HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/11/1977 M I NUT E S of the regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission TIME: 8:00 P.M. DATE: JANUARY 11, 1977 PLACE: WEST ORANGE LIBRARY AUDITOR1UM MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice-Chairman Teglia, Commissioners Bertucelli, Campredon, Goldberg, Mathewson, and Chairman Slade MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Mullin ALSO PRESENT: Acting City Planner William Costanzo City Engineer Robert Yee Assistant Planner Mark Wheeler Chief Building Inspector Roy Ghilardi Planning Division Secretary Pamela J. Bayer MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of December 14, 1976 Commissioner Mathewson moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission of December 14, 1976, be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Bertucelli and was passed by the following roll call vote: AYES: Vice-Chairman Teglia, Commissioners Bertucelli, Campredon, Goldberg, Mathewson, and Chairman Slade NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Mullin ABSTAINED: None ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING TAPE RECORDING OF MEETING Chairman Slade announced that this meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission would be recorded on tape, but that anyone who wished to come before the Commission to be heard, but who objected to having his or her voice recorded in this manner, could request the Chairman to order the tape recorder turned "off" for the duration of the time that he or she is speaking or is heard. - 3685 - January 11, 1977 WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITIES UPGRADING FINAL ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Review of the Final Environmental Impact Report for the Wastewater Facilities Upgrading, South San Francisco Treatment Plant. Secretary Costanzo noted that he had reviewed the glossary and that it was satisfactory to him. He further noted that the motion should be to certify the Final Environmental Impact Report for compliance with CEQA guidelines and wi th the South San Franci sco envi ronmenta 1 . regul.a.ti ons. Commissioner Goldbermg noted that a glossary should be designed in terms that a layman could readily understand. He noted that he felt the glossary could have been prepared in more simple language. Secretary Costanzo noted that words used in the text of the Environmental Impact Report were not words one could look up in a dictionary. He noted that the glossary broke those words down into definitions that, if not readily understood, could be looked up in a dictionary. Commissioner Bertucell; noted that it would have been advantageous to have the Superintendent of the Sewage Plant in attendance at the meetings to thoroughly explain the terms. Secretary Costanzo noted that the City Engineer and the Director of Public Services were in attendance, both of whom were qualified and capable to answer any questions. Commissioner Mathewson asked if this Environmental Impact Report were essen- tial to the upgrading. Secretary Costanzo noted that it was. Commissioner Mathewson moved that the Final Environmental Im~act Report for the Wastewater Treatment Facilities Upgrading be approved and certified for compliance with the CEQA guidelines and the City of South San Francisco environmental regulations. Vice-Chairman Teglia seconded the motion and it was passed by the fo'l owi ng ro 11 call vo'te: AYES: Vice-Chairman Teglia, Commissioners Bertucelli, Goldberg, Mathewson, and Chairman Slade NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Mullin ABSTAINED: Commissioner Campredon UP-75-30l, MODIFIED UP-75-301, ~~odifiec1, a requesto~ Pgcific Telephone and Telegraph Company for a modification tQ<ia>usepeY"nlj..t~()iallow the continuation of a temporary office/trailer at 475 South Canal Street in the C-3 Heavy Commercial Zone. Mr. Robert Newmann, representing Pacific Telephone, had no comments, except that they would remove the trailer within the one year limit. - 3686 - UP-75-30l, Modifjed, cont1d January 11,1977 Vice-Chairman Teglia noted that on the application form Pacific Telephone had requested only a six month extension of time and asked if the one year extension were acceptable to them. Secretary Costanzo noted that he had made it one year to give them some leeway, so they would not have to come back in six months with another continuation request. Mr. Newmann stated that he actually prefers the one year extension, instead of the requested six months. Commissioner Mathewson moved that UP-75-301, Modified, be approved to allow the continuation of a temporary office/trailer until February 11, 1978. Commissioner Goldberg seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously UP-76-370 A request of Arthur Brincat for a use permit to establish an automobile body and paint facility in an existing nonconforming warehouse building at 619 Airport Boulevard. Secretary Costanzo noted that this matter should be tabled on the City Attorney1s recommendation because of the pending court case and noted that Mr. Brincat has no objections to this tabling. Secretary Costanzo further explained that the City is under a cease and desist order from the courts from enforcing any conditions imposed upon this property, there- fore, the City At~orney ruled that this matter should be tabled until after the court hearing. The Commission directed staff to table this matte)". Mr. Julian Medeiros, an interested member of the audience, asked if he could be notified the next time this matter came before the Commission. Secretary Costanzo said that he would be notified. UP-76-371 A request of Louis Arata for a use permit to establish a live-in caretaker's quarters in a proposed warehouse facility on South Maple Avenue in the M-l Zone District. Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report, noting the addition of special conditions #7 and #8, as follows: #7: That the applicant shall comply with the requirements of the Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC). #8: That the applicant shall comply with the requirements of the City's Engineering Office relative to flood inundation from Colma Creek. Mr. Louis Arata, the applicant, expressed several points of concern. He noted his concern with the landscaping condition #1 of the Parks & Recrea- tion Department. He noted that a six foot planter on the side, only, would be hard to comply with. - 3687 - UP-76-37l, cont'd January 11, 1977 He asked if this six foot planter requirement could be rediced in width. Secretary Costanzo noted the ordinance requirement that states that there must be wheel stops if there is only a three foot planter strip and that if there is a six foot strip, wheel stops were not required. He further noted that the Parks & Recreation Department's second condii:ipQ was in direct conflict with the ordinance and should be deleted. Vioe;.@hairman Teglia asked if this had been discussed with Parks & Recreation. Secretary Costanzo said that he would have to talk with Ron Belcher, but that he felt the intent was that plants grow much healthier in a six foot planter. Mr. Arata noted his concern with the Fire Marshal IS first condition regard- ing the automatic sprinklers. He noted that there is no problem with this condition, but that the rest of the building is not designed yet and he did not want to be locked into that requirement if there were a better alterna- tive. Secretary Costanzo noted that the words lias required" appear in that condition, meaning that this would not have to be met unless it were required. Commissioner Goldberg asked Mr. Arata if he was aware of Special Condition #5 regarding stop signs and arrows. Mr. Arata said that he was and that they would comply with this condition. Commissioner Mathewson asked Mr. Arata if he was aware that two conditions had been added, Special Conditions #7 and #8. Secretary Costanzo explained these two conditions and Mr. Arata noted that he understood them and would comply with them. There was some discussion on Parcel 7, which some of the Commissioners felt was a landlocked piece of land. Mr. Arata showed the Commission a parcel map approved by the Planning Commission showing that Parcel #7 actually had two means of access and was not landlocked. Mr. Arata was asked if he had the right to put locked gates across those exit points. Dr. Kemper, the owner of the property, stated that he has the right to fence off this area Commissioner Mathewson asked about land filling. Mr. Arata noted that there would be some land filling, but only for drainage purposes. \ Commissioner Campredon moved that UP-76-371 be approved, subject to all of the conditions of the staff report, with the above changes and additions. Commissioner Bertucelli seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. PM-76-137 A review for final consideration of the Final Parcel Map of Charles Petrocchi at the southwest corner of Spruce Avenue and Miller Avenue. Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report, noting that this final map was in substantial compliance with the previously approved Tentative Parcel ~la p . Commissioner Mathewson moved that PM-76-37l be approved subject to all of the conditions of the staff report. Vice-Chairman Teglia seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. - 1hAA - January 11, 1 GP-76-5 GENERAL PLAN DIAGRAM AMENDMENT Public hearing to consider an amendment to the General Plan Diagram, Bicycle and Trailways Element, deletion of a proposed pathway extension from Chestnut Avenue to Willow Avenue. Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report. Commissioner Mathewson asked if this deletion directly related to the approval of the use permit of Patrick Brosnan. Secretary Costanzo said that it does and that Mr. Brosnan's use permit was approved by Council with the deletion of the pathway. He noted, however, that ~1r. Brosnan could do nothing until the pathway were deleted from the General Plan. Commissioner Bertucelli introduced Resolution No. 2199, recommending to City Council the amendment to the General Plan Diagram, deleting the proposed pathway extension from Chestnut to Willow Avenue. It was adopted unanimously. RZ-77-37 RESOLUTION OF INTENTION NO. 2200 Resolution of Intention to consider a rezoning of a portion of property at the northeast corner of Chestnut and El Camino Real. Secretary Costanzo explained that the Commission should set the date for the public hearing on this matter. Commissioner Goldberg moved to waive the reading of the resolution. Com- missioner Bertucelli seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. Commissioner Mathewson introduced the resolution of intention to set the date for the public hearing for February 8, 1977. The resolution was adopted unanimously and the public hearing date was set for February 8, 1977. COMMUNICATIONS Secretary Costanzo explained that the R-P-D and C-O zones would be coming before the Commission for their consideration. He noted that this is a direct result of trying to amend the R-3 and R-2 zone districts to comply with the General Plan and the necessity of preparing an EIR because it would affect the whole community. He noted that the addition of these zones does not require an EIR, but that the burden of the EIR would lie with whoever applied for a rezoning to either of those two zones. He noted to the Com- mission that Dean Homes has purchased 70 acres of land which is zoned R-3 and upon which he could get 3,000 units. He further indicated that Dean Homes proposed to construct only 300 single family detached dwelling units on the 70 acres. If this were permitted, the future buyer of these homes could then build the additional units which would be generally undesirable. The Commission agreed to a detailed study at its next regular meeting. - 3689 - Communications~ cont'd January 115 1977 Secretary Costanzo noted that the purpose of reviewing an Environmental Impact Report is to get all public comment and that the final hearing should not be opened up for public comment. He further noted that Parcel Maps never require a public hearing and they should not be opened for public comment. Secretary Costanzo informed the Commission that the CEQA guidelines would be coming to the Commission at the study session of January 25, 1977. GOOD AND WELFARE Commissioner Goldberg noted that he would like a study session scheduled to have the Parks & Recreation staff and consultants make a presentation on the Marina Project. He noted that he would like to have some input into this project before it goes to detailed layouts. Secretary Costanzo felt there would be some value in scheduli.n>gi this meeting. Vice-Chairman Teglia asked if the planning engineering offices and the Architectural Commitee have seen the whole plan. Secretary Costanzo noted that Parks & Recreation Department are dealing with nine regional areas, involving many permits~ and that it has not gotten down to the Planning Commission level yet. City Engineer Yee stated that it is still conceptual. but he feels the Commission should get involved with it at this stage. He noted that he is aware of the concept. Chairman Slade asked what the time schedule would be for scheduling a study session. Secretary Costanzo noted that it could be brought to the Commission by January 25th study session, and not later than the February 22nd study session. The Commission requested that the paid consultants be at the meeting and that each consultant should make a presentation. Commissioner Mathewson objected to having such a meeting. He felt we should wait until it reached detailed layouts and came to the Planning Commission level. There being nothing further under Good and Welfare and no further communications or other matters of interest for the Commission, Chairman Slade announced that the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission would be held on January 25, 1977~ at 7:30 p.m. in the West Orange Library Auditorium. The meeting was adjourned at 9:20 p.m. - 3690 - January 11,1977 Wesley Slade, Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco am Co , Planning Commission City of South San Francisco NO[E: The entries of this Planning Commission meeting indicate the action taken to dispose of each item. Oral presentations, arguments and documents are recorded on tape. The tapes are available in the office of the City Planner. Documents related to the items discussed are on file in the office of the City Planner and are available for public inspection. - 3691 -