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Environmental Setting, Impacts, and Mitigation
Geology and Soils
751 Gateway Boulevard Project 4.6-1 September 2020
ICF 0662.19
4.6 Geology and Soils
4.6.1 Introduction
This section describes the environmental and regulatory setting for geology and soils. It also describes
impacts associated with geology and soils that would result from implementation of the proposed
project and mitigation for significant impacts where feasible and appropriate.
4.6.2 Environmental Setting Physiography
South San Francisco comprises three distinct topographic zones: a lowland zone, primarily east of
U.S. 101, underlain by deposits of bay mud up to 80 feet; an upland zone, mostly urbanized with cut
and fill in some areas superimposed over alluvial soils of the Colma Creek floodplain; and a hillside
zone with some slopes of more than 30 percent, with soils characterized as sandy and gravelly
loams having generally high to very high erosion potential. The project site is in the lowland zone at
approximately 34 to 21 feet above mean sea level. It gently slopes from west to east, toward
Gateway Boulevard. Subsurface Conditions
The project site is underlain by medium-dense to very dense sands, with some very stiff to hard
clays overlying residual soil. Bedrock was encountered at depths between 40.5 feet below ground
surface (bgs) and 80 feet bgs. Rock was not encountered in some borings, including boring LB-8,
which extended to 101.5 feet bgs. Within the building footprint, bedrock is expected to be present
approximately 40 to 75 feet bgs. Seismicity and Seismic Hazards
Primary Seismic Hazards
Surface Fault Rupture
The project site is not located within an Alquist-Priolo earthquake fault zone and no known fault or
potentially active fault exists on the project site.1 The nearest fault is the Hillside fault, located
approximately 0.3 mile south of the project site. The Hillside fault is pre-Quaternary (i.e., older than
1.6 million years or without recognized Quaternary displacement), and a review of the Quaternary
Fault and Fold Database as well as the Fault Activity Map of California concluded that the Hillside
fault was inactive, with the latest activity occurring at least 1.6 million years ago. In a seismically
active area such as the San Francisco Bay Area, the possibility of future faulting occurring in areas
where faults have not been mapped is small but the possibility exists.
1 California Geologic Survey, 2000. San Francisco South Quadrangle Earthquake Fault Zones and Seismic Hazard
Zones Map, released November 17, 2000. Available: http://gmw.conservation.ca.gov/SHP/EZRIM/Maps/
SAN_FRANCISCO_SOUTH_EZRIM.pdf. Accessed May 10, 2018.
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Environmental Setting, Impacts, and Mitigation
Geology and Soils
751 Gateway Boulevard Project 4.6-2 September 2020
ICF 0662.19
Seismic Ground Shaking
Ground shaking is the most widespread hazardous phenomenon associated with seismic activity.
The project site is within a seismically active area that will most likely experience periodic minor
earthquakes and a major earthquake (i.e., moment magnitude greater than 6) on one of the nearby
faults during the service life of the project. Table 4.6-1 identifies the major faults in the project area
and their distance from the project site. The San Andreas, Hayward, and Calaveras faults are the
most active and have the highest probability of experiencing a magnitude 6.7 or greater earthquake
in the next 30 years.
Table 4.6-1. Regional Faults and Seismicity
Fault Segment
Distance from
Project Site (mile)
Project Site
N. San Andreas – Peninsula 3.1 West 7.2
N. San Andreas (1906 event) 3.1 West 8.05
San Gregorio Connected 8.7 West 7.5
N. San Andreas – North Coast 13.0 Northwest 7.5
Total Hayward 14.9 Northeast 7.0
Total Hayward-Rodgers Creek 14.9 Northeast 7.3
Monte Vista-Shannon 17.4 Southeast 6.5
Total Calaveras 23.6 East 7.0
Mount Diablo Thrust 34.9 Northeast 6.7
Green Valley Connected 28 Northeast 6.8
Rodgers Creek 29.8 North 7.1
Point Reyes 31.1 Northwest 6.9
Source: Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. 2019. Geotechnical Investigation, 751
Gateway Boulevard, South San Francisco, CA 75065-1501. November. Oakland, CA.
The San Andreas fault is the nearest active fault to the project site. Since 1800, four major
earthquakes have been recorded on the San Andreas fault. The Hayward fault experienced a major
earthquake in 1868, and the Calaveras experienced significant earthquakes in 1861 and 1984. The
2014 Working Group on California Earthquake Probabilities forecast that there is a 72 percent
chance that an earthquake with a magnitude 6.7 or greater in the San Francisco Bay Area over the
next 30 years.2 The intensity of earthquake ground motion at the project site would depend on the
characteristics of the generating fault, the distance to the earthquake epicenter, the magnitude, and
the duration of the earthquake.
2 The 2014 Working Group on California Earthquake Probabilities (2015). “UCERF3: A new earthquake forecast
for California’s complex fault system”, U.S. Geological Survey 2015–3009, 6 p.,
City of South San Francisco
Environmental Setting, Impacts, and Mitigation
Geology and Soils
751 Gateway Boulevard Project 4.6-3 September 2020
ICF 0662.19
Secondary Seismic Hazards
Liquefaction occurs when saturated soils lose cohesion, strength, and stiffness with applied shaking,
such as that from an earthquake. The lack of cohesion causes solid soil to behave like a liquid,
resulting in ground failure. When a load such as a structure is placed on ground that is subject to
liquefaction, ground failure can result in the structure sinking and soil being displaced. Ground
failure can take on many forms, including flow failures, lateral spreading, lowering of the ground
surface, ground settlement, loss of bearing strength, ground fissures, and sand boils. Liquefaction
within subsurface layers, which can occur during ground shaking associated with an earthquake, can
also result in ground settlement.
The project site is within an area that has not been evaluated for liquefaction or seismic landslides
by the California Geological Survey. The Health and Safety Element of the General Plan notes that a
large portion of the City, primarily east of U.S. 101, is underlain by deposits of bay mud, up to 80 feet
deep in some places, that could be subject to liquefaction. The geotechnical investigation prepared
for the project concluded that some of the subsurface soil layers could liquefy during an earthquake,
resulting in settlement on the order of 1 inch. The liquefiable layers do not appear to be continuous
and would not create bearing issues for the foundation. However, liquefaction could lead to
differential settlement.
Lateral Spreading
Lateral spreading is a phenomenon in which a surficial soil displaces along a shear zone that formed
within an underlying liquefied layer. The surficial blocks are transported downslope or in the
direction of a free face, such as a bay, by earthquake and gravitational forces. Lateral spreading is
generally the most pervasive and damaging type of liquefaction-induced ground failure generated
by earthquakes. San Mateo County, where the project site is located, has not been evaluated for
seismic hazard zones for liquefaction or seismic landslides.3 The geotechnical investigation
prepared for the project indicated that soils would need to consist of saturated, cohesionless sandy
sediments for significant lateral spreading to occur. In general, the potentially liquefiable soils
underlying the project site consist of clayey and silty sands that are not likely to be continuous
beneath the site. Therefore, the potential for lateral spreading at the project site is low. Expansive Soils and Weak Soils
Seismic densification can occur when strong ground shaking in loose, clean granular deposits above
the water table results in ground surface settlement. The geotechnical investigation prepared for the
project encountered approximately 13 feet of medium-dense to dense sand above the water table
and estimated that up to 0.5 inch of settlement could occur because of seismic densification.
However, the maximum predicted amount does not necessarily occur at the same locations.
Laboratory testing performed on near-surface samples of clay indicates that the site has low
expansion potential,4 with plasticity indices of 7 to 15. The geotechnical investigation prepared for
the project indicated that the project site has a low expansion potential.
3 California Geological Survey. 2020. Earthquake Zones of Required Investigation. Available:
https://maps.conservation.ca.gov/cgs/EQZApp/app/. Accessed: June 4, 2020.
4 Expansive soil undergoes volume changes with changes in moisture content.
City of South San Francisco
Environmental Setting, Impacts, and Mitigation
Geology and Soils
751 Gateway Boulevard Project 4.6-4 September 2020
ICF 0662.19 Landslides
Landslides occur when the stability of a slope changes from a stable to an unstable condition. The
stability of a slope is affected by the following primary factors: inclination, material type, moisture
content, orientation of layering, and vegetative cover. In general, steeper slopes are less stable than
more gently inclined ones. San Mateo County, where the project site is located, has not been
evaluated for seismic hazard zones for seismic landslides. In South San Francisco, the highest
landslide risk is near the south flank of San Bruno Mountain, which is approximately 1.5 miles north
of the project site. The project site, which is approximately 34 to 21 feet above mean sea level, slopes
gently from west to east, toward Gateway Boulevard. Therefore, due to the distance between the
project site and potential landslide areas, the likelihood of a landslide at the project site is low. Paleontological Resources
Geologic units present at the project site are older Holocene- and Pleistocene-aged continental and
marine deposits (Qc) at ground surface and the Franciscan Formation, specifically sandstone, shale,
and conglomerate (KJfss), at depth.5 The Holocene- and Pleistocene-aged continental and marine
deposits consist of sand, silt, clay, and gravel and include the Colma Formation, as at the project
site.6 The Colma Formation is a gravelly, sandy clay.7 The Franciscan Formation consists of chaotic
mixtures of rock masses in a sheared matrix.
The older Holocene- and Pleistocene-aged continental and marine deposits include the Colma
Formation, which is known to have yielded vertebrate fossils.8 At a site on Pacific Avenue in San
Francisco, Mammuthus (an extinct genus that belongs to the order of trunked mammals, including
mammoth) and Bison (bison) fossils were recovered. Furthermore, vertebrate paleontological
resources have been recovered from sites in South San Francisco from sediments of a similar age.
The University of California Museum of Paleontology identified remains of Alces (moose and elk)
and Equus (horse, donkey, and zebra) in this area.9
The geotechnical investigation identified the Franciscan Formation at depths exceeding the maximum
depth of excavation; however, because the project site is adjacent to a surface exposure of the
Franciscan Formation, it is possible that this unit could underlie areas of proposed excavation.
Paleontological resources records have identified significant fossils in the Franciscan Formation.10
Vertebrate paleontological resources recovered from this unit include Ichthyosaurus (San Joaquin
County) and Plesiosaurus (San Luis Obispo County). Although vertebrate fossils are uncommon in this
geologic unit, fossils have been important in understanding formation of the Franciscan Formation.11
5 Wagner, D.L., E.J. Bortugno, and R.D. McJunkin. 1991. Geologic Map Explanation of the San Francisco-San Jose
Quadrangle, California, 1991. Available: ftp://ftp.consrv.ca.gov/pub/dmg/pubs/rgm/RGM_005A/RGM_005A_
SanFrancisco-SanJose_1991_Sheet2of5.pdf. Accessed: March 12, 2020.
6 Ibid.
7 Rodda, P.U., and N. Baghai. 1993. Late Pleistocene Vertebrates from Downtown San Francisco, California. Journal
of Paleontology 67(5):1058–1063.
8 Ibid.
9 University of California Museum of Paleontology. 2020. Advanced Specimen Search, San Mateo County. Available:
https://ucmpdb.berkeley.edu/advanced.html. Accessed: March 12, 2020.
10 University of California Museum of Paleontology. 2020. Advanced Specimen Search, Franciscan Formation.
Available: https://ucmpdb.berkeley.edu/advanced.html. Accessed: March 12, 2020.
11 Wakabayashi, J. 1992. Nappes, Tectonics of Oblique Plate Convergence, and Metamorphic Evolution Related to
140 Million Years of Continuous Subduction, Franciscan Complex, California. The Journal of Geology 100:1(19-
40). Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press.
City of South San Francisco
Environmental Setting, Impacts, and Mitigation
Geology and Soils
751 Gateway Boulevard Project 4.6-5 September 2020
ICF 0662.19
4.6.3 Regulatory Framework Federal
Earthquake Hazard Reduction Act of 1977
Federal laws codified in United States Code Title 42, Chapter 86, were enacted to reduce risks to life
and property from earthquakes in the United States through the establishment and maintenance of
an effective earthquake hazards reduction program. Implementation of the requirements are
regulated, monitored, and enforced at the state and local levels. State
The Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act of 1972
The Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act of 1972 (Alquist-Priolo Act) (PRC Section 2621 et
seq.) is intended to reduce the risk to life and property from surface fault rupture during
earthquakes. The Alquist-Priolo Act prohibits the location and construction of most types of
structures intended for human occupancy12 over active fault traces and strictly regulates
construction in corridors along active faults. The California state geologist has established
regulatory zones along active faults,13 called “earthquake fault zones,” and published maps that
identify areas where surface traces of active faults are present.14
Seismic Hazards Mapping Act
The Seismic Hazards Mapping Act of 1990 (PRC Sections 2690–2699.6) directs the California
Geological Survey to identify and map areas that are prone to liquefaction and landslides resulting
from seismic evens. The act mandates project sponsors to have a site-specific geotechnical
investigation performed to identify potential seismic hazards and formulate mitigation measures
prior to permitting most developments within specific zoned areas.
California Building Standards Code
The California Building Standards Code, or state building code, is codified in CCR Title 24. The state
building code provides standards that must be met to safeguard life and limb, health, property, and
public welfare by regulating and controlling the design, construction, quality of materials, use and
occupancy, location, and maintenance of all buildings and structures within the state. The state
building code generally applies to all occupancies in California, with modifications adopted in some
instances by state agencies or local governing bodies. The current state building code incorporates,
by adoption, the 2018 edition of the International Building Code of the International Code Council,
with California amendments. These amendments include building design and construction criteria
that have been tailored for California earthquake conditions.
12 With reference to the Alquist-Priolo Act, a structure for human occupancy is defined as one “used or intended
for supporting or sheltering any use or occupancy that is expected to have a human occupancy rate of more than
2,000 person-hours per year” (CCR, Title 14, Division 2, Section 3601[e]).
13 An active fault, for the purposes of the Alquist-Priolo Act, is one that has ruptured in the past 11,000 years.
14 California Geological Survey. 2020. The Alquist-Priolo Earthquake Fault Zoning Act. Available:
http://www.conservation.ca.gov/cgs/rghm/ap. Accessed: March 17, 2020.
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Environmental Setting, Impacts, and Mitigation
Geology and Soils
751 Gateway Boulevard Project 4.6-6 September 2020
ICF 0662.19
Chapter 16 of the state building code deals with structural design requirements governing
seismically resistant construction (Section 1604), including, but not limited to, factors and
coefficients used to establish a seismic site class and seismic occupancy category appropriate for the
soil/rock at the building location and the proposed building design (Sections 1613.5 through
1613.7). Chapter 18 includes, but is not limited to, the requirements for foundation and soil
investigations (Section 1803); excavation, grading, and fill (Section 1804); allowable load-bearing
values of soils (Section 1806); foundations and retaining walls (Section 1807); and foundation
support systems (Sections 1808 through 1810). Chapter 33 includes, but is not limited to,
requirements for safeguards at work sites to ensure stable excavations and cut-and-fill slopes
(Section 3304) as well as the protection of adjacent properties, including requirements for noticing
(Section 3307). Appendix J of the state building code includes, but is not limited to, grading
requirements for the design of excavation and fill (Sections J106 and J107), specifying maximum
limits on the slope of cut-and-fill surfaces and other criteria, required setbacks and slope protection
for cut-and-fill slopes (J108), and erosion control through the provision of drainage facilities and
terracing (Sections J109 and J110).
California Division of Occupational Safety and Health Regulations
Construction activities are subject to occupational safety standards pertaining to excavation,
shoring, and trenching, as specified in California Division of Occupational Safety and Health
regulations (Title 8).
State Historic Significance Criteria
As discussed in Section, Significance Criteria, Appendix G of the California Environmental
Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines includes the following question: “Would the project directly or
indirectly destroy a unique paleontological resource or site?” Although CEQA does not define what
constitutes “a unique paleontological resource or site,” Section 21083.2 defines unique
archaeological resources as “an archaeological artifact, object, or site about which it can be clearly
demonstrated that, without merely adding to the current body of knowledge, there is a high
probability that it meets any of the following criteria:
l Contains information needed to answer important scientific research questions and that there is
a demonstrable public interest in that information.
l Has a special and particular quality, such as being the oldest of its type or the best available
example of its type.
l Is directly associated with a scientifically recognized important prehistoric or historic event or
This definition is equally applicable to recognizing a unique paleontological resource or site. CEQA
Section 15064.5(a)(3)(D) provides additional guidance, indicating that, generally, a resource shall
be considered historically significant if it has yielded, or may be likely to yield, information
important in prehistory or history.
The CEQA lead agency having jurisdiction over a project is responsible for ensuring that
paleontological resources are protected in compliance with CEQA and other applicable statutes. PRC
Section 21081.6, Mitigation Monitoring Compliance and Reporting, requires the CEQA lead agency to
demonstrate project compliance with the mitigation measures developed during the environmental
impact review process.
City of South San Francisco
Environmental Setting, Impacts, and Mitigation
Geology and Soils
751 Gateway Boulevard Project 4.6-7 September 2020
ICF 0662.19 Local
South San Francisco General Plan
The 1999 General Plan provides a vision for long-range physical and economic development of the
City, provides strategies and specific implementing actions, and establishes a basis for judging
whether specific development proposals and public projects are consistent with the City’s plans and
policy standards. The 1999 General Plan provides a vision for long-range physical and economic
development of the City, provides strategies and specific implementing actions, and establishes a
basis for judging whether specific development proposals and public projects are consistent with
the City’s plans and policy standards. The General Plan contains a Health and Safety Element, which
acknowledges and mitigates the risks posed by hazards (e.g., fire). The General Plan includes the
following policy applicable to seismic activity and geologic hazards:
l Policy 8.1-G-1: Minimize the risk to life and property from seismic activity and geologic hazards
in South San Francisco.
City of South San Francisco Building Code
The City Building Division enforces the minimum standards found in the various codes adopted by
the state through the Building Standards Commission and as adopted and amended by the City
Council. In particular, the City adopted by reference the California Building Standards Code, volumes
1 and 2 (2019 edition), as the building code for the City of South San Francisco.15
East of 101 Area Plan16
The East of 101 Area Plan, which was adopted in 1994 and most recently amended in 2016, sets forth
specific land use policies for the East of 101 Area. The City interprets the East of 101 Area Plan as a
design-level document. Per Policy IM-5, the Gateway Specific Plan is not affected by the land use
regulations of the East of 101 Area Plan. Therefore, the policies in the General Plan Health and Safety
Element are the guiding policies and supersede all Geotechnical Safety Element policies set forth in
Chapter 10 of the East of 101 Area Plan. Nonetheless, applicable policies from the East of 101 Area Plan
Geotechnical Safety Element are as follows:
l Policy GEO-1: The City shall assess the need for geotechnical investigations on a project-by-
project basis on site in areas of fill shown on Figure 17, and shall require such investigations
where needed.
l Policy GEO-2: Where fill remains under a proposed structure, project developers shall design
and construct appropriate foundations.
l Policy GEO-7: New slopes greater than 5 feet in height, either cut in native soils or rock, or
created by placing fill material, shall be designed by a geotechnical engineer and should have an
appropriate factor of safety under seismic loading. If additional load is to be placed at the top of
the slope, or if extending a level area at the toe of the slope requires removal of part of the slope,
the proposed configuration shall be checked for an adequate factor of safety by a geotechnical
15 South San Francisco Municipal Code Section 15.08.010.
16 City of South San Francisco. 1994. East of 101 Area Plan. Prepared by Brady and Associates. Available:
https://www.ssf.net/home/showdocument?id=508. Accessed: May 8, 2020.
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Geology and Soils
751 Gateway Boulevard Project 4.6-8 September 2020
ICF 0662.19
l Policy GEO-8: The surface of fill slopes shall be compacted during construction to reduce the
likelihood of surficial sloughing. The surface of cut or fill slopes shall also be protected from
erosion due to precipitation or runoff by introducing a vegetative cover on the slope or by other
means. Runoff from paved and other levels areas at the top of the slope shall be directed away
from the slope.
l Policy GEO-10: In fill areas mapped on Figure 17, a geotechnical investigation to determine the
true nature of the subsurface materials and the possible effects of liquefaction shall be
conducted by the project developer before development.
l Policy GEO-11: Development shall be required to mitigate the risk associated with liquefaction.
l Policy GEO-12: Structural design of buildings and infrastructure shall be conducted according to
the Uniform Building Code and appropriate local codes of practice which specify procedures and
details to reduce the effects of ground shaking on structures.
4.6.4 Impacts and Mitigation Measures Significance Criteria
Based on Appendix G of the CEQA Guidelines, the proposed project would have a significant geology
and soils impact if it would:
l Directly or indirectly cause potential substantial adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury,
or death involving:
¡ Rupture of a known earthquake fault, as delineated on the most recent Alquist-Priolo
Earthquake Fault Zoning Map issued by the State Geologist for the area or based on other
substantial evidence of a known fault. (Refer to Division of Mines and Geology Special
Publication 42.);
¡ Strong seismic ground shaking;
¡ Seismically related ground failure, including liquefaction;
¡ Landslides;
l Result in substantial soil erosion or the loss of topsoil;
l Be located on a geologic unit or soil that is unstable, or that would become unstable as a result of
the project, and potentially result in onsite or offsite landslide, lateral spreading, subsidence,
liquefaction, or collapse;
l Be located on expansive soil, as defined in Table 18-1-B of the Uniform Building Code (1994),
creating substantial direct or indirect risks to life or property;
l Have soils incapable of adequately supporting the use of septic tanks or alternative waste water
disposal systems where sewers are not available for the disposal of wastewater; or
l Directly or indirectly destroy a unique paleontological resource or site or unique geologic
City of South San Francisco
Environmental Setting, Impacts, and Mitigation
Geology and Soils
751 Gateway Boulevard Project 4.6-9 September 2020
ICF 0662.19 Approach to Analysis
Evaluation of the proposed project is based on the geotechnical investigation prepared for the
project, unless otherwise noted.17 The geotechnical investigation concluded that the proposed
project is feasible from a geotechnical standpoint, provided the recommendations included in the
investigation are incorporated into project plans and specifications.
In the California Building Industry Association v. Bay Area Air Quality Management District case,
decided in 2015,18 the California Supreme Court held that CEQA does not generally require lead
agencies to consider how existing environmental conditions might affect a project, except where the
project would significantly exacerbate an existing environmental condition. Accordingly, placing
new development in an existing or future seismic hazard area or an area with unstable soils is not
considered an impact under CEQA unless the project would significantly exacerbate the seismic
hazard or unstable soil conditions. Therefore, the analysis below evaluates whether the proposed
project would exacerbate existing or future seismic hazards or unstable soils at the project site and
result in a substantial risk of loss, injury, or death.
Paleontological Resources
The Standard Procedures for the Assessment and Mitigation of Adverse Impacts to Paleontological
Resources ( Procedures) 19 of the Impact Mitigation Guidelines Revision Committee of the Society of
Vertebrate Paleontology include procedures for the investigation, collection, preservation, and
cataloging of fossil-bearing sites. This includes the designation of paleontological sensitivity. The
Procedures are widely accepted among paleontologists and followed by most investigators. The
Procedures identify two key phases of paleontological resource protection, (1) assessment and
(2) implementation. Assessment involves identifying the potential for a project site or area to
contain significant, nonrenewable paleontological resources that could be damaged or destroyed by
project excavation or construction. Implementation involves formulating and applying measures to
reduce such adverse effects.
For the assessment phase, the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology uses one of four sensitivity categories
for sedimentary rocks (i.e., high, undetermined, low, no potential) to define the level of potential.20
l High Potential. Assigned to geologic units from which vertebrate or significant invertebrate,
plant, or trace fossils have been recovered as well as sedimentary rock units suitable for the
preservation of fossils (middle Holocene and older fine-grained fluvial sandstones, fine-grained
marine sandstones, etc.). Paleontological potential refers to the potential for yielding abundant
fossils, a few significant fossils, or recovered evidence for new and significant taxonomic,
phylogenetic, paleoecologic, taphonomic, biochronologic, or stratigraphic data.
17 Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, Inc. 2019. Geotechnical Investigation, 751 Gateway Boulevard,
South San Francisco, CA 75065-1501. November. Oakland, CA.
18 California Building Industry Association v. Bay Area Air Quality Management District, 62 Cal.4th 369. Opinion filed
December 17, 2015. Available: https://caselaw.findlaw.com/ca-supreme-court/1721100.html. Accessed: March
13, 2020.
19 Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. 2010. Standard Procedures for the Assessment and Mitigation of Adverse
Impacts to Paleontological Resources. Available: http://vertpaleo.org/Membership/Member-
Ethics/SVP_Impact_ Mitigation_Guidelines.aspx. Accessed: March 12, 2020.
20 Ibid.
City of South San Francisco
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751 Gateway Boulevard Project 4.6-10 September 2020
ICF 0662.19
l Undetermined Potential. Assigned to geologic units for which little information is available
concerning their paleontological content, geologic age, and depositional environment. In cases
where no subsurface data already exist, paleontological potential can sometimes be assessed by
subsurface site investigations.
l Low Potential. Field surveys or paleontological research may determine that a geologic unit has
low potential for yielding significant fossils (e.g., basalt flows).
l No Potential. Some geologic units have no potential to contain significant paleontological
resources (e.g., high-grade metamorphic rocks [gneisses and schists] and plutonic igneous rocks
[granites and diorites]).
The methods used to analyze potential impacts on paleontological resources and develop mitigation
for the identified impacts followed the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology’s Procedures.
l Assessment
¡ Identify the geologic units that would be affected by the project, based on the project’s depth
of excavation—either at the ground surface or below the ground surface, defined as at least
5 feet below the ground surface.
¡ Evaluate the potential of the identified geologic units to contain significant fossils
(paleontological sensitivity).
¡ Identify impacts on paleontologically sensitive geologic units as a result of near-term and
longer-term construction and operation that involve ground disturbance.
¡ Evaluate impact significance.
l Implementation
¡ According to the identified degree of sensitivity, formulate and implement measures to
mitigate potential impacts.
The potential of the project to affect paleontological resources is related to ground disturbance.
Geologic units at the project site were identified through California Geological Survey regional
maps.21 A determination regarding the presence of paleontological resources in the units was
based on the fossil record, as documented by the University of California Museum of
After the records search, the paleontological sensitivity of the units was assessed according to the
21 Wagner, D.L., E.J. Bortugno, and R.D. McJunkin. 1991. Geologic Map of the San Francisco-San Jose Quadrangle,
California, 1:250,000. Available: ftp://ftp.consrv.ca.gov/pub/dmg/pubs/rgm/RGM_005A/
RGM_005A_SanFrancisco-SanJose_1991_Sheet1of5.pdf. Accessed: March 12, 2020.
22 University of California Museum of Paleontology. 2020. Advanced Specimen Search, San Mateo County. Available:
https://ucmpdb.berkeley.edu/advanced.html. Accessed: March 12, 2020.
23 University of California Museum of Paleontology. 2020. Advanced Specimen Search, Franciscan Formation.
Available: https://ucmpdb.berkeley.edu/advanced.html. Accessed: March 12, 2020.
24 Society of Vertebrate Paleontology. 2010. Standard Procedures for the Assessment and Mitigation of Adverse
Impacts to Paleontological Resources. Available: http://vertpaleo.org/Membership/Member-
Ethics/SVP_Impact_Mitigation_Guidelines.aspx. Accessed: March 12, 2020.
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For the purposes of this analysis, an impact on paleontological resources was considered significant,
thereby requiring mitigation, if it would result in any of the following:
l Damage to, or destruction of, vertebrate paleontological resources.
l Damage to, or destruction of, any paleontological resource that:
¡ Provides important information about evolutionary trends, including the development of
biological communities;
¡ Demonstrates unusual circumstances in the history of life;
¡ Represents a rare taxon or a rare or unique occurrence;
¡ Is in short supply and in danger of being destroyed or depleted;
¡ Has a special and particular quality, such as being the oldest of its type or the best available
example of its type; or
l Provides information used to correlate strata for which it may be difficult to obtain other types
of age information. Impact Evaluation
Impact GEO-1: The proposed project would not directly or indirectly cause potential
substantial adverse effects, including the risk of loss, injury, or death involving rupture of a
known earthquake fault, strong seismic ground shaking, seismically related ground failure,
including liquefaction, or landslides. (Less than Significant)
Fault Rupture
As discussed in Section, Seismicity and Seismic Hazards, the project site is not within an Alquist-
Priolo earthquake fault zone, and no known potentially active fault exists in the vicinity of the project
site. In addition, the geotechnical investigation found no evidence of active faulting on the project site
and concluded that the risk of surface faulting and consequent secondary failure from previous
unknown faults is very low. Therefore, the project would not exacerbate the risk of surface fault
rupture and this impact would be less than significant. No mitigation is required.
Ground Shaking
As discussed in Section, Seismicity and Seismic Hazards, the project site is in a seismically
active area. The project site is expected to experience strong to violent ground shaking during a
major earthquake.25 However, the proposed project would comply with the California Building
Standards Code’s seismic requirements, which were established to reduce risks to life from damage
to newly constructed buildings due to seismic hazards. Therefore, the project would not exacerbate
the risk of ground shaking resulting from a seismic and this impact would be less than significant.
No mitigation is required.
25 A “strong” earthquake is defined on the Modified Mercalli Intensity scale as an VI. It would be felt by all and
cause damage to weak plaster, adobe buildings, and some masonry buildings. A “violent” earthquake is defined
on the Modified Mercalli Intensity scale as a IX. It could cause some masonry buildings to collapse and other
buildings shift off their foundations (see http://resilience.abag.ca.gov/shaking/mmi/).
City of South San Francisco
Environmental Setting, Impacts, and Mitigation
Geology and Soils
751 Gateway Boulevard Project 4.6-12 September 2020
ICF 0662.19
Soil Liquefaction
As discussed in Section, Seismicity and Seismic Hazards, the project site is within an area
that is underlain by deposits of bay mud. The geotechnical investigation concluded that some
underlying layers could liquefy during an earthquake. Therefore, the geotechnical investigation
recommends that the building foundation be designed to accommodate localized settlement under
the building footprint (i.e., up to 1 inch of differential liquefaction settlement between column
locations). The proposed project would comply with the recommendations in the geotechnical
investigation and standard regulatory requirements—including completion of a detailed
geotechnical investigation required by the California Building Code, which are adopted by
reference under the South San Francisco Building Code—and, therefore, would result in a less-
than-significant impact related to seismically related ground failure, including liquefaction. No
mitigation is required.
Seismic Densification
As discussed in Section, Expansive Soils and Weak Soils, the project site is underlain by
approximately 13 feet of medium-dense to dense sand above the water table. This could result in
seismically induced settlement of up to 2 inches within the proposed building footprint and 1 inch
outside the proposed building footprint. Therefore, the geotechnical investigation recommends
that the building foundation be designed to accommodate localized settlement under the building
footprint and entrances be designed to accommodate settlement. The proposed project would
comply with the recommendations in the geotechnical investigation and standard regulations
required by the California Building Code, which are adopted by reference under the South San
Francisco Building Code—and, therefore, would result in a less-than-significant impact related to
densification-induced settlement. No mitigation is required.
Lateral Spreading
As discussed in Section, Seismicity and Seismic Hazards, the clayey and silty sands
underlying the project site are not likely to be continuous; therefore, the potential for lateral
spreading at the project site is low. The proposed project would comply with standard regulatory
requirements—including completion of a detailed geotechnical investigation required by the
California Building Code, which are adopted by reference under the South San Francisco Building
Code—and, therefore, would result in a less-than-significant impact related to lateral spreading.
No mitigation is required.
As discussed in Section, Landslides, the project site has a gentle slope. It is not located in a
landslide risk area; therefore, the potential for a landslide occurring at or near the project site is
low. The proposed project would comply with standard regulatory requirements—including
completion of a detailed geotechnical investigation required by the California Building Code,
which is adopted by reference under the South San Francisco Building Code—and, therefore,
would result in a less-than-significant impact related to landslides. No mitigation is required.
City of South San Francisco
Environmental Setting, Impacts, and Mitigation
Geology and Soils
751 Gateway Boulevard Project 4.6-13 September 2020
ICF 0662.19
Impact GEO-2: The proposed project would not result in substantial soil erosion or the loss
of topsoil. (Less than Significant)
The project site, which is approximately 34 to 21 feet above mean sea level, slopes gently from west to
east, toward Gateway Boulevard. The proposed project would require grading or disturbing an area of
approximately 149,000 square feet during construction and excavating approximately 1,850 cubic
yards of soil that would be reused as fill on the site. The proposed project would not involve
substantial changes to the existing grade, and no unprotected, exposed soils at risk of substantial
erosion would remain on the project site. As discussed in Section 4.10.4, Hydrology, construction
activities associated with the proposed project must comply with the National Pollutant Discharge
Elimination System (NPDES) Construction General Permit, the Municipal Regional Permit (MRP), and
City’s General Plan and Municipal Code. These requirements include preparation and implementation
of a stormwater pollution prevention plan (SWPPP) that incorporates best management practices
(BMPs), such as the installation of erosion control measures (e.g., silt fences, staked straw
bales/wattles, silt/sediment basins or traps), geofabric, sandbag dikes, covers for stockpiles, or storage
precautions for outdoor material storage areas. Furthermore, the proposed project would comply with
the City’s standard conditions of approval, which requires a grading permit prior to any onsite grading.
The City’s grading permit requires applicants to have erosion control measures in place, such as de-
silting basins, silt fences, asphaltic emulsions, hay bales, fabric and sand filters, swales, and/or sumps.
Therefore, with adherence to the BMPs included in the SWPPP, compliance with the City’s standard
conditions of approval regarding grading, and compliance with the California Building Standards Code,
impacts related to soil erosion would be less than significant. No mitigation is required.
Impact GEO-3: The proposed project would not be located on a geologic unit or soil that is
unstable, or that would become unstable as a result of the project. (Less than Significant)
As discussed under Impact GEO-1, some of the layers below the water table could be susceptible
to liquefaction, resulting in settlement on the order of 1 inch after a seismic event. In addition,
seismic densification could occur in the 13 feet of medium-dense to dense sand above the water
table, resulting in about 0.5 inch of settlement. The geotechnical investigation estimated up to 2
inches of seismically induced settlement could occur within the proposed building footprint and 1
inch could occur outside the proposed building footprint.
Sand boils and liquefaction-related ground fissures can occur when surface layers above the
liquefiable soils are thin. Although liquefiable layers have been identified in borings, they are not
continuous and are located 20, 30, 45, and/or 60 feet below ground surface. Therefore, the
potential of sand boils or fissures during a seismic event is low.
Lateral spreading is a phenomenon in which a surficial soil displaces along a shear zone that
formed within an underlying liquefied layer. As discussed under Impact GEO-1, the geotechnical
investigation determined that the potential for lateral spreading at the project site is low and
instability would not occur as a result of the project.
Weak soils can compress or subside under the weight of buildings and fill, causing settlement
relative to the thickness of the weak soil. Usually the thickness of weak soil will vary, and
differential settlement will occur. Weak soils also tend to amplify shaking during an earthquake
and can be susceptible to liquefaction. The geotechnical investigation determined that the native
soil at the foundation level of the project site has moderate to high strength and relatively low
compressiblity. Therefore, the potential for settlement resulting from soil compression at the
project site is low.
City of South San Francisco
Environmental Setting, Impacts, and Mitigation
Geology and Soils
751 Gateway Boulevard Project 4.6-14 September 2020
ICF 0662.19
Dewatering, if it is extensive, can result in subsidence. To account for seasonal fluctuations in the
groundwater level, the geotechnical investigation considered groundwater levels to be
approximately 7.5 to 18.5 feet below ground surface.26 To accommodate utility trenches, the
project would require a maximum depth of excavation reaching approximately 9 feet below
ground surface. Given the range of groundwater elevation (7.5 feet to 18.5 feet below ground surface),
the proposed depth of excavation (9 feet), the specific areas of excavation, and the limited duration
of trenching activities, it is unlikely that groundwater would be encountered during project
construction. Therefore, construction dewatering is not anticipated. Nonetheless, if excavation is
performed during the wet season, the contractor would be prepared for dewatering. Because any
dewatering would be limited in geographic extent, in the unlikely event that dewatering is needed,
the amount of groundwater removed would be so small as not to pose a risk of subsidence.
The proposed project would comply with the recommendations in the geotechnical investigation
regarding the design of foundations, floor slabs, and other geotechnical aspects of this project. In
addition, the proposed project would comply with regulations required by the California Building
Code, which are adopted by reference under the South San Francisco Building Code. Therefore,
impacts related to potential liquefaction, lateral spreading, soil compression, and settlement and
subsidence due to dewatering in soil that is unstable, or could become unstable as a result of such
construction, would be less than significant. No mitigation is required.
Impact GEO-4: The proposed project would not be located on expansive soil, as defined in
Table 18-1-B of the Uniform Building Code (1994), creating substantial direct or indirect
risks to life or property. (Less than Significant)
As discussed in Section, Expansive Soils and Weak Soils, near-surface samples of clay from
the project site indicated that the site has low expansion potential, with plasticity indices of 7 to
15. The geotechnical investigation prepared for the project indicated that the project site has low
expansion potential. The proposed project would comply with standard regulatory
requirements—including completion of a detailed geotechnical investigation required by the
California Building Code, which are adopted by reference under the South San Francisco Building
Code—and, therefore, would result in a less-than-significant impact related to expansive soils.
No mitigation is required.
Impact GEO-5: The proposed project would not have soils that would be incapable of
adequately supporting the use of septic tanks or alternative wastewater disposal systems
where sewers are not available for the disposal of wastewater. (No Impact)
The proposed project would connect to South San Francisco’s sewer and stormwater collection
and treatment system. Therefore, the proposed project would not use a septic or alternative water
disposal system and would have no impact. No mitigation is required.
26 According to Langan Engineering and Environmental Services, the preparer of the geotechnical investigation for
the proposed project, the shallowest groundwater expected during the life of the project would be 7.5 feet below
ground surface. This estimate does not account for seal level rise. Ultimately, groundwater levels will depend on
season and precipitation.
City of South San Francisco
Environmental Setting, Impacts, and Mitigation
Geology and Soils
751 Gateway Boulevard Project 4.6-15 September 2020
ICF 0662.19
Impact GEO-6: The proposed project could directly or indirectly destroy a unique paleontological
resource or site or unique geologic feature. (Less than Significant with Mitigation)
As discussed in Section, Paleontological Resources, both geologic units underlying the
project site are known to have yielded significant fossils. The Colma Formation has yielded
vertebrate fossils, and the Franciscan Formation has yielded fossils that are important in
understanding this geologic unit. Therefore, the paleontological sensitivity of these geologic units
is high, and both have the potential to contain significant fossils.
Because paleontological resources are located below the ground surface, ground disturbances
such as excavating, grading, and resurfacing can affect any paleontological resources that may be
present. The proposed project would require grading or disturbing an area of approximately
149,000 square feet during construction. The proposed project would excavate approximately
1,850 cubic yards of soil that would be reused as fill on-site and would import an additional 750
cubic yards of soil to be used as fill on-site. To accommodate utility trenches, the project would
require a maximum depth of excavation reaching approximately 9 feet below ground surface.
Therefore, project construction would disturb geologic units with high paleontological sensitivity.
Destruction of any paleontological resources present at the project site would constitute a
significant impact. Implementation of Mitigation Measure GEO-1, Halt Construction Activity,
Evaluate Find, and Implement Mitigation for Paleontological Resources, would reduce this
significant impact on paleontological resources to less than significant with mitigation by
providing training for construction personnel related to the possibility of encountering fossils.
Construction personnel would learn the required actions to take in response to fossil discoveries,
such as ceasing all earthmoving activities within 25 feet of any potential fossil find and providing
for the recovery of fossils at the project site.
Mitigation Measure GEO-1: Halt Construction Activity, Evaluate Find, and Implement
Mitigation for Paleontological Resources
In the event that previously unidentified paleontological resources are uncovered during site
preparation, excavation, or other construction activity, the project sponsor shall cease or
ensure that all such activity within 25 feet of the discovery cease until the resources have been
evaluated by a qualified professional, and specific measures can be implemented to protect
these resources in accordance with sections 21083.2 and 21084.1 of the California Public
Resources Code. If the find is significant, a qualified paleontologist shall excavate the find in
compliance with state law, keeping project delays to a minimum. If the qualified
paleontologist determines the find is not significant then proper recordation and
identification shall ensue and the project will continue without delay. Cumulative Impacts
Impact C-GEO-1: The project, in combination with past, present, and reasonably foreseeable
future projects, would not result in a significant cumulative impact on geology and soils. (Less
than Significant)
In general, a project’s potential impacts related to geology and soils are individual and localized,
depending on the project site and underlying soils. Each structure will have different levels of
excavation, cut-and-fill work, and grading, which would affect local geologic conditions in different
ways. Therefore, the geographic context for geology and soils is site-specific. The cumulative
projects located within approximately 0.5 mile of the project site are described in Section 4.1.5,
Approach to Cumulative Impact Analysis, in this draft EIR and shown in Figure 4.1-1.
City of South San Francisco
Environmental Setting, Impacts, and Mitigation
Geology and Soils
751 Gateway Boulevard Project 4.6-16 September 2020
ICF 0662.19
The cumulative projects would be required to go through environmental and regulatory review and
comply with the California Building Code. Each project would also be required to have a site-specific
geotechnical investigation performed, which would provide design recommendations to reduce
each project’s impacts. Similar seismic safety standards and conditions of approval would apply to
the reasonably foreseeable future projects. For these reasons, the proposed project, in combination
with other past, present, and reasonably foreseeable future projects, would not result in a significant
cumulative geology and soils impact. The cumulative impact would be less than significant. No
mitigation is required.
Impact C-GEO-2: The proposed project would not result in a cumulatively considerable
contribution to significant cumulative impacts on paleontological resources. (Less than
Significant with Mitigation)
The geographic context for paleontology is specific to the geologic unit(s) affected. The cumulative
projects located within approximately 0.5 mile of the project site are described in Section 4.1.5,
Approach to Cumulative Impact Analysis, in this draft EIR and shown in Figure 4.1-1. The cumulative
projects could encounter paleontological resources. Depending on mitigation adopted for the
cumulative projects, the cumulative impact could be significant. If paleontological resources are
discovered during project construction, implementation of Mitigation Measure GEO-1 would ensure
that the proposed project’s contribution to cumulative impacts paleontological resources would be
less than cumulatively considerable with mitigation because it would require compliance with
state law, which would ensure that any information that can be recovered from any recovered
paleontological resources would be recorded and the find itself properly curated.