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May 24, 1971
of the regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning
8:00 P.M.
May 24, 1971
Council Chambers, City Hall
South San Francisco, California
MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chairman Raffaelli, Commissioners Boblitt,
Botieff, Zlatunich, and Chairman Campredon
MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioners Gardner and Lazzari
ALSO PRESENT: City Planner and Secretary to the South San
Francisco Planning Commission, Daniel M. Pass
Assistant Planner William A. Timmons
Assistant City Engineer Raymond Maxwell
Building Inspector Ray Ghilardi
Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of May 10, 1971
Vice Chairman Raffaelli moved that the minutes of the regular meeting
of the South San Francisco Planning Commission of May 10, 1971 be
approved; seconded by Commissioner Boblitt; passed by the following
roll call vote:
AYES: Vice Chairman Raffaelli, Commissioners Bobli tt, Botieff,
Zlatunich, and Chairman Campredon
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioners Gardner and Lazzari
Chairman Ca~pT~don announced that this meeting of the South San Fran-
cisco Planning Commission would be recorded on tape, but that anyone
who wished to come before the Commission in order to be heard, but
objected to having his voice recorded in this manner, could request
the Chairman to order the tape recorder turned "off" for the duration
of the time that he is speaking or is heard.
May 24, 1971
Planning Enforcement Board
Minutes of the Planning Enforcement Boardls Meeting of
May 20, 1971
(Next Meeting: June 17, 1971 at 10:00 A.M.)
Chairman Campredon ordered the Planning Enforcement Board's minutes
accepted and placed on file.
UP - 189
UP-189, use permit request of Foster and Kleiser to relocate a bill-
board on the easterly side of Shaw Road, about 120' northerly of
the City Limits of San Bruno, in the right-of-way of the Interstate 380-
US 101 Interchange, in the M-2-H District.
Secretary Pass read the following reports into the record.
Report and Recommendation of City Planner Daniel M. Pass
"The Planning Department respectfully recommends that the Planning
Commission adopt the "findings" and action indicated in the
attached, preliminary Official Action Report."
"i. The establishment, maintenance, operation or the use of
the building or lands for which the permit is sought will,
under the circumstances of the particular case, be detrimental
to the health, safety, mQrals, comfort and general welfare of
persons residing or working in the area of such proposed use,
and will be detrimental or injurious to property and improve-
ments in the neighborhood or the general welfare of the ci ty.
2. The approval of the requested use permit does not meet
the requirements of Section 6.23 of the Zoning Ordinance.
3. The granting of the instant request would countervene the
Planning Commission's continuing effort to improve the en-
vironmental and aesthetic qualities of the South San Francisco
4. Interstate Highways belong to the public-at-large, and
should serve the best interests of the municipalities they
traverse. The public's lands should not be temporarily or
permanently devoted to billboard use.
5. The applicant's argument for the establishment of billboards
under UP-154 and UP-155 was partially based upon its pending
"lossH of the subject billboard. fI
UP -189
May 24, 1971
Report, dated May 11, 1971, of Landscape Specialist John E. Hoffman.
"The Planning Commission, by denying applications for billboards
in the past, has demonstrated its desire to improve the environ-
ment of this city. It is my hope that the Commission will con-
tinue this policy of environmental improvement by denying any
and all billboard construction.
Mrs. Reynolds, President of the California Raadside Council,
stated the case very well in her letter to the City Planner,
July 27, 1970, when she stated, "This is a problem not ex-
clusive to South San Francisco, but for your city it has a
special importance. This importance stems from the fact that
motorists enroute between San Francisco and Peninsula destin-
ations or beyond get their impressions of your city almost
exclusively from what they see along Bayshore Freeway, whereas
most other Penin~ala communities are as frequently seen from
other routes.
"True, South San Francisco is an industrial city. However,
you are doubtless well aware that present day industrial
developers are recognizing more and more the value of good
appearance. Bi12boards and untidy or unattractive land uses
in conspicuous industrial areas are gi ving way to orderly,
well designed buildings, trees, shrubbery and other planting.
The effect, it is found, is favorable to the attraction of
more industry of a high-financial rating.
"We sincerely believe that you will be wise to maintain the
standards your city has already adopted and to resist the
pressures to grant further permits perpetuating billboardls
along the freeway. Perpetuation of Bayshore as a "billboard
alley" will surely create the impression that South San Fran-
cisco has little concern for its appearance - an impression
which we know is not a true represenbation of your true civic
spirit and standards."
Report, dated May 13, 1971, of Chief of Police Salvatore Rosano.
"Reference subject, this Department concurs in the Planning
Department's recommendation that said Use Permit be denied."
Names and Addresses of Proponents and Opponents:
Oral presentation by Mr. Walter J. Moreno, Public Relations
Representative, Foster and Kleiser, l60J Maritime Street,
Oakland, California 94623.
A 42 name signed petition, opposing the granting of UP-189,
was read into the minutes by the Secretary.
UP - 189
May 24, 1971
Considerable discussion ensued amongst the Commission, the Secretary
and Mr. Moreno regarding the findings of the City Planner.
After the discussion, Chairman Campredon asked the Commission for
a motion.
Commissioner Zlatunich moved, that the Planning Commission not adopt
the findings and conditions, as set forth in the preliminary Official
Action Report, and approve UP-189, upon the following conditions;
"1. Prior to the commencement of the construction of the pro-
posed, relocated billboard, the applicant shall submit a
letter to the Secretary of the Planning Commission under which
Foster and Kleiser agrees to cause the removal of the said
billboard within five (5) years, or by the date of the comple-
tion of the U.S. 101-Interstate 380 Interchange, if the latter
occurs prior to May 24, 1976.
" 2. The applicant shall cause the removal of the billboards
on the subject site prior to the commencement of the construc-
tion of the billboard proposed under the instant use-permit
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Botieff; and passed by the
following roll call vote:
AYES; Commissioners Botieff, Zlatunich and Chairman Campredon.
NOES: Vice Chairman Raffaelli and Commissioner Boblitt.
ABSENT: Commissioners Gardner and Lazzari.
This action rescinded a prior action, which failed to carry, to
deny the instant-use permit.
v - 100
May 24, 1971
V-100, variance request of Leo Zappettini to construct an addition
to a one-story, single-family dwelling, and to resultantly cover
a maximum of 44.4% of the building site located at 104 South
Magnolia Avenue, in the R-l District.
Secretary Pass read the following reports into the record.
Report and Recommendation of City Planner Daniel M. Pass.
"The Planning Department respectfully recommends that the Planning
Commission adopt the findings embodied in the attached, preliminary
Official Action Report, and grant the refjuested variance."
1. "There are exceptions or extraordinary circumstances or
condi tions applying to the land or building referred to in
the application, which circumstances or conditions do not
apply generally to land or buildings in the same district.
2. The granting of the application is necessary for the
preservation and enjoyment of substantial property rights
of the petitioner.
3. That the granting of the application will not, under the
circumstances of the particular case, materially affect ad-
versely the health or safety of persons residing or working
in the neighborhood of the property of the applicant, and
will not, under the circumstances of the particular case, be
materially detrimental to the public welfare or injurious to
property or improvements in said neighborhood.
4. The granting of the requested variance will be in harmony
wi th the general purpose of the zoJiJ.ffJJ!i!.g Ordinance.
5. The requested variance is necessary to prevent practical
difficulties, unnecessary hardships, and results inconsistent
wi th the general purpose of the Zoning Ordinance.
6. The requested variance is supported by the substandard
depth and square-footage of the subject building site, and
the similar requests granted to free-holders in Mayfair
References: V-1157, Eldwin L. Mc Cunei V-1960, William F.
Emmerling; V-1355, Sam Sappingfield; and, V-1552, William
De Savigny."
Names and Addresses of Proponents and Opponents:
Mr. Leo Zappettini, 104 South Magnolia Avenue, South
San Francisco, California, the Applicant.
May 24, 1971
Commissioner Zlatunich moved that the Planning Commission adopt
the findings and conditions, as set forth in the preliminary
Official Action Report, and approve V-100 upon the condition
that the applicant comply with the requirements of the City's
department heads; seconded by vi ce Chairman Raffaelli; passed
by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Vice Chairman Raffaelli, Commissioners Bobli tt, Botieff,
Zlatunich, and Chairman Campredon
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioners Gardner and Lazzari
PM"'" 77
May 24, 1971
PM-77, parcel map of the J. H. Snyder Company, representing
the resubdivision of an approximately O. 492-acre parcel of
land, located at the southeasterly corner of Greendale Drive
and Geddes Court, in the "PC-DF" zone of the Westborough-West
Park No. 3 Planned Community District, into a l6-unit condo-
minium project.
Secretary Pass read the following reports into the record.
"The proposed condominium project, a resubdi vision of 8
lots in Block 10 of Westborough-West Park, Uni t No. 3C
(SA-17), meets the requirements of the State Subdi vision
Map Act, and the regulatory standards of the Subdivision
Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco. The said
project would be consonant with the adopted General Devel-
opment Plan of the Westborough-West Park No. 3 Planned
Community District (RZ-3).
"The Planning Department therefore respectfully recommends
that the Planning Commission approve the instant tentative
parcel map upon the condi tion that the subdi vider comply
with the submitted requirements of the City's department
heads. (The Planned unit development pertaining to the proposed
condominium project and the balance of Westborough-West Park
Unit No. 3C will be filed in the near future under the use-
permi t procedure.)"
Report, dated May 12,1971, of Director of Public Works Louis H. Goss.
"This office recommends approval of the tentative map provided
the parcel map is reviewed by this department and certified
correct prior to recordation."
Report, dated May 17, 1971, of Chief Building Inspector
Leonard J. Pittz
"I have examined the Tentative Parcel Map PM-77 being a resub-
division of Lots 103 through 110, Block 10, Westborough-West Park
Unit No. 3C and recommend its approval with the following corrections
to be made before recording the final map:
the resubdiviswonsshall be identified
The entire area of
as Lot No. 166.
The final map
recorded pri or
of Westborough-West Park Unit No. 3C shall
to recording this Parcel Map."
Names and Addresses of Proponents and Opponents:
Henry L. Richman, Vice President, J. H. Snyder Company,
3655 Georgetown Court, South San Francisco, California, 873-1844
PM - 77
May 24, 1971
Commissioner Boblitt moved, seconded by Commissioner Zlatunich
that the Planning Commission approve the instant tentative parcel
map upon the condition that the subdivider comply with the re-
quirements as set forth by the City's reporting department heads.
The motion was passed by the following roll call vote.
AYES: Vi ce Chairman Raffaelli, Commissioners Bobli tt, Botieff,
Zlatunich, and Chairman Campredon
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioners Gardner and Lazzari
May 24, 1971
Petition of the City Planner to amend Ordinance No. 603 to in-
clude proposed Section 4.25, and thereby provide the Planning
Commission with the authority to regulate the design and location
of airspaces and buildings in condominium and community-apartment
Inter-Office Memorandum, dated May 7, 1971, of City Planner
Daniel M. Pass
TO: The Chairman and Members of the South San Francisco
Planning Commission
SUBJECT: Proposed Addendum of Section 4.25 to the Subdi vision
Ordinance of the Ci ty of South San Franci sco
FROM: Daniel M. Pass, City Planner
"The Planning Department respectfully recommends that the Planning
Commission adopt the attached, preliminary resolution, and thereby
recommend that the Honorable City Council amend Ordinance No. 603,
the Subdivision Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco, by the
enactment of proposed Section 4.25 as an addendum thereto.
"The proposed addendum would enable the Planning Commission to
regulate the design and location of airspaces and buildings in con-
dominium and community-apartment projects under the tentative-map
process and procedure."
Names and Addresses of Proponents and Opponents:
Vice Chairman Raffaelli moved that the Planning Commission adopt
Resolution No. 2116, and recommend to the City Council that the
petitioned amendment be enacted into ordinance. The resol ution was
seconded by Commissioner Boblitt.
May 24, 1971
WHEREAS, the South San Francisco Planning Commission, meeting
in regular session on May 24, 1971, conducted a public hearing on
the following proposed amendment to the Subdi vision Ordinance of
the City of South San Francisco;
Section 4.25 Design and Location of Ai~$paces and
Buildings in COndOnLll1i um and Commt,7ni "ty.-Apa.l:tment
The Planning Commission, upon the recommendation of the City
Engineer and the City Planner, shall regulate the design and
location of airspaces and buildings in condominium and community-
apartment projects, in order to promote the public safety, health,
comfort ,eonvenience, and general welfare, and to effectuate the
General Plan, and the standards and provisions of the Subdivision
and Zoning Ordinances. Appeals from the actions of the Planning
Commission on airspaces and buildings in condominium and community-
apartment projects shall be governed by Section 9.13 of this
WHEREAS, notice of the said hearing was published in the Enter-
prise-Journal at least 10 days prior thereto; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission made the following findings
(1) The State Subdivison Map Act, under Section 11535.1, provides
that condominium projects and community-apartment projects are to
be regulated as subdivisions.
(2) Said Section 11535.1, however, expressly denies local govern-
ment the right to control the design and location of airspaces and
buildings in these projects unless such control is by, or pursuant
to local ordinance.
(3) The control of the design and location of airspaces and buildings
in condominium and community-apartm~nt projects by the Planning Com-
mission of the City of South San Francisco is essential to the
orderly growth and progress thereof.
- 2391-
May 24, 1971
(4) The proposed amendment is similar to Section 1.3 of Ordinance
No. 297, as amended. The supersession of Ordinance 297, as
amended, by Ordinance No. 603, the current subdivision ordinance
of the City of South San Francisco, established the need for the
proposed amendment.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission
of the City of South San Francisco recommend to the City Council
thereof that Ordinance No. 603, the Subdivision Ordinance of the
City of South San Francisco, be amended to include proposed Sec-
ti on 4. 25 .
I hereby certify that the foregoing Resolution was regulariy
introduced and adopted by the Planning Commission of the City of
South San Francisco at a regular meeting held on the 24th day of
May, 1971, by the following vote:
AYES: Vice Chairman Raffaelli, Commissioners Bobli tt, Botieff,
Zlatunich, and Chairman Campredon
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioners Gardner and Lazzari
Mr. Henry L. Richman, Vice President of J. H. Snyder Company,
extended an invitation to the Planning Commission, to take an
extensive tour in late June, of the Westborough Greens develop-
ment, in order that the members could better aquaint themselves
with the housing and common greens located therein.
There being nothing further to be considered under Good and Wel-
fare, and there being no further communications or other matters
of interest for the Planning Commission, Chairman Campredon
announced that the next regular meeting of the South San Francisco
Planning Commission would be held on JU~e 14, 1971 at 8:00 P.M.
in the Council Chamb ers of City Hall, South San Francisco,
The meeting was adjourned at 9:08 P.M.
Planning Commission
City of SouthSan Francisco
Daniel M. Pass, Secretary
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco