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May 27, 1975
of the regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission
TIME: 8:00 P.M.
DATE: MAY 27, 1975
MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice-Chairman Slade, Commissioners Lazzari, Mullin,
Teglia and Mathewson
MEMBERS ABSENT- Commissioner Raffaelli and Chairman Hale
Ci ty Pl anner
Director of Public Services
David C. Hale
Frank J. Addiego
Zoning Administrator
William Costanzo
Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of May 13, 1975.
Commissioner Lazzari noted that on page 3399 under IUP-Z'Z3", the correct
spelling of Blumenfeld Enterprises' representative is Paul M. Hupf, not
Hopf as originally noted.
Commissioner Mathewson moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of the
South San Francisco Planning Commission of May 13, 1975 be approved with the
aboge correction. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Lazzari and was
passed by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners Lazzari, Mullin, Teglia, Mathewson and
Acting Chairman Slade
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioner Raffaelli and Chairman Hale
Acting Chairman Slade announced that this meeting of the South San Francisco
Planning Commission would be recorded on tape, but that anyone who wished to
come before the Commission to be heard~ but who objected to having his or
her voice recorded in this manner, could request the Chairman to order the
tape recorder turned "off" for the duration of the time that he or she is
speaking or is heard.
- 3405 -
May 27 11 1975
Review and discussion by the Planning Commission of the Environmental Impact
Report for/the Marina expansion. The Planning Commission approved a request
by Secretary Hale to have this item first on the agenda because of the con-
sultants' time involved in attending the meeting and because the Director of
Parks and Recreation had prior commitments for later in the evening.
Secretary Hale presented the staff report. He also presented two letters to
the Commission from the Planning Commission of South San Francisco and the
Planning Department of the County of San Mateo. These two letters contained
comments regarding the draft EIR which must be incorporated and responded to
in the final EIR.
Speakers: Di ck Mi 1 kovi ch
Parks and Recreation Director
City of South San Francisco
Dan McNichols
Williams, Kubbelbeck and Associates
Dick Milkovich referred to both letters from the Planning Commission of the
City of South San Francisco and the County of San Mateo Planning Department
as being suggestions for improvements on the Environmental Impact Report
and not demands for inclusion. He felt, however, that the majority of the
comments and questions had been included in the final EIR.
Dan McNichols stated that all agencies of the State of California were satis-
fied with the final EIR and that the only remaining step would be to certify
the EIR. He expressed the fact that his policy had always been to keep costs
to the City a minimum and that to correctly ansWer some of the questions
posed by the two Commissions would add undue costs to undertake these studies.
He felt that these studies were unnecessary to get the project moving.
The Commission wished to know what the benefits to the City would be, especially
in light of the fact that the majority of the boat berths would probably be
occupied by non-residents of South San Francisco. Dick Milkovich noted to
the Commission that boat berths are actually taxed, as well as the fact that
they would be receiving taxes from any restaurants or shops going into the
Marina area. He stated that 19 percent of the berths are occupied by South
San Francisco residents, leaving 81 percent occupmed by non-residents, al-
though the majority of those berths were occupied by San Mateo County residents.
He further noted that there are enough people on a waiting list to fill the
entire Marina after expansion.
The Commission requested staff to place this item on the June 10 Planning
Commission agenda for the public hearing and directed staff to meet with the
Parks and Recreation Department before that time to resolve any remaining
- 3406 -
May 27, 1975
UP-75-308, a request of Markling and Yamasaki (George Smith) to construct a
16,000 square foot professional office building with related parking and
landscaping at Old Mission Road at the terminus of Grand Avenue.
Secretary Hale presented the staff report, also reading into the record
letters from California Water Service and the San Francisco Water District.
Condition #35 of the staff report was changed to read as follows:
Condition #35 (revised) - That the applicant shall, prior to the
commencement of construction, resolve the question of ingress
and egress onto the adjacent property. Said access shall be
provided enlisting the cooperation of the adjacent property
owner, tenant, the applicant and the City Engineer.
Proponent: George Smith
6843 Mission Street
Daly City, CA 94014
Opponents: None
Mr. Smith addressed the Commission requesting that Frank Addiego explain why
Grand Avenue Extension was not going through and that he had nothing to do
with the stopping of this project. Mr. Addiego explained that this extension
proposal had been brought before the Commission in March and that the Com-
mission had negative feelings about the location of the extension because of
its cutting through Kaiser Foundation's property, and that the Commission had
directed staff to do a study of possible alternative routes for the Grand
Avenue extension.
Mr. Smith further addressed the Commission that he thought everything regard-
ing ownership of his property had been resolved with the letter written by his
attorney, Charlene Haught Johnson, to Rene Chauteau, Attorney, City and County
of San Francisco. This letter stated that the City of San Francisco and the
San Francisco Water Department had never acquired an easement for ingress and
egress over the disputed portion of Mr. Smith's property. However, further
correspondence from California Water Service indicated that this matter had
not been completely resolved.
The Commission directed staff to find out if the City of South San Francisco
haa issued a permit to Kaiser and California Water Service to install the 1211
water pipe on Mr. Smith1s property.
Dr. Charles Bona, 1131 Mission Road, South San Francisco, addressed the
Commission. He stated that he, as well as other doctors, had moved into
the professional office building at 1131 Mission Road expecting the Grand
Avenue extension to be going through sometime in the near future. He was
quite surprised and upset to learn that this extension probably would not
be going through. He noted that at the time his building was being built,
the Grand Avenue extension was a primary factor in the location of this
office building. He said that there had been maps and correspondence as
far back as 1963 regarding this extension. He requested that a public hearing
be set for the Grand Avenue extension as originally proposed to allow for
citizen input into this project. The Commission requested Dr. Bona to try
_ ~1I()7
UP-75-308, Cont1d
May 27 r; 1 975
t6gather al the documents he could find relating to the proposed Grand
Avenue extension and bring them to the Commission at the time of the report
by staff on possible alternate routes.
Mr. George Smith offeredi\ to have this publ ic hearing continued to allow
time for some of these problems to be resolved, and for staff to develop
alternative routes for a connection between El Camino Real and Mission Road.
Commissioner Mathewson moved that this public hearing be extended 30 days
to the June 24 Planning Commission meeting. Commissioner Teglia seconded
the motion and it was passed by a unanimous roll call vote.
UP-300, a request of Xtra Oil Company (Edward T. Simas) to establish a
retail convenience goods store in addition to the existing autmobile
service station at 110 Hickey Boulevard.
Secretary Hale presented the staff report noting that based on advice from
the City Attorney, there should be no action taken on the beer and wine
sales as this aspect of the application was outside of the purview of the
Planning Commission. It was also noted that Condition #40 should read
lIeasternmost driveway" and Condition #41 should read IIwesternmost driveway. II
Proponents: Mr. Ted Frame, representing Xtra Oil Company
330 Coalinga P~aza
Coalinga, CA
Mr. Edward T. Simas
10 Maydon Court
Oakland, CA 94605
Opponents: Mr. R. E. Luke
Calvert Avenue
South San Francisco, CA
Mrs. Connie Luke
52 Calvert Avenue
South San Francisco, CA
Donna Davis
17 Graystone Drive
South San Francisco, CA
Donald Davis
17 Graystone Drive
South San Francisco, CA
Julia Stahlnecker
844 Camaritas Circle
South San Francisco, CA
Mr. Paul Ziemer
South San Francisco Police Department
Barbara Schonig
786 Alta Lorna Drive
South San Francisco, CA
Ken Durita
Winston Manor #1, 202 Hilton Avenue
South San Francisco, CA
Jerry Goad, Acting Vice-President of Home Owners Association
Winston Manor #1
66 Duval Drive
South San Francisco, CA
Douglas Butler
133 Adrian Avenue
South San Francisco, CA
May 27, 1 975
Mr. Ted Frame gave the Commission an extensive listing of all the convenience
foods that their 89 to 90 other convenience stores in conjunction with a
service station presently sell.
Mr. R. E. Luke and Mrs. Connie Luke both expressed their concerns with added
traffi c from the conveni ence store caus i ng safety probijKems for the many
school children who have to cross Hickey Boulevard and Camaritas Avenue in
front of.~he service..~tation.. Mr~.Luke noted that to get from Camaritas to
the service station,mo~.t people cross Htckey Boulevard illegally by jotting
across Hickey into the service station. She also felt that there was no
need for a convenience foods store because of the shipping center directly
across the street.
Donna Davis and Donald M. Davis both expressed similar concerns with traffic
and safety to children. Mr. Davis noted that there was a trailer sitting on
the property where the proposed parking spaces would be. He requested to
know where this trailer would be parked when these spaces were put in.
Julia Stahlnecker expressed her concern over the lack of a fire exit from
the sture building. Zoning Administrator Costanzo assured her that the
applicant would have to meet the requirements of the Fire Department, one
of which would definitely be to provide a fire exit from the building.
Mr. Jerry Goad expressed his concern over possible sliding of houses located
above the proposed parking stalls when grading was done for these-spaces.
The applicant said that there would be minimal grading which would not
affect these houses.
Paul Ziemer, Police Department, expressed his concerns that a convenience
foods store would cause multiple problems for the Police. Inadequate
lighting, no "no loiteringll signs, the fact that rocks and debris could
be thrown down onto car windshields, etc. from above and added noise to
the motel from this store becoming a favorite hangout for teenagers, as
has happened Eleven stores, would cause undue problems, as constant
patrolling would be impossible. The applicant noted that he would post
Il,no 1 oi teri ng i gns and woul d provi de adequate 1 i ghti ng.
Barbara Schonig questioned safety patrolling at night. Ken Durita expressed
hi s concerns wi th traffi c prob 1 ems and Dougl as Butl er wi shed to know wha!t
the impact would be from the convenience store on the Winston Manor shopping
Questions were brought up regarding staffing of the store. The applicant
said that the pump islands would be staffed separately from the s,tOre.
The Commission was advised that the hours of operation were from 7:00 a.m.
to 10:00 p.m. They then expressed an interest in adding a condition
restricting these hours to only between 7:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m.
Much discussion ensued on what could be done with the traffic problems at
this site. City Engineer Yee suggested that the center driveway be a 90
degree turn and be egress only.
- 3409 -
May 27, 1975
UP-300, Cont'd
After the close of the public hearing, Commissioner Mullin moved that UP-300
be approved subject to the conditions of the staff report and the conditions
of the City Engineer and the addition of a condition limiting the hours of
operation from 7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. The motion died for a lack of second.
Commissioner Mathewson moved that UP-300 be denied for the following reasons:
1. That the use will generate non-service station related traffic.
2. That the use will promote the loitering of unsupervised young adults
which will be a police problem.
3. That the use will promote illegal traffic movements into the
4. That the modification of an automobile service station into a
convenience store will be a precedent that will promote other
such changes in similar facilities, thereby eliminating a
needed public service for the community.
5. That sufficient similar uses are present in the neighborhood
to service the general community.s needs.
Commissioner Lazzari seconded the motion and it was passed by the following
roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners Lazzari, Teglia, Mathewson and Acting Chairman Slade
NOES: Commissioner Mullin
UP-75-3l3, a request of Eugene Aiello to construct a 10 unit apartment building
and related facilities in the (Commercial) zone at 330 Baden Avenue.
This application was withdrawn by the applicant and shall be returned to the
Commission at the applicant's request.
UP-75-311, a request of Graphicom, Inc. for the construction of an 81 x 8.
sign in a planter box at the corner of Westborough Boulevard and Gellert
Secretary Hale presented the staff report.
- 3410 -
May 27, 1975
UP-75-31l, Cont'd
Proponents: John Lovell, Sales Mgr., representing Graphicom
San Jose, California
Dick Crane, representing Grubb & Ellis, Realty Fund II
Opponents: None
Mr. Lovell and Mr. Crane expressed the great need for signing of their project.
They felt that they had totally inadequate identification. The banner they
have on the units does not adequately show people where Colina is and they
need sales of the 92 units completed before they can complete any more units.
The Commission expressed their concerns about this sign because it is located
on Westborough Boulevard, to be designated as a scenic roadway in the County1s
General Plan. The Commission also expressed the feeling that possibly sales
were down because of the economy rather than inadequate identification.
Commissioner Mullin moved that UP-75-3ll be denied.
seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
rescinded by vote of the Commission. See below).
Commissioner Lazzari
(This action was later
UP-75-312, a requesto~Graphicom, Inc. to construct a 41 x 161 freestanding
81 high subdivisiona(l~ertising sign adjacent to Highway 280, south of Appian
Way, near the corner of Westborough and Gellert Boulevards.
Proponents: John Lovell, Sales Mgr., representing Graphicom
San Jose, CA
Dick Crane, representing Grubb & Ellis, Realty Fund II
Opponents: None
The proponents of this application expressed the same need for adequate signing
to help people find Colina. They felt that sales were so far down that they
needed to use every possible means to help build up sales.
The Planning Commission, as with the above application, felt that the economy
was more at fault for sales being down than inadequate signing. However, they
were very much in sympathy with Colina and the need to get these units sold.
They also felt that the present banner was insufficient for proper identifi-
cation of Colina.
Commissioner Mathewson moved that UP-75-312 be approved subject to appropriate
conditions and limitations to be worked out by staff, including the requirement
that the applicant must return to the Commission in six months for the Com-
mission1s review of the Use Permit to determine if a longer period of time is
warranted.. The Commission further stipulated that the applicant must take
May 27, 1975
UP-75-312, Cont1d
down all other signs. Commissioner Teglia seconded the motion and it was
passed unanimously.
Further discussion ensued about the needs of Grubb & Ellis for signing in
both locations to promote much needed sales~for Colina. The Commission
felt that possibly it could be worked out that both signs could be allowed,
but on a temporary basis only, and only after further work had been done
with staff on design alternatives.
Thus, Commissioner Mathewson moved that both the denial of UP-75-311 and
the approval of UP-75-312 be rescinded to allow time for staff and the
applicant to resolve the problems. Commissioner Teglia seconded the motion
and it was passed unanimously.
WHEREAS, on May 14, 1974, the Planning Commission of the City of South
San Francisco elected Joseph O. Mathewson, Jr., to serve as Chairman of the
Commission; and
WHEREAS !I..Chgjrman .{v1athewsonhgs~p~()vj(:L~Q gYJst~ndi ng.~.aders hiP.. duri ng
hister'mof offfce,repr.esenting the i nterestsof theei ti zens of South San
Francisco in planning matters to promote a more desirable living environment;
WHEREAS, the City of South San Francisco Planning Commission wishes to
commend Joseph Mathewson for his professional and dedicated services to the
community of South San Francisco; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Commission recognizes the abilities and leadership
qualities of Joseph Mathewson as demonstrated during the period of August 7,
1972 to May 14 1974 as a commissioner, and during the period of May 14, 1974
to May 13, 1975, as Chairman of the Commission.
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Planning Commission of the City
of South San Francisco does hereby express its appreciation to Joseph Mathewson
for his dedicated and outstanding services to the community as Chairman of
the Planning Commission of the City of South San Francisco during 1974 and
1975, and that the Secretary is hereby requested to spread this resolution
across the minutes of the Planning Commission.
Commissioner Lazzari introduced the resolution. It wasaceepted unanimously
by roll call vote, with Commissioner Mathewson abstaining.
May 27, 1975
Communications, Cont1d
Staff noted to the Commission that they had received a letter from Sutter
Hill Ltd. requesting to re-open their public hearing on their EIR, zone
change, and amendment to the General Plan for June 24, 1975, Planning
Commission meeting. (This date was later changed to July 8, 1975, by
written request of the applicant).
The Commission directed staff to look into the illegal signs along West-
borough Boulevard.
The Commission also directed staff to notify the Police Department of the
alleged violations at the Xtra Oil Station site.
There being nothing to be considered under Good and Welfare and no further
communi cati ons or other matters of<iirlterest for the Comm;iJss ion, Acti ng
Chairman Slade announced that the next meeting of the Planning Commission
would be held on May 28, 1975 at 8:00 p.m. in the West Orange Library Audi-
torium and the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission would be
held on June 10, 1975 at 8:00 p.m. in the West Orange Library Auditorium.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 p.m. to the Study Meeting of May 28,
1975, when the following two matters were considered.
Ci ty Planner;! David Hal presented thedY'~'fti staff report t~ .,the joint meeting
of the City Council, Planning Commission and Parks and Recrea-eiiOI"l Commission.
After discussion of the matter, it was agreed to refer the project to the Parks
and Recreation Commission and the Planning Commission for a recommendation to
Ci ty Counc i 1 .
City Planner David Hale presented a draft letter expressing the City's concerns
relating to the proposed development. The City Council and the two Commissions
agreed that the letter should be sent by the Mayor to the San Mateo County
Planning Commission as this City.s official comments on the EIR for the proposed
~~r ~~
David C. Hale, Secretary
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Wesley Slade, Acting Chairman
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
The entries. of thi.s Plp.nni.fJgiComm;ssi,o~ meeting indicate the action taken by
the Planning'... Commi ss ion.itoej; sPQs.eofeach>i tern .ii~Ora 1 presentat; ons, argu-
ments and documents are recorded on tape. The tapes are available in the
Office of the City Planner. Documents related to the items discussed are on
file in the Office of the City Planner and are available for public inspection.
_ ":!Lll":! _