HomeMy WebLinkAboutMintues 11/08/1977
of the regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission
TIME: 8:00 P.M.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice-Chairman Goldberg, Commissioners Bertucelli, Campredon,
Mathewson, Mullin, Slade and Chairman Teglia
City Planner
William Costanzo
City Manager
C. Walter Birkelo
City Engineer
Robert Yee
Assistant Planner
~1a rk Wheeler
Senior Planner
Daniel Christians
Planning Division Secretary
Rosa Perez
Minutes of the Planning Commission meeting of October 25, 1977.
Chairman Teglia made correction on Page 3860, 5th paragraph, to read:
"..on the Neighborhood Service Center and problems related to their
function. II
Chairman Teglia also advised that Commissioner Mullin had made the
suggestion on page 3861 under Communications and not herself.
Commissioner Mathewson indicated that the names of the volunt~ers for
the Architectural Committee be mentioned in the minutes.
Commissioner Bertucelli moved that the minutes of the regular meeting
of the South San Francisco Planning Commission of October 25, 1977,
be approved. The motion was seconded by Vice-Chairman Goldberg and
was passed by the following roll call vote:~
AYES: Vice-Chairman Goldberg, Commissioners Bertucelli,
Mathewson, Mullin, Slade and Chairman Teglia
NOES: None
ABSEN~: None
ABSTAINED: Commissioner Campredon
- 3863 -
November 8, 1977
Chairman Teglia announced that this meeting of the South San Francisco
Planning Commission would be recorded on tape.
UP-77-413 (side 1 #018)
Negative Declaration #136 and Use Permit applicati for expansion of an
existing distribution center on property located a 1556 E1 Camino Real
in the C-1 Neighborhood Commer~ial Zone
Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report.
O. W. Will
Sr. Vice-President
Macy's California
P.O. BOX 7888
San Francisco, CA 94120
Mr. Willard stated that Macy's would be relocating
install pavement, lighting, or maintain the
Staff had understood thit ocating the
pavement, lighting and maintenance. Mr. 11
now, Macy's gives the school district a six (6)
use of the pathway. Mr. Willard, Staff and the
discussion on the pathway; persons responsible for
the pathway; and the necessity of the pathway.
the pathway but would not
Secretary Costanzo
d include installation of
that in the past and
revocable permit for
ssion continued a lengthy
the upkeep; installation of
Commissioner ~1athewson expressed his concern about
would be conducted in the new addition.
Macy's would continue their quarterly sales, but
only house a mechanized warehouse.
Commissioner ~lathew8on questioned Standard Condi
suggested it read: "That a six foot high chain-li
and landscaping shall be constructed along the
residential zones."
type of business that
explai that
the new addition would
#19. Secretary
fence wi redwood
lines adj
City Engineer referred his memorandum of 10/
that all he 1y wanted was that a IIsafell
Campredon questioned the reason why the City was
condi on #4, and expl
be constructed. Commiss
iring Macy's i1d
t ~1acy IS woul d
ng, mai
dge over Colma Creek.
- 3864
UP-77-413 cont'd
November 8, 1977
Commissioner Mullin indicated that the Commission should not act on this
matter until they knew who would be responsible for the pathway. He also
indicated the pros and cons in continuing this matter any longer. Chairman
Teglia expressed her concern on the need of the pathway, the Police Depart-
mentis advise on safety, and whether the City could require Macy's to install
the pathway.
Vice-Chairman Goldberg suggested that the conditions be reworded so that the
pathway be relocated. Mr. Willard stated that they do allow the School Dis-
trict to use the pathway and they do have a 6 month revocable permit.
Secretary Costanzo suggested that special conditions #11 and #12 be added to
read: #11. IIThat t~acy's shall continue to provide a pedestrian access through
this property for the benefit of the South San Francisco Unified School District.
and #12. Continued maintenance of this pathway shall be subject to the South San
Francisco Unified School District installing a paved path, fence, lighting, and
repairing pedestrian bridge; and there after maintaining the same for the period
of the lease arrangement."
Commissioner Slade stated that if the pathway is necessary, it should be required
in the Use Permit.
Commissioner Mullin proceded to make a motion thatUP-77-413 be approved subject
to all Special Conditions 1-10; and Standard Conditions and Limitations with #19
as revised. Commissioner Bertucelli seconded the motion and was passed with a
unanimous roll call vote.
Commissioner Campredon made the motion that Negative Declaration #136 be approved
subject to same conditions as UP-77-413. Vice-Chairman Goldberg seconded the
motion and was passed with a unanimous roll call'vote.
(side 1 #412)
Requested update of the progress of the proposed revocation of the Use Permit
for the Spruce Drive-In Theater located at the corner of Railroad Avenue and
Spruce Avenue in the (M-l-H) Zone District.
Secretary Costanzo suggested that this item be read next since it would only be
a short review. The Commission agreed. Secretary Costanzo presented the staff
report and read a letter from Mr. Modena received on November 8, 1977.
Proponent: Mr. Tambini
44 Railroad Avenue
South San Francisco
Opponent: Daniel J. Modena
421 Grand Avenue, Suite "A"
South San Francisco
r.1r. Modena advised the Commission that all speakers now have an automatic shut-
off switch installed.
Chairman Teglia asked if there was anyone present to speak for the residents of
this area. Mr. Tambini came up to advise that the only problem is parking on
Railroad and Maple Avenues. Staff made a note of this and advised they are work-
ing on a solution to this problem. Chairman Teglia continued the review session
to the Planning Commission Meeting of January 10, 1978.
November 8, 1977
(side 1 #461)
An application for a Use Permit to establish a
at 216 Cypress Avenue in the (C-2) Zone District.
il thrift store located
Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report.
Proponent: Anthony W. Darensbourg
216 Cypress Avenue
South San Francisco
Opponent: None
Mr. Darensbourg explained to the Commission briefly what this business was.
Commissioner Mathewson and Secretary Costanzo discussed the decline of the
downtown business area and noted that the City already has 4 thrift stores.
Mr. Darensbourg advised that he had a business license and was open for
business at the present time.
Secretary Costanzo recalled that Mr. Darensbourgls representative was told
that they needed the Use Permit before they occupied the premises.
Mr. Darensbourg advised that people who bring items on consignment get 50%
of the profit.
Chairman Teglia asked Mr. Darensbourg why he opened for business after r~r.
Costanzo had advised him that they needed the Use Permit first. Mr. Darens-
bourg responded that he was not aware of this special requirement.
Secretary Costanzo noted that he was sure there is no occupancy approval.
Chairman Teglia questioned findings #5 on Health and Safety. Secretary
Costanzo explained because of the possible deterioration of the neighborhood,
the community health and safety would be effected.
Mr. Darensbourg later advised that he has a Business Permit but it is from
San Francisco; and that he did not have a Business Permit or an Occupancy
Permit from the City of South San Francisco.
Commissioner Mathewson asked who was his realtor. Mr. Darensbourg answered,
II Penna Rea 1 ty. II
Commissioner Mullin made the motion that UP-77-414 be denied on the basis of
the Planning Divisionis Staff Report. Vice-Chairman Goldberg seconded the
motion and it was denied with the following roll call vote:
AYES: Vice-Chairman Goldberg, Commissioner Mullin, and Chairman Teglia.
NOES: Commissioners Bertucelli, Campredon, and Mathewson.
ABSTAINED: Commissioner Slade.
Secretary Costanzo advised that in view of the tie in vote; the "Abstained" vote
automatically goes to the maker of the motion. Therefore, this application is
- 3866 -
November 8, 1977
(side 1 #642)
An application for a Use Permit to store paints and flammable liquids at
903 Grandview Drive in the (M-2-H) Zone District.
Assistant Planner, Mark Wheeler presented the staff report.
Proponent: Mr. Doug Adama
903 Grandview Drive
South San Francisco
Opponent: None
Commissioner Mathewson asked to see if there were any problems from the neigh-
bo rs .
Vice-Chairman Goldberg asked Mr. Adama to explain what kind of flammable liquids
would they be working with. Mr. Adama advised that they have paints, lacquers,
and synthetics that are "red label." Mr. Adama also advised that before he
started the processing of this application, he talked to the Building and Fire
Departments to make sure that the building met with all their requirements and
make all the necessary changes.
Assistant Planner Wheeler indicated to the Commission that the most current
plans meet the Fire Code and Building Code.
Mr. Adama informed the Commission that this building would only be used for
storage and distr~bution.
Secretary Costanzo advised the Commission that if these flammable liquids leak
they can be explosive.
Vice-Chairman Goldberg made the motion that UP-77-415 be approved subject to all
Special and Standard Conditions and Limitations. Commissioner Campredon seconded
the motion and it was passed with a unanimous rollcall vote.
(side 1 #690)
Negative Declaration #137 and a Variance application for a zero rear yard set-
back on property located at 207 Harbor Way in the (M-2-H) Zone District.
Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report.
Proponent: Julius F. Castelan
862 Bellevue Avenue
Daly City, CA 94014
Opponent: None
Secretary Costanzo questioned the effectiveness of the commerical lease they
have with Southern Pacific Company, because it shows a term of one year and
the lease is dated April 26, 1968. Secretary Costanzo suggested that something
more valid be presented to the Planning Division.
- 3867 -
V-77-207 cont'd
November 8, 1977
Mr. Castelan advised that Southern Pacific never intends to build on this lot
and the only reason they lease it out is so they can have some say into what
is done there.
Secretary Costanzo explained to the Commission that this expansion would be
used for diesel rehabilitation.
Commissioner Mathewson made the motion that V-77-207 and Negative Declaration
#137 be approved subject to the Special and Standard Conditions and Limitations.
Commissioner Slade seconded the motion and it was passed with a unanimous roll
call vote.
(side 1 #782)
Negative Declaration #138 and a Parcel Map application to create 3 parcels on
property located north of Swift Avenue between Kimball Way and Haskins Way in
the (M-2-H) Zone District.
Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report.
Proponent: Hans R~ Mulberg
16760 Oak View Circle
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
Opponent: None
Secretary Costanzo noted that there was an error in that this application did
not need a Negative Declaration.
Commissioner Mathewson asked which lot is for the proposed building.
Mr. Mulberg indicated that it would be built onlot #2.
Commissioner Mathewson made the motion to approve PM-77-150 subject to the
Special Conditions. Vice-Chairman Goldberg seconded the motion and it was
passed with a unanimous roll call vote.
SA-77-42 & SGR-MOD 3
(side 1 #824)
Negative Declaration #139 and a Subdivision application for a subdivision map
to create 13 Single-Family parcels on property located at the terminus of
Eucalyptus Avenue in the (p-C) Zone District.
Negative Declaration #140 and an application for a consent to modify the Stone-
gate Ridge Planned Community Zone District for the piurpose of deleting a portion
of Eucalyptus Avenue located between Popular Avenue and the terminus of Eucalyp-
tus'Avenue in the (P-C) Planned Community Zone District.
Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report, and recommended that these
matters be tabled to allow the applicant sufficient time to address the major
points of concern identified by the City Engineer's Office and Fire Department.
The Commission and Staff discussed the difficulties of tabling these matters.
Commissioner Mullin made the motion that SA-77-42, Negative Declarations #139
and #140, and SGR-MOD 3 both be tabled. Vice-Chairman Goldberg seconded the
motion and was passed with a unanimous roll call vote.
November 8, 1
(side 1 #899)
The Commission and Staff sed briefly U.S. Corporation and
Bethlehem Steel. Secretary Costanzo informed the Commission that as part
of the B.C.D.C. Permit requirements, American was responsible to
remove the barge.
(s i de 1 #916)
Chairman Teglia announced that the San Francisco
the Commission for dinner.
of Commerce invi
There being nothing further to consider under Good and Welfare and no other
Communications or matters of interest for the ssion, Chairman Teglia
announced that the next regular meeting of the P1 ng Commission would be
held on November 22, 1977, at the hour of 7:30 p.m in the West Orange Library
The meeting was adjourned at 11 :00 p.m.
Roberta Teglia, Chairman
Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Costanzo, Secretary
ng Commission
South San Francisco
The entries of this Planning Commission meeting i cate the action
di$pose of each item. Oral presentations, and documents are recorded
on tape. The tapes are available in the Office of the City Planner Documents
related to the items discussed are on file in the ce of the City Planner and
are available for public inspection.
- 3869 -