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MAR 16 1951
ORdnANCE NO. 310
~e City Co~oll of the City of South San ~ollco
does often ao followt~
be~ the zon~ oFd~neo off oa~d e~tT, ~ he.b7 rended as
$oo~lon 1. ~e land in sald city ~xt
described ~s heFeby so~d ao R-~. ~e l~d laot hoFe~nbefo~ ~nt~oned
oonslsto of all t~se oertaln lots oF p~oels of land sltu~ In the
C~t7 or South ~ ~e~seo, Co~t7 of ~ htoo, State of
~d described ao ffollows~ Lots nubo~ed th~Fteen (1~) ~d
(1~), ~teno~on Ho. 2; O~a~ Avenue.
8eot~on ~. ~o land ~n sa~d c~t~ next and he~e~teF
deseF~bed ~s heFeby zoned as R-2. ~e l~d laot he~o~nbeffoFe ient~oned
consists off all t~t certain lot off l~d s~t~to ~n tho C~ty off South
3~ ~o~seo, County off 3~ hteo, State off Cal~ffo~n~a, ~d deoeF~bed
as ffollows~ Lot ~bo~ed twent~o8even (~7) ~n block n~e~ed one
h~ed and th~ty, (1~0), ao ohoen upon t~t ceFta~n ~p
"South 3an ~ane~soo, 3~ ~teo Co. Cal. ~lat No. 1,~ which
f~led ~n the off,ce of the Co~ty RecordeF off the Count~ off
State off California, ~oh 1, 18~2, and Feco~ded ~n hp Book Ho.
~e ~f.
~ee~on ~. ~e ~d ~n oa~d e~t~ next heFe~ffter des-
cF~bed ~s heFeby zoned as C-1. ~e land last he~e~nboffo~e mentioned
consists of ~t certain l~d sit. re In the Cl~ of 3curb 8~ ~anolsoo,
Count7 off S~ ~teo, State off Cal~fo~a, and described ao
Lot ~beFed ~entF-six (~6) in Block n~bered ten (10), ao sho~ on
t~t ce?rain ~p entitled, "Section Welt of Rail~ad of the ~wn of
Baden, PaFt of ~chc B~i~i, County of ~n hteo, California,"
which ~p was filed in the office of the Recorder of the Co~ty of
~teo, Califo~ia, November 30, 1891, in Book E of 0rigi~l
~age ~.
3eetion ~. X~nd in said oity next hereinafter des-
oribed is zoned as R-3. Land last hereinbefore mentioned
of all those oertain iota of l~d s~e in ~he City of 3outh 3an
Yr~ciloo, Ooun~ of San ~eo, 0~a~e of 0alifo~la, ~d deloribed
as follows~ ~o~s nubered seventeen (17) ~d eighteen (18) in
Bloom ~bered e~ bused ~en~y-oix ~ one-~lf (1~6-1/~), as
oho~ on ~ eer~ain ~p en~i~led~ "Sou~h S~ ~anoisoo, S~ ~eo
~o. Cal. Pla~. No. 1," which ~p was filed i~ ~he offloe of
Reeorder of ~he 0o~y of San ~eo, 0alifo~la, ~oh 1, 1892, and
recorded ~ hp Boo~ Ho. 2 a~ Pqe ~2.
SesSion ~. ~io o?dl~noe s~ll be published shoe
~he ~e~rtse~ou~h 3~ ~aneisoo ;o~1, a uee~ly neuspapre p~b-
li~ed ~d ~eula~ed In ~he 0i~y of 8ou~h ~n ~olsoo ~ o~ll
~e effeo~ and be in foroe on ~e e~l~lon of ~hl?~y (~O) days
after i~s adoption.
Xn~r~uoed ~his 5~h ~y of Feb--,
~alled and adop~ed al an ordi~ee of ~he Oily of
8ou~h ~n Yr~elsoo a~ a re~l~ we~i~ of ~he Ol~y 0o~oil of
the City of South hn ~anoisco this 19th ~y of Yeb~y.
1951. by the folloui~ vote:
Ayes. Co~oil~n Victor Boido. Charles K. Elderf Adolph Sani;
Joseph Bracco. F~ilio Cortesi
Hoes. Co~eilmen None
Absent. Co.olden None