HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/24/1977 May 24, 1977 M I NUT E S of the regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission TIME: 7:33 p.m. DATE: MAY 24, 1977 PLACE: WEST ORANGE LIBRARY AUDITORIUM MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice-Chairman Goldberg, Commissioners Bertucelli, Campredon, Mullin and Chairman Teglia MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioners Mathewson and Slade ALSO PRESENT: City Planner William Costanzo City Engineer Robert Yee Assistant Planner Mark Wheeler Senior Planner Daniel Christians Planning Division Secretary Pamela Bayer MINUTES OF PREWIOUS MEETING Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of May lOt 1977 Vice-Chairman Goldberg moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission of May TO, 1977, be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bertucelli and was passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice-Chairman Goldberg, Commissioners Bertucel1i, Campredon, Mullin and Chairman Teglia NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Mathewson and Slade ABSTAINED: None ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING TAPE RECORDING OF MEETING Chairman Teglia announced that this meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission would be recorded qn tape, but that anyone who wished to come before the Commission to be heard, but who objected to having his or her voice recorded in this manner, could request the Chairman to order the tape recorder turned "offll for the duration of the time that he or she is speaking or is heard. - 3768 - May 24~ 1977 UP-77-384 Secretary Costanzo indicated to the Commission that Lyon Oil Company had submitted a letter withdrawing their portion of this application. Conse- quently, he noted that the only applicant woudtd be Donald Anderson. UP-77-384, an application for a Use Permit to establish an automobile repair facility and related signing for an existing automobile service station at 900 Linden Avenue in the C-3 Heavy Commercial Zone District. Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report. Proponent: Donald Anderson 900 Linden Avenue South San Francisco, CA Victor Lonati 254 Armour Avenue South San Francisco, CA Opponent: John Mascio 912 Linden Avenue South San Francisco, CA Mr. Anderson stated that he would like the sign located on the building to be larger than proposed in Special Condition #1. He also noted that since the sign is already painted on the building, it would be difficult to repaint the entire building without painting out the sign. Secretary Costanzo said that he would agree to the sign if Mr. Anderson agreed that it would be the only sign on the building. Mr. Anderson agreed. There was some discussion on repainting the building. It was noted that the painters would be able to paint around the sign very easily and that this condition would remain as stated. Mr. Lonati noted that he is the owner of the property and that the service station does not make enough noise to disturb the residents in the area. He stated that he lives next door to the service station and is not disturbed. Mr. Mascio noted his opposition to the application, stating that he has lived there for 36 years and feels he, is being crowded out by a lot of noise in the area generated by all the commercial uses. He stated that the area was zoned light commercial when he moved in and that it was rezoned to heavy commercial and now he has to contend with factories in the area. He asked wmat the hours of operation would be and wanted to know who would police this operation. Mr. Lonati stated that Mr. Mascio bought his home from him 36 years ago and that it was the City who did the rezoning to this area, not the applicant. Commissioner Bertucelli asked if the applicant agreed to Special Condition #4 dealing with the storage and/or repair of vehicles outside of the building area. Mr. Anderson stated that he agreed. In response to Mr. Mascio's complaint of the use of an acetylene torch which could possibly cause explosions in the area, Mr. Anderson stated that he will have a welding operation, but that the Fire Department has been out to inspect it on two different occasions and they approved these welding units. He - 3769 - UP-77-384, cont1d May 241 1977 stated that he is now in the process of obtaining the necessary permits. There was some scussion on the hours of operation. Mr. Anderson noted that he is usually finished by 7:00 p.m. at the latest, except on rare occasions. It was decided to change the condition to read that the hours of operation would be from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Mr. Anderson agreed. There was some discussion on the type of automobile repairs that would be done on the property. Mr. Anderson stated that they would be mechanical repairs only and that they would not be doing any body work or painting. He further noted that they do not repair enginess that this is done on an exchange basis, rather than rebuilding them. Commissioner Mullin asked what type of landscaping would be provided. Sec- retary Costanzo indicated that this had not been decided upon, but that there would be planters between doorways, under windows and screen planting around the building. The words "subject to the approval of the Archi1bectural Com- mittee" were added to Special Condition #7. Secretary Costanzo reiterated the changes to be made to the Special Conditions as fo 11 ows : #1: IlThat the on-building sign shall be 1 imited to three feet maximum height and 35 feet maximum length and said sign shall be the only sign on the bUilding." #2: "That the hours of operation shall be from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. and. . ., II #7: "...subject to the approval of the Architectural Committee.1I Commissioner Mullin moved that UP-77-384 be approved subject to all of the conditions of the staff report, including the above noted changes and additions. Commissioner Bertucelli seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. V-77-l98 A variance request by Percy B. Mueda to encroach into the required setback between two exis ng buildings to construct a room addition ~n property located at 501 Eucalyptus Avenue in the R-l Zone District. Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report, reading into the record the special conditions. Mr. Mueda stated that he understood all of the conditions and agreed to them. Vice-Chairman Goldberg asked what kind of roof would be used. Mr. Mueda stated it would gabled roof with wood siding on certain parts of the structure and brick and stucco along the back and sides. He stated he would try to match the wood siding all around the structure. - 3770 - V-77-198, cont1d May 24, 1 977 Commissioner Bertucelli moved that V-77-198 be approved subject to all of the conditions the staff report. Vice-Chairman Goldberg seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. ZA-77-6 RESOLUTION NO. 2211 An application of the City of South San Francisco and environmental determina- tion of same to amend the text of the City1s Zoning Ordinance #353, as amended, to add land classifications to the O-S Open Space Zone District. Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report and explained the deletions and additions to the Zoning Ordinance. Commissioner Mullin asked what the purpose is of an open space zone. Secre- tary Costanzo indicated that there should be one classification for open space to supply all our open space needs, which should be low intensity zoning. Commissioner Mullin asked why the City was going in this direction. Secretary Costanzo noted that the General Plna pushes us in this direction and that if the City wants the shoreline activities, this zoning district would have to be amended to allow this to occur. He stated that hospitals and sanitariums were high intense land uses and not appropriate for the open space zone. Chairman Teglia noted that in allowing commercial activities in open space zones, wouldn1t other open space areas be affected, such as Orange Park. Secretary Costanzo noted that Orange Park is under Gity ownership and that the City would not introduce any commercial activities at this location. Mr. Douglas Butler, 133 Adrian Avenue, South San Francisco, stated that he is concerned with two buildings along the shoreline and their possible en- croachment into the shoreline area. He noted that he would like the Commis- sion not to act on this tonight and review it further. He felt the City is giving up the open space for commercial uses. Secretary Costanzo noted that BCDC will allow intrusion into the 100 foot shoreline access, as in the case of Di Salvo trucking. He further stated that the City is not giving up the shoreline, but is getting it since most of it is privately owned. Mr. Butler stated that the City has permit process power and felt that these changes would create a loophole. Commissioner Mullin noted that the City might have to trade off something to get something they do not have and want. Secretary Costanzo indicated that the City is trying to square away a portion of the zoning ordinance that is inconsistent with the Open Space Element of the General Plan. Chairman Teglia stated that she is for deleting hospitals and sanitariums from this zone, but that she does not like commercial activities in an open space zone. Secretary Costanzo indicated that wording could be added to the end, reiiding, "...subject to the provisions of the City of South San Francisco.s General Plan and the provisions of BCDC." Vice-Chairman Goldberg stated that he does not see the problem, since items A through G in the Zoning Ordinance relate specifically to those types of uses. - 3771 - ZA-77-6, contid May 24, 1977 Commissioner Mullin stated that he could live with this change with the addition of the above wording. Commissioner ~1ullin introduced Resolution No. 2211 recommending to the City Council that Ordinance 353, as amended, be further amended to amend Subsec- tion H and to add Subsection I to the Open Space (O-S) Zone District. The Commission unanimously adopted this Resolution. Commissioner Mullin moved that the Commission had reviewed and considered the Negative Declaration on this matter. Vice-Chairman Goldberg seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. JOINT MEETING PRECISE PLAN OF DESIGN/DESIGN CRITERIA The members of the Architectural Committee requested that this Joint Meeting be postponed to the Planning Commission meeting of June 28, 1977, due to the lateness of the hour. The Commission concurred. COMMUNICATIONS Secretary Costanzo noted that the Commission needed to approve the Final Parcel Map for PM-77-l44, for Warehouse Investment Company by which the property line is being moved over to allow room for additional parking. Vice-Chairman Goldberg moved that PM-77-l44 be approved as being substan- tially in compliance with the previously approved Tentative Parcel Map. Com- missioner Campredon seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. Secretary Costanzo indicated that the Commission should take action on the abandonment of a portion of Mission Road which was a request made by the San Mateo County Flood Control District. Commissioner Campredon asked if Antoinette Lane was Old Mission Road. Sec- retary Costanzo said it was and that Antoinette Lane would continue across Chestnut Avenue. Commissioner Mullin moved that the Commission had reviewed this request and recommended to the City Council that that portion of Mission Road at Oak, over Colma Creek, be abandoned. Commissioner Bertucelli seconded the motion and it was approved unanimouslYi' Secretary Costanzo presented a memo to the Planning Commission relating to street naming criteria. He asked that the Commission review the staff report and bring comments to the next meeting. He indicated that staff is trying to develop a comprehensive street naming procedure. - 3772 - Communications,_ cont1d May 243 1977 Secretary Costanzo presented a staff report to the Commission relating to changes in the RPD and C-O Zone District Zoning Ordinance text. He ex- plained that the changes were not significant enough to hold another public hearing, but that the City Attorney had noted several areas where one or two words should be changed or added for clarification. He stated that no action was necessary. The Commission noted the changes and agreed to them. Secretary Costanzo presented a memo relating to the SST Concorde and its effects on South San Francisco if it were permitted to land at S.F.I.A. He reviewed the letter that had been drafted to the FAA and asked for com- ments from the Commission by June 3rd. Commissioner Mullin felt that the letter should be more specifically related to South San Francisco problems and the questions or comments should be more specific as he felt it would have more impact if done this way. SPHERE OF INFLUENCE STUDY Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report, noting that the annexation should occur prior to the issuance of a building permit or development per- mit. He further stated that the power should be vested in the City of South San Francisco. indicated that ~ll pre-planning will be done at the County level and that they would develop a Master Plan. He noted that the Commission should decide where they want to be involved with this matter, individually or jOintly with the County Planning Department. He noted that he did not have any problems with the South San Francisco Planning Commission and the County Planning Commission being involved jointly in pre-planning, etcetera, but that he does have problems with the use permit process being handled jointly. Commissioner Mullin asked about the school district problem. Secretary Cos- tanzo indicated that the public hearing would be held on June 8, 1977, at the West Orange Library at 1:30 p.m., but that the problem of what school district people will fall into has not been resolved. There WqS quite a lot of discussion on whether it would be fiscally feasible for South San Francisco if the so*th slope went to South San Francisco and the "Bowl Area" went to Brisbane or if both areas went to South San Francisco. Chairman Teglia asked if Brisbane would use Old Bayshore Highway as a point of leverage. Secretary Costanzo indicated that he did not think Brisbane would give up Old Bayshore Highway. Chairman Teglia indicated that the County had told her that it was essential for the City Attorney to make a finding that South San Francisco have reasonable access from Bayshore Highway. Chairman Teglia noted that she wanted some action taken to see that the City gets a Memorandum of Understanding from the County. Secretary Costanzo noted to the Commission that all building standards of South San Francisco will be applied to all developments by the County. - 3773 - Communications, cont'd May 24, 1977 Secretary Costanzo indicated that LAFCO will ascribe the Sphere of Influence at the June 8th meeting, but that no annexation will be done at that time. Commissioner Mullin asked if LAFCO ascribes the~phere of Influence on June 8, and the time for annexation comes and a detailed fiscal report analysis is made and it is determined that it is not feasible, can the City still say "no." Secretary Costanzo said the City can absolutely say "no." Mr. Douglas Butler, 133 Adrian Avenue, South San Francisco, noted that the preliminary site utilization plan of Visitacion Associates is different from the South San Francisco General Plan. He felt that a fiscal study should be done before the June 8th hearing. He felt if the IlBowl Area" is not in- cluded in the annexation, then it would be a noose around South San Fran- cisco1s neck. There was some discussion on the part of the Commission on the possibility of a fiscal report being prepared prior to ascribing the S~here of Influence. Secretary Costanzo indicated that #6 could be added to the recommendations to the City Council as follows: IlThat the Commission requests the City Council to recommend to LAFCO that a scal impact report be prepared prior to ascribing a Sphere of Influence." The Commission agreed to this wording. Mr. James Keegan, a member of the audience, stated tmat he did not want Williams, Kubbelback & Associates to do the fiscal analysis of this annexa- tion. Secretary Costanzo said it is in the hands of LAFCO. Mr. Keegan stated that he feels this report should be scrutenized very carefully. Vice-Chairman Goldberg moved that the recommendations to City Council in the staff report, with the addition of #6 as stated above, be adopted. Commis- sioner Campredon seconded the motion and it was passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice-Chairman Goldberg, Commissioners Bertucelli, Campredon and Mullin NOES: Chairman Teglia ABSENT: Commissioners Mathewson and Slade ABSTAINED: None RESOLUTION NO. 2212 Resolution of the Planning Commission of the City of South San Francisco com- mending Wesley Slade for his service to the City of South San Francisco as Planning Commission Chairman. Vice-Chairman Goldberg introduced the resolution and it was passed by the fOllowing roll call vote: - 3774 - Communications, cont'd May 24, 1977 AYES: Vice-Chairman Goldberg, Commissioners Bertuce1li, Campredon, Mullin and Chairman Teglia NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioners Mathewson and Slade RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 2210 Resolution of Intention of the City of South San Francisco to amend the Zoning Ordinance, No. 353, as amended, to include an additional provision to Section 4.131 for parking requirements. Secretary Costanzo noted that this was the result of a request by Vice- Chairman Goldberg, and asked that the Planning Commission set a date for a public hearing on this matter. Vice-Chairman Goldberg introduced Resolution of Intention No. 2210 and set the date for the public hearing for June 14, 1977. The resolution was unanimously adopted. GOOD AND WELFARE Vice-Chairman Goldberg noted that there are two gas stations at the corner of Westborough and Gellert Boulevards which are having a gas war. He noted that they have some massive signs up. Secretary Costanzo said he would check this out. Chairman Teglia asked for the result of the Parking Place Commission meet- ing on the senior citizens residence and the tortilla factory. Secretary Costanzo said the Parking Place Commission was concerned with downtown park- ing problems in which there is a significant deficiency. They concurred that they really were not in a position to deny the senior citizens resi- dence and that since this was Section 8 HUD (poverty level people), no one would probably have their own cars, and, therefore, they approved it. He further noted that on the tortilla factory, they had their own parking and there was really no action to be taken other than to allow it to happen, which they did. Mr. Brosnan brought to the Commission a design of an apartment building at 314 Willow Avenue and asked for their reaction to it. Mr. Gregory Mullin, the designer, explained the design as it conformed to the recommendations of the Architectural Committee. Chairman Teglia noted to Mr. Brosnan that the Architectural Committee needed to see the designs again for final approval, and that the only action the Planning Commission would take is if Mr. Brosnan appealed the decision of the Architectural Committee. - 3775 - May 241 1977 There being nothing further to be considered under Good and Welfare and no other matters of interest of communications for the Commission, Chair- man Teglia announced that the next regular meeting of the Planning Com- mission would be held on June 14, 1977, at 7:30 p.m. at the West Orange Library Auditorium. The meeting was adjourned at 11:30 p.m. Roberta Teglia, Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco NOTE: The entries of s Planning Commission meeting indicate the action taken to dispose of each item. Oral presentations, arguments and documents are recorded on tape. The tapes are available in the office of the City Planner. Documents related to the items discussed are on file in the office of the City Planner and are available for public inspection. - 3776 -