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July 13, 1976
of the regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission
TIME: 8:00 P.M.
DATE: JULY 13, 1976
MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice-Chairman Teglia, Commissioners Bertucelli, Goldberg,
Hale, Mathewson, and Mullin
MEMBERS ABSENT: Chairman Slade
ALSO PRESENT: City Planner
David C. Hale
Acting City Manager
Zoning Administrator
Acting Director of Public
Frank J. Addiego
William Costanzo
Robert Yee
Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of June 8, 1976
Commissioner Mullin moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of the
South San Francisco Planning Commission of June 8, 1976, be approved.
The motion was seconded by Commissioner Hale and was passed by the follow-
ing roll call vote:
AYES: Acting Chairman Teglia, Commissioners Bertucelli, Goldberg,
and Mullin
NOES: None
ABSENT: Chairman Slade
ABSTAINED: Commissioners Hale and Mathewson
Acting Chairman Teglia announced that this meeting of the South San Francisco
Planning Commission would be recorded on tape, but that anyone who wished
to come before the Commission to be heard, but who objected to having his
or her voice recorded in this manner, could request the Chairman to order
the tape recorder turned lIoffll for the duration of the time that he or she
is speaking or is heard.
- "'J,r:,77 _
July 13, 1976
UP-76-343, a request of Vincent DeAngelis for a Use Permit to allow for
the sale of beer and wine at 733 Airport Boulevard in the C-3 District.
Secretary Hale presented the staff report and read into the record the
Special Conditions and the comments from the Police Department.
Proponent: Vincent DeAngelis
733 Airport Boulevard
South San Francisco, CA
Opponent: None
There was some discussion on the necessity of restricting the hours of
operation. Secretary Hale explained that since the eating establishment
catered to the lunch trade, the hours of operation would be restricted to
prevent it turning into a bar or beer haven.
Mr. DeAngelis explained that he is expanding his business to serving food
at the dinner hour in order to comply with the restrictions for the beer
and wine license imposed on him by the Department of Alcoholic Beverage
Control. He further explained that the restriction of hours of operation
would put him in a position of not being able to obtain the license. Zoning
Administrabor Costanzo explained that Mr. DeAngelis would either have to
withdraw his Use Permit application or file a modification to the same.
Mr. DeAngelis noted that he would file a modification to the Use Permit
The Planning Commission continued this matter to the meeting of August 10,
1976, to consider the application with the proposed modification.
UP-76-344, a request of Harold Smith for a Use Permit to construct a room
addition at 3900 Crofton Way in the PC District.
Secretary Hale presented the staff report and read into the record the
Special Conditions.
Proponent: Harold Smith
3900 Crofton Way
South San Francisco, CA
Opponents: None
Wr. Smith noted to the Commission that he was willing to cooperate with staff
and to comply with a-l of the conditions imposed upon him.
Commissioner Hale moved that UP-76~344 be approved subject to all the condi-
tions of the staff report. Commissioner Mathewson seconded the motion and
it was passed unanimously.
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July 13, 1976
UP-76-345, a request of the Pacific School of Montessori, Inc. for a Use
Permit to operate a day care nursery (pre-school facility) at 658 Grand
Avenue in the R-3 District.
Secretary Hale presented the staff report and read into the record the
Special Conditions.
Proponents: Lee and Amy
394 Lunetta Avenue
Pacifica, CA 94044
Opponents: Mr. Peter Fogliani
671 Fourth Lane
South San Francisco, CA 94080
Mrs. Gonzales noted to the Commission that they have been operating a
Montessori School in the Lutheran Church at 350 Dolores Way since 1970
and have had no complaints from surrounding property owners on noise. She
noted that the children are outside about 45 minutes in the morning and
about 45 minutes in the afternoon.
Mr. Bogliani expressed his concern over the proposed day care center,
stating that there are apartment houses in close proximity to the proposed
day care center and that many of the occupants are senior citizens. He
noted that the noise level from the children would both many people in the
area. He further noted the difficulty of parking in the back of the
property since there is a one-way street directly behind it.
The Commission request to know the hours of operation. Mr. Gonzales ex-
plained the hours would be from 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. and that there would
be no more than 20 children at one time.
Commissioner Goldberg asked Secretary Hale if the potential noise problem
should be handled by an EIR. Secretary Hale explained thit an ErR is very
complicated and costly and that in this case, the impact would tend to be
insignificant. This particular problem would be handlea by the imposition
of a condition limiting the period of time to one year, at which time the
Commission would review the application to determine if the noise level
was indeed a significant problem. Commissioner Goldberg noted that he
felt this was possibly an unfair condition because of the investment of
monies and time by Mr. and Mrs. Gonzales.
Commissioner Goldberg expressed his concern with how the dust problem in
the backyard would be handled. He noted that he would like to see some
firm plans of landscaping proposals.
Commissioner Bertucelli expressed concern with the noise level because of
the medical facility next door and asked who would be in charge of the
children. Mr. Gonzales noted that two teachers would be outside with the
children at all times.
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UP-76-345, cont'd
July 13, 1976
Commissioner Mathewson requested to know if the Gonzales' were operating the
present Montessori School under a Use Permit and when they left, if the
Church would fill the vacancy. Mr. Gonzales said they were only operating
the present school under permit from the Church and that they would like to
keep that location also. Commissioner Mathewson asked if they would need a
Use Permit to establish the day care center use at the Church. Secretary
Hale said that a Use Permit would be required.
Commissioner Mathewson asked if there was room for on-street parking. Secre-
tary Hale stated that there was not, but that there is room for off-street
parking with some grading.
Acting Chairman Tegl"ia noted her concern with the noise problem, stating
that she did not feel this location would be proper for such a use.
Commissioner Hale noted his concern with the safety of children crossing
such a busy street. Commissioner Mullin noted that there are two Montessori
Schools on Geary in San Francisco which is a heavily travelled street.
Commissioner Goldberg moved that the Planning Commission take no action on
this matter until there is a concrete proposal on the treatment of the back-
yard. The motion died for a lack of second.
Commissioner t~ullin moved that UP-76-345 be approved subjectJi,.to all of the
conditions of the staff report. Commissioner Mathewson seconded the motion.
UP-76-345 was denied by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners Bertucelli, Mathewson and Mullin
NOES: Commissioners Goldberg and Hale and Acting Chairman Teglia
ABSENT: Chairman Slade
Application of the City of South San Francisco to amend the text of the
Cityls Zoning Ordinance relating to administrative procedures for estab-
lishing mixed parking uses and location requirements for a parking facility.
Secretary Hale presented the staff report.
Commissioner Mullin moved to waive the reading of the resolution. Commissioner
Hale seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously.
There was a brief discussion on Sections 4.132(c) and 4.142(b) relating to
administrative procedures for parking requirements, which involved the City
Attorney in the evaluation of parking requirements. Secretary Hale noted
that the City Attorney felt this requirement~.shou1rd be changed to have such
evaluations handled by the Planning Commission without involving him.
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ZA-76-1, contld
July 13, 1976
Commissioner Mullin introduced Resolution No. 2193 recommending to the
City Council iamendments to Sections 4.l32(c) and 4.142(b) of the Cityls
Zoning Ordinance to change the administrative procedures for evaluating
parking requirements. The Resolution was adopted by a unanimous roll
call vote.
Draft Environmental Impact Report for the proposed North Bayside System
Unit Solids Management Program.
Secretary Hale presented the staff report.
Proponents: John Jenks
Jenks & Harrison
Palo Alto, CA
Nancy Morton
Palo Alto, CA
Michael Joyce, Engineer
Jenks and Harrison
Palo Alto, CA
Henry C. Hyde, EBMUD
P. O. Box 24055
Oakland, CA 94623
Opponents: None
Mr. Jenks explained the purpose of the project, nID~ing that space and
locations are running out for disposal of solid waste taken from waste
water. He explained the operation of narrowing down the alternatives
and then leaving them open for EIR review. He explained that the EIR
is submitted to all State agencies, etcetera, for compliance with all
Nancy Morton, Earthmetrics, explained some of the impacts from the various
alternatives proposed, as follows:
1. Each alternative womld increase materials for handling the
2. All alternatives would put some amount of sludge in the Ox
Mountain Sanitary landfill which would affect its life span.
3. Traffic on Highway 95 would become a concern.
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EIR, contad
July 13, 1976
4. There would be an increase in noise and the air quality would
be affected from the construction and on a long range basis
from hauling.
5. Geologic hazards would be mitigated by proper design.
Since it is on bay fill, seismic hazards would be a concern.
Ms. Morton noted that the most feasible and economic alternative for South
San Francisco would be for South San Francisco to allow a part of the
sludge to be used by Tillo and to send the remainder to sludge drying
beds to be dried to 40 percent solid and then hauled to Ox Mountain.
Mr. Henry Hyde, manager of the Regional Waste Water Solids Study, explained
that a study of solids management is underway for the nine Bay Area coun-
ties. Commissioner Mullin asked him if the plan was compatible with the
general objectives of Mr. Hyde. Mr. Hyde said that it was.
Commissi.oner Goldberg asked about water content of the sludge. Ms. Morton
explained that the Ox Mountain location for sludge would have an e~cellent
drainage system whereby water would be redirected around the perimeter of
the sludge area and passed down drainage systems to the underground. Mr.
Michael Joyce, engineer, explain~~~b51tiit was very expensive to haul
sludge that i s wet, so they dr.jied.itjfit"'st.
Commissioner Mathewson asked what the requirement is for dewatered sludge.
Mr. Joyce noted that the actual law says it must be dried to 50 percent
sludge, unless it is artificdally leached.
The Commission noted that they would like more time to review the document
and they continued the public hearing to the July 27, 1976, Planning
Commission meeting.
Resolution of Intention to amend the City's Zoning Ordinance relating to
R-2 development standards and to minimum requirements for Planned Unit
Secretary Hale presented the staff report.
Several members of the Commission questioned why the R-2 standards should
be changed. Secretary Hale stated that there were several properties
within the City in R-2 zones whose properties were large and that the
restriction of only being able to build a duplex unit on such a large
parc~l made it financially infeasible for them to build. Mr. Hale used
Mr. Montegani IS property at 17 Orange Avenue as an example.
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ZA-76-2, contld
July 13, 1976
The Commission generally felt that there were reasons for establishing
such restrictions and that until those reasons were reviewed, they would
not be in favor of changing the requirements for this zone. They directed
staff to further review the matter and bring it back to the Commission at
a future date.
PM-76-l30, an application by Alfred Callegari for a Final Parcel Map to
create one parcel from three existing parcels located at 835 Olive Avenue
in the R-3 District.
Secretary Hale presented the staff report, noting that the Final Parcel
Map was in substantial compliance with the Tentative Parcel Map.
Commissioner Goldberg moved that PM-76-l30 be approved subject to all of
the conditions of the staff report. Commissioner Mathewson seconded the
motion and it was passed unanimously.
PM-76-131, an application by Gallo Glass Company for a Tentative Parcel
Map to create a division of one lot located at 400 Forbes Boulevard.
Secretary Hale presented the staff report and read into the record the
conditions and limitations.
Louis Arata, engineer, explained to the Commission that Gallo Glass had
tried to purchase only a portion of this parcel for their needs, but that
they were required to purchase the whole parcel. Therefore, they would
like to divide it, using the portion necessary for their needs, and with
the intent of possibly selling the remaining portion sometime in the future.
Commissioner Mathewson moved that PM-76-131 be approved subject to all of
the conditions of the staff report. Commissioner Bertucelli seconded the
motion and it was passed unanimously.
Secretary Hale gave the Commission copies of the new Zoning Map, explaining
that it would be on sale to the public for $2.00.
Secretary Hale presented a staff report on the meeting schedule for the
Planning Commission for this fiscal year. He noted that, due to an extreme
cut in budget, it would be less expensive to hold public hearings only
. once a month, changing the format of the legal notice to combine all
legal notices into one. He further noted thit any other business would
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Communications, cont I d
July 13, 1976
be handled at the second meeting of the month. The Commission generally
felt that the Council should make the final decision on this matter.
Commissioner Mathewson moved to adopt the staff report, subject to the
approval of the City Council. Commissioner Goldberg seconded the motion
and it was adopted by the following roll call vote:
AYES: Commissioners Bertucelli, Goldberg, Hale, Mathewson and
Acting Chairman Teglia
NOES: Commissioner Mullin
ABSENT: Chairman Slade
The Commission requested Secretary Hale to discuss the matter of the
summons with the City Attorney to find out what the Commission had to
do from this point on.
There being nothing further to be considered under Good and Welfare and
no further communications or other matters of interest for the Commission,
Acting Chairman Teglia announced that the next regular meeting of the
Planning Commission would be held on July 27, 1976, at 8:00 p.m. at West
Orange Library Auditorium.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:00 p.m.
David C. Hale, Secretary
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Roberta Teglia, Acting Chairman
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
The entries of this Planning Commission meeting indicate the action taken
to dispose of each item. Oral presentations, arguments and documents are
recorded on tape. The tapes are available in the office of the City
Planner. Documents related to the items discussed are on file in the
office of the City Planner and are available for public inspection.
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