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Apri 1 26, 1977
of the regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission
TIME: 7:30 p.m.
DATE: APRIL 26, 1977
MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice-Chairman Teglia, Commissioners Bertucelli, Campredon,
Goldberg, Mathewson, Mullin and Chairman Slade
ALSO PRESENT: Acting City Planner William Costanzo
City Engineer Robert Yee
Assistant Planner Mark Wheeler
Senior Planner Daniel Christians
Planning Division Secretary Pamela Bayer
Architectural Committee Members: Mel Lee
George Avanessian
Robert Ross
Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of April 12, 1977.
Commissioner Mullin moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of the South
San Francisco Planning Commission of April 12, 1977, be approved. The motion
was seconded by Vice-Chairman Teglia and was passed by the following roll call
AYES: Vice-Chairman Teglia, Commissioners Bertucelli, Campredon,
Goldberg, Mathewson, Mullin and Chairman Slade
NOES: None
Chairman Slade announced that this meeting of the South San Francisco Planning
Commission would be recorded on tape, but that anyone who wished to come before
the Commission to be heard, but who objected to having his or her voice re-
corded in this manner, could request the Chairman to order the tape recorder
turned "off" for the duration of the time that he or she is speaking or is heard.
- 3747 -
April 26, 1977
A request of Edmundo Pacheco for a Use Permit to construct a room addition
between the existing house and garage at 3808 Callan Boulevard in the P-C
Zone District. (Continued from March 22, 1977).
Secretary Costanzo made reference to the staff report from the previous meet-
ing and read into the record the special condition and the Fire Department's
Proponent: Mrs. Edmundo Pacheco
3808 Callan Boulevard
South San Francisco, CA
Opponent: None
Commissioner Campredon asked for clarification of the Fire Departmemt's recom-
mendation. Secretary Costanzo said at the time of the first public hearing,
the Fire Department had expressed concern over the room additions in the
Westborough area, continuing at such a rate that there would eventually be
block upon block of these additionst thereby substantially changing the sub-
division which could affect fire access.
Commissioner Bertucelli asked the applicant if she was aware of and understood
all of the conditions. Mrs. Pacheco said that she was.
Commissioner Bertucelli moved that UP-77-377 be approved subject to all of the
conditions of the staff report. Commissioner Mullin seconded the motion and
it was passed unanimously.
A request of Lyon Oil Company for a Use Permit to establish an automobile repair
facility and related signing for an existing automobile service station at
900 Linden Avenue in the C-3 Zone District. (Continued from April 12, 1977)
Secretary Costanzo indicated that there had been insufficient time to meet
with the applicant to resolve some of the problems and suggested a 30 day delay.
Commissioner Mullin asked if the applicant would continue to operate since he
does not have a business license. Secretary Costanzo noted that the applicant
had been notified to quit, but that like other businesses, it would be too
costly for him to close operations now, as he probably would not be able to
Mr. John Mascio, 912 Linden Avenue, South San Francisco, expressed opposition
to the application. He stated he understood there was to be no smoking or cars
running while being filled with gas, yet he had noticed these things occurring.
He also stated that he saw an acetylene torch being used in the gas station
and cited an incident in San Rafael where the whole building went up in flames
from the use of an acetylene torch on the premises. Secretary Costanzo said
this would fall under the jurisdiction of the Fire Department and that he would
apprise them of the situation.
- 3748 -
UP-77-384, cont'd
Apri 1 26, 1977
The Commission unanimously agreed to continue UP-77-384 to the Planning Com-
mission meeting of May 24, 1977.
ZA-77-4 & ZA-77-5
ZA-77-4 and ZA-77-5, applications and resolution by the City of South San
Francisco to amend the City's Zoning Ordinance #353, as amended, to add the
RPD Planned Residential Development Zone and the C-O Commercial Office Zone.
Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report and noted an addition to
Section 4.62 "Uses requiring a Use Permit." He added item 6 to this section
to read: IIMultiple family residential structures.1I He further read into the
record the changes to be made to the text of the Zoning Ordinance (Exhibit "B").
There was a lengthy discussion on the parking spaces that would be required
for each dwelling unit in an RPD development. Vice-Chairman Teglia noted she
felt it was not necessary to limit the additional uncovered parking spaces to
one-half. Commissioner Mullin stated that this section would suspend the
Parking Ordinance for the RPD Zone and that each development would be eva&uated
on its parking needs. Secretary Costanzo noted that in exchange for the loss
on the part of the developer, he gains better setbacks, etcetera.
During this discussion, it was pointed out by Secretary Costanzo that this
requirement would put more discretion into the hands of the Commission for
m~ltiple family developments. The Commission seemed to generally agree that
there was a strong need for some quantitative requirement. Secretary Costanzp
noted that the Commission would be setting their policy position in this zone.
Commissioner Mathewson asked for input from the Architectural Committee on
this subject. Mr. Avanessian said they would have as much a problem with
parking requirements as the Planning Commission. He further stated that they
would not add any more parking than required by ordinance& Secretary Costanzo
indicated thsJ would have to decide on the amount of parking that will be
necessary for each development. He noted that he wants a lower density zone
than an R-3 Zone; units to the acre would probably be the maximum, especially
when they would have to comply with the General Plan, which would probably
amount to two parking spaces per unit. Several of the Commissioners felt
there should be specific guidelines that a developer could look at to determine
the necessary parking. Secretary Costanzo noted that this section could be
changed so that additional parking does not exceed one additional parking
space per unit. The Commission generally seemed more comfortable with the
developer being aware that the Commission may require him to expand his
parking to perhaps as much as three parking spaces per unit.
There was some discussion on how many prohibitive streets there are in South
San Francisco. Secretary Costanzo indicated that most of these streets are
in the industrial park. Commissioner Goldberg indicated that almost all of
the streets in Westborough have no on-street parking.
- 3749 -
ZA-77-4 & -5, cont'd
Apri 1 26, 1977
Vice-Chairman Teglia reiterated that she would like the Commission to have
some discretion so they are not limiting themselves. She indicated that
when the parking ordinance was originally proposed, the final document was
lower in parking requirements than that which was proposed. Secretary
Costanzo noted that the parking ordinance came from a study done by ~~e
Pl anni ng Offi ce of every apartment house in the communi ty and tha t srte was
correct when stating that they actually settled for less parking requirements
than that originally proposed.
Secretary Costanzo noted that this should be changed to read: "That the
Commission may require additional parking spaces not to exceed one parking
space per dwelling unit and 1/2 parking space for guest parking when the
Commission finds such additional parking is necessary for the development,
taking into consideration the availability of on-street parking facilities
in and adjacent to the development.1I The Commission agreed to this wording.
Chairman Slade asked where there is an exception for senior citizens units
where there is no need for more than one parking space per unit. Secretary
Costanzo said he does not feel they would come in under the RPD Zone because
senior citizen land uses fall outside of the perimeters of the Parking
Ordinance and are permitted in an R-3 Zone with a use permit.
Vice-Chairman Teglia asked for clarification of what IIshadow" meant under
Section 4.66, #3 and #4, under the C-O Zone. Secretary Costanzo explained
that there may be situations where multiple story buildings would cas't/~
shadow into arestdential building, in which case they would want ttle PuiJiding
set back so the shadow is not damaging.
Commissdoner Goldberg noted that Section 4, referred to under the c-o Zone,
page 4, needed looking at. Secretary Costanzo suggested bringing this up
under "Communications."
Commissioner Mathewson introduced Resolution No. 2204 and it was adopted unani-
mously. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the Planning Commission had reviewed
and considered the Negative Declaration for ZA-77-4 and ZA-77-5. Commissioner
Campredon seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
A Resolution of Intention to establish a date for a public hearing to consider
amendments to the OS Open Space Zone District related to permitted land uses
in this zone.
Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report, noting proposed deletion of
Section F and the proposed addition of Sections H and I.
Commissioner Mathewson asked if OS is a buildable area. Secretary Costanzo
said that an example would be the California Golf Course. He noted that in
the case of tbe Marina, in order to develop it, the City would have to look
at the support facilities being provided for that area. Commissioner Mathewson
noted that there is grading going on at the Golf Course. Secretary Costanzo
- 3750 -
ZA-77-6~ cont'd
April 26, 1977
said he would check into this to see what is going on in that area. He further
noted that there are two types of land uses and that the Zoning Ordinance does
not designate a difference between passive and active recreation uses.
Vice-Chairman Teglia noted that this is being done to accommodate the Marina,
but she asked why we would have to amend the Zoning Ordinance when it states
in the Ordinance the uses that are permitted. Secretary Costanzo noted that
the Zoning Ordinance is not specific enough to allow support facilities at
the Marina, such as restaurant and boat facilities. He stated that it would
be adequate if they wanted to consider public or private service facilities
as commercial types of land uses.
Secretary Costanzo noted that the zoning was changed from M-l to OS. He
further indicated that the Zoning Ordinance is not in conformity with the
text of the General Plan.
Commissioner Mullin indicated that possibly questions should wait until the
time of the public hearing.
Commissioner Goldberg introduced Resolution of Intention No. 2205 and it was
accepted unanimously. The Commission unanimously agreed to set the date of
the public hearing for May 24, 1977.
Commission review of the proposed 1976-77 Capital Improvements Program and
resolution related to compliance with the City of South San Francisco.s
General Plan.
The Commission generally agreed that they wished to see this budget earlier
in the fiscal year, not as late as presented at this time. City Engineer Yee
stated that this would be possible.
Commissioner Mullin asked if inflation had been taken into account. He stated
that the amounts specified for 1976-77 were the same amounts as indicated in
the five years following and he felt inflation should be taken into considera-
tion. City Engineer Yee stated that the amounts are estimates which is some
cases might be high and in other cases might be low, so that the low estimates
would possibly cover the costs of inflation. For example, if Hillside Boulevard
costs four million, they do not really know if it is 3 million 500, or four
million. He noted that adding five percent to such a large figure would not
make any difference. Commissioner Mullin suggested looking at the $6,000 figure
for sewers and take the necessary five percent addition to make sure these
figures are more realistic.
Chairman Salde asked if there had been a cutback in the size of some of the
projects. City Engineer Yee stated he does not know of too many and that
usually it is an increase in scope, not a decrease.
- 3751 -
Capital Improvements Program, cont1d
Apri 1 26, 1977
There was some discussion on the fact that some of the projects to be deemed
in compliance with the General Plan were, in fact, already completed. There
was speculation on what would happen if a project already completed was
deemed not in compliance with the General patane City Ef"lgineer Yee pointed
out that this is a five year program and that the projects before the Commission
tonight were seen in the previous fiscal year's program. The Commission in-
dicated that they had been advised not to pay much attention to the four
projected years, but to concentrate on the fiscal year under consideration.
Chairman Slade asked if there was any project that Mr. Yee felt the Commission
should give specific attention to. City Engineer Yee stated that the Commis-
sion is familiar with almost all of them. He indicated several projects that
are getting closer--Oyster Point Marina, South A;i'~port Boulevard, which is
already out to bid, and sewer plant improvements.
Commissioner Mullin noted that he lives by Alta Loma Park and wondered what
happened to the acquisition of land that was supposed to have taken place
some time ago.
Commissioner Goldberg introduced Resolution No. 2206 and it was reviewed
and adopted unanimously.
Discussions between the Planning Commissionrtand Architectural Committee re-
lated to items of mutual concern and related to the establishment of a Precise
Plan of Design/Design Criteria for consistency with established City policy
for future developments within the City of South San Francisco.
Mr. George Avanessian, member of the Architectural Committee, noted some of
the problems they have encountered. He felt there was a lack of support
from the Planning Commission. He further stated that the Committee was not
sure just where their powers lay and what authority they have. He requested
that the Commission direct them what to do and wti\~it direction to tak.f3. He
noted there should be a definite direction for building to go and that 'true
developer would have to fit his development into those guidelines. He noted
that this could be done inexpensively or it could be very costly, depending
upon the nature of the development. Secretary Costanzo indicated that the
Planning Commission has discretionary authority granted by the City Council
and has the right to assign that authority to the Architectural Committee.
He noted that there is a lack of clear definition as far as their powers are
concerned, even as far as the exterior treatments, which is the real control
of the Architectural Committee, as well as landscaping.
There was some discussion on the fact that the Architectural Committee wanted
to see more controls over square footage on the interior of buildings. They
generally felt that planning of the interiors is sometimes very poor and to
date they really have no control over this. They stated they would like to
see furniture layouts relating to the interiors. Secretary Costanzo stated
that there is no minimum size or minimum criteria on the square footage for
- 3752 -
Joint Study Session, cont'd
Apri 1 26, 1977
interior appearances of the units, and possibly it would be advantageous
to have some control over this for better living conditions, especially in
rental units.
There was some discussion on the fact that the Architectural Committee would
like to see more information come to them in order to be able to make a de-
cision. Chairman Slade asked if they felt the Committee should take time to
go out to each individual site before the decision is made on the plans that
are submitted to the Committee. Mr. Avanessian stated that he does not feel
this is necessary, but that there should be more information submitted on
adjacent properties, since they often have no idea what the surrounding
neighborhood looks like and that would be helpful in determining whether the
development is suitable in appearance for that area.
Mr. Mel Lee, member of the Architectural Committee, stated that he would
like to see plans that will be going to the Planning Commission earlier than
one week before the meeting. He stated that this puts a time pressure on
them, in that if they wish the plans resubmitted with necessary changes, the
time factor really would not permit this, so they work with what they have,
in some cases.
Mr. Bob Ross, member of the Committee, concurred with Mr. Lee1sitatements.
He further indicated that there should be some clear mandate from the Commis-
sion about how specific they can be. He also indicated that more materials
should be submitted, such as photographs of the surrounding neighborhood. He
s ta ted that he woul d 1 i ke to expand or res tri ct the present.. sign codes and
would like to see them updated every so often, as necessaryl
Secretary Costanzo presented a slide presentation, srnowing some buildings
that were a result of the past and present Architectural Committee. The
slides presented a number of nice looking developments and some that had
not turned out well. There was some discussion on the lack of follow through
as far as landscaping was concerned, and as far as the actual appearance of
the project. Mr. Avanessian stated there must be more clarity of what the
Architectural Committee wanted presented to the Building Division so that
when the developer came in for his building permit, the Building Division
would know exactly what the conditions were. Chairman Slade asked if the
Architectural Committee had a solution as far as maintenance of landscaping
was concerned. Mr. Avanessian said we cannot go door to door to check and
make sure everyone is doing their part to maintain what was initially put in.
Secretary Costanzo stated that some sort of enforcement program should be put
into effect. He stated that at the present time, enforcement comes from
complaints or from having driven by the project and noticed the lack of
There was a small discussion on the Design Criteria, as the Architectural
Committee felt they needed more time to review it and make some input on it.
Mr. Avanessian stated that he would be opposed to specifying colors. The
Commission decided not to take any action on the Design Criteria until the
Architectural Committee had input into them.
Vice-Chairman Teglia offerred to be a liaison ~etween the Planning Commission
and the Architectural Committee. The Commission and Architectural Committee
both thought this would be advantageous. She noted that she would start
attending Architectural Committee meetings.
- 3753 -
Joint Stu~ Session, cont'd
Apri 1 26, 1977
Commissioner Mathewson moved to adopt the criteria for the Westborough area
as far as exterior treatment is concerned, and that control over this treat-
ment be vested in the Architectural Committee. The motion further deleted
the use of aluminum, vinyl plastics, etcetera, for the exteY'i'om\ treatment of
these homes. Commissioner Bertucelli seconded the motion and it was passed
Commissioner Mathewson moved that the design criteria be brought back to the
Commission in another joint study session on May 24, 1977. Commissioner
Bertucelli seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
Secretary Costanzo informed the Commission that he had prepared and delivered
testimony to the U.S. House of Representatives in Washington, D.C. He noted
there is a bill before them on Noise Abatement which provides a methodology
for funding airport operations. Chairman Slade asked if the SST was discussed.
Secretary Costanzo said that it was not, but that he felt Congress would not
let the SST land in any city where it would create a major noise problem.
Senior Planner Christians noted to the Commission that he was working on a
General Plan update and zoning consistency study. He stated that there are
several methodologies for approaching this study and that he would bring a
report on alternative approaches on this matter to the Commission with 30
to 90 days.
Commissioner Goldberg suggested that a possible update on the Parking Ordinance
was in order. Secretary Cpstanzo noted that the Parking Ordinance is only two
years old and while there are some problems with it, he did not feel an entire
update would be necessary. He stated that the sections dealing with residential
uses are the major problems. Chairman Slade suggested that possibly Commissioner
Goldberg could take this study upon himself and report back to the Commission.
There being nothing further to be considered under Good and Welfare and no other
communications or matters of interest for the Commission, Chairman Slade announced
that the next regular meeting would be held on May 10, 1977, at 7:30 p.m. in the
West Orange Library Auditorium.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:20 a.m.
1Aln anzo.
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Wesley Slade, Chairman
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
- 3754 -
April 26, 1977
The entries of this Planning Commission meeting indicate the action taken to
dispose of each item. Oral presentations, arguments and documents are re-
corded on tape. The tapes are available in the office of the City Planner.
Documents related to the items discussed are on file in the office of the
City Planner and are available for public inspection.
- 3755 -