HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/12/1959 South. CALL: III o Commissioner Christensen, Claar, , inez Wells Robertson Commissioner (until 8: P.M..) Absent~ Commissioner inez moved that the minutes , be approved as presented. Commissioner Christensen seconded motion which was passed by all members {I 6 Cbairmal1 RobertSOn ,._ontia tbe .peDi.ng of 'be pub1tc h..ring on this malter unt11 Commi..ioner Brade:Do. al'rival at 8:40 Po This matter was also held for full attendance of the Commi..'8.. later Ie the me.ting. ZONING TO CREATE P-I CLASSIFICATION aDd nO that a val" ChairmaD RobertsoD opened the public bearlDg I eAT ION on the VariaDce 'p,lieati.B of Fred Ambrosio, 600 Hillside Boulevard, to main'aiD a two side ya~d iust.ad of ,the required f1ve foot (5'i) On exisl1Dg , for addit10D of two (2) .,artments attacbed 08 aDd LaiDe.. . Ambr8sio appeared to speak in favor of Ihe appiieatioQ oa. appeared to prot..t. PI..ning CODsultaDt Harri.Go .'.'ed DoebjectioD to the \1ul'1"'1a888 a. tbis .auld merely confirm pI'8,,10'8.1]7 issued CD tbe existing building. Bemmi,seione.r .arttn.. sugg..tedtbat tbe buil.diDgs sho.ld liD. aDd be .ould prefer that tbe emere.ellment be made' ar yard; hewever, this was 110t compulsory. ~ClmmISs1oD.r Wells movedlbe bearing be closed; Commissione.. ed the motioD wh.icb was p..sed by all members present. ssioner WeJ.ls introduced Resolation No" 1023 grIJDting iUlbrosio Varianee. Ayes~ Commissioner Martinez the ROLL Noes, tt Absent, " Abstained from Cbristen..:., Claar. Martinez, Wells aDd RoberlsoD None Bradea voti.ng: Commiss;louer Gardner 'Chairm.an Robertson opera.d tbe p.blic beairiDg en the Variance ApplicatioD of Eyaa e Ahlgren, 213 Ha..lwood Drive, to maintain e bu.ilding line ..tback of three feet (3') lost..d of required f (5.(1) OD Lot 17 \t Block 13, Brentwood 14002. " Ahlgrea appeared to speak in fa"or of tbe application GO one appeared to speak agai_1t it. cg ConsultaDt Harrison advised tbat this home aDd it all have the 3 foot clearaulce setback rathe'r five foot clearance" This is another ease where being made and it is Dot pOSSible to remove tbe hOlls. to conform withtbe ordl.aace. oner lIarti'uez rem111ded tbe members that tbere 1s tbe City CouDcil to take under advi..me.t. the ..tback on all existing properties. ner lIarti... meved tbe hearing be closed; Commiss_aer oded the mstieo whicb was passed by all members pre.ento Martinez introduced Resolution . 1024 iance.. it 9t , , Robertson , i ne z , t 'd) (cont*d) construct 1111 , t . " . over to '" '1\1 f t f f if