HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 303-1950 APPt~OViNG T~iE ANNEX,~TIO~ OF I'~SSION G,d~DENS TO 1 The City Council of the City of South S~n ~[~~ does ordain ~s follows: W}~EI-LEAS the city council of the City of South San Francisco did, prior to the 22nd d~y of June, 1950, receive a written petition from Pacific Coast Construction Company, a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of California, to annex to s:~id City of South San Francisco the un- inhabited territory hereinafter described; and ~HERE;.S the territory hereinafter described is the territory sought, in said petition, to be included in said City of South San Francisco and is in fact uninhabited territory and is contiguous to said City of Soatk S~,n /r..,ncisco; and ,.t;Ei~E~,S, on t}~e 22nd d~y of June, 1950, said city council did pass its certain resolution giving notice of the proposed annexation of the uninh;xbited territory hereinafter described to said City of South San Francisco ~nd did, in said resolution, fix the 17th day of July, 1950, at tie hour of S o'clock p.~., in the Council Chamber in the City Hall of said City of South S~_~n Francisco, ~s t~e time and place when ~nd where any persons owning real property ) within the territory hereinafter mescribed, ,~nd so [:roposed to be annexed, and having ~ny objections to t},e proposed annexation of said territory may appear before said city council ~nd show cause why s~,id territory should not be so annexed, undid, in said resolution, find that said Pacific Coast Construction Comp,~ny is tke owner of more than one-fourth (1/L+th) of the area of the l~nd hereinafter described and represents more th~n one-fourth (1/L~th) of the ,~ssessed wxlue of said territory, according to t[,e last preceeding equalized assessment roll of the County of San ~.:~teo; .md s.~id City Council did, in s~id resolution direct that the city clerk of said city c~use = copy of said resolution to be published once a week for two (2) successiw~ weeks prior to tt~e 17th day of -July, 1950, in the South S~n Francisco Enterprise-Journal, a weekly newspaper of general circulation published in s~id City of Sout~ San Francisco; and ~E~EAS said resolution w~s ~ublished in s~id South San ~r~nc~sco Lnterprise-~urn~=l on the following dates: June 29, 1950, juIy 6, 1950, and July 13, 1950; and LhEI";L2;S no person h~s filed or made ~ny written or oti~er protest ~gainst tt'~e ~nnexation of said territory, or any pact thereof, to s~i~ C~ty of South S~n ~,runc~sco; ..... "~"~ "'~' s~id city council does ordain as NO~'~, ~h~t~ Otto, fo llo~s: Section 1. Said City Council does hereby determine that Pacific Coast Construction Company is the ovmer of more th~n one-fourth (1/4th) of tl~e ~rea of the l~nd hereinafter described and represents more than one-fourth (1//gth) of the ~ssessed value of aaid territory, according to the last preceeding'e~tualized ~ssessment roll of the County of San Idateo, and that s.~id l~nd is in fact uninhabited territory ~nd is contiguous to said City of South San Francisco. Section 2. S~id City Council does hereby approve the annexation to said City of South S~n Francisco of the territory described as follows: BEGI~ING at a point in the south~esterly line of the Old County Road from San Francisco to San Jose, known as the Old [[ission l~oad, s~id point being on the ~esterly corporate limits line of the City of South San t rancisco, s.=id point ~lso being tLe intersection of s,.~id southwesterly line of the Old ~.[ission Road ~.~ith ti~e soutLwesterly extension of the southeasterly line of tl,,e 26.593 acre parcel of land described in Parcel Three of that certain Decree of Distri- bution had in the ~'.~atter of the Estate of Giuseppe Lag~arsino, et al, to ~iay Lagomarsino, et ~i, ~ certified-copy oi' which was dated July 29, 1935 ~nd recorded August 3, 1935 in Boob 662 of Official ~ecords of S~n [[ateo County ~t page C7 (62665C); tLence from s~id point of beck, inning, northv~esterly along said southwesterly line of the Old ~[ission Road 1900 (2 feet, more or less, to~ ~he intersection of said line of the Old l'iission t~oad with the south~esterly e×tension of the northwesterly line of the 13,215 Acre parcel of land of Antonio Scopesi and ~ife, as described in Deed from Agostino ~rmanini and wife, dated January ~, 1936, and recorded Janua~ry 9, 1936 in Bo~ok 673 of Official Records of San I~'iateo County at page 261 (71767C); thence northeasterly along said extension and said nort~westerly line of the l~nds of Scopesi 3260 feet, more or less, to the most ~iortherly corner thereof, s~id point being in the southe~sterly corporate limits line of the City of Colma, which line is also the southwesterly line of the subdivision designated on the "~,']ap of the l~nds of t~e Abbey Homestead Association", whic~ m~p was filed in the office of the ~-~ecorder of the County of ~' ~an 1Uateo, State of California on J~nuary 2, 1872 in Boob 15 of Deeds at p~£~es 2 and 3 ,~nd copies entered in Boot.: "B" of I,aps. at page ~3 and i]ool~ 1 of Y~aps ~t page 1~; th~.nce alon~:] s~id corporate limits line of the City, of Oolm~, so't~theasterly 9~0 feet, more or less, ~nd northeasterly 100 feet, more or less, to the intersection of said corpor~te limits line with the southwesterly line of t!illside i~oulevard; thence leaving the corporate limits line of the City o'f Colma ~nd following said southwesterly line of Hillside Boulevard southeasterly 600 feet, more or less, to the northwest corner of the corporate limits of the City of South Sun i'~rancisco, said point being th'e most easte~rly corner of the above mentioned lands described in said Decree of DistriLution had in the I'.'~atter of the Estate of Giuseppe Lagomarsino; tLence southwesterly- along said corporate limits line 31~70 feet, more or less, to the point of beginning. Section 3. This ordinance shall be published by one (1) insertion in The South S~n Francisco Enterprise-Journal, a weekly newspaper of general circulation printed ,~nd published in said City of South San t,~r~ncisco, and shall ta~ke effect and be in force upon the expiration of thirty (30) d~ys following its passage. Introduced this 17th d.~y of July, 1950. Passed and Adopted as an ordinance of the City of South San f'rancisco at a regular meeting of tt~e City Council of the City of South S~n Francisco this 12th d~y of September 1950, b~.' the folto~'ing vote: Ayes~ Councilmen Victor Boido, Charles K. Elder, ~&dolph Sani, Joseph Bracco Noes, Councilmen None Absent, Councilmen Emilio Cortesi The foregoing ordinance is hereby ~ipproved by me, as Hayor of the City of South San Francisco~ this 12thd~y of Septmmber , of South San Francisco Attest: