HomeMy WebLinkAboutOrd 312-1951
The City Council of' the City of' ~outh San Lsco does
as ]?ollows:
Section 1. A public dance· within the of this
· is any dance to which the public is , and which
is held conducted for profit· or at which admission fee is
charged persons attending the dance, whe such admission
fee be at the door, or throug~ the of tickets, or in
any other Dr whatsoever, or any at any place
where liquor· wine or any other commodity is
sold· whether dance be ¢ ,ithin the room in which such
intoxicating liqu¢ wine, or beer or other commodity is sold· or
in any other room ;ed
Section 2. It be unl.awful for any person, firm
or corporation, to carry on or participate with the
opening, conducting, or on any public dance in the City of
South San Francisco, procuring a permit for that purpose from
the City Council of~e City South San Francisco.
Section--3/Any ~ i Lon for a permit to conduct a
shal~be in writing shall set forth the name or
of the ap .p~icant or app the time when and the place
where it is pro..~°sed to hold or a public dance in any place
where intoxic?%ing liquor, wine, beer,o~o other commodity is act
sold. If th~ application be for the condu~ f a public dance in
any place Where intoxicating liquor, wine· o~beer, or other eom-
modity iS sold· the application shall contain t~ name or names of
the applicant or applicants and the address of where
dances are to be conducted.
Section ~. No public dance shall be conducted at night
in any place which is not continuously well-illuminated
by bright lights of electricity. No publi, shall
be in the day time in any place which is well-illu-
sunlight unless such place shall be c¢ sly well-
~ ;d with bright lights of electricity.
ection 5. No immoral or shall be per-
mitted at time.
ion 6. No minor under age of eighteen (18) years
shall be to dance in any where intoxicating liquor,
wine, beer, or commodity is sol or in any room connected
with such place business.
Section No woman be permitted to dance at any
place where intoxic ;ing ii, wine, beer, or other commodity is
sold or in any ~oom therewith ~uless she is escorted to
this place by a man age of eighteen (18) years who shall
continue to be present such place during all the times when such
woman may be present
Section 8. shall engage or be permitted to be
engaged in dancing any .lc dance while in an intoxicated con-
9. The or applicants for any dancing
permit shall allow any loud or rude conduct within the
place where is conducted.
15. Ail dancing at public dance shall cease
immediatel~ at 1 o'clock a.m. of any except Sunday, when such
dancing ~1 cease immediately at 12 o' ck midnight.
~ Section 11 No person, persons, or corporation shall
conduct a public dance of the character men1 .~d in Section 12 of
this ordinance, without having first paid to the icense collector
the fee required in said 3ection 12.
\ Section Any person, persons, firm or co
place ~here intoxicating liquor, wine, beer or o thej cOmmodity is
sold, o~in any other room c~nnected therewith,~/all pay to said.~ ,
city a l~cense fee of Twenty five Dollars ($25~.~u0; per year,
able annually in advance.
~ction 13. Whenever any public~ance is conducted in
any place wh~intoxicating liquor, wi~f beer, or other commodity
is not sol'd, t~ applicant or appl ~'~ shall ~equeB~ the attendance
of a police officer of the City of uth San Francisco during the
continuance of such public dance Shall pay to such police of
ricer such sum of ~ney as the Council may determine to be
reasonable at the of the permit for such public
Section 1~. any public dance is conducted at
any place, where intoxic~ liquor, wine, beer, or other commodity
is sold, a police off~ enter such place of business at any
time while dancing going o and, if from his observations and
information, he have reason o believe that some violation of
law or of this o: ~ with res' ct to the conduct of the dance
has occurred likely to occur, shall have the authority to
immediately o~der discontinuance of dance. Any refusal on the
part of the~.~older or holders of the for such dance, or on
the part o~!~ any person or persons ~ in such dance, shall
constitu$~ a ~iB~eme&a~r and shall be puni ~s provided for in
this o~dinance.
Section 15. In any case where a public may be con-
ducted for some charitable purpose, the City ¢ dispense
with the attendance of a police officer at such dance.
ordinance'hall be assignable or transferrable. ~//
~2tion 17. Any person or persons wh~/Violate any pro-
vi'sion of th~. ordi~ce sh~l be guilty of ~'~sdeme~or ~d,
upon oonvicltl~, thereof, sh~l be p~ish~'?by a f~e of not less
($~0.00), °r by ~tso~nt Z~r a p~iod of thirty (~) ~ys, or
by bo~h Such fine ~i~riso~ent/'~
tion of this ordi~ce ~{ be ~ended.
Introduced this day of~, 1951.
Passed ~d as ordi~ce of the City of
8ough S~ ~cisco a re~l~ ~ging of ghe cigy co.oil of
the Ci~y of South ~clSco ~~ day of ~~~,
1951, by the vote:
~:~ APPROX. _~.
~yor of the ~ity of ~ou%h
S~ ~cisco.