HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 11/09/1976
of the regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission
TIME: 8:00 P.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice-Chairman Teglia, Commissioners Bertucelli, Goldberg,
Mathewson, Mullin and Chairman Slade
MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Hale
ALSO PRESENT: Acting City Planner William Costanzo
Assistant Planner Mark Wheeler
Pl~nning Division Secretary Pamela J. Bayer
Acting Director of Public Services Robert Yee
Chief Building Inspector Roy Ghilardi
Fire Marshal Arthur Maguire
Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of October 26, 1976
Commissioner Bertucelli moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of
the South San Francisco Planning Commission of October 26, 1976, be approved.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Goldberg and was passed by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Vice-Chairman Teglia, Commissioners Bertucelli and Goldberg
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commiss~oners Hale and Mullin (Arrived Late)
ABSTAI NED: Commi ssi oner ~1athewson and Cha i rman Sl ade
Chairman Slade announced that this meeting of the South San Francisco
Planning Commission would be recorded on tape, but that anyone who wished
to come before the Commission to be heard, but who objected to having
his or her voice recorded in this manner, could request the Chairman to
order the tape recorder turned lIoffll for the duration of the time that
he or she is speaking or is heard.
- 3649 00;
November 9, 1976
UP-76-355, a request of Franchise Realty Interstate Corporation for a Use
Permit to construct a dining room addition into an existing restaurant at
435 El Camino Real in the C-l Neighborhood Commercial Zone District.
Chairman Slade opened the public hearing. Secretary Costanzo noted that
staff and the applicant would like this matter continued to the Planning
Commission meeting of December 14, 1976, to allow more time for some of
the problems to be resolved.
Vice-Chairman Teglia moved that UP-76-355 be continued to the Planning
Commission meeting of December 14, 1976. Commissioner Bertucelli seconded
the motion and it was passed unanimously.
UP-76-36l, a request of Whis1er-Patri for a Use Permit to construct 42
single family residential units on property located on the northeast
corner of the intersection of Callan Boulevard and Greendale Drive and
on Palos Verdes Way in the Planned Community Zone District.
Secretary Costanzo noted to the Commission that this agenda item was
being withdrawn by the applicant because of an inadequate property owners.
list, in that a number of property owners were not notified of the public
hearing. He further stated that this agenda item would be brought back
to the Commission as soon as Whisler-Patri submitted an up-dated property
owners I 1 i st.
UP-76-362, a request of Al Agresti for a Use Permit to remove and recon-
struct in a new location one unit in an existing duplex at 114-116 First
Street and 114-116 IIBII Street in the R-2 Zone District.
Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report and read into the record
the Special Conditions.
Proponent: Al Agresti
10 Willow Lane
Belmont, CA 94002
Opponent: None
Mr. Agresti noted that the old apartment required too much work to bring
up to code and that by tearing it out, he could redecorate the rst
building and build an addition onto the back. He further stated that the
apartment does not now have a garage, but there will be space for approxi-
mately six cars if the addition could be built and the first building
- 3650 ...
UP-76-362, contld
November 9, 1976
Commissioner Mathewson requested to know what was being done about the 20
foot rear yard setback. Secretary Costanzo explained that there are five
nonconforming parcels with four units built on them and that the code will
not allow separating these parcels for sale, so they are considered one
piece of property. He further explained that the rear yard is that portion
of Lot 24 to the rear of the units i~entified as 114-116, which is non-
Commissioner Mathewson requested to know the total square footage of the
unit itself. Secretary Cos~anzo noted that it is 1012 square feet.
Commissioner Mathewson requested that Special Condition #6 be added to
read: IIThat lots 24, 26, 28, 30 and 32, shall be deleted via the parcel
map procedure to create one larger parcel prior to the issuance of a
building permit.1I
Commissioner Mathewson moved that UP-76-362 be approved subject to the
conditions of the staff report and the addition of Sp~~ri'al Condition #6.
Vice-Chairman Teglia seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
(Commissioner Mullin - Absent)
UP-76-338 (MODIFIED)
UP-76-338, Modified, a request of Mann Investment Company to amend one
unit of the 14 single family residences approved as part of a Planned
Unit Development/Subdivision located at the southeast corner of Hillside
and Chestnut on Storre~~te Drive in the Planned Community Zone District.
Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report and read into the record
the Special Conditions, noting the addition of Condition #36 within the
text of the staff report which reads as follows:
#36: That Exhibit IIAII be amended to delete one type two unit
and to replace said unit with a revised type 6 unit, subject
to the approval of the City1s Architectural Committee as to
the exterior treatment of the proposed unit.1I
Proponents: Mr. Bob Smith
Mann Investment Company
39 Cliffside Drive
Daly City, CA 94015
Al Seyranian, representing the applicant
Opponents: Eugene Aven, president of Stonegate Ridge Association #1
848 Stonegate Drive
South San Francisco, CA
Robert Mayerson
844 Larch
South San Francisco, CA
- 3651 -
UP-76-338, Modified, cont'd
November 9, 1976
Mike Gatlin
816 Larch
South San Francisco, CA
Joyce Mayerson
844 Larch
South San Francisco, CA
Mr. Smith noted that Mann Investment Company had gotten together with the
Hom~Dwnersl Association and that they agreed to change the one unit from
type two to type six.
Mr. Mayerson noted his concern with traffic on Hillside Boulevard being
increased by the additional 14 units. He noted that traffic on Hillside
is already tremendous and that he would like to know what could be done
to alleviate the problems.
Secretary Costanzo explained to the Commission that there had been an
agreement between Mann Investments and the Homeowners' Association which
has to do with an appeal and the withdrawal of that appeal by the Home-
owners' Association based on the agreement made between these two groups.
He further noted that the City is now being placed in a position of
enforcing an agreement between these two groups, but that staff still
supports this project.
Mr. Aven noted to the Commission some of the problems he saw with the
plans submitted by Mann Investment Company. He said that the plan
limits the number of vehicles, reducing it by half, and that there is
no off-street parking there. He noted that the parking is now down to
one parking space per home and that it was agreed that there would be
two vehicles per home. Secretary Costanzo noted that to increase cover-
age with driveways and parking would not be possible without amending the
entire Stonegate text. He noted that the Planning Commission could require
additional parking, however, this cannot be done because it would be
violating the Stonegate Ridge General Plan and Planned Unit Development
and would violate the terms and conditions of the Ordinance placed on that
property. He explained that the reason this is before the Commission
tonight is because it is a modification of the Stonegate Ridge Plan by
changing this one unit. The text would have to be amended to allow
greater than 50 percent coverage on the property. He explained that by
putting up two-car garages, as Mr. Aven requested, it would be taking
away the guarantees of the P.U.D. on this site and it would reduce open
space to below 50 percent which means that the text of the plan would have
to be amended. He further explained what a Planned Unit Development
consists of.
Mr. Aven requested that these carports be closed garages so that they do
not look like lean-to IS.
Mr. Seyranian, representing the applicant, noted that the carports were
put in to give a more open feeling to the area, to give more light and
air to the entranceways to the units, rather than closing them off.
Mr. Gatlin asked if in addition to the carport, there would be room for
two additional cars.
- 3652 -
UP-76-338, modified, contld
November 9, 1976
Ms. Mayerson asked for some comments from the City Engineer as to what
could be done to alleviate the traffic problems on Hillside which dras-
tically affect the residents of Sterling Terrace who have trouble at
the present time in getting out onto Hillside. City Engineer Yee stated
that Hillside is a collector street and that this particular development
of 14 units would have an impact which would not be significant. He
explained that he does not know what the present traffic count on Hillside
Boulevard would be, but that the project would increase traffic by about
100 cars onto the streets per day. Mr. Yee stated that there is no
formula for alleviating the traffic problems on Hillside. He stated
that he knows there is heavy traffic on Hillside and that stop signs
could be put on every corner, but that this is not feasible since
Hillside is a collector street.
Commissioner Mathewson noted that the past policy of the Planning Commis-
sion in regard to developments was that they have closed carports. Secretary
Costanzo said that that was correct. Commissioner Mathewson asked if this
was considered or would be considered under Architectural Committee review.
Secretary Costanzo noted that there is a policy on Stonegate Ridge to allow
carports, and that he does not know what the Architectural Committee1s
position will be.
Mr. Aven noted that the closed garage was a negotiated item and that there
are homes up there that have carports and closed garages side by side.
Secretary Costanzo noted that staff has no objection to having closed
garages in this area. He further stated that this is a new design and
that he can require the garages to be closed and can ask the Architectural
Committee to determine which would enhance the appearance more--the carport
or the closed garage.
Commissioner Mathewson requested to know if it would be feasible for Mann
Investment Company to consider closing the carports. Mr. Smith noted that
they would give it some consideration.
Vice-Chairman Teglia voiced some concern with there being only three guest
parking spaces for these units. She stated that if the parking require-
ment was four 1/4 spaces per unit and there were 14 units, that would bring
guest parking spaces to 3-1/2. Secretary Costanzo stated that he did not
know where the guest parking spaces have been provided and if they have
been maintained and that he would have to check back on the original develop-
ment, but that Phase 1 and 2 have been done in substantial compliance with
that plan. He noted that he assumed that the Master Plan represents the
text of the Stonegate Ridge P.U.D. He further stated that there would be
meetings with the developers to amend the text and Master Plan for Stone-
gate Ridge to have all of them comply with all the City codes. Secretary
Costanzo further noted that the 1/4 parking space for guest parking would
be addressed both administratively and at the Architectural Committee
level. He said that to his knowledge, they met the requirements of the
Stonegate Plan.
- 3653 -
UP-76-338, Modified, cont1d
November 9, 1976
Commissioner Goldberg moved that the modification of UP-76-338 be approved
subject to all the previous conditions of the staff report. Commissioner
Bertucelli seconded the motion and it was passed by the following roll call
AYES: Vice-Chairman Teglia, Commissioners Bertucelli, Goldberg,
Mathewson and Chairman Slade
Commissioner Mullin
Commissioner Hale
UP-76-363, a request of Mary Leon and Enidina Leon for a Use Permit to con-
struct a second multiple family dwelling on property located at 433 Commer-
cial Avenue in the R-3 Restricted Multiple Family Zone District.
Secretary Costanzo explained that he had received a letter from Mary and
Enidina Leon requesting that this agenda item be withdrawn.
UP-76-364, a request of Bud Fratessa (Stewart Title) for a Use Permit to
construct 48 residential units in 12 buildings on vacant property located
on the north side of Stonegate Drive, approximately 200 feet east of
Hillside Avenue in the Planned Community Zone District.
Chairman Slade opened the public hearing. Secretary Costanzo noted that
the Engineering Divi,sion did not haves~'f,f'dcient time to review the Sub-
division Application relating to this agenda item and that the Use Permit
application should not be approved before reviewing the Subdivision Appli-
ca t ion.
Commissioner Bertucelli moved that UP-76-364 be continued to the Planning
Commission meeting of November 23, 1976. Commissioner Goldberg seconded
the motion and it was passed unanimously.
UP-76-365, a request of Weathermaster Industries, Inc. for a Use Permit to
construct a room addition between the existing house and garage on property
located at 3816 Callan Boulevard in the Planned Community Zone District.
Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report and read into the record the
special conditions. The applicant was not present at the meeting.
- 3654 -
UP-76-365, contid
November 9, 1976
There was some discussion on the fact that the applicant was not present
and the possibility of setting a precedent by approving the application
without the applicant being present.
Several Commissioners felt that under these particular circumstances,
approving the application without the applicant being present would not
really be setting a precedent because it was a very routine type of appli-
cation, of which several similar applications have already been approved
by the Commission.
Commissioner Mathewson moved that UP-76-365 be continued to the Planning
Commission meeting of January 11,1976. ThiEs motion died because of a
lack of a second.
Secretary Costanzo noted that there is no legal reason not to take action
on this matter, but that if there are questions to the applicant, then it
should be continued to a future date.
Commissioner Mathewson moved that UP-76-365 be continued to the Planning
Commission meeting of December 14, 1976, when the applicant could be present.
Commissioner Goldberg seconded the motion and it failed by the following
roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners Goldberg and Mathewson
NOES: Vice-Chairman Teglia, Commissioners Be~tucelli and Mullin and
Chairman Slade
ABSENT: CommiSsioner Hale
Commissioner Mullin moved that UP-76-365 be approved subject to all of the
conditions of the staff report. Commissioner Bertucelli seconded the motion
and it was passed by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Vice-Chairman Teglia, Commissioners Bertucelli and Mullin and
Chairman Slade
NOES: Commissioners Goldberg and Mathewson
ABSENT: Commissioner Hale
UP-76-366, a request of TraveLodge/International Inn for a Use Permit to
replace the existing International Inn signs for new TraveLodge signs on
property located at 326 South Airport Boulevard in the M-2-H Zone Districte
Sec~etary Costanzo presented the staff report, illustrating the locations
and copy on the proposed signs. Further, he head into the record the
special conditions.
- 3655 -
UP-76-366, cont1d
November 9, 1976
Proponents: Mr. Robert Sherman, representing the applicant
1611 Borel Place
San Mateo, CA
Randy Peterson, General Manager
TraveLodge/lnternationa1 Inn
326 South Airport Boulevard
South San Francisco, CA
Opponents: None
Mr Sherman noted to the Commission that he was not aware of some of the
complications until receiving the staff report. He said there were
problems involved which the applicant, being a lessee, does not have
the jurisdiction to negotiate on. He stated that the most important
thing is that they have identification, so they withdrew everything from
the application with the exception of the name change on the main sign.
Secretary Costanzo noted that the applicant still has to go through this
process to amend the copy of this sign and that he feels it is a struc-
tural alteration of this sign. He noted that in any case a review of this
copy change would entail a review of all the signs on the site. Sign #2
cannot be approved in the right-of-way and that a variance cannot be ob-
tained for that sign. He noted that projections into the right-of-way
cannot be over four feet. He further noted that there cannot be an off-site
advertising sign and that the sign advertising Standard Oil should be re-
moved as it is illegal and redundant.
Mr. Sherman reiter~~eD that the applicant has no power to negotiate the
other changes. Secretary Costanzo noted that the problem lies in the fact
that these signs were approved before the Sigh Ordinance. He further
noted that he could ignore the other signs on the site and approve the
Use Permit for this copy change since it was approved originally under a
Use Permit.
Mr. Randy Peterson noted to the Commission that the restaurant will be the
International Inn still and that the hotel will be operated under the name
TraveLodge, but that they are both owned by the same party. He noted that
the owner must negotiate with the applicant and with Standard Oil Company.
Vice-Chairman Teglia requested to know how the original sign came into
being. Assistant Planner Wheeler stated that the Planning Commission
approved 50 square feet and that the sign was allowed to continue as a
nonconforming sign. Vice-Chairman Teglia requested to know how much it
would cost to have the sign removed. Mr. Sherman noted that it would
cost $40,000 today.
Commissioner Mathewson noted that the TraveLodge in Hawaii had no problem
with no signing and that the City should not have to conform to TraveLodge.
Mr. Finkelberg with Heath and Company noted that what is done in Hawaii
should have no bearing on what is needed in California.
- 3656 -
UP-76-366, contld
November 9, 1976
Commissioner Goldberg asked if there were no request, then they could
continue with this sign forever with the sign in the right-of-way and
the City could no nothing about it. Secretary Costanzo noted that this
was correct. He further noted that the request to relocate this sign
came from the applicant and that when he found out the problems involved,
he withdrew it.
Commissioner Goldberg requested to know if the changes or improvements on
Airport Boulevard would have an effect on the location of that sign. City
Engineer Yee stated that the proposed Airport Boulevard improvements start
at Utah Avenue and was approved five or six years ago.
Vi ce.-Cha i rman Tegl i a requested to know wha t woul d happen to the roof sign.
Mr. Sherman noted that it would be removed. He further stated that on
sign #4, they proposed to remove everything with the exception of the
pole containing the Standard Oil Company advertising.
Mr. Peterson noted to the Commission that his lease expires in 1991.
Commissioner Goldberg asked, relating to sign #2, if the applicant would
consider expanding the square footage of the sign itself. Mr. Sherman
noted that this was originally intended. Secretary Co~tanzo noted that
there was no objection to that as long as the sign was moved out of the
right-of-way. Secretary Costanzo also noted that sign #2 should be
removed from the right-of-way, but that they can leave this sign alone
because it was originally approved by a separate use permit.
Vice-Chairman Teglia noted that Special Conditions #3 and #6 seem to be
the problems. Commissioner Mullin suggested changing condition #6 to read
that this sign shall be removed upon expiration of the lease.
Mr. Sherman noted that they would agree to remove the roof sign.
Commissioner Bertucelli noted that sign #1 is important and that Special
Condition #1 should be imposed, but that all others should be left alone
at the present time, to be removed upon completion of the lease.
Commissioner Mullin moved that UP-76-366 be approved subject to all of
the standard conditions and special conditions with the exception that
Special Condition #3 be deleted and Special Condition #6 be changed to
read: IIThat the Standard Oil portion of the sign shall be removed upon
the expiration of the lease agreement between International Inn, Inc.,
and Standard Oil Company or any future property owner.1I
Mr. Sherman noted his agreement to all of the special conditions with the
exceptions of #3, #4 and #6. He noted that conditions #3 and #4 should
be deleted and condition #6 changed to read as above.
Commissioner Mathewson asked that changes should be made to the pertinent
section in the Sign Ordinance. Secretary Costanzo noted that he felt this
section was alright, bWDi:Ethat they needed a whole new Sign Ordinance
- 3657 -
UP-76-366, cont1d
November 9, 1976
Commissioner Mullin changed his motion to delete Special Conditions #3
and #4 and to change Special Condition #6 as above. Commissioner Mathewson
seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
PM-76-136, a request of Gemini Developers, Inc. for a Tentative Parcel
Map to create four lots at the northeasterly corner of Callan Boulevard
and Greendale Avenue in the PC-SF Planned Community Single-Family Zone
Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report and read into the record
the special conditions.
Proponent: Mr. Ronald Setti
1500 Hillside Boulevard
Calma, CA 94014
Opponents: None
Mr. Setti explained the basic outline of the project.
Secretary Costanzo explained that the City is involved with an attempt on
the part of the Church to separate themselves from the activities of the
developer because they would be placed in the position of being a sub-
divider which could affect their tax status.
Commissioner Mathewson requested to know why the Parcel Map and Subdivision
Application steps were necessary. Secretary Costanzo explained that it is
a requirement of the Subdivision Map Act in that without a parcel map they
would have to incorporate the lands of the Roman Catholic Arch~~~hop in the
Subdivision Application. The Archbishop would have difficulty with his tax
consultants if that were required. The intent is to take the Church out of
the total subdivision. Secretary Costanzo gave the Commission a brief
history on this Parcel Map.
Commissioner Mathewson asked if it was correct that Parcel B-4 basically
related to the dedication to the street. City Engineer Yee stated that
this was correct.
Commissioner Goldberg moved that PM-76-137 be approved subject to all of
the conditions of the staff report. Commissioner Bertucelli seconded the
motion and it was passed by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Vice-Chairman Teglia, Commissioners Bertucelli, Goldberg,
Mathewson, and Chairman Slade
NOES: None
ABSENT: Commissioners Hale and Mullin (Left at 10:40 p.m.)
- 3658 -
November 9, 1976
SA-76-35, a request of Gemini Developers. Inc., for a Tentative Subdivision
Application to create 42 townhouse lots at the northeasterly corner of
Callan Boulevard and Greenda1e Drive in the PC-SF Planned Community Single
Family Zone District.
Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report and read into the record the
conditions of the staff report and of the City Engineerls office, as well
as some of the conditions relating to the Alquist-Priolo Act and grading.
Proponent: Mr. Ronald Setti
1500 Hillside Boulevard
Colma, CA 94014
Opponents: Mr. Frank Lehane
3724 Palos Verdes Way
South San Francisco, CA
Chairman Slade asked if the conditions had been discussed with the applicant2
Secretary Costanzo noted that they had been discussed at length with Mr.
Tronoff, the engineer for Gemini Developers.
City Engineer Yee stated that the original Condition #1 of his memo should
be ~eplaced with a condition reading that two subdivision maps should be
submitted because two of the lots are non-contiguous and that the parcel
map be recorded prior to the recordation of the Subdivision Map.
Mr. Frank Lehane, a resident in the area, noted to the Commission that he
is very concerned with dust problems from construction and that he would
like to see that the dust control measures are adhered to.
Commissioner Goldberg requested to know what the requirement for common
greens is. Secretary Costanzo noted that 51.7 percent of the total land
area is to be in common greens. He further noted that this requirement
is built into the Planned Community.
Commissioner Goldberg asked what the unit types would be. Mr. Setti noted
they would be single family.
Chairman Slade noted to Mr. Setti that in relation to the C.C.& R. IS and
the Associations, he should be familiar with the process of the transition
of power from the developer to the Association and hopefully with minimal
amounts of friction. Mr. Setti noted that he was going to contact the
Associations in the area. Commissioner Teglia suggested that ~1r. Setti
knock on doors to find out all the information he can relating to this.
Commissioner Goldberg asked if there would be drainage problems in this
area with grading since it is below the church parking lot. Secretary
Costanzo noted that this situation is being considered and mitigation
measures imposed.
Commissioner Goldberg moved that SA-76-35 be approved subject to the con-
ditions of the staff report with the above change in the first condition
of the City Engineer.
- 3659 -
SA-76-35, cont'd
November 9, 1976
Commissioner Bertucelli seconded the motion and it was passed by the
following roll call vote:
AYES: Vice-Chairman Teglia, Commissioners Bertucelli, Goldberg,
and Chairman Slade
NOES: Commissioner Mathewson
ABSENT: Commissioners Hale and Mullin
Resolution commending David C. Hale for his dedicated services as Secretary
to the Planning Commission.
Commissioner GoldbeD9 moved to waive the reading of the resolution. Vice-
Chairman Teglia seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mathewson introduced Resolution No. 2197 and it was adopted
by a unanimous roll call vote.
Secretary Costanzo presented a staff report discussing the~roposed P.G.& E.
power plant on the Healy-Tibbitts property and asked for direction from the
Planning Commission to hire consultants to review this request, to send a
representative to the hearing scheduled for December 2, 1976, and to formally
protest the limited amount of time afforded by the S.E.R.C.D.C. for the review
of this proposal.
Mr. Edward Chaloupaa, site engineer for P.G.&. E. stated that he was respon-
sible for choosing the four sites for the possible location of the P.G.& E.
power plant substation. He made several comments on the staff report as
1. He did not think the power plant would loom over the harbor
and that the steam flume will not damage boa.ts by contamina-
tion. It may be a condition of that site to have a wet towel
drying system, thereby eliminating the flume. The fact that
the harbor is a noise sensitive area would be taken into
consideration to meet noise level standards.
2. He noted that they would use a tubular steel pole to hold up
the transmission lines which would be more in compliance
with the clean lines of the industrial park.
- 3660 -
P.G.&_E. Substation, cont'd
November 9, 1976
3. He noted that they are now aware of the new B.A.P.C.D.
standards relating to critical air quality problems. He
noted that the plant could be designed so that it complied
with the requirements of air quality control.
He further stated that he is aware that the Bay Area is a
critical air basin and if there are violations of primary
standards on air quality or contributions from the plant
on continued violations, the plant could not be built.
4. In regard to the fill area, he noted that they have done
a literature review of everything available and have tried
to determine what geotechnical problems there might be and
to come up with the solutions to these problems.
5. He noted that he felt since this area is designated for open
space, the number of persons employed there versus the number
of people that might be employed if this were an industrial
parcel is not an issue.
6. He noted that the estimate of how much water peri~inute is
correct--about 3,035 GPM, however, that it was possible that
they could use municipal wastewater.
He fuy'ther explained that the general purpose of coming before the City is
to determine the goals of the City and to determine what the positive and
negative impacts would be to come to sowe conclusion as to whether or not
it would be worthy of further consideration for the power plant. He noted
that the first set of hearings would be on December 2, 1976.
Commissioner Mathewson asked Mr. Chaloupaa what the height of the two
towers would be. Mr. Chaloupaa noted that the cooling tower would be
the highest structure and would be about 40 to 55 feet.
Secretary Costanzo said that P.G.& E. was going to build a jet peaking
fa.cility and supply the fuel by barging from San Francisco Bay. He
noted that this was the original premise and that this premise is now
gone because the whole reason for the facility was to build a jet peaking
facility with barging of fuel as the water related use.
Secretary Costanzo noted that the City is basically interested in learning
what effects this plant will have on South San Francisco and what can be
done to mitigate these effects.
Commissioner Goldberg requested to know what happens to all this water when
the process is finished. Mr. Chaloupaa noted that in a cooling tower, you
are evaporating water and leaving behind minerals, etcetera, which will go
to the Treatment Plant. Commissioner Goldberg then requested to know if
an ErR procedure would follow after the site is chosen. Mr. Chaloupaa
noted that it would.
wGmmissioner Mathewson noted that the switch yard is visually unacceptable.
-, 3661 -
November 9, 1
Commissioner Goldberg noted that there would be a large problem with
ectrolysis, which already exists.
Chairman Slade expressed his concerns with the time frame. He felt
there was not enough time to get together and establish the City's
Mr. Chaloupaa noted that the first set of hearings are too close to do
anything positive. He stated that he does not know when the proper time
would be to receive input from the City. He did state that the first
hearings may not require the City's final comments to be put forth and
may just require input from P.G.& E. and the State agency. He suggested
contacting the State Energy Commission to determine the time schedule.
The Commission wanted to know what happens to the pistol range since it
is in the shoreline area. Mr. Chaloupaa noted that this would be taken
into consideration.
There being nothing to consider under Good and Welfare and no other
communications or matters of interest for the Commission, Chairman Slade
announced that the next meeting of the Planning Commission would be the
field trip scheduled for November 13, 1976, at 9:30 a.m. at the City Hall
Conference Room.
The meeting was adjounned at 1:00 a.m.
Wesley Slade, Chairman
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
~stanzo. Secretary
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
The entries of this Planning Commission meeting indicate the action taken
to dispose of each item. Oral presentations, arguments and documents are
recorded on tape. The tapes are available in the office of the City
Planner. Documents related to the items discussed are on file in the
office of the City Planner and are available for public inspection.
- 3662 -