HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/14/1976
of the regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission
TIME: 8:00 P.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice-Chairman Teglia, Commissioners Bertucelli, Goldberg,
Hale, Mathewson, Mullin and Chairman Slade
ALSO PRESENT: Acting City Planner
William Costanzo
Acting Director of Public Services
Robert S. Yee
Acting City Manager
Fire Chief
Frank J. Addiego
Lawrence Toellner
Planning Division Secretary
Pamela J. Bayer
Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of August 24, 1976
Commissioner Teglia noted that the adjournment time had been left out of the
Commissioner Mullin noted that on Page 3606 he had not asked for an assessment
of total office space. Secretary Costanzo noted that the wording was incorrect
as it should relate to a financial feasibility study and would be corrected.
Commissioner Mathewson moved that the minutes.2f the regular meeting of the
South San Francisco Planning Commission of Aug,~!st 24, 1976, be approved with
toe above corrections. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hale and was
passed by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Vice-Chairman Teglia, Commissioners Bertucelli, Hale,
Mathewson, Mullin and Chairman Slade
NOES: None
ABSTAINED: Commissioner Goldberg
Chairman Slade announced that this meeting of the South San Francisco Planniing
Commission would be recorded on tape, but that anyone who wished to come before
the Commission to be heard, but who objected to having his or her voice re-
corded in this manner, could request the Chairman to order the tape recorder
turned Iloffll for the duration of the time that he or she is speaking or is heard.
- 3609 -
September 14, 1976
UP-76-349, a request of Victor Brincat for a Use Permit to establish an
auto body and fender repair shop in the C-3 Heavy Commercial Zone District
at 619 Airport Boulevard.
Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report and read into the record
a memo from the City Attorney noting that this application cannot be denied
on the basis of the problem over ownership because, according to the Zoning
Ordinance, Mr. Brincat does constitute an lIinterested party," and that the
Planning Commission could take action on this matter. Secretary Costanzo
also read into the record the Special Conditions, as submitted with the
staff report and prepared by the City Attorney, noting that Condition #10
was changed to read:
Condition #10: IIThat the applicant shall post with the City of
South San Francisco a cash deposit or cashier1s check in an
amount equal to the costs to comply with the conditions as herein
set forth or $5,00m~Y1fwhichever sum is greater. Said deposit
shall be refunded to the applicant by the Planning Commission
when it has satisfactorily determined that all of the Special
Conditions and Standard Conditions as set forth herein have been
completed. The use permit shall stand approved when a certificate
of occupancy, zone clearance and deposit refund have been issued
by the Building Division, City Planner and Planning Commission.
If the work has not been completed within 12 months from the
date the cash deposit is received, the use permit will automati-
cally expire ana/the deposit shall be forfeited to the City for
the purpose of securing corrections and completion of the condi-
tions as herein stated or for the purpose of terminating any
non-approved uses of the property,1I
Secretary Costanzo further read into the record the findings listed in the
resolution recommending approval of the Use Permit application.
Proponent: Arthur Brincat, representing the applicant
619 Airport Boulevard
South San Francisco, CA
Opponent: Warren Saltzman
57 Post 55, Room 801
San Francisco, CA
Mr. Brincat noted to the Commission that he was representing the applicant
who could not attend the meeting, and requested a continuation until the
applicant had time to review the new conditions imposed upon the applicant.
Mr. Saltzman, representing Metropolitan Furniture Company, explained that
they had entered into an agreement with the applicant to purchase said
property. He noted that a lease agreement had been signed by both parties
wi th the close of the sale to take place on January 1, 197<]>. He further
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UP-76-349, cont1d
September 14, 1976
that they were suing Mr. Brincat for breach of contract since when Mr.
Brincat made his deposit on the sale of the property he stipulated that
the check could not be cashed. He further expressed his concerns over
any modifications being done to the building until the ownership problem
was resolved. He did note that they are still legally listed as the
owners of the property and that any work done to the building would have
to be cleared through them.
The Planning Commission unanimously decided to continue this matter to
the meeting of September 28, 1976, to give the applicant time to review
the conditions.
UP-76-355, a request of Franchise Realty Interstate Corporation for a Use
Permit to construct a dining room addition into an existing restaurant at
435 El Camino Real in the C-l Neighborhood Commercial Zone District.
Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report and read into the record the
Special Conditions, noting to the Commission that with the deletion of the
rear parking stalls and the addition of the sit down area, the facility
just meets the minimum parking requirements.
Proponents: Frank Toth, construction engineer
405 Hillcrest Road
San Carlos, CA
Robert G. Clark
McDonaldls Corporation
Regional Construction Manager
William P. Schneider
435 El Camino Real
South San Francisco, CA
Opponents: None
Mr. Toth noted to the Commission that he was in disagreement with two of
the conditions being impesed upon them. He noted that increasing the
landscaped strip to six feet would create a traffic hazard and hamper traffic
circulation. Secretary Costanzo noted that this is an elective item and
noted that if the six foot strip were put in, the bumper stops could be
eliminated, helping the traffic circulation..... H..e8id n()t€:~ however, that
if the app 1 i cant elected to reta i n thetffineez2moot(laJl~~pq.p,ed s tri p, the
bumper stops would have to remain.
Mr. Toth also noted that he had some concerns with the condition that the
air conditioning equipment on the roof would have to be screened. He said
that several studies had been done by their main office in Chicago on effects
of screening these units and it was discovered that such screening hampers
air flow circulation of the system.
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UP-76-355, cont'd
September 14, 1976
Mr. Clark noted to the Commission that McDonald's intended to comply with
all of the conditions, but that he had some concerns with screening the
air conditioning system on the roof. He noted, however, that if the
Commission insists on compliance with this condition, then they would
need some guidance on the proper method for screening, to help alleviate
the potential problem with the air flow circulation.
Mr. William Schneider noted to the Commission that there is definitely a
trash problem, but that he has several boys go up El Camino picking up
trash, as well as on the premises themselves.
There was quite a bit of discussion on the parking problem. The Commission
generally felt that even though they met the minimum parking requirements,
this would not be sufficient to handle the flow of traffic that would be
generated by the addition of the sit down area. They suggested that
possibly McDonald's could buy the vacant lot next door for parking purposes.
Mr. ~lark noted that negotiations are being made for that lot, but that
they really do not want to buy because McDonaldls only leases the site upon
which they are presently located, and if they should move their location,
they would have this small IILII shaped lot.
Mr. Schneider noted that Taco Bell customers use the vacant lot and that
McDonald1s uses this lot for overflow parking and that their employees
use this lot also. He noted that he has an easement and verbal agreement
with Kinney Shoes to use their vacant lot for overflow parking for McDonald IS.
Commissioner Teglia suggested that possibly McDonald's should get together
with Taco Bell to negotiate for buying or leasing this vacant lot for
parking purposes. Commissioner Mullin noted that if that lot were developed,
the obvious choice for development would be another franchise which would
greatly add to the already existing parking problem. He then asked Secretary
Costanzo if the Commission could deny this application even though it meets
the minimum parking requirements. Secretary Costanzo noted that they could
do this and he drafted findings, based on the Commissionls comments, and
read into the record these findings for denying the application if the
Commission chose to do so.
Mr. Schneider noted that he would consider contacting Taco Bellon a pos-
sible joint venture in leasing that lot. Mr. Clark noted that their Real
Estate Department would have to be contacte€lon this as he is not qualified
to answer the questions relating to leasing the lot or entering into a
joint venture with Taco Bell for the same purpose.
~1r. Albert Tamberi n i, one of the pri nc i pa 1 s of the Bay Area I nves tment
Company, owners of the vacant lot in question, noted to the Commission
that McDonald1s has approached them to buy their piece of property, but
that apprice could not be agreed upon. He further noted that if this
piece of property were developed at a future time, it might create an even
greater parking problem.
Commissioner Mullin requested to know how other cities have handled the
situation of the air conditioning equipment being visible. Mr. Clark
stated that most cities have permitted the equipment to remain visible,
but that they could put in louvered type of screening around the equipment,
such as was done in Sunnyvale.
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UP-76-355, contld
September 14, 1976
Commissioner Mathewson asked Acting Director of Public Services Yee if he
anticipated any problems on El Camino with traffic because of the addi-
tional sit down operation. Mr. Yee stated that he does anticipate problems
on the major thoroughfare.
Commissioner Goldberg requested to know the number of seats being proposed
for the sit down operation. Mr. Clark noted that there would be 72 seats,
but that they would still maintain carry out service. Secretary Costanzo
noted that 72 seats was about 20 tables.
Commissioner Hale requested to know how many customers would t~ey average
to a car. Mr. Schneider noted there are about three customers to a car
on an average, but that they do have a large walk-in trade.
Commissioner Goldberg asked about the parking situation at prime lunch
time on Saturdays. Mr. Clark noted that the parking lot was probably
3/4 full and that sit down customers usually stay only about 10 minutes.
Commissioner Goldberg noted that he had been by McDonaldls at noon on
Saturday and that the parking lot appeared to be very crowded.
Chairman Slade asked Mr. Schneider if he would be willing to have this
matter continued for a sufficient length of time to allow them to work
out some solutions to the parking problem. Mr. Schneider agreed that a
continuation would be in order.
Commissioner Bertucelli moved that UP-76-355 be continued to the Planning
Commission meeting of November 9, 1976, to allow the applicant time to
find solutions to the existing and potential parking problems. Vice-
Chairman Teglia seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
UP-76-357, a request of William Bordin for a Use Permit to construct a
room addition at 2690 Sean Court in the P-C Planned Community Zone District.
Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report, reading into the record the
Special Conditions and deletion of the condition requested by the Fire
Proponent: Mr. William Bordin
2690 Sean Court
South San Francisco, CA
Opponent: None
Commissioner Hale noted that possibly there should be a condition imposed
on the applicant relating to noise from the CNEL patterns from the airport.
SecretCiY''>LCos tanzo noted tha t th is property fa 11 s outs i de of the CNEL, but
'that the <applicantls property is within 1/8 of a mile from the San Andreas
fault and that a condition possibly should be added to insure proper construc-
- 3613 -
UP-76-357, cont'd
September 14, 1976
Mr. Bordin asked for a clarification on what it meant to live within 1/8
of a mile from the San Andreas fault. Secretary Costanzo said that the
applicant would have to comply with the Alquist-Priolo Act relating to
fault movement and that the Building Division would handle this aspect
of it.
Commissioner Goldberg asked for information relating to a fence between
the applicantls property and the adjacent corner property which appears
to be higher than is normally acceptable as a fence. Mr. Bordin noted
that this is in fact a wall that was built at the time these homes were
being constructed.
Commissioner Teglia requested to know why the Fire Marshall had deleted
his previous objection to the room addition. Fred Lagamarsino of the
Fire Department noted that the condition was put in to keep the Commission
aware that the applicant must assure that the minimum fire requirements
are adhered to.
Commissioner Hale moved that UP-76-357 be approved subject to all of the
conditions of the staff report. Commissioner Goldberg seconded the motion
and it was passed unanimously.
UP-76-358, a request of Fiji Jamaitul Islam of America for a Use Permit to
establish a church and school at 373 Alta Vista Drive in the ~-l Si,;ngle
Family Zone District.
Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report, reading into the record
the Special Consitions, and the conditions of the City Engineer, Parks
and Recreation Departmerilt: and Fire Marshall.
Proponent: Mohammed I. Kahn
2480 Galway Place
South San Francisco, CA
Opponent: Mr. Gerald Hill
380 Alta Vista
South San Francisco, CA
Mr. Kahn noted to the Commission that they accept all
will comply with them. He noted that the property is
and is large enough to meet the parking requirements.
that church is held on Fridays and that Sunday School
Sundays with 12 to 15 people in at~endance.
Mr. Gerald Hill expressed his opposition to the proposed school and church
being established in that area and noted his concerns with increased traffic
and congestion in an area which is already congested.
of the conditions and
on 1/2 acre of land
He further noted
only is held on
- 3614 -
UP-76-358, cont1d
September 14, 1976
Commissioner Mathewson asked if the building next door to the proposed
church and school was an established church. Secretary Costanzo said
that it was and that the church is surrounded by residential units.
Commissioner Goldberg requested to know what the growth potential was
for the next five years. Mr. Kahn noted that they presently have about
30 members and that it would probably grow by about 10 percent.
Commissioner Teglia requested to know when they first came to this area
and how fast they have grown. Mr. Kahn noted that they came here in
1968 and to date they have 30 members from the Fiji Islands.
Commissioner Mullin moved that UP-76-358 be approved subject to all of
the conditions of the staff report. Commissioner Mathewson seconded the
motion and it was passed unanimously.
RZ-76-36, an application of Maurice Brosnan Construction Company to rezone
a portion of the property located 362 feet north of Grand Avenue on Willow
Avenue at the extension of Miller Avenue from ~-l Single Family Zone Dis-
trict and IIUII Unclassified Zone District to R-3 Restricted Multiple Family
Zone District.
Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report, illustrating the area in-
volved and noting that there are a couple of parcels that have more than
one zone classification. He noted that Mr. Brosnan1s parcel of land is
zoned R-l, IIUII, and R-3 and that he would like to change those zones to
Proponent: Maurice Brosnan
607 Poplar Avenue
South San Francisco, CA
Opponent: Father Knapp
Mater Doloresa Parish
There was some discussion on the fact that the zoning designations in the
Zoning Ordinance are inconsistent with the zoning designation of Medium-
High Density in the General Plan in the specific area being considered.
He noted that there is no zone classification in the Zoning Ordinance
that relates specifically to the Medium-High Density classification in
the General Plan. Therefore, in order to accommodate the Medium-High
Density designation, there would have to be a combination of R-l, R-2
and R-3 zoning in those areas. Secretary Costanzo pointed out that this
particular application would not present any problems in that it is a
small parcel, but that in the future much larger parcels requesting
rezoning to R-3 would restrict what could be developed on other parcels
in the Medium-High Density areas. He pointedJ~htsi!rqut as a potential
problem and asked the Commission for direction to study this problem and
possibly to come up with a zone classification which would satisfy the
Medium-High Density designation in the General Plan.
_ ~hlt) _
RZ-76-36, cont1d
September 14, 1976
Commissioner Mathewson requested to know if the bulk of the area in ques-
tion was under one ownership. Secretary Costanzo said that to his know-
ledge, there are quite a number of owners in that area.
Father Knapp noted that he is concerned about rezoning this parcel to
R-3 as there is high enough density in that area, and that he would like
to see the area improved, but with a lower density. He further stated
that if this rezoning is granted, how could the Commission turn down
future requests for rezoning to R-3 in that area. He further noted that
his reasons for requesting a low density designation are that he feels
high densities create psychological problems for the residents because
of a lack of freedom of movement and space.
Commissioner Goldberg asked what impact on water, sewers, etcetera would
this higher density designation have. Mr. Brosnan said the Fire Depart-
ment and Sewer Department noted that there would be no problems. City
Engineer Yee stated that on this particular parcel, there should be no
sewer problems, but that if this high density were expanded to other
larger parcels in the area, it would have to be looked into. Fred
Lagomarsino, Fire Department, stated that there is no problem with water
i n tha t a rea.
Commissioner Hale asked Secretary Costanzo what his recommendation would
be if two weeks from now another application came before the Commission
for a parcel of land halfway up Chestnut. Secretary Costanzo said he
would ask the applicant to defer until a study is done and if he is not
willing and will not agree with the Commission, he could go to the City
Commissioner Hale then asked why this particular parcel should not be
part of an overall study first. Secretary Costanzo moted that it is part
of the frontage area which is already zoned R-3 and noted that the zoning
cuts across the lot lines. He further noted that he would not want to
lower the present R-3 zoning on part of the parcel in order to make the
whole parcel one zone classification. He further noted that it was a
strong possibility that there would be a high density node at this corner.
The Commission directed staff to study these problems and the options
available. Commissioner Mullin noted that the study should include a
consideration of the total range of densities for those parcels.
Vice-Chairman Teglia moved to waive the reading of Resolution No. 2195,
recommending to the City Council that the rezoning of property located
on the east side of Willow Avenue, 362 feet north of Grand Avenue, be
enacted into ordinance. Commissioner Mathewson seconded the motion and
it was passed unanimously.
Vice-Chairman Teglia then introduced Resolution No. 2195 recommending to
the City Council that RZ-76-36, petition of Maurice Brosnan Construction
Company to rezone the above mentioned property from R-l Single Family
Residential and IIUII Unclassified to R-3 Restricted Multiple Family
Residential be enacted into ordinance. The Commission voted unanimously
to adopt Resolution No. 2195.
- 3616 -
September 14, 1976
SA-76-33, application of Maurice Brosnan Construction Company for resub-
division to create seven lots located 362 feet north of Grand Avenue on
Willow Avenue at the extension of Miller Avenue.
Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report, as well as the addendum
staff report, illustrating the resubdivision and some of the problems
that exist with it. He further read into the record the Special Conditions
and the conditions of the City Engineer. Secretary Costanzo noted that
there would be an addition of three Special Conditions as follows:
~. IIThat the applicant shall dedicate a public access easement
15 feet in width along that parcel line separating lots No.
3 and 4. Said easement may be seven and one-half feet in
width on either side of said parcel line and is to be for
the exclusive use of pedestrian traffic.1I
10. IIThat the applicant shall indicate the building setback line
on the final recorded map and shall record a deed restric-
tion which shall restrict construction in these setback
areas. The wording of the deed restriction and the loca-
tion of the setback line shall be reviewed and approved
by the office of the City Planner.1I
11. IIThat prior to the recordation of the final map, the appli-
cant shall prepare an overall site plan which shall set
forth the building areas, parking, landscaping and other
physical features on the site. The final site plan shall
be reviewed by the Planning Commission in order to deter-
mine the total area to be set aside for permanent common
areas. After such determination has been made, the
Planning Commission shall then recommend to the City Council
the total park land areas upon which fees are to be paid
and the City Council shall determine the total fees so
payable based on the requirements of the City.s Subdivi-
sion Ordinance.1I
City Engineer Yee noted that Condition #9 originally stated that a 10 foot
easement must be dedicated to the City. He stated that the Subidivision
Ordinance requires that a 15 foot easement must be dedicated to the City.
This change in Condition #9 was made.
Proponent: Maurice Brosnan
607 Poplar
South San Francisco, CA
Opponents: None
There was quite a bit of discussion on the fact that a pathway would be
crossing through this subdivision allowing students to get from the Sunshine
Gardens area to Parkway Junior High School. Secretary Costanzo explained
that this pathway is part of the Public Safety Facility project. He stated
that the developer would have to dedicate the necessary land for this
_ <h17 _
SA-76-33, cont1d
September 14, 1976
Chairman Slade requested to know if monies were budgetted for the City's
p()rtion of the pathway. Acting City Manager Addiego noted that monies
were budgetted for the public safety facility which includes the pathway.
He further noted that if the public safety facility should not occur, the
pathway would still be put through and whoever purchase the land through
which the pathway would run, would be responsible for either dedicating
land for the purpose of putting in this pathway or would be required to
put in the pathway itself.
Acting Director of Public Services Yee noted, in response to a question
from the Commission and Mr. Brosnan about locating the pathway on a PG&E
easement further north off Chestnut Avenue, that this pathway would take
a house on Willow Avenue which could present some problems. The Commission
generally felt that the bond and dedication of land would put a burden on
the developer because it may be years before the actual construction of
the path takes place and he may be paying premiums on this for years. There
were also concerns expressed that the introduction of children in the area
may produce problems similar to those experienced in Baldwin Hills with
Secretary Costanzo noted that the request of the applicant regarding the
dedication of the public right-of-way would establish a precedent. The
basic right-of-way would be 56 feet but only 44 feet would be owned by
the City. The remaining six feet on each side would be deeded by easement
only and this would create a problem with the setbacks which would require
the recordation of a building setback line on the maps.
There was also discussion related to the park dedication requirements and
the costs. Secretary Costanzo noted three acceptable methods to meet
these requirements:
(1) dedication of land for development as park sites, 12.56
percent of total area;
(2) fees in lieu of the dedication of land at 6,257 square
feet of land value per acre; or
(3) permanent open space.
After some discussion, it was determined that the Commission would need
additional information before it could render a decision on this matter.
Commissioner Mathewson noted that he would like Mr. Brosnan to resubmit
a revised plan showing the true location of the common area with a more
detailed map of the subdivision. He noted that this should be done before
a vote is taken.
Act) ngQirectoroT .....Putrljc>$et"vi!cesYeeu.?;t~tj~9<thajtxMm.j> Bros nan I s plans
showed 20 feet for the curb radii and that according to the Subdivision
Ordinance, 30 feet are required. Mr. Brosnan stated that he has a good
reason for the 20 feet in that at one corner is a fire hydrant and on
the other is a pole, both of which would be very costly to move.
- 3618 -
SA-76-33, contld
September 14, 1976
Commissioner Mathewson moved that SA-76-33 be continued to the Planning
Commission meeting of September 28, 1976, until a revised subdivision map
with path and curb width details be submitted. Commissioner Hale seconded
the motion and it was passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mullin moved that the applicant at the same time submit more
specific plans in regard to the common greens and the pathway. Commissioner
Hale seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
Secretary Costanzo noted to the Commission that staff would have a complete
report on the Kaiser buildings by the second meeting in October.
There was some discussion on development that would be occurring on either
side of the Gellert Boulevard extension. The Commission generally felt that
a P.U.D. should be required in order for the Commission to have some control
over development of that area. Secretary Costanzo noted that this is zoned
C-l and that while he would agree with the Commission, there is no mandatory
P.U.D. requirements for the developer. It is elective. He did state that
he has been encouraging developers to come in under the P.U.D. process.
Chairman Slade requested to know if possibly the Architectural Committee
would have the power to exercise development control over the entire site.
Secretary Costanzo noted that only the Planning Commission has the authanity,
and that the Architectural Committee can only take them piece meal.
Vice-Chairman Teglia moved to direct staff to request the developers to come
in under a P.U.D. for development of those sites in order for the Commission
to have some controls over development of that area. Commissioner Mathewson
seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
Commissioner Mathewson requested an update on the Housing Study that was
done in 1975. Secretary Costanzo noted that we are in the second year of
the Housing Program and that he would get copies of the surveys and other
pertinent information to the Commission. He further noted that the sub-
contracts are ready to be signed for the County to perform the housing
services within the City of South San Francisco.
Commissioner Mullin noted that he had received a complaint from a resident
on IISI1 Street relating to the fence that is down between her property and
the Housing Authority project, which the Housing Authority had stated they
would repair, but to which nothing has been done to date. Secretary
- 3619 -
Good and Welfare, cont'd
September 14, 1976
Costanzo noted that he would draft a notice to the Housing Authority to
put the fence back up. Acting Director of Public Services Yee stated
that he would take care of this problem.
There being nothing further to be considered under Good and Welfare and
no other communications or matters of interest for the Commission, Chairman
Slade announced that the next regular meeting of the Planning Commission
would be held on September21~ 1976, at 8:00 p.m. at the West Orange
Library Auditorium.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 a.m.
Wesley Slade, Chairman
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
~m Costanzo, Secretary
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
The entries of this Planning Commission meeting indicate the action taken
dispose of each item. Oral presentations, arguments and documents are recorded
on tape. The tapes are available in the office of the City Planner. Documents
related to the items discussed are on file in the office of the City Planner
and are available for public inspection.
- 3620 -