HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07/25/1978
of the regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission
TIME: 7:30 p.m.
DATE: July 25, 1978
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Campredon, Vice-Chariman Mullin, Commissioners
Bertucelli and Mantegani
MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioners Grimes, Slade and Mathewson
City Planner
~Ji 11 i am Cos tanzo
Senior Planner
Daniel Christians
Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of July 11,1978
Vice-Chairman Mullin stated that the minutes should include the names of Vice~
Chairman ~1ullin and Commissioner Bertucelli under the "Ayes" for approving the
minutes of June 13, 1978.
Vice-Chairman Mullin moved that the minutes of the regular meeting of the
South San Francisco Planning Commission of July 11, 1978, be approved with the
addition of names as stated above. It was so noted. The motion was seconded
by Commissioner Mantegani, and was passed by the following roll call vote:
Chairman Campredon, Vice-Chairman Mullin, Commissioners Mantegani
and Bertucelli
Commissioners Slade, Mathewson and Grimes
Chairman Campredon announced that this meeting of the South San Francisco Planning
Commission would be recorded on tape, and that anyone who wished to come before
the Commission to be heard is requested to come to the front microphone so that
his or her comments become part of the official record.
At this time the Planning Commission presented a Resolution and a mounted gavel
to Mrs. Roberta Teglia for her work as a former Planning Commissioner and
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July 25, 1978
Downtown Revitalization
A presentation of Schematic Site Plan and Economic Report for the Downtown Re-
vitalization Program.
Secreta ry Cos tanzo presented the staff report. He then introduced Mr. ~1i chae 1
D' Ami co of D' Ami co and Associ ates and Mr. ~~i 11 i,am Lee of Economi c Research
Associates to present their reports.
Mr. 0' Ami co stated tha t thei r fi rm vias se 1 ected by the dovmtol,tJn property owners,
merchants and the City to prepare a schematic site plan for the revitalization
project. They have been working since March 20,1978, preparing the plans v/hich
are displayed on the walls and it is requested that the Planning Commission re-
view and recommend the plans to the City Council for adoption. There have been
three phases to this plan. In Phase I the property owner and merchant were re-
quested to respond to the problems and opportunity document that vias prepared
based on the initial meetings and on written input. Phase II was a preliminary
reort on a proposed schematic site plan. Phase III included the final schematic
site plan along with elevations of 6 buildings.
Mr. D'Amico stated that at the meeting when the owners and merchants discussed
Phase II, the philosophy of how Grand Avenue should function was discussed. The
question was whether Grand Avenue should be oriented mainly to cars or to pedes-
trians. The decision was to give the pedestrian the predominant orientation but
to still allow local parking on the street. Therefore, the street was designed
based on this philosophy and it also was intended to discourage through traffic,
especially trucks.
At the last owners and merchants meeting on July 18, 1978, the final plans were
approved along wi,th the remodeling of the 6 buildings. The project was designed
as a modest one as indicated on the proposed elevations.
Mr. William Lee of Economic Research Associates presented his economic analysis
of the downtown. He explained that the downtown was once the commercial hub in
the area, but as a result of Tanforan and Serramonte Shopping Centers, it has
been losing its' share of the retail market. He stated that he did not feel that
a major redevelopment program for the downtown would be appropriate. But he said
that he had analyzed the D'Amico Plan and that it would be a very effective plan
that could be implemented by forming an assessment district and by retiring any
indebtedness through assessments on property owners. The Grand Avenue improve-
ments are estimated to cost $1,000,000 (ONE MILLION DOLLARS) and tax savings from
the Jarvis-Gann Initiative could be used to payoff the assessments. He recommend-
ed a similar assessment district, if necessary, for the parking spaces.
Secretary Costanzo said that staff served as the liaison between the merchants,
owners and consultants. Staff spent considerable time on this matter and feels
that the proposed plan meets the needs of the merchants and owners. The only
major concern may be of the proposed center median proposed on the street plan.
That idea came from the architects vlho came up with the idea to encourage pedes-
trians and discourage trucks.
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July 25, 1978
Staff also felt that the plan would be acceptable within the financial limitation
,of the property owners and merchants. Staff agrees with the conclusions in the
Economic Report recommending the Grand Avenue Improvements and increased parking;
staff has done additional financial analysis to study alternatives to fund the
improvements. The City has already earmarked much of the fourth year Federal HCDA
funds to help fund downtown improvements and would plan to apply for fifth year
HCDA funds to acquire'up to $300,000 of Federal money to help offset the costs
and reduce. the amount to the owners a.nd merchants to $ZOO,OOO.' Also there may be
low interest loans available in the future from the Federal Development Bank. Also,
the City's frontage would be substantial and their participation would help reduce
the overall costs. Based on a $200 per linear foot assessment charge, it would
generate about $800,000, enough to complete the project.
The first goal has to be to increase parking and the Parking Authority will be
capable of paying off their existing bonds in the next few years, thus having ad-
ditional revenue left over to pay for new parking and main~enance.
The merchants and property owners voted unanimously (with one abstension) to pro-
ceed with the project and to support the four recommendations indicated in the
staff report.
St~ff has recently met with experts on bonds and asse~~ments and a petition is
belng prepare~ t~ see if the proje~t meets with the approval of the property owner
who.owns a maJorlty of the p~opertles. Staff requests that the Planning Commission
r~vlew the pl~n, expre~s thelr concerns and indicate their support and recommenda-
tlon to the Clty Councll.
An environmental analysis will also have to eventually be prepared and a Negative
D~claration may be sufficient based on the mitigation of all significant effects
of the project.
Chairman Campredon asked if anyone had any comments.
Commissioner Mantegani asked about the status of the church property and if the
church would be assessed.
Secretary Costanzo responded that meetings are being arranged with a Father of
the church to discuss the project with him. The ultimate approval would probably
have to come from the Archbishop. Also, if the church property is used entirely
for religious purppses, it would not be taxed. However, if some of their property
changed to commercial uses, that portion could be taxed.
Commissioner Bertucelli asked what was proposed for the Masonic Temple.
Secretary Costanzo referred to conceptual elevations which indicated canopies,
colors and materials for that building and for many other buildings along Grand
Avenue. He said that since there are already many significant buildings along Grand
Avenue, the elevation could be used to indicate to new occupants what would be
required fOt~emodeling.
Mr. D'Amico indicated that their firm had a very good track record in these types
of projects. They have developed a plan that is modest, realistic and achieveable.
Commissioner Bertucelli asked if the condition of Building No.2 had been checked
July 25, 1978
Mr. D'Amico responded that it is the intent of Mr. Toy to build a new building
on that site.
Secretary Costanzo also pointed to other aspects of the plan including the re-
organizing of the pedestrian mall with stores fronting onto it in the future;
~he potential to remodel the rear of the Morales Hall; and the analysis of the
Vice-Chairman Mullin asked about staff's report regarding the potential assess-
ment costs to property owners and new rulings by the Board of Equalization.
Secretary Costanzo acknowledged these adjustments and indicated that staff would
prepare more detailed computation when all the facts are known.
Vice-Chairman Mullin asked why the Economic Report used 1969 income figures since
there was more recent data available. Mr. Lee responded that South San Francisco
did not have a special census and therefore the 1970 U.S. Census was the last
complete survey of income.
Vice-Chairman Mullin further went on to ask what the impacts of the proposed
restaurants at the Oyster Point Marina would have on the potential restaurants
downtown. Mr. Lee stated that the proportion of restaurant trade downtown is very
small in relationship to the number of employees who work nearby. The downtown
could withstand the impacts of new restaurants at the Marina.
Vice-Chairman Mullin asked if the Jarvis/Gann Proposition is eventually found to
be invalid, is there then an addendum prepared regarding financing.
Secretary Costanzo answered by saying if that occurs, they will have to re-evalu-
ate the project and may consider tax allocation financing.
Vice-Chairman Mullin stated that the initiation of an assessment district pro-
ceedings may be premature at this time.
Secretary Costanzo responded that it will be at least 12 - 18 months before ground
is broken and that would provide sufficient lag time.
Vice-Chairman Mullin said that parking is a high priority along with the problems
at Airport Bdulevard and Grand Avenue.
Commissioner Mantegani asked if the City was prepared to pay its' portion of the
assessment district.
Secretary Costanzo stated that the City Council would have to make that determin-
Commissioner Mantegani questioned whether Baden and Miller Avenues are still pro-
posed as one-way streets.
Secretary Costanzo replied by saying that extension on Hillside and North Canal
will relieve much of the through traffic in the downtown area. In addition, the
Fire Department, City Engineer and others would prefer that they not go one-way.
Therefore, they will probably be eliminated as one-way streets in the specific plan.
July 25, 1978
Chairman Campredon asked about the basements located under the sidewalks.
Secretary Costanzo stated that he knows of four such basements and that the
street improvements could probably be designed on top of them. The City is re-
searching their ownerships and if we do not own them, we may have to acquire them.
Chairman Campredon asked if anyone had anything further to say before entertain-
ing a motion.
Secretary Costanzo indicated staff recommends the Commission approve the Schematic
Site Plan and Economic Report and forward them to the City Council.
Vice-Chairman Mullin moved that the Downtown Revitalization Schematic Site Plan
and the Downtown Economic Analysis be approved and forwarded to the City Council;
that the four steps outlined in the staff report be recommended to the Council
for implementation. Commissioner Bertucelli seconded the motion. The motion was
passed by a unanimous roll call vote.
At this time the Planning Commission presented a Resolution to Mr. Herb Goldberg
for his work as a former Planning Commissioner.
(On-going Project)
Progress report on Spruce Drive-In Theatre (Syufy Enterprises) located on Spruce
Avenue in the M-l-H Zone District.
Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report. He stated that Syufy Enterprises
had done everything that they had been asked to do that was a feasible solution
to the problems.
Mr. Tambini
404 Railroad Avenue
South San Francisco, CA
Mr. Tambini remarked that they were still experiencing the same problems they had
5 or 6 years ago; he felt the Planning Commission should revoke the Use Permit.
However,he credited the theatre with reducing the noise from the speakers. He
also said the Police Department should not be bothered with many of the problems.
Mr. Tambini stated there is still a problem with parking, drinking, sex, trash,
security, m~intenance, accidents and speeding.
Chairman Campredon asked if Mr. Tambini had copies of the letters sent by Mr.
Steve Acosta of Syufy regarding contacts with Mr. Tambini. He responded affirma-
tively but said that there were no customers when he was called.
Commissioner Bertucelli stated that the letter from Mr. Acosta on April 11, 1978,
indicated that Mr. Tambini felt that a good job had been done on the speakers.
Commissioner Bertucelli asked where the parking problems occur. Mr. Tambini re-
plied that the problems existed at the corner of Railraod and Maple Avenues.
Commissioner Bertucelli stated tha~ if they have parking problems, then the Police
should bp cClllpd. '"1("\""7""7
July 25, 1978
Dan Modena (Representative of the Applicant)
421 Grand Avenue
South San Francisco, CA
Mr. Modena stated that some of the items he had discussed with Mr. Tambini had
occurred prior to the last meeting. Their current movies have generated more
business than anything else this year, therefore he disputed the statement that
the problems were less because business was so slow. He said they cannot solve
problems such as stabbings, wrecks and speeding, but they have solved every prob-
lem that was possible. They have written a number of letters and have contacted
the neighbors on a regular basis.
Mr.; Modena indicated that the 2:00 p.m. curfew had been met with the exception
of a few instances when they had to correct and splice the films. He further
continued by saying they have taken pictures to prove that the same cars park
at that location every night but the pictures were not developed in time.
Fred Curtis (Theatre District Manager)
555 E. Bayshore
Redwood City, CA
Mr. Curtis said every time he drives around the area on Friday or Saturday nights,
there are always 5 - 10 vacant spaces on Railroad Avenue.
Mr. Tambini asked why the screens point towards Railroad and Maple Avenues; why
do they keep all four screens operating. Mr. Curtis responded that business has
been good lately.
Vi ce-Cha i rman Mull in as ked if the cleanup along the rail road tracks has been done
by Syufy. Steve Acosta, manager of the theatre, responded that daily cleanup
occurs on the outside of the theatre between 6:00 and 7:30 p.m. before they open.
Vice-Chairman ~1ullin asked if t1r. Tambini had any interim solutions other than
having to close the ,theatre. t1r. Tambini reiterated that the theatre should
either be closedo~ the screens facing Railroad and Maple Avenues should be re-
moved. He said that the fence installed on Railroad Avenue should have been
Vice-Chairman Mullin asked how many complaints had been filed. Mr. Modena re-
plied that he had not seen any written complaints.
Vice-Chairman Mullin stated that Syufy has appeared to comply with everything
possible, short of closing. The neighbors should call the Police if problems
continue and make a formal complaint.
Secretary Costanzo said that Syufy should continue their contacts with the neigh-
bors, register any complaints received and continue to follow through on their
monitoring. Syuvy has built a fence, reduced noise, replaced landscaping; there
is only one legal space on Railroad for vehicle parking.
Every reasonable attempt has been made by Syufy and the City to resolve the prob-
lems. If the Use Permit were revoked, the City would not have a very good case
behind them. However, the case should not be closed since it could become a
problem area again.
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July 25, 1 978
Vice-Chairman Mull n moved to table the hearing on UP-75-316, continue to
monitor the situat on and if the applicant is not continuing to maintain the
site, the proceeding can be reinitiated~ Commissioner Bertucelli seconded the
moti on and i twas passed by a unani'mous roll call vote ~
General Plan Update
Discussion of Technical Appendix of the Updated General Plan~
Secretary Costanzo described the Technical Appendix of the General Plan. He
said individual elements will be given to Commissioners later for codification
into one plan~ The appendix included new information including information on
historical residential structures, social, economics, environmental, vacant land,
inventory on City owned property, extracts from the 1970 U. S~ Census and a
methodology. Staff plans to submit the various elements during the next few
months and it is hoped that these elements could be adopted as one document early
next year~
Commissioner Bertucelli stated that on Page 37, the original owner of the house
at 314 Baden was the 'Bertucellis~
Secretary Costanzo presented the three Resolutions of Intention to set hearing
dates to' rezone the following three properties as indicated below.
1. RZ-78-50 - Westerly side of Chestnut Avenue and northerly of
Grand Avenue from R-3, R-2 and IIU" to RPD-40~
2. RZ-78-48 - Northerly side of Hillside Boulevard and southerly
of Randolph Avenue from R-3 to RPD-6.
3~ RZ-78-49 - Westerly side of Highway 280 and southerly of
Gellert Boulevard from R-3 to RPD-5~
Secretary Costanzo stated that the first property is City owned and should be re-
zoned prior to being sold. The other two rezonings are to reflect the densities
of actual projects being developed on those sites.
Commissioner Bertucelli introduced all three Resolutions and they were introduced
and adopted by a unanimous roll call vote.
. There bei ng nothi ng to di scuss under Good and We 1 fare and no further communi cati ons
of matters of interest for the Commission, Chairman Campredon announced that the
next regular meeting of the Planning Commission would be held on August 8, 1978,
at 7:30 p.m. in the West Orange Library Auditorium.
-'3979 -
July 25, 1978
11 :00 p.m.
illiam Costanzo, Secretar
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Marcel Campredon, Chairman
Pl an ning Commi s s ion
City of South San Francisco
The entries of this Planning Commission meeting indicate the action taken to
dispose of each item. Oral presentations, arguments and documents are recorded
on tape. The tapes are available in the Office of the City Planner", Documents
related to the items discussed are on file in the Office of'the City Planner, and
ate available for public discussion.
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