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September 28, 1970
of the regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission
8:00 P..M..
September 28, 1970
Council Chambers, City Hall
South San Francisco, California
MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chairman Campredon, Commissioners
Boblitt, Gardner, Raffaelli, Rosatij
Zlatunich, and Chairman Lazzari
.ALSO PRESENT: City Planner and Secretary to the South San
Francisco Planning Commission, Daniel r.1.. Pass
Assistant Planner William A. Timmons
Assistant City Engineer Raymond Maxwell
Bui Idil!lg Inspe ctor 'Roy c;lhi lardi
Minutes of the Planni~'1g Commission meeting of September 14, 1970..
Commissioner Zlatunich moved that the minutes of the regular
meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission of
Septe.inber 14, 1970, be approved; seconded by Commissioner Gardner;
passed by the following roll call vote;
Campredon, Boblitt, Gardner, Raffaelli, Rosati,
Zlatunich, and Lazzari
Chairman Lazarri announced that this meeting of the South San
Francisco Planning Commission would be recorded on tape, but
that anyone who wished to come before the Commission in order
to be heard, but objected to having his voice recorded in this
manner, could request the Chairman to order the tape recorder
turned Bioffn for hhe duration of the time that he is speaking
or is heard..
September 28, 1970
SA-8, Request of Theodore v. Tronoff Engineers for the extension
of Time of Recordation of the Final Maps of Westborough No.4.
Secretary Pass read the following letter and report into the re-
Letter, dated August 31, 1970, from Frank W. Aitken, Jr., Senior
Engineer of T. V. Tr<)noff, c. E.& Surveyors , Inc.
"On behalf of our clients, GMT Investors, of Houston, Texas,
we hereby request a one (1) year's extension on your March 1969
approval of the 'Tentative Map of Westborough Unit No.4, South
San Francisco, California'''.
"Since approval of the subject Tentative Map, work has proceed-
ed on t~e grading and the installation of storm drainage facilities
of this sitem It is anticipated that a Final Map, or maps for this
Unit will be filed within the one year extension period being re-
ques ted. II
"Your favorable consideration of this request will be appre-
ciated by all parties concerned."
Report, dated September 18, 1970, of City Planner Daniel M. Pass.
"1. The South San Francisco :Planning Commission, on March 10, 1969,
conditionally approved SA-8, tentative map of Westborough No.
4, representing the subdivi$ion of an approximately 100-acre
parcel of land, located at the southeasterly corner of West-
borough and Gellert Boulevards, in the R-3 District. The City
Council ratified the Commission's action on March 18, 1969."
"2m On July 13, 1970, the Planning Commission recommended that the
City Council conditionally approve the final map of Westborough
NO.. 4-A, which occupies about 30% of the parent parcel of West-
bOrQugh NOm 4.. The subject final map was approved by the City
Council on July 20, 1970, under Resolution 5356, but, a-t this
writing, is unrecorded.."
"3. AccQrding to Section 10.03 of the Subdivision Ordinance of the
City of South San Francisco, "Any failure to record a final
map within eighteen months from the approval or conditional
aJ?,ProvalOf the tentative map, or any extension thereof grant-
ed by.the.City Council, shall terminate all proceedings. Be-
fore a final map may thex-eafter be recorded, a new tentative
map shall be $ubmitted."
"4.. Section 10.02 of Ordinance No. 603 .reads~
"Upon application of the subdivider an extension of
not exceeding two additional years may be granted by
the City Council, after review and recommendation of
the Planning Commission.1I
September 28, 1970
"5.. In its letter of August 31, 1970, Theodore V.. Tronoff Engin-
eers, civil engineer and agent of the subdivider, requests
that the City Council extend the time limit for recording
the final maps of Westborough No. 4 and its three units to
September 18, 1971"..
"6. The Planning Department is of the opinion that the requested
time extension is supported by the large size of Westborough
No.. 4, and the complex problems involved in the establishment
of a high-density residential project therein.. Since the sub-
divider and developer of Westborough No.. 4 will develop a
neighborhood which will ultimately equal the population of
Saus ali to ~ the reques ted time extension is reasonable."
"It is respectfully recommended that the Planning Commission recom-
mend to the City Council that the requested extension of time be
granted.. "
Names and Addresses of Proponents and Opponents:
ComJuissioner Zlatunich moved, that the Planning Commission recommen<:1
to the City Council, that thetirne limit for recor<:1ing the final
maps of Wes thorough No..> 4 and its three uni tsbe extended to Septem-
berl8, 1971; seconded by Vice Chairman Campredon; passed by the
following roll call vote:
Vice Chairman Campredon, Commissioners Boblitt, Gardner,
Raffaelli, Rosati/! Zlatunich, and Chairman Lazzati..
SpecLal instructions to the Secretary..
Proposed Amendment to the Off~Street Parking Requirements of the
City of South San Francisco's R-3 Districts..
The Secretary read the following letter and reports into the record.
Latter report dated September lOt 1970, from City Planner Daniel M.
"I, Daniel Me Pass, City Plannel; of the City of South San Francisco,
hereby respectfully petition that Section 3.37(h) of the Zoning
Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco be amended, to wit:
-1222 -
"3.37 Parking Required - Garage or Garage Space
(b) Not less than one (1) and one-half
(1/2) garage spaces for each dwelling
" The proposed zoning legislation is designed to update the off-
street parking standards of this municipality's R-3 Districts. The
current requirement of one space per dwelling unit is not responsive
to the parking needs of apartment-house residents and their guests.
This lack of responsiveness has resulted in abnormal on-street park-
ing, and the consequential congestion of minor streets and collectors.
" As South San Francisco's high-density, residential neighborhoods
grow, their traffic-service needs will increase. The local streets
will not be able to effectively meet these needs if they are compelled
to function as lineal parking lots. Unfortunately, on-street parking
in an affluent society can be reduced only with the provision of ample
usable off-street parking.."
" This city's antique one-space per dwelling ratio is unmindful of
the emancipation of women and teen..-agers, and is as archaic as the
II fami +y:cqr".qqnqept upon which it is predicated. If empirical ev-
idence is required, a nocturnal drive along incipient Alida Way should
be sufficient."
" The attached chart clearly indicates that several other cities ar
alert to the problem creat.~dby the admixture of the automobile and th
apartment house. Most of the surveyed cities'-urban centers character
ized considerable post war'growth .....-. require a minimum of one and on
half,'of:f'7"'stre~tparking SpClC~S per apartment unit."
II The ;Planning Department r~spectfully recommends that the Planning
Commission adopt the attached, preliminary resolution, and thereby re-
commend to the City Counoil that the petitioned amendment to Section
3.37(b) of the R-3 District regulations be enacted into ordinance."
Survey, dated September 10, 1970, of City Planner Daniel M. Pass
Apartment-House Parking Study
"Survey of Municipal Parking Regulations"
Menlo Park
Mountain View
Pleasant Hill
Redwood Ci ty
San Carlos
San Leandro
San Mateo
Santa Clara
Union City
Walnut Creek
l~ to 2:1
l~ to 2:1
l~: 1
*OSP/DU=off~street parking. (in spaces) per dwelling unit
Names and Addresses of Proponents and Opponents
Proponents ::
Theodore V. Tronoff, C.E., 345 Park Plaza Dr., Daly City, Ca.
Louis R. Liberati, 366 W. Baltimore Ave., Larkspur, Ca.
Commissioner Zlatunich moved, that the Planning Commission set
over indefinitely the proposed amendment to the off-street parking
requirements of the City of South San Francisco's R-3 Districts;
seconded by Commissioner Gardner; passed by the following roll call
Vice Chairman Campredon, Commissioners Boblitt, Gardner,
Raffaelli If Rosati, Zlatunich, and Chairman Lazzati.
September 28, 1970
First Annual Review of the Housing Element of the Adopted General
Plan of the City of South San Francisco.
Secretary Pass read the following report from his office dated,
September 18, 1970..
"The Planning Department respecfully recommends that the Planning
Commission adopt the following findings, and instruct the Secre-
tary to transmit the following report on the status and applica-
tion of the General Plan's Housing Element, adopted on July 21,
1970, under Council Resolution No.. 5115, to the Honorable Mayor
and Ci ty Council."
II Findi ngs :
Ill" The Housing Element is effectively promoting the production
of sound housing and orderly residential environments in the
Ci ty of South San Francisco."
"2" The Housing Element is congruous with the Working-Living Areas
Element of the General Plan of 1969."
"3.. The Housing Element has been implemented, during the past year,
by the City Council's adoption of Ordinance 603, the new "Sub-
division ,Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco," and the
Planning Commission's approval of UP-IOl, Rotary Plaza's use-
permit request to establish a 181 unit dwelling complex for
moderate-income senior citizens,,1I
"4.. The Housing Element has also been implemented by FHA. programs
now extant in this municipality's nascent Greendale Neighbor-
hood.. "
"5.. The Housing Element will soon be implemented by the construc-
tion of approximately 500 dwelling units in the Juniper Neigh-
borhood of the Westborough Community."
"6" The Planning Commission and the Office of the Ci ty Planner have,
on a continuing basis, helped the Regional Planning Committee
of the County of San Mateo to co~ordinate its incipient housing
program with South San Francisco's adopted Housing Element,,"
"7.. The revision of the Housing Element is not indicated at this
"The Housing Element is viable and effective, and is currently
promoting the. production of decent h.omes in suitable living en-
vironments, in accordance with the Planning policies of the
City of South San Francisco, and the "National Housing Goal."
September 28, 1970
Commissioner Raffaelli moved, that the Planning Commission adopt
the findings and report of the Planning Department on the First
Annual Review of the Housing Element of the Adopted General Plan
of the City of South San Francisco; seconded by Commissioner Rosati
and passed by the following roll call vote:
Vice Chairman Campredon, Commissioners Boblitt, Gardner,
Raffaelli, Rosati, Zlatunich, and Chairman Lazzati.
Special instructions to the Secretary.
September 281 1970
UP 166, use permit request of Damien House to establish a drop-in
center at No. 983 Linden Avenue, in the C-3 District.
Secretary Pass read the following letters, "Findings and Conditions"
into the record.,
Letter, dated September 11, 1970, from Leo P. Sack, Manager of Execu-
tive Committee, Damien House, Inc.
The Honorable Chairman and Members of the
South San Francisco Planning Commission.
P.. 0.. Box 711
South San Francisco, Calif. 94080
Attention: Daniel M.. Pass, Secretary
Dear Mr. Secretary:
Please be advised that Damien House intends to refurbish
the exterior of the building at No. 983 Linden Avenue, and to
architecturally treat 'same, provided UP-166 is granted. The
Plans for said refurbishing and architectural treatment will
be submitted to the Architectural Committee during its con-
sideration of our physical plant.
In addition DamienHouse intends to modify the interior
of the building to .col1form to the building and fire codes..
This will incl.ude sealin.g off certain \."indows and installing
skylights as set forth in the architect's drawings which are
a part of this application. We intend to implement these
ss/Leo P. Sack
Leo P. Sack, Member of
Executive Committee
Damien House Inc.
September 28, 1970
"10 The establishment, maintenance, operation or the use of
the building or lands for which the permit is sought
will not, under the circumstances of the particular case,
be detrimental to the health, safety, morals, comfort and
general welfare of persons residing or working in the
area of such proposed use, and will not be detrimental
or injurious to property and improvements in the neighbor-
hood or the general welfare of the cityo
"2.. The approval of the requested use permit meets the require-
ments of Section 6023 of the Zoning Ordinance.
"30 II Findings" embodied in the Department Heads' 'IJoint Report,'
dated September 15, 1970.
The applicant shall comply with the requirements indicated in
the Department Heads' "Joint Report," dated September 15, 1970.
IIJoint Report, II dated. September 15, 1970, from the undersigned depart-
ment heads..
II The undersigned depart.ment heads have jointly and severally
studied UP-166,'use-p~rmit request of Damien House, and respectfully
recommend that the l?l.anning Commission adopt the following findings,
and grant the instant request upon the condition that the applicant
comply with the following requirements.."
"I.. The establishment, maintenance, operation or the use of the bui Id.
ing or lands for which. the permi t is sough t wi 11 not, under the circum-
stances of the particular easel be detrimental to the health, safety,
morals, comfort and general welfare of persons residing or working in
the area of suchproposedus~, and will not be detrimental or injurioul
to property and improvements in the neighborhood or the general welfar{
of the ci ty 0 "
"2. The approval of the requested use permit meets the requirements 0:
Section 6..23 of the Zoning Ordinance.."
"3.. The proposed drop-in center would meet a clear and present need 0:
a large number of youths in North San Mateo County, and would tend to
decrease drl-lg addiction and juvenile delinql-lency therein.."
UP -16 6
September 28, 1970
1U4.. The establishJnent of the proposed use is supported by civic
leaders and the local clergy.. II
ViS.. The proposed use would be served by 18 off-street parking
spaces, which vvauld be located on an adj acent segment of the
P..G.. & E. right-of-way.."
"6. The exterior of the Damien-House building would be refurbished
and architecturally treated; the rear yard of said building would be
landscaped in accordance with a professional design."
"1. The applicant shall comply with the subsequent requirements of
the Planning Commission's Architectural Committee."
"2.. The Damien-House building and external premises shall accommo-
date a maximum of 40 guests (program participants) and 5 staff mem-
bers " "
"3.. The governing board of Damien House shall provide the Chief of
Police, the Fire Chief, and the City Planner with documents which
expressly permit these officials to examine the premises of .the pro-
posed Damien House at any time.."
114.. On or, before September 1st of each year, the applicant shall
submit the following documents to the City Planners"
"1. ]A $1000 faithful performance bond for the mainten-
ance of the landscaping and building on the sub-
ject si te.. II
"2.s A letter from the Chief of Police stating that the
proposed drop-in center does not constitute a ma-
.terial police problem"
"3. A let.ter from the Fire Chief stating that the pro-
poseddrop,....in center's operation has been consist-
ent with acceptable fire-safety practices.."
"4. A letter from the Health Department stating that
the proposed center's operation is consistent with
the health standards and regulations of the City
of South San Francisco.."
"The applicant's failure to submit any of the afore-
mentioned documents to the City Planner on or before Sep-
tember 1st of each year shall terminate this use permit.. II
"5.. The House shall be supervised in such a fashion as to
be consistent with this community's objectives regarding
the problems of drug abuse and delinquency 0 "
September 28, 1970
"6.. Any activities which may create a nuisance, hazard or
disturbance of the peace shall not be encouraged or permit-
ted. "
1i7. The Police Department shall be permitted representation
on the Damien House Advisory Committee."
"8. All violations of law observed or committed on the prem-
ises shall be reported to the Police Department as they would
normally be reported from any other public or private agency.."
"9.. Any guest, visitor, occupant, or resident shall
a) Not engage in any ultimate expression of love on the
b) Not engage in acts of violence unless absolutely
necessary to prevent injury,
c) Not engage or participate in the manufacture, culti-
vation, sale, disposition, or use of any drug or
chemical unless prescribed by competent medical auth-
or i ty .. "
"10.. Any visi tor guest, or occupant \vho appears to be in need
of medical or psychiatric attention as the result of drug in-
gestion or emotional instability shall be referred to competent
medical or psychiatric staff as quickly thereafter as that need
is determined.."
"II. No person under the age of eighteen (18) years shall re-
main overnight without prior consent of the parents, legal
guardian, or the Police Department.."
"12.. The resident director of the House shall meet with the
Police Department.. Any change in the resident director or any
anticipated change shall be brought to this Department's atten-
tion for its approval,,"
"13.. Failure to comply with any of these conditions or to com-
ply with any reasonable request by the Police Department could
result in a request to bring this Use Permit before the Plan-
ning Commission to show cause why it should not be revoked."
"14. All exterior windows located within 5 feet of the side
property lines would have to be closed in with stucco on the
exterior and 5/8" sheetrock on interior.."
"IS" Upon closing of the side windows additional ventilation
will be required in the rooms affected.. This may be done by
adding addi.tional windows. in the .end rooms and by installing
ventilating type skylights in the interior rooms.."
September 28, 1970
1\16.. Since the location of the building is in Fire Zone
No.. 2 $kylights would have to be located 10 feet from
property line or be of wire-glass construction."
1117. Floor plan shall be submitted to Building Depart-
ment showing size and location of windows and skylights
before building permit can be issued.."
1'18.. Fire extinguishers $hall be installed on the premises
in accordance with the instructions of the Fire Chief.."
"l9" The landscaping of the site of the proposed Damien
House and its parking area shall meet the minimum landscap-
ing requirements of the city of South San Francisco"..
"20. The applicant may locate one, non-illuminated, maximum
25 sq, :ft, s~gn on the p+emises of the proposed drop-in
center.. II
Sis/John g.. Hoffman
John E. Hoffman, Landscape Specialist
ss/Leonard J. pittz
Leonard J.. pittz, Chief Building Inspector
s siSal vatore Ros ano
Salvatore Rosano, Chief of Police
ss/John Marchi
John Maiohi, Fire Chief
ss/Daniel Me Pass
Daniel M.. rass, City Planner
Letter dated September 241 1970 t from the South San Francisco
Ministerial Fellowship.
The South San Francisco Ministerial Fellowship in its
regular meeting on Thursday, September 24; 1970, adopted the
following recommendation:
"We, the South San Francisco Ministerial Fellow-
ship, go on record as supporting the idea of a
Drop-In Center, such as Damien House, and we shall
lend what support we can to establishing a facility
and if such a facility is established, we shall con-
tinue our interest in the program that it might re-
present a lasting and meaningful service to our com-
muni ty "
Respectfully Submitted,
ss/Bill Willms
Bill Willms, President
Our Redeemer Lutheran Church
ss/Kenneth Glenn
Kenneth Glenn, Secretary
First Southern Baptist Church"
Exhibit "A" - The Damian House Booklet, containing the names of
the proponents and letters of testimony in support of the pro-
posed use thereunder.
September 28, 1970
Names and Addresses of Proponents and Opponents:
Dr" Leo P. Sack
2248 Shannon Dr" South San Francisco
220 W" 20th Ave. San Mateo
319 Villa Terrace San Mateo
123 Cuesta Dr" SoUth Sa.iTFrancisco
30 Lake View Dr" Daly City
935 El Camino Real South San Francisco
2570 Bantry Lane South San Francisco
479 Granada Dr" South San Francisco
651 Baden Ave" South San Francisco
338 Grand Ave" South San Francisco
Dr. Howard Gurevitz
Dr" Jerry Krawitz
Mrs" Nancy Hale
Mr" Kevin Coughlin
Mr" George Radenbaugh
Mr. Edward Toby
Mr" Henry Rogers
Mr" Terry Mirri
Mr. Paul Tracy
Mr" Joseph Saco
826 Olive Ave.
South San Francisco
Mr. Robert Miller
985 Linden Ave"
South San Francisco
Mr" Tom Biggs
9 75 Linden Ave"
South San Francisco
Commissioner Rosati moved, that the Planning Commission adopt the
findings and conditions, as set forth in the preliminary Official
action report, and approve UP-166 upon the condition that the appli-
cant comply with the submitted requirements of the City's reporting
department heads; seconded by Commissioner Boblitt; passed by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Vice Chairman Campredon, Commissioners Boblitt, Raffaelli,
NOES: Gardner, Zlatunich and Chairman Lazzari
Commissioner Zlatunich no'ted f that his opposi tion to the proposed
excellent use would not be properly sited and would be dangerous
September 28, 1970
Mr. Joseph Saco, expressed his extreme dissatisfaction, of
the Planning Commissions' approval of UP-166 (Damian House).
There being nothing further to be considered under Good and Wel-
fare, and there being no further communications or other matters
of interest for the Planning Commission, Chairman Lazzari announc-
ed that the next regular meeting of the South San Francisco Plan-
ning Commission would be held on Tuesday, October 13, 1970 at
8:00 P.M. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, South San Francisco,
The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 P.M.
Daniel M. Pass
Secretary, Planning Commission
Chairman, Planning Commission
September 28, 1970
UP-158, use-permit request of Louis R.. Liberati to establish a
dwelling at No.. 310 Orange Avenue, in the R-3 District..
Secretary Pass read!:hefol'1ow'1ng' reports into the record..
Rep0:r;.tandR~cOmrn.en.'d~'d, ..n'F'indd.'ng's'" and "Cohditions" of City
Planner DattieI'M.. ' Pas's..
"The Planning Department rei$Jp~ytfully recommends that the Planning
Commission adopt the ufinq.I:n.g'su and "action" indicated in the attach-
ed f preliminary Official Action Report.."
, operation or the use of
the permit is sought will
the particular case, be
, comfort and
in the area
or injur-
neighborhood or
"2.. The approval of the requested use permit meets the require-
ments of Section. 6..23 of the Zoning Ordinance..
113" The existing <il,wel1ing on the subject premises would harmon-
iously loleind withtne pxopc>sed. a.partment house e
114 .. The proposed dwellin~r group would be characteri zed by sound
site planning, architectural integrity, and effective land-
"The applicant sha11compLy.witht.hesubmi tted requirements of
the City'sDepartmE9.ntiHe.:actS.fi.a.n.dthesubseg1.lent requirements of
the PlanningCo:mrnis8iion'>siArohftectural Committee e II
Report,date'd'S'eptern.:b'er T6',."TQ''ZQ, .of LahctScape Specialist John E.
4 Hoffman..
HThe la:n.dscape plan, .sheet 5 I' submitted for review does not in-
clude thefollowi!lg information required to meet City standards:
Ill. Street trees on Ora.~geAvenue and Grand Avenue frontages.
"2.. Five foot parkway planter areas between curb and sidewalk
and five foot sidewalks to conform to existing.. (This is
shown on plot plan sheet 1 but no on landscape plan.)
September 28, 1970
"3.. Irrigation sprinklers in all planters..
"4.. Designation of development, paving or planting, of the
five foot area between apartment house and interior lot
line; and, of the ten foot area between apartment house
and existing house..
"5. Existing and proposed landscaping of the existing house
site ..
"My recommendation:
"A revised landscape plan meeting City standards to be submitted
to the Architectural Review Board at the time of application for
building permi t, or sooner.. II
Re'port, dated' Sept'etn:be'r' 18, 1'970, of Director Louis H. GOBS.
"It is recommended that approval of this permit be subject to the re-
view and approval by this office of the complete improvement plans..
Said plans should contain, but not be limited to, plot and grade plans
showing drainage, sanitary sewer, and all other necessary utility con-
nections .. " .
Names and Addressesof1?roponentsand Opponents
Commissioner Rosati moved, that the Planning Commission adopt the
findings and conditions, as set forth in the preliminary Official
Action Report, and approve U;p....l58.upon the condition that the appli-
cant comply.. wi ththe submittedreguirements of the City's reporting
department heads; seconded by Corrunissioner Gardner; passed by the
following roll call vote:
vice Chairman Campredon, Commissioners Boblitt, Gardner,
Raffaelli, Rosati, Zlatunich, & Chairman Lazzati.
September 28, 1970
UP-165, use-permit request of McDonald's Hamburgers to redevelop
an existing drive-in restaurant at No. 435 El Camino Real, in the
C-l District..
Secretary Pass read the following reports into the recorda
Report and recorrutlendedYlFinding's" and" Conditions II of City Planner
"The Planning Department respectfully recommends that the
Planning Commission adopt the II findings " and "action" indi-
cated in the attached preliminary Official Action Report."
"I.. The establishment, maintenance, operation or the use of
the building or lands for which the permit is sought will not,
under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental
to the health.,safei;:.XIf mO.rals 1 comfortandg'eneral welfare of
persons residing or working in the ,area of such proposed use,
and will not be detrimental or injurious to property and im-
provements in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the
ci ty .. n ' ,
"2.. The approval of the requested use permit meets the require-
ments of Section 6..23 of t:ne Zoning Ordinance"
"3.. The proposed.redeveTopment of the McDonald's drive-in res-
taurantwould substantially improve the architectural appearance
'there of " n
114" The proposed redevelopment would bring the subject land use
into a state of consonancy with the developmental and aesthetic
standards to which the Planning Commission has held other land
us.es in the EI Camino Real-South Spruce Avenue area,,"
iiI.. The applicant shall comply with the submitted requirements
of the City's department heads, and the subsequent requirements
of the Planning Commission's Architectural Committee.
"2 The applicant shall replace its tawdry, 300 sq.. ft..:!: sign
with one of its modern, 35 sq.. ft.. :t signs.."
Names and Addresses of Proponents and Opponents:
Oral presentation by Mr.. Mike Emmert, Agent of the Applicant..
Mr.. Emmert requested permission to reduce the landscaping indi-
catecL on the submi tted plot plan by about 400 square feet, and
proposed the location of a 109 square-foot sign along El Camino
Real, in lieu of the 35 square-foot sign recommended by the
City Planner"
September 28, 1970
Commissioner Zlatunich moved, that the Planning Commission adopt the
findings and conditions as set forth in the preliminary Official
Action Report, and approve UP-165 upon the condition that the appli-
cant comply with the submitted requirements of the City's reporting
department heads; seconded by Commissioner Gardner; passed by the
following roll call vote:
Vice Chairman Campredon, Commissioners Boblitt, Gardner,
Raffaelli, Zlatunich, and Chairman Lazzati.
This action rescinded a prior action which orde.red the applicant to
re-file his ammended request..
September 28, 1970
PM-69, tentative parcel map of the Heirs and Devisees of Rose
Ungaretti, representing the subdivision of an approximately
7000 square-foot parcel of land, located on the northerly side
of Grand Avenue, approximately 150' westerly of Linden Avenue,
in the C-2 District.,
Secretary Pass read the following reports into the record.
Report of City Plah'ner Da'niel M. p'a's s
"Under the instant tentative parcel map, an existing 'down-
town' lot would be subdivided into ,two parcels of land.
Each of these parcels would be coterminus with the consti-
tuent buildings and building sites of the parent lot,,"
"Since the proposed parcels fail to .meet the lot-width
standard of Section 3.. 02.(a) of the Subdivision Ordinance of
the City of South San Francisco, and proposed Lot 27 also
fails to meet .thelot....area requirement thereof, the Planning
corrunission's granting of exceptions, in accordance with the
requirements' of Section 7.02 of the Subdivision Ordinance,
would be prerequisite to the approval or conditional approv-
al of the map in question.."
"The subject lot is situated within the urban core--an area
characterized b;{ buildi:nsr-orientedlcompact parcels.. These
lots aresexved by the.8outhSan Erancisoo Parking District,
a:nd.external-beautificaf::.lon.programs... The proposed parcels,
asweTl as other lots in the core are sui generis and vestiges
ot thestreet7""railway era. ::t:twould be impracticable to hold
the urban Core to the standards of Ordinance No. 603.."
"The granting of the requested exceptions would not constitute
the granting ot special privileges which would be inconsistent
with limitations placed upon ohher parcels in the urban core,
but would merely permit the orderly platting of a de facto land
"In light of the above factors, the Planning Department re-
spectfully recommends that the Planning Commission find that
the requested lot-area and lot-width exceptions meet the re-
quirements of Section 7..02 of the Subdivision Ordinance of the
City of South San Francisco.. The Separtment further recommends
that the Commission grant the subject exceptions, and approve
the instant tentative map upon the condition that the subdi-
viders comply with the submitted requirements of the City's
de:partment heads..ii
September 28, 1970
Report elated September 18, 1970, of Chief Bui Iding Inspector Leonard
J" Pit tz "
"I have examined the Tentative Parcel Map, PM-69 and an inspec-
tion of the site was made by this department."
"Since this subdivision of property is for the purpose of satis-
fying the requirements of a will and does not affect the use of
the buildings, I recommend its approval,,"
"For building purposes the buildings located on the proposed
two parcels will be considered as being located on one parcel
as regarding property lines since ownership in part of both
parcels will be by one individual."
"If in the future any alterations or additions are made to
buildings on the two parcels, property line requirements of
the Uniform Building Code would have to be met~iI
Names and Addresses of Proponents and Opponents:
Mr. Ben Mortara, Attorney-at-Law, 437 Grand Avenue, South San
Francisco, Ca..
Mr. Louis A" Arata, C"E., 180 El Camino Real, Millbrae, Ca.
Commissioner Gardner moved, seconded by Commissioner Raffaelli, that
the Planning Commission approve the instant tentative parcel map
upon the condition that the subdivider comply with the requirements
as set forth by the Chief Building Inspector. The motion was passed
by the following roll call vote.
Campredon, Boblitt, Gardner, Raffaelli, Rosati, Zlatunich
and Chairman Lazzari.