HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/27/1973 M I NUT E S November 27, 1973 of the regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission TIME: 8:00 p.m. DATE: November 27, 1973 PLACE: Council Chambers, City Hall South .San Francisco, California MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chairman Mathewson, Commissioners Hale, Lazzari, Raffaelli, Slade, and Chairman Mullin MEMBERS ABSENT: None ALSO PRESENT: City Planner and Secretary to the South San Francisco Planning Commission Neal J. Martin Assistant Planner Surendra N. Amin MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of November 13, 1973 Vice Chairman Mathewson mentioned that on page 3234 of the November 13, 1973 minutes it should be indicated that Commissioner Slade offered to withdraw his motion. Commissioner Raffaelli moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission of November 13, 1973 be approved with the correction noted above. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hale and was passed unanimously. ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING TAPE RECORDING OF MEETING Chairman Mullin announced that this meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission would be recorded on tape, but that anyone who wished to come before the Commission in order to be heard, but objected to having his or her voice recorded in this manner, could request the Chairman to order the tape recorder turned "off" for the duration of the time that he or she is speaking or is heard. - 3235 - OPEN SPACE, CONSERVATION AND PUBLIC FACI,LITIES ELEMENT November 27, 1973 "At its meeting of March 27, 1972 the Planning Commission considered and recommended City Council approval of the Open Space and Conservation Element for South San Francisco's General Plan. For a variety of reasons, the City Council has never adopted the Planning Commission's recommendation concern"'" ing the Open Space Element. By January 1, 1974 State Law requires that a city adppt an Open Space and Conservation Element and also adopt an Open Space Zoning Ordinance which is consistent with that Open Space Element. Should such items not be added to the city's General Plan the law provides that a city may not issue any building permits, nor approve any subdivisions. That limitation would exist until compliance with the State Law is achieved. In order to comply with this law it is suggested that the Planning Commission again hold a public hearing on this matter on November 27, 1973 with the in- tention of recommending an Open Space and Conservation Element and an Open Space Zoning Ordinance to the City Council. The staff is recommending the holding of an additional public hearing because it is felt that the Commis- sion might wish to make certain modifications to their previous recommenda- tion on the Elements to the City Council. Following the recommendations of the Planning Commission, the City Council might then be in a position to hold its required public hearing and adopt the Elements and the Zoning Ordinance. The Planning Staff feels that the following should be modified on the presently proposed Open Space and Conservation Element. 1. SHORELINE REGIONAL PARK A large shoreline regional park is shown on the Plan Diagram for open space use. Al though such a park, has, for many years, been shown on South San Francisco's General Plan, the extent of the land encompassed by the proposed facility appears to be of considerable concern. The facility, as presently shown, extends easterly of the U. S. Steel facility, encompassing the Marina and southerly along the shoreline of Cabot, Cabot & Forbes. The park also includes Belle Air Island and the nearby finger piers. A study is currently being conducted by the consulting firm of Williams and Kuebelbeck aimed at determining the feasibility of such a regional park and the uses that might be appropriately located within and adjacent to the facility. Since that study will not be complete for ~ome weeks, it is suggested that the plan identify the entire Shoreline Regional Park as a special study area with no designated uses, and that a paragraph be included within the plan which would state that the special study area classification would be removed on completion of the Williams and Kuebelbeck study and the designation by the City Council of appropriate uses within those boundaries. 2. SAN BRUNO MOUNTAIN A recent Local Agency Formation Commission decision has removed the question of land uses on San Bruno Mountain from South San Francisco's jurisdiction. LAFCO has placed the entire mountain within a "special study sphere" with planning authority vested with the county. Because of this situation it would seem most appropriate for the Plan Diagram to be modified to eliminate the designation of uses in this area. The - 3236 - text might be changed so as to reflect South San Francisco's concern with planning on the south slope of the mountain, a spirit of cooperation in the planning with the county~ and a desire to insure that a substantial portion of the mountain remain in open space. It is recommended that the Planning Commission set November 27, 1973 as a date for public hearing to consider the amendment of the General Plan by the addi tion of an amended propos ed Cons ervation and Open Space El ement . II The Planning Commission discussed the subject at length and made various amemtlments to the Open Space Element. Each amendment was voted individually. At the conclusion of the discussion~ Chairman Mullin asked the Commission for a motion. Commissioner Slade moved that the Planning Commission adopt Resolution No. 2138 and recommended to the City Council that the Open Space, Conservation and Public Facilities Element with suggested amendments be enacted into ordinance. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Raffaelli and passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Mathewson, Commissioners Hale, Lazzari, Raffaelli~ Slade and Chairman Mullin None None NOES: ABSENT: OPEN SPACE ZONING DISTRICT OR OS. Secretary Martin stated the Open Space, Conservation and Public Facilities Element is connected with the above item so previous reports would apply to this matter also. Secretary Martin further stated that the Planning Office has received at the last hour correspondence from Dr. Paul Nielsen, District Superintendent, South San Francisco Unified School District. The Planning Office would need an opinion from the City Attorney. Speakers: Mr. Leo Padreddi~ President of the Board Mr. Stan Haney, District Engineer Mr. Padreddi stated that the zoning matter regarding school properties has to be discussed at the next school board meeting and requested the Planning Commission not to make any decision until January 8, 1974 regarding school properties. After some discussion, Commissioner Raffaelli moved that the Planning Com- mission adopt Resolution No. 2139 and recommend to the City Council that Zoning Ordinance No. 353, as amended, be further amended by establishing an Open Space Zoning District. Commissioner Lazzari seconded the motion which was passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Mathewson, Hale, Lazzari~ Raffaelli~ Slade and Chairman Mullin NOES: None ABSENT: None - 3237 - ACQUISITION OF GUY F. ATKINSON PROPERTY FOR CITY CORP01\Al'lU1'\1 Y f-\J:{D November 27~ 1973 Secretary Martin read the following report into the record. "The City of South San Francisco is proposing to acquire 8.506 acres of vacant land for future use as a corporation yard. Sale of the property has been the subject of recent negotiations. Section 65402 of the California Government Code provides that no real property shall be acquired by the City until the location~ purpose and extent of that acquisition has been submitted to and reported upon by the planning agency as to conformity with the adopted General Plan. The General Plan of South San FrancisciO does not specifically speak to the location of a corporation yard. The present corporation yard is located at Orange Avenue Park. The cramped conditions of the existing facility as well as its incompatible location within the park area seem to indicate that it would be more desirable to locate the facility in another section of the community. The site proposed for acquisition con- tains sufficient area for a corporation yard and is located in an indus- trially zoned and general planned area. All the surrounding land uses are industrial in nature. The entire Lindenville neighborhood is planned for light industrial uses on the General Plan. Circulation into the new facility would be adequate. The property is bounded by North Canal Street~ So. Spruce Avenue and So. ~~agnolia Avenue. The acquisition of land does not in itself require an environmental impact report. Prior to major construction on the site an EIR should probably be prepared. It is anticipated that such construction will not occur for from one to two years. It is recommended that the Planning Commission report to the City Council that the proposed acquisition and future use would be consistent with the Ci ty' s adopted General PI an. " After some discussion, Commissioner Raffaelli moved that the Planning Commission adopt the staff findings and report to the City Council that the proposed acquisition and future use would be consistent with the City"s adopted General Plan. Commissioner Hale seconded the motion and it was passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice Chairman Mathewson, Hale, Lazzari~ Raffaelli, Slade and Chairman Mullin NOES: Non e ABSENT: None - 3238 - GOOD AND WELFARE November 27~ 1973 There being nothing further to be considered under Good and Welfare, and there being no further communications or other matters of interest for the Planning Commission, Chairman Mullin announced that the next regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission would be held on December II, 1973 at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of City Hall, South San Francisco, California. ourned at 10:40 p.m. lin, Chairman Commission of South San Francisco Neal 'j . Planning Commission City of South San Francisco NOTE: The entries of this Planning Commission show the action taken by the Planning Commission to dispose of the item. Oral presentations, arguments and documents are recorded on tape. The tapes are available in the Office of the City Planner. Documents related to the items are on filei~'in the Office of the City Planner and are available for public inspection. sna - 3239 "'"'