HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/24/1974 M I NUT E S September 24, 1974 of the regular meeting of the South- San Francisco Planning Commission TIME: 8:06 p.m. DATE: September 24, 1974 PLACE: West Orange Library Auditorium MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chairman Hale, Commissioners Raffaelli, Slade, Teglia and Chairman Mathewson Commissioner Mullin arrived at 8:25 p.m. MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Lazzari ALSO PRESENT: City Planner David C. Hale Assistant City Planner Surendra N. Amin Director of Public Services Frank J. Addi ego Zoning Administrator William Costanzo MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of September 10, 1974. Secretary Hale stated that Fire Chief Toellner'wished to clarify his comment on page 3327, by adding that lVif the public safety building is sited at the proposed location. II Vice Chairman Hale moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of the South San Francis co Planning Commiss ion of Septemb er 10, 1974 be approved, with above noted correction. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Slade and was passed by the following roll call vote. AYE$(;;,M"-Chainnan Hale, Raffaelli, Slade, Teglia and Chairman Mathewson NOES:None Commissioner Mullin arrived at 8:25 p.m. ABSENT: Commissioner Lazzari ABSTAINED: None ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING TAPE RECORDING OF MEETING Chainnan Mathewson announced that this meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission would be recorded on tape, but that anyone who wished to come before the Commission to be heard, but who objected to having his or her voice recorded in this manner, could request the Chairman to order the tape recorder turned lVoff" for the duration of the time that he or she is speaking or is heard. - 3330 - UP-290 September 24, 1974 UP-290, a request of J. C. Penney Co. for a Use Permit to re-establish a discount department store and related :f;acili,ties at the vacant Whi te Front Department Store, located at 180 El Camino Real, easterly of Spruce Ave., in the PCM District. (Categorically Exempt) Secretary Hale stated that the applicant has requested a continuation of this item to the October 8, 1974 meeting. This will permit applicant to gather more information in the matter. Proponent: Mr. Ron Page, Associated Construction and Engineering Co. 127 Beacon Street, South San Francisco, representing the applicant Commissioner Slade moved that the Planning Commission approve the request of the applicant to continue UP-290 to the October 8, 1974 meeting. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Teglia and passed unanimously by those who were present. GENERAL PLAN AMENDMENT Shoreline Regional Park and to Rezone to Open Space District (OS) A request of the City of South San Francisco to amend the General Plan to estab- lish new boundaries for the proposed Waterfront Park and Open Space areas at Oyster Point, and to rezone to Open Space the areas finally established for the proposed Waterfront Park and Open Space at Oyster Point. (Negative Declaration) Secretary Hale stated that both of the above items are related to each other and should be considered at the same time. Proponent: City of South San Francisco In Favor: 1. Don Bruzzone, representing Cabot, Cabot & Forbes 2. Bill R. Poland, General Mgr., Cabot, Cabot & Forbes 3. Charlf.?~,Lawl"(~r,representing DiSalvo Trucking Co. In Opposition: 1. Mr. Smith, representing Healy-Tibbitts 2. Sylvia Gregory 191 Madison Ave., San Bruno Director of Public Services Frank Addiego explained the DiSalvo Trucking grading permit on this property. Judy Breakstone, representing BCDC, explained BCDC involvement in detail. Considerable discussion took place. At the conclusion of its consideration, the Planning Comndssion took two separate actions. 1. General Plan Amendment - Shoreline Regional Park Commissioner Raffaelli moved that the Planning Commission adopt the staff report to approve the General Plan Amendment regarding new boundaries for the Shoreline Regional Park and recommend to the City Council for approval. - 3331 - September 24, 1974 Commissioner Slade seconded the motion which was passed unanimously by those Commissioners who were present. 2. To rezone to Open Space District CPS} Commissioner Raffaelli moved that the Planning Commission adopt the staff report and approve the new established area for rezoning to Open Space District CPS) and recommend to the City Council for approval. Commissioner Teglia seconded the motion which was passed unanimously by those Commissioners who were present. AInendIIl.e.Ilt t.? ZOIl~,ng Ordinance - Regarding LotCov~r9,geRequirement in Single Family ResideI1tia.l CR-l) District. CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO To amend the text of the City's Zoning Ordinance to delete the lot coverage restrictions in the R-l Single Family Residential Zone. Secretary Hale requested the Zoning Administrator to give the report on this item. After some discussion, Commissioner Teglia moved that the Planning Commission adopt the staff report and approve the deletion of maximum lot coverage restric- tions in R-l, Single Family District and recommend to the City Council for approval. Vice Chairman Hale seconded the motion which was passed unanimously by those Commissioners who were present. Access and Driveway Standards A request of the City of South San Francisco to amend the text of the City's Zoning Ordinance to incorporate access and driveway standards for parking areas. Secretary Hale requested the Zoning Administrator to give the report on this item. After some discussion Commissioner Slade moved that the Planning Commission adopt;I,amen- tl'ed staff report and approve the amendments related to access and driveway standards and recommend to the City Council for approval. Commissioner Mullin seconded the motion which was passed unanimously by those Commissioners who were present. Proposed Parking Standards Study and discussion of proposed parking requirements and standards. After some discussion, the Planning Commission fixed a study session on October 2, 1974 at the City Hall Conference Room at 7: 30 p. m. Condominium Regulations Af~.~rs?me discussion, the PlanI1inf{Commission fiJ(ed a study session on October 2, -1974- at th<:;l(3ity Hall Conference Room at 7:30p.m. - 3332 - September 24, 1974 COMMUNICATIONS Secretary Hale stated that UP-156, Oroweat Baking Co., was continued to September 24, 1974, but since the applicant could not gather all the informa- tion needed, he wishes to continue this item to the regular meeting on October 8, 1974. Commissioner Teglia informed the Commission that she had received a letter from "Skip" Henderson regarding the Citizens' Pros and Cons meeting on October 3, 1974 at Holiday Inn on So. Airport Boulevard and that all are invited to attend the meeting. Commissioner Teglia read the letter. In reply to Chairman Mathewson's inquiry, Secretary Hale stated that no specific time was fixed for the preparation of precise plans for possible development near Miller Avenue extension area. Staff requested direction from the Planning Commission. Commissioner Teglia moved that the Planning Commission approve staff preparation of an unofficial layout of the area showing reasonable access to all properties in this area. She read the description of the individual properties. The motion was seconded by Commis$ioner Slade and unanimously passed by those present. GOOD AND WELFARE Commissioners discussed at length regarding the material in the staff reports which is insufficient on some occasions. Secretary Hale stated that the Planning Office is doing their best considering the work volume and the shortage of staff. Zoning Administrator William Costanzo explained and asked approval of a free- standing sign of Sam's Char Broiler on Chestnut Avenue. The Planning Commission approved the free standing sign. Commissioner Mullin and the other Comrrrrssioners were very concerned regarding the Commission meetings continuing till late at night. There being nothing further to be considered under Good and Welfare, and no further communications or other matters of interest for the Commission, Chairman Mathewson announced the next regular meeting of the Planning Comrrrrssion would be held on October 8, 1974 at 8:00 p.m. in the West Orange Library Auditorium. The meeting was adjourned at 12:35 p.m. to 1, 1974. Joseph Mathewson, Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco David C. Hale, Secretary Planning Comndssion City of South San Francisco NOTE: The entries of this Planning Commission meeting indicate the action taken by the Planning Commission to dispose of each item. Oral presentations, arguments and documents are recorded on tape. The tapes are available in the Office of the City Planner. Documents related to the items discussed are on file in the Office of the City Planner and are available for public inspection. - 3333 -