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Final Environmental Impact Report 1
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
The Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the 499 Forbes Boulevard Office Project identifies the
mitigation measures that will be implemented to reduce the impacts associated with the project.
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires a public agency to adopt a monitoring and
reporting program for assessing and ensuring compliance with any required mitigation measures
applied to proposed development. As stated in section 21081.6(a)(1) of the Public Resources Code:
...the public agency shall adopt a reporting or monitoring program for the changes made to the
project or conditions of project approval, adopted in order to mitigate or avoid significant
effects on the environment.
Section 21081.6 also provides general guidelines for implementing mitigation monitoring programs
and indicates that specific reporting and/or monitoring requirements, to be enforced during project
implementation, shall be defined as part of adopting a mitigated negative declaration.
The mitigation monitoring table lists those mitigation measures that may be included as conditions
of approval for the project and the conditions of approval that will apply to the project. To ensure
that the mitigation measures and conditions of approval are properly implemented, a monitoring
program has been devised which identifies the timing and responsibility for monitoring each
measure and condition. The first column identifies mitigation measures and conditions that were
identified in the EIR. The second column, entitled “Action Required,” refers to the monitoring action
that must be taken to ensure implementation of the measure. The third column, entitled
“Monitoring Timing,” refers to when the monitoring will occur to ensure that the action is complete.
The fourth column, “Responsible Agency,” refers to the agency responsible for oversight or ensuring
that the mitigation measure is implemented. The “Compliance Verification” column is where the
Responsible Agency verifies that the measures have been implemented.
City of South San Francisco
499 Forbes Boulevard Office Project
Mitigation Measure/
Condition of Approval Action Required Monitoring Timing
Compliance Verification
Initial Date Comments
Air Quality
Standard Condition of Approval: BAAQMD Basic Construction Mitigation Measures
All proposed projects shall comply with the BAAQMD
recommended Basic Construction Mitigation Measures, listed
below to meet the best management practices threshold for
fugitive dust:
a) All exposed surfaces (e.g., parking areas, staging areas, soil piles,
graded areas, and unpaved access roads) shall be watered two
times per day.
b) All haul trucks transporting soil, sand, or other loose material
off-site shall be covered.
c) All visible mud or dirt track-out onto adjacent public roads shall
be removed using wet power vacuum street sweepers at least
once per day. The use of dry power sweeping is prohibited.
d) All vehicle speeds on unpaved roads shall be limited to 15 mph.
e) All roadways, driveways, and sidewalks to be paved shall be
completed as soon as possible. Building pads shall be laid as
soon as possible after grading unless seeding or soil binders are
f) Idling times shall be minimized either by shutting equipment off
when not in use or reducing the maximum idling time to 5
minutes (as required by the California airborne toxics control
measure Title 13, Section 2485 of California Code of Regulations
[CCR]). Clear signage shall be provided for construction workers
at all access points.
g) All construction equipment shall be maintained and properly
tuned in accordance with manufacturer‘s specifications. All
equipment shall be checked by a certified visible emissions
Post a publicly visible sign with the telephone number and person
to contact at the lead agency regarding dust complaints. This person
shall respond and take corrective action within 48 hours. The Air
District‘s phone number shall also be visible to ensure compliance
with applicable regulations.
Verify that plans submitted for
building permit approval note that
all construction and demolition
activities will comply with the
BAAQMD Basic Construction
Mitigation Measures.
Verify that construction activities
comply with the measures.
Once prior to
approval of building
As needed during
demolition and
City of South
San Francisco
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
Final Environmental Impact Report 3
Mitigation Measure/
Condition of Approval Action Required Monitoring Timing
Compliance Verification
Initial Date Comments
Biological Resources
Mitigation Measure BIO-1: Nesting Bird Avoidance and Minimization Efforts
To the extent feasible, the project applicant shall schedule
demolition and construction activities to avoid the nesting season.
The nesting season for most birds, including most raptors in the San
Francisco Bay area, extends from February 1 through August 31. If
demolition and construction activities will occur during the breeding
season, then a qualified biologist shall conduct a pre-construction
nesting bird survey no more than 14 days prior to initiation of
ground disturbance and vegetation removal. The biologist shall
conduct the nesting bird pre-construction survey in the disturbance
footprint and a 50-foot buffer where access can be authorized. The
survey shall be conducted by a biologist familiar with the
identification of avian species known to occur in San Mateo County.
If nests are found, the biologist shall determine and demarcate an
avoidance buffer (the size of which depend upon the species, the
proposed work activity, and existing disturbances associated with
land uses outside of the site) with bright orange construction
fencing, flagging, construction late, or other means to mark the
boundary. All construction personnel shall be notified of the
existence of the buffer zone and shall be instructed to avoid
entering the buffer zone during the nesting season. No construction
activities shall occur inside this buffer, and no access in the buffer
allowed until the avian biologist confirms that breeding/nesting is
complete, and the young have fledged the nest, or the nest has
become otherwise inactive (e.g. depredated). Encroachment into
the buffer shall occur only at the discretion of the qualified
To the extent feasible, schedule
demolition and construction
activities between September 1 and
January 31.
If demolition and construction
cannot be conducted during the
time specified above, verify that a
qualified biologist has conducted a
pre-construction survey no more
than 14 days prior to initial of
ground disturbance and vegetation
If active nests are identified, verify
that the biologist has determined
species specific exclusion buffer and
limits of construction.
Verify that construction activities
and personnel remain outside the
Once prior to
commencement of
demolition and
As needed during
demolition and
City of South
San Francisco
Cultural Resources
Mitigation Measure CR-1: Unanticipated Archaeological Resources
If archaeological resources are encountered during ground-
disturbing activities, work within 50 feet of the find should be
halted and an archaeologist meeting the Secretary of the Interior’s
Professional Qualification Standards for archaeology (National Park
Verify that in the event that
archaeological resources are
encountered during ground-
disturbing activities, all work within
demolition and
grading activities.
City of South
San Francisco
City of South San Francisco
499 Forbes Boulevard Office Project
Mitigation Measure/
Condition of Approval Action Required Monitoring Timing
Compliance Verification
Initial Date Comments
Service 1983) should be contacted immediately to evaluate the find.
If necessary, the evaluation may require preparation of a treatment
plan and archaeological testing for CRHR eligibility. If the discovery
proves to be significant under CEQA and cannot be avoided by the
project, additional work, such as data recovery excavation, may be
warranted to mitigate any significant impacts to historical
50 feet of the find is halted until
such time as the find is evaluated by
a qualified archaeologist.
If needed, verify that a find has
been evaluated by a qualified
archeologist and that data recovery
has occurred if required.
Geology and Soils
Mitigation Measure GEO-1: Seismic Design
As recommended by the project’s Geotechnical Investigation
(Rockridge Geotechnical 2019), a geotechnical engineer shall collect
shear wave velocity measurements and use such information for
final project design. Alternatively, Site Class D designation shall be
used for project design.
Verify that the final project design,
as shown in the plans submitted for
building permit approval, includes
information regarding shear wave
velocity measurements.
Alternatively, verify that the Site
Class D is used for the project design
as shown in building permit plans.
Once prior to
approval of building
City of South
San Francisco
Mitigation Measure GEO-2: Foundation Settlement
The project’s building shall be supported on a stiffened foundation
system, such as conventional reinforced concrete mat or
interconnected continuous footings (i.e., a stiffened grid). If the
estimated total settlements are not acceptable to the project team
or the stiffened foundation system cannot be economically
designed to limit differential settlement to a value that can be
tolerated by the structure, then the proposed new structure shall
be supported on spread footings bearing on improved soil provided
that the soil improvement extends to a depth that would reduce
differential settlement of the structure under both static and
seismic conditions to a tolerable amount. The foundation system for
the project’s garage shall consist of spread footings bearing on
improved ground. Drill displacement sand-cement columns or
rammed aggregate piers would be the most appropriate ground
improvement methods for this project.
Verify that the plans submitted for
building permit approval show the
proposed building supported on a
stiffened foundation system.
Alternatively, verify that the plans
show the proposed building
supported on spread footings
bearing on improved soil that the
soil improvement extends to a
depth that would reduce differential
settlement of the structure under
both static and seismic conditions to
a tolerable amount.
In addition, verify that the plans
submitted for building permit
approval show that the foundation
Once prior to
approval of building
City of South
San Francisco
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
Final Environmental Impact Report 5
Mitigation Measure/
Condition of Approval Action Required Monitoring Timing
Compliance Verification
Initial Date Comments
system for the garage consists of
spread footings bearing on
improved ground.
Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Standard Condition of Approval: Climate Action Plan Requirements
For Commercial Projects: Prior to issuance of any building or
construction permits, the developer shall revise the development
plans to include the following Climate Action Plan requirements,
subject to review and approval by the Chief Planner or designee:
a) Electric Vehicle Charging Installations Measure 2.1, Action 5:
Require new large-scale nonresidential developments to
provide conduit for future electric vehicle charging installations
and encourage the installation of conduits or electric vehicle
charging stations for all new development.
b) Heat Island Reductions Measure 3.4, Action 1: Encourage the
use of high-albedo surfaces and technologies as appropriate, as
identified in the voluntary CALGreen standards.
c) Alternative Energy Facilities Measure 4.1, Action 2: Require the
construction of any new nonresidential conditioned space of
5,000 square feet or more, or the conversion of unconditioned
space 5,000 square feet or more, to comply with one of the
following standards:
i. Meet a minimum of 50% of modeled building electricity
needs with on-site renewable energy sources. To calculate
50% of building electricity needs for the new conditioned
space, the applicant shall calculate building electricity use
as part of the Title 24 compliance process. Total electricity
use shall include total use for the new conditioned space
excluding process energy.
ii. Participate in a power purchase agreement to offset a
minimum of 50% of modeled building electricity use.
Building electricity use shall be calculated using the
method identified above.
iii. Comply with CALGreen Tier 2 energy efficiency
requirements to exceed mandatory energy efficiency
requirements by 20% or more. For additions to existing
Verify that the plans submitted for
building permit approval include the
Climate Action Plan requirements
identified in the condition.
Once prior to
approval of building
City of South
San Francisco
City of South San Francisco
499 Forbes Boulevard Office Project
Mitigation Measure/
Condition of Approval Action Required Monitoring Timing
Compliance Verification
Initial Date Comments
development of 5,000 square feet or more, CALGreen Tier
2 shall be calculated as part of the Title 24 compliance
process. Existing building space already permitted shall not
be subject to CALGreen Tier 2 requirements.
d) Solar Wiring Installation Measure 4.1, Action 3: Require all new
development to install conduit to accommodate wiring for solar.
e) Water Demand Reduction Measure 6.1, Action 2: Revitalize
implementation and enforcement of the Water Efficient
Landscape Ordinance by undertaking the following:
i. Establishing a variable-speed pump exchange for water
ii. Restricting hours of irrigation to occur between 3:00 a.m.
and two hours after sunrise.
iii. Installing irrigation controllers with rain sensors.
iv. Landscaping with native, water-efficient plants.
v. Installing drip irrigation systems.
vi. Reducing impervious surfaces.
Mitigation Measure TRA-1: Crosswalk Improvements
The applicant shall design crosswalk and accessibility improvements
at Forbes Boulevard and Allerton Avenue. These improvements
shall include a marked crosswalk and necessary accessibility
improvements per City standards across the western portion of the
Allerton Avenue and Forbes Boulevard intersection to enable direct
pedestrian connections to the closest existing first- and last-mile
shuttle stop at Allerton Avenue and Cabot Road. The City shall
review and approve the improvements prior to building permit
approval, and the applicant shall implement these improvements
during construction.
Verify that the plans submitted for
building permit approval include a
marked crosswalk and necessary
accessibility improvements across
the western portion of the Allerton
Avenue and Forbes Boulevard
intersection to enable direct
pedestrian connections.
Once prior to
approval of building
City of South
San Francisco
Mitigation Measure TRA-2: Vehicle Miles Traveled (VMT) Reduction
As part of the proposed project, the applicant shall design and
implement the following off-site improvements to support the
Project’s first- and last-mile Transportation Demand Management
Verify that the plans submitted for
building permit approval show
Eastbound and westbound Class II
buffered bicycle lanes along Forbes
Once prior to
approval of building
City of South
San Francisco
Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program
Final Environmental Impact Report 7
Mitigation Measure/
Condition of Approval Action Required Monitoring Timing
Compliance Verification
Initial Date Comments
(TDM) strategies necessary to achieve the estimated nine percent
reduction in VMT per employee:
Eastbound and westbound Class II buffered bicycle lanes along
Forbes Boulevard between Allerton Avenue and Eccles Avenue,
spanning approximately 2,000 linear feet. The improvement
consists primarily of restriping the curbside vehicle travel lane in
each direction to a Class II buffered bicycle lane, signage, and
bicycle traffic signal detection upgrades at Eccles Avenue as
required. The bicycle facility will close a gap between existing
bicycle lanes to the east and a planned Class I shared-use
pathway between Eccles Avenue and the South San Francisco
Caltrain station. When implemented, the bicycle lanes will
provide dedicated bicycle facilities between the Project site and
two regional transit stations: the Downtown South San
Francisco Caltrain Station and the South San Francisco Ferry
Terminal, enabling first- and last-mile bicycle connections to
regional transit.
Accommodation for a potential future on-street shuttle stop
along the Forbes Boulevard frontage. Provide a minimum 5-foot
long by 8-foot wide (as measured perpendicular to the curb)
sidewalk within the public right-of-way adjacent to the Project
frontage, located approximately 50-feet downstream from the
Forbes Boulevard and Allerton Avenue intersection. The existing
curb alignment would not be substantially altered, and the final
configuration should be reviewed by City staff.
Coordinate with Commute.org and/or Genentech’s gRide
transportation program to determine the feasibility of serving the
above shuttle stop.
Boulevard between Allerton Avenue
and Eccles Avenue, spanning
approximately 2,000 linear feet.
Verify that the plans submitted for
building permit approval show
accommodation for a potential
future on-street shuttle stop along
the Forbes Boulevard frontage, as
described in the measure.
Verify that the project sponsor has
coordinated with Commute.org
and/or Genentech’s gRide
transportation program to
determine the feasibility of serving
the above shuttle stop.
City of South San Francisco
499 Forbes Boulevard Office Project
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