved by me, as I':iayor of t~e ~i~y of ~outL San Fr~mcisco, this 21st d~y of Au~st 1 o 5 O Soutt[ S~n ~ ranc~sco. ,kttest: