HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/25/1977
of the regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission
TIME: 7:38 P.M.
DATE: JANUARY 25, 1977
MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice-Chairman Teglia, Commissioners Bertucelli, Goldberg,
Campredon. Mathewson, Mullin and Chairman Slade
ALSO PRESENT: Acting City Planner
William Costanzo
Assistant Planner
Mark Wheeler
Planning Division Secretary
Director of Public Services
Pamela J. Bayer
Frank J. Addiego
Robert Yee
City Engineer
Fi re ~1arsha 1
Arthur Maguire
Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of January 11, 1977
Commissioner Goldberg moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of the
South San Francisco Planning Commission of January 11, 1977. be approved.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bertucelli and was passed by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Vice-Chairman Teglia, Commissioners Bertucelli, Goldberg,
and t~athewson
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioners Campredon, Mullin and Chairman Slade (Arrived
after the vote)
NED: None
Chairman Slade announced that this meeting of the South San Francisco Planning
Commission would be recorded on tape, but that anyone who wished to come
before the Commission to be heard, but who objected to having his or her
voice recorded in this manner, could request the Chairman to order the tape
recorder turned "off" for the duration of the time that he or she is speaking
or is heard.
- 3692 -
January 25~ 1
UP-76-368 AND SGR-Mod. 2
Applications of Stonegate Ridge Properties and E. G. Coopman for a Use
Permit to construct 47 attached single family townhouse units and for
Consent to Modify Stonegate Ridge Phases 3, 4, and 6 of the Stonegate
Ridge Planned Community Zone District on Stonegate Drivet 200 feet south-
easterly of Stonegate Court in the Planned Community Zone District.
Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report~ illustrating the locations
Mr. Frank Aitken, Civil Engineer, representing the developer, noted his
concerns on several of the conditions. He objected to Special Condition
#2 regarding the access driveway adjacent to the most northern units being
connected to the driveway system of Unit #2 for emergency fire access.
Secretary Costanzo explained the need for this condition and noted that
the road could be blocked with a barrier acceptable to the Fire Department
Mr. Aitken noted his objection to Special Condition #3, the Fire Marshal's
condition and the City Engineer1s condition relating to the secondary access
road from Stonegate Drive to Chestnut Avenue. Mr. Aitken noted that this
would cause a great deal of problems for the developer if they were not
permitted to begin construction until this road were completed. He felt
that these should be done in conjunction with one another. He noted that
the monies had been put up for the construction of this road and that the
road would take a year or so to construct which would hold up the project
for that length of time.
Fire Marshal Maguire noted that the Fire Department is only concerned
with this road for emergency fire access. He noted that there is a road
there now, but that their equipment is too large to get through. He noted
further that buildings under construction are more susceptible to fire
than completed units, because they have no fire protection. Mr. Aitken
noted the possibility of having fire fighting equipment on the site at all
times in case of such a problem.
Mr. Seyraniant architect for the project, noted that Mr. Coopman is willing
to do his fair share of the costs of the road, but that he should not be
totally responsible. Secretary Costanzo noted that the monies have been
put up for this road and that it is absolutely essential to the units to
have fire access and he noted that the developer has the means to put in
this road. Mr. Aitken noted that he did not object to putting in the road,
but objected to having to wait to begin construction of the units until
this road was completed.
Secretary Costanzo noted that he felt the road would not take one year to
build, but would actually take maybe six months. He further noted that
this road has been going through preparations fqr construction for four
years and something should have been done befor~ this date to see that
construction on the road began in order to have it completed by the time
the development was ready to begin.
Commissioner Mathewson noted that according to City Council resolution, no
construction on the site can begin until the completion of the road.
- 3693 -
UP-76-368 and SGR-Mod. 2, cont'd
January , 1
Secretary Costanzo also noted it would be to the developer's and the City's
detriment to have occupiable units up there completed and then have some-
thing happen whereby the road could not be completed. He noted that he would
not change his condition as he felt it was an essential one. He further
noted that it is by City Council resolution that this road must be com-
pleted before any construction of units is done.
Birector of Public Services Addiego noted that it is mandatory that they
provide a secondary access and that the Commission is here to see that this
road is constructed and completed before the units can be built and that
this is a condition which cannot be waived.
Mr. Aitken noted that it would be next fall before the road could be
started and then it would be winter of 1977-78 before con9truction of the
buildings could begin which would create quite a problem. Chairman Slade
asked if something could be done about this time frame. City Engineer Yee
stated that because of the City Council resolution, there are no options
even though it would cause some hardships on the developer.
Commtssioner Mullin asked if we could word the approval so that there is
construction concurrently with the other, at the end of which time, the
one that is not completed would have to wait for the other. City Engineer
Yee stated that the road is under funding from an assessment district and
it would be difficult to tie it into the project.
Vice-Chairman Teglia asked that if the funds have been available for so
long, why can't this road be built immediately. Secretary Costanzo noted
that there have not been adequate and acceptable plans submitted to date.
City Engineer Yee stated that the latest status of the road is that everyone
has agreed on the latest proposal and that the location is fixed and plans
are being developed. He noted that the only area not yet resolved is with
the school district, because of the entrance to the junior high school being
in close proximity with the road and that the school wanted input into this
road. Vice-Chairman Teglia felt that the road problem should be firmed up
before this matter is voted on. Commissioner Mathewson agreed.
Mr. Seyranian asked if the City had the lamps for street lighting. Director
of Public Services Addiego noted that the lamps were taken down because of
vandalism and that the City does have them.
Mr. Seyranian commented on Poplar Avenue and the removal of the curb. Sec-
retary Costanzo noted that Poplar was going to be a through street, but
that a portion of the project had been abandoned which did not leave an
area open for the completion of this road. Mr. Seyranian noted that it would
be reviewed again with Phases 4, 5 and 6. City Engineer Yee stated that he
did not have a real problem with this if it is not part of the future sub-
division. He did note that it would be hard to remove it at a later date.
Secretary Costanzo noted that this would be predicated on the submission
of the final map.
Vice-Chairman Teglia moved that UP-76-368 and SGR-Mod. 2 be continued to
the Planning Commission meeting of February 8, 1977, to fix the definite
location of the road and to allow the engineering study to be completed
and to see if this road could be done in conjunction with the housing.
Commissioner Mathewson seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
January 25, 1977
An application for a Subdivision Map to create 47 air space condominium
townhouse units on property located on Stonegate Drive, approximately 200
feet southeasterly of Stonegate Court in the Planned Community Zone District.
Vice-Chairman Teglia moved that this matter be continued to the Planning
Commission meeting of February 8, 1977, since it was related to the two
previous matters. Commi ss i oner ~1athewson seconded the motion and i t.wa.s
passed unanimously.
ZA-77-4 AND ZA-77-5
ZA-77-4, a proposed modification to the City of South San Francisco1s
Zoning Ordinance, adding the RPD R.esidential Planned Development Zone
ZA-77-5, a proposed modification to the City of Sou~h San Francisco1s
Zoning Ordinance, adding the C-O Commercial Office Zone District.
Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report on these two matters and
noted how the proposed RPD and C-O Zones would apply to the present high
and medium-high densities and the office professional areas of the General
Commissioner Mathewson requested clarification on EIR requirements for the
R-2 and R-3 Zone Distri Secretary Costanzo noted that in the case of
R-2, our findings are that total density increases would be very minimal
and it could be handled by a Negative Declaration. He noted, however, that
the R-3 Zone would be very sweeping in which case there may be a need to
do an EIR. He noted that with the text of the RPD Zone District, we would
not need an EIR because there is not a change in the zone district; the
Zoning Ordinance is only being changed to allow an additional zone which
anyone wishing to change the zoning on their property could avail themselves
of and, then, they would be responsible for any EIR requirements.
Commissioner Goldberg asked if the developers should rezone if they came in
under a "U" Zone. Secretary Costanzo noted that they would have to, based
on an adopted policy of the City whereby they would hot accept development
in a "UIl Zone without it being rezoned first.
Commissioner Campredon asked what happens to areas already developed in a
"U" Zone. Secretary Costanzo noted that the uses are consistent with the
General Plan, but that if the Commission wished to initiate action to
rezone those properties with established uses, they could do sol He noted
that most of those uses were developed before 1970, which would classify
them as on-going projects and therefore, an EIR may not be required.
Chairman Slade noted that staff should look carefully at the permitted uses
under the proposed RPD and C-O Zones to be certain that everything we want
in there is included. Secretary Costanzo noted that he would like to add
to number 6 of the uses permitted by Use Permit in the RPD Zone multiple
family uses, so that it is consistent with the requirements of the R-3 Zone.
- 3695 -
January 25, 1977
Commissioner Mathewson moved to set the date for the public hearing on the
addition of the RPD and C-O Zones to the City of South San Francisco.s
Zoning Ordinance for February 8, 1977. Commissioner Goldberg seconded
the motion and it was passed unanimously
Report from Gruen~ruen + Associates on the proposed P.G.& E. Combined
Cycling Facility at Oyster Point.
Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report on this matter and noted
several corrections to the Synopses. He noted also the addition of #4
on the last page of Synopsis No. 3 to read:
#4: IIThat since the consultant has assumed in his report that the
P.G.& E. facility will be built in 1980 (based on testimony
contained in the Notice of Intention and testimony received
from representatives of P.G.& E.), fiscal benfits of the
project would be lost and significant costs imposed~ if it
were not constructed by that date. Accordingly, it is the
C;:ty.s position that the proposed facility, if approved,
should be constructed by 1980."
Secretary Costanzo further read into the record the conclusions of the report
and the recommendations and asked the Planning Commission to direct staff to
proceed immediately to the City Council for adoption of their policy.
Mr. Gruen, author of the report, began by identifying fiscal impacts and the
areas they would affect. Further he looked at individual areas to see how
potential land uses in those areas would be affected i P.G.& E. power
plant were constructed and noted the kinds of land uses which would possibly
develop in those areas if the P.G. & E. plant were not constructed. Mr.
Gruen looked at the first, second and third most likely land uses. He
noted that the impacts would not be significant, except for the transmission
lines. He noted that the area where the plant is situated would have the
most impacts, as well as the area to the south of it, which is tied in with
that plant area. Mr. Gruen noted that if the transmission lines were by
the southern route, they would have less impact than if they were by the
northern route. He noted that areas that would be affected if the lines
ran northerly are the south slope of San Bruno Mountain, Sierra Point, etc.
Mr. Gruen noted that they studied the fiscal impacts and have concluded
that the fiscal impacts do not seem to be very great, however, if the plant
is not built by 1980, the date used to make his conclusions, then the
fiscal impacts could become significant.
Chairman Slade asked about taxes in relation to possible building areas
lost by the construction of the transmission lines. Mr. Gruen noted
that if the lines go to the south, there would be no problems, and the
City would still come out ahead. He further noted that if the lines go
to the north, then the City will end up losing.
- 3696 -
P.G.& E. Substation, cont1d
January 25, 1977
There was some discussion on the steam plume and fogging. Secretary
Costanzo noted that P.G.& E. have not indicated that they would mitigate
the steam plume, but have indicated they will do so only if the State
Commission mandates it.
Commissioner Mathewson asked what BCDC's opinion was. Mr. Gruen noted
that BCDC indicated that if P.G.& E. gets some benefit from being near
the water, then they would not object. Secretary Costanzo noted that there
were discussions with BCDC and agreements were reached as to location and
orientation to the water for the Shoreline Regional Park.
Vice-Chairman Teglia requested to know how Belle Air Island compared in
size to the Oyster Point site. Secretary Costanzo noted that it is com-
parable in size. Vice-Chairman Teglia further requested to know if anyone
had suggested to P.G.& E. that they look into this area. Secretary
Costanzo said that the suggestion had been made to P.G.& E. and they
indicated that they would investigate this site.
Vice-Chairman Teglia noted that she felt the Oyster Point area is in a
state of transition and that if the P.G.& E. power plant were put in, it
would not be long before other areas developed along the same lines.
Commissioner Mullin asked if there is an established rate of absorption
which makes projections possible, such as with the Industrial Park. He
further asked how long it would take before expansion would become necessary
because of absorption. Mr. Gruen stated that he does not know what the
rate would be, but that the Industrial Park is almost filled and that Healy-
Tibbitts is the next logical spot to expand. He further noted that the
P.G.& E. power plant would be paying taxes long before this expansion
could take place, assuming the plant were built by 1980.
Chairman Salde requested to know from Mr. Gruen what the feelings were of
the different people interviewed regarding the power plant. Mr. Gruen
noted that people in the ar~a basically want this area to remain industrial
and did not object to the P~G.& E. plant. He noted that they did not want
housing in this area and were definitely interested in it remaining industrial.
Commissioner Mullin asked Secretary Costanzo what he meant by "silent
inquiries.1I Secretary Costanzo noted that he had had inquiries by private
developers concerning private ma~ina housing projects, but that he was
not free to disclose the names of those inquiring. He noted that there
have been about four inquiries for housing on that site and that nego-
tiations are going on now.
Secretary Costanzo noted to the Commission that the storage of fuel 1
on the site would require a Use Permit and that the Fire Department is
concerned with this, as well as the carbon steel pipe line from Brisbane.
He further indicated that the fire department wants the storage tank in
a resevoir designed to hold the full capacity of the tank, in case of
Commissioner Campredon asked where the cooling tower would be located.
Secretary Costanzo noted that it is close to being the most northern
structure on the site and noted its configuration.
- 3697 -
January J 1977
Mr. Douglas Butler, a member of the audience, noted that he felt this use
was not the best for this areas He further noted that the Bay Area Air
Pollution Control Board has noted that gas turbines are a high source of
air pollution. Secretary Costanzo indicated that P.G.& E. will mitigate
this to meet the Board's requirements. Mr. Butler also noted that he
felt the transmission lines going to the south would not be aesthetic.
Secretary Costanzo noted that the lines going to the north should be
prohibited and that they should only go to the south. Commissioner
Mathewson noted that there is an existing line which P.G.& E. would only
connect with. Mr. Butler further noted that the Commission should
address themselves to the Shoreline Regional Park Secretary Costanzo
noted that this is being done and that the 1969 plan was amended in 1975.
Commissioner Mullin noted that he did not want the P.G.& E. power plant
at all, but if the City was going to get it~ then it will be under the
City1s conditions as set up in the Gruen report.
Vice-Chairman Teglia noted that she would like to change the first recom-
mendation; that it should be stronger. Secretary Costanzo noted that he
would not recommend a strong dissenting statement because the power plant
would be in conformity with the General Plan and with the Zone District.
He further noted that if the Commission did not want to go with this land
use, they must make a determination as to the type of land use they prefer
and must authorize a study to begin on what types of land uses would be
best for the area. Commissioner Mul'in suggested changing the first recom-
mem:lation from II cond it i ona l' y acceptable II to lima rg i na 11 y acceptab 1 e. II
Vice-Chairman Teglia suggested adding to that "wit,h conditions."
Commissioner Mathewson asked if the Energy Resources Commission could ask
what the votes of the Planning Commission and City Council were Secretary
Costanzo noted that they would not ask that. He further indicated that
the State Energy Resources Commission is concerned about local feelings.
Chairman Slade strongly exp~ssed his feelings that the Energy Commission
is not concerned in the 1~as1 with local feelings because of the short
time frame under which th~ C~ty had to work.
j \
Vice-Chairman Teglia reilerated that she would like P.G.& E. to consider
the Belle Air Island si~e.
Commissioner Goldberg moved that the recommendations in the staff report
be accepted wi th th~./change in recommendati on #1 as suggested above, the
addition of recomm~ndation #4 as presented above, and the addition of
recommendation #5 that P.G.& E. look into the Belle Air Island site, and
that staff proceed\to Council with these recommendations. Commissioner
~1athewson seconded (the 'motion and it was passed by the following roll call
vote: \
AYES: Vice-Chairm~n Teglia, Commissioners Bertucelli, Campredon,
Goldbergi Ma~hewson and Mullin
NOES: Chairman Slade
- 3698 -
January 25~ 1977
Resolution establishing an environmental review process for development
projects and municipal projects in accordance with the California Environ-
mental Quality Act of 1970 and pertinent guidelines by the Resources Ag~hcy
of the State of California.
Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report, noting that there will now
have to be public notification on Negative Declarations. He noted that
the City Council will have to adopt a fee schedule for this. He further
noted that the Planning Commission should adopt the resolution recommending
to City Council that they rescind and repeal their'previous CEQA guide-
lines, resolution #33-74, adopted the 19th day of February, 1974, and that
they adopt a resolution establishing the exhibit entitled "Environmental
Review Process, City of South San Francisco, February 1977," as the
environmental procedures for the City of South San Francisco.
Commissioner Mullin requested clarification on the appeal process of
Negative Declarations. He stated that he understands that the first
appeal would go before the Planning Commission and that the second appeal
would go to the City Council. Secretary Costanzo said that this was correct.
Commissioner Mullin further stated that he would like the option of seeing
the Negative Declarations, if there is a possibility of an EIR being re-
quired. Secretary Costanzo noted that it is part of the planning process
that the Negative Declarations come to the Commission for review and
Commissioner Mathewson asked if Negative Declarations would be reivewed
individually. Secretary Costanzo noted that this is correct.
Commissioner Bertucelli introduced the resolution recommending to the City
Council that they rescind and repeal Resolution #33-74 and adopt a resolu-
tion establishing the "Environmental Review Process, City of South San
Francisco, February 1977,11 as the environmental procedures for the City
of South San Francisco. The resolution was adopted unanimously.
Secretary Costanzo presented a resolution commending Homer V. Hale for his
services as a Planning Commissioner. Commissioner Mullin moved that the
resolution be read in title only. Commissioner Bertucelli seconded the
motion and it was passed unanimously. Commissioner Mullin then introduced
the reso 1 uti on and it was adopted unan=i.rTlous 1 y.
There being nothing under Good and Welfare and no further communications
or other matters of interest for the Commission, Chairman Slade announced
that the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission would be held
on February 8, 1977, at 7:30 p.m. in the West Orange Library Auditorium.
- 3699 -
January 1977
The meeting was adjourned at 11:40 p.m
Wesley Slade, Chairman
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
The entries of this Planning Commission meeting indicate the action taken
to dispose of each item. Oral presentations, arguments and documents are
recorded on tape. The tapes are available in the office of the City
Planner. Documents related to the items discussed are on file in the
Office of the City Planner and are available for public inspection.
- 3700 -