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February 10, 1976
of the regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission
T I ME : 8: lOP . ~~ .
MEMBERS PRESENT: Commissioners Bertucellit Goldberg, Mullin,
Mathewson, Teglia and Chairman Hale
MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice-Chairman Slade
City Planner
Director of Public Services
David C. Hale
Frank J. Addiego
Zoning Administrator
City Engineer
William Costanzo
Robert Yee
Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of January 27, 1976
Commissioner Goldberg moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of the
South San Francisco Planning Commission of January 27, 1976, be approved.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bertucelli and was passed by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Commi s s i oners Bertucgiml i, Go 1 dberg, Mathewson, Mu 11 in,
Teglia and Chairman Hale
NOES: None
ABSENT: Vice-Chairman Slade
Chairman Hale announced that this meeting of the South San Francisco
Planning Commission would be recorded on tape, but that anyone who
wished to come before the Commission to be heard, but who objected to
having his or her voice recorded in this manner, could request the
Chairman to order the tape recorder turned lIoffll for the duration of
the time that he or she is speaking or is heard.
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February 10, 1976
UP-75-334t a request of Earl S. Kuhns to establish a newsstand, bookstore,
and coin operated film projection machines at 107 Grand Avenue in the C-3
Chairman Hale opened the public hearing and explained that the hearing
had been continued from January 13, 1976, due to the large number of people
in attendance then exceeding the capacity of the Orange Avenue Library
which would have violated the Fire Code.
Secretary Hale presented the staff report and read into the record Inter-
Office Memorandums to the Planning Commission from the Building Division
and from the Fire Marshall. Secretary Hale then introduced Ms. Verle
Jordan who would be the official court reporter for the Kuhns hearing.
Proponent: Mr. Peter G. Keane, attorney representing Mr. Kuhns
San Francisco, CA
Opponents: Mrs. Cecilia Murphy Lillian Burdett
253 Oakcrest Avenue 419 Hazelwood Drive
South San Francisco South San Francisco
Mrs. Barbara Schonig James Burdett
786 Alta Loma Drive 419 Hazelwood Drive
South San Francisco South San Francisco
Mrs. Connie Luke Joseph Haggarty
52 Calvert Avenue 1891 Donnor
South San Francisco San Bruno
R. E. Luke James Rozzi
52 Calvert Avenue 320 Armour Avenue
South San Francisco South San Francisco
Douglas Butler Reverend R. E. Linamen
133 Adrian 832 Larch Avenue
South San Francisco South San Francisco
Joe Rousso Fred Olson
337 Grand Avenue 21 Graystone Drive
South San Francisco South San Francisco
John J. Petrovitz Milt Bronstein
443 Gardenside Avenue 608 Lassen
South San Francisco South San Francisco
Evelyn Williams William Henderson
205 ~~osswood Way 387 Dolores Way
South San Francisco South San Francisco
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UP-75-334, contld
February 10, 1976
Mr. Keane addressed the Commission noting that there is a door in the
particular position mentioned in the Fire Marshall IS Inter-Office
Memorandum. He stated that he did not know if the door meets all the
codes, but that they would provide any door that staff required. Mr.
Keane stated that they did not expect to win before the Planning Commission
and also expected to lose before the City Council but that he knew they
would win in the courts.
Commissioner Teglia asked Mr. Keane if the proposed activity was a typical
adult bookstore. Mr. Keane noted that the phy!ical set up would be racks
of books displaying explicit materials and "pe;~p show;""'machines. There
would also be sales of still photos of subject matter.
Secretary Hale presented several exhibits as follows:
Exhibit II A"
II "D"
II 111"
- Staff Report dated February 10, 1976
- Application for the Use Permit
- Plot Plan showing the layout of the proposed use
- Inter-Office Memorandum from Building Division
- Inter-Office Memorandum from Fire Marshall
- Photograph illustrating a typ.ical land use for
this type of bookstore on Kearny Street
- Photograph illustrating a typical land use for
this type of bookstore at 506 Broadway
- Newspaper ad illustrating typical products sold
by similar establishments
- Fictitious name statement
- Map illustrating areas of rejuvenation activities
from 1970-1976 in the immediate vicinity of the
subject site
"K" - A larger scale map of the downtown area showing recent
refurbishing of nearby establishments
Secretary Hale introduced Dr. Claude Gruen, principal economist with Gruen,
Gruen & Associates. Dr. Gruen stated that land uses tend to cluster together,
and that uses in a given area should compliment one another or be compatible
with the uses that presently exist. He noted that a use such as proposed by
Mr. Kuhns would not be compatible with the existing uses and since land uses
tend to cluster tog;.~)ther, the proposed use would draw more similar uses to
the area. He noted that it would also have a visual impact on the area
because Grand Avenue is the first area seen upon entering South San Francisco.
If the proposed use were to be in another area of the City, the visual impact
would not be as great. He further noted that the more different a use is,
the more chance of creating a change which would affect the strength of the
uses in existence.
Secretary Hale introduced Mr. Neal Martin, listing his qualifications and
expertise in this area. Mr. Martin addressed the Commission noting that
the proposed use is automobile oriented, i.e. people would be driving to
the store, rather than walking. Mr. Martin noted that staff must prepare
findings based on the City's Zoning Ordinance and that these findings
should include:
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UP-75-334. cont'd
Februa ry 10!l 1976
1. That the use shall not be detrimental to the persons working
or residing in the area;
2. That the use shall not be injurious to property or surround-
ing neighborhood;
3. That the use shall not be contrary to the City's general
4. That it shall be consistent with the City's General Plan.
Mr. Martin stated that this use would not be a support use for the Urban Core
area which is pedestrian oriented. He stated that this proposed use could
cause an upset in traffic patterns in the area. He stated that the kinds
of people this use would generate should be considered. He further stated
that uses should not be allowed which would make it impossible to implement
the City's General Plan.
Mrs. Cecilia Murphy expressed her opposition to the proposed use stating
that she had a petition against this application with over 4,700 signatures
on it. She further expressed that the City must be concenned with senior
citizens and children who would be walking in that area because of the
types of people this use would generate.
Mrs. Schonig expressed her opposition to the application stating that Mr.
Keane noted they would win in court but she would be fighting them tae whole
way and that they would not win in court. Commissioner Goldberg asked Mrs.
Schonig if she would utilize the other downtown facilities if this permit
were granted. She stated that she would be very hesitant to do so.
Mrs. Luke in expressing opposition to the application stated that this
community did not need the type of use being proposed and that it would
in no way be helpful to the community. In response to Commissioner
Goldberg's question of whether she would shop on Grand Avenue if this use
were allowed, she stated that she would be hesitant to go down to Grand
Avenue if this use were approved, especially if she feared for herself or
her children's safety.
Mr. R. E. Luke in expressing his opposition to the application stated that
the use would be counterproductive to the rejuvenation of the Grand Avenue
Douglas Butler expressed his opposition to the application noting that he
felt Mr. Keane was questioning the rights of the City to have Zoning Ordin-
ances and a General Plan. He asked that this application be denied because
the use would have an adverse effect on Grand Avenue, as the existing uses
are family oriented, find would result in a declif:]fer;nthe businesses along
Grand Avenue.
Mr. Rousso expressed his opposition to the proposed use stating that the
use would generate more undesirable elements into the community.
Mr. Petrovitz read into the record a letter he had written to the Commission
opposing the proposed use stating that it would prevent any other businesses
from establishing themselves along Grand Avenue, as well as generating
other undesirable uses in that area which would result in undesirable people
UP-75-334, cont'd
February 10, 1976
in the area. He further stated that according to the San Francisco Examiner
the State had finally defined "obscenity," although he did not give the
Evelyn Williams noted her opposition to the application stating that she
was very concerned about the youth on Grand Avenue because they were at
a very impressionable age and could be easily corrupted. Slge noted that
she saw San Francisco go downhill because of similar types of land uses
and that she did not want to see the same thing happen to South San Francisco.
Lillian Burdett concurred with what had already been said by concerned
citizens and stated that she also opposed the proposed use.
James Burdett noted his opposition to the application.
Mr. Joseph Haggarty expressed hi s oppos i ti on to the app::lii cati on and re-
quested the name of the property owner. Secretary Hale said the owner
is Mr. Ratto.
Mr. Rozzi noted his opposition to the application, stating that he
represented Good News Chapel. He noted that if it would do any good, he
would move his business to another location to take a stand against this
Reverend Linamen noted his opposition to the application, stating that he
is very excited about the things happening at the public hearing, i.e.
citizens expressing their concerns and fighting the application.
Mr. Olson expressed his opposition to the application.
Mr. Bronstein noted his opposition to the proposed use, stating that it
is the worst th.eat to South San Francisco during his 30 years in business.
Mr. Henderson opposed the application noting that the Zoning Ordinance
states that a use must not be detrimental to the morals of the community.
He felt that the people at the public hearing were setting the moral
standards of the community that evening.
John Matt Dillon, member of the South San Francisco Unified School Board,
expressed his opposition to the proposed use.
Secretary Hale read into the record three letters stating opposition to
the proposed use. These letters were from Mrs. R. L. Morgan, South San
Francisco Women's Club; Reverend William Knapp, Mater Dolorosa Church;
and Leslie Davis, South San Francisco Chamber of Commerce.
The Commissioners discussed among themselves the merits of the proposed
Use Permit.
Commissioner Mathewson moved that the staff report be adopted and that
UP-75-334 be denied. Commissioner Teglia seconded the motion and it was
passed unanimously. Commissioner ~1athewson introduced Resolution No. 2185,
denying the application of Eay'l S. Kuhns for a Use Permit, for the estab-
lishment of a newsstand, with 25~ coin operated machines (fifteen movie
and fifteen game machines) in the C-3 Commercial Zone District. The
Commission voted unanimously to approve the resolttion.
February lOt 1976
UP-75-326, City Engineer's report describing the status of engineering
studies and development standards for Mission Road. (Continued from
January 27, 1976)
Secretary Hale noted that the application was approved on January 27,
1976, contingent upon the results of the traffic study. City Engineer
Yee presented the findings of that study.
Chairman Hale requested to know how many accidents had occurred on Mission
Road over the past four years. City Engineer Yee stated there had been
80 accidents.
Commissioner Mathewson requested to know what Mr. Cuneo's response was
concerning dedicating that amount of footage. Mr. Lou Arata, civil
engineer representing Mr. Cuneo, stated that Mr. Cuneo does not want to
dedicate any land. Mr. Cuneo had given land to the City several years
ago and that was supppsed to be the 80 feet but that it actually falls
short of the 80 feet in several places along Mission Road.
Commissioner Teglia asked Mr. Arata if his client would be adverse to
dedicating the land if he use changed to a more permanent nature. Mr.
Arata noted that Mr. Cuneo would not be adverse to considering dedicating
the land in front but he will not commit himself at this point and would
leave it open for that possibility. Commissioner Teglia asked if Mr.
Cuneo was aware that his setbacks are going to start at that 80 foot
right-of-way. Mr. Arata noted that Mr. Cuneo would position his buildings
so that the City can still get an 80 foot right-of-way.
Some discussion ensued regarding the motion of the approval of the Use
Permit on January 27. Secretary Hale stated that the motion had included
adoption of the staff report which stated that the dedication of land
would be made by Mr. Cuneo. The Commission did not feel that this ~ad
been the motion but that the dedication part of the staff report conditions
had been left open until after the traffic study. Secretary Hale stated
that he would have to go back and listen to the tapes to be certain of
the actual motion.
There was some discussion on whether this land should be dedicated now
by Mr. Cuneo or if it wouldn't be better to wait until Mr. Cuneo had a
permanent use at that location. City Engineer Yee stated that he felt
the dedication of land should be done now rather than later. However,
he did feel there would not be any benefits in putting in the improve-
ments now but maybe sometime in the future.
Commissioner Mathewson asked about Mr. Cuneo recelvlng an exception to
the City's roadway standards. Secretary Hale stated that this was done
at the last meeting by making the right-of-way 80 feet instead of the
88 feet. City Engineer Yee stated that Mr. Cuneo had dedicated seven
feet in 1965 in conjunction with the Assessment District, but that he
must now dedicate to the 80 foot right-of-way. Commissioner Mullin noted
that he dedicated and paid for curb and gutter. City Engineer Yee stated
that there are no sidewalks there so the curb does not appear to be
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February 10, 1
Mr. Marvin Schecktman, representing the dental building, brought up several
points, i.e. if Mission Road even needed to be 80 feet; how the improvements
or changes would be paid for; and the fact that his building would have
difficulties if the proposed improvements were effectuated because the
development is so close to the existing road.
Commissioner Mullin moved that UP-75-326 be continued to the Planning
Commission meeting of February 24 to give staff and the applicant time
to clear up some of the above differences. Commissioner Goldberg seconded
the motion and it was passed unanimously.
-- ~
Secretary Hale noted that a portion of Mission Road would have to be renamed
when the realignment takes place, as part of the flood control project, and
the cul-de-sac was put in. He stated it was desirable to hold a public
hearing and to have input from affected residents and owners. The
Co~mis~i()n authorized staff to schedule a public hearing to consider the
renamirrgof Mission Road from Oak Avenue to Chestnut Avenue.
There being nothing further to be considered under Good and Welfare and no
communications or other matters of interest for the Commission, Chairman
Hale announced that the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission
would be held on February 24, 1976, at 8:00 p.m. in West Orange Library
The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 p.m.
Homer V. Hale, Chairman
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
~c, ..--\., A
David C. Hale, Secretary
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
The entries of this Planning Commission meeting indi the action taken
by the Pl anni ng Commi ss(1j,on to di spose of each item. Ora 1 presentations,
arguments. and documents are recorded on tape. The tapes are available
in the Office of the City Planner. Documents related to the items dis-
cussed are on file in the Office of the City Planner and are available
for public inspection.
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