HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 09/13/1977 M' I N U TE S ,of the regular meeting of the South San' Francisco Planning Commission TIME: 7:30 P.M. DATE: SEPTEMBER 13, 1977 PLACE: WEST ORANGE LIBRARY AUDITORIUM MEMBERS PRESENT:, Vice-Chairman Goldberg, Commissioners Bertucelli, Campredon, Mathewson, Mullin, and Chairman Teglia MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Slade ALSO PRESENT: City Planner William Costanzo City Engineer Robert Yee Acting Assistant Planner Ma rk l~hee 1 er Senior Planner Daniel Christians Planning Division Secretary Pamela J. Bayer Director of Public Services Frank Addiego Fire Marshal Arthur ~1agui re MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING Minutes of the Planning Commission meetings of August 9 and August 16, 1977. Commissioner Bertucelli moved that the minutes of the regular meetings of the South San Francisco Planning Commission of August 9 and August 16, 1977, be approved. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Campredon and was passed by the following roll call vote: . AYES: Commissioners Bertucelli, Campredon, Mathewson and Chairman Teglia NOES: None ABSENT: Commissioner Slade ABSTAINED: Vice-Chairman Goldberg and Commissioner Mullin ANNOUNCEMENT CONCERNING TAPE RECORDING OF MEETING Chairman Teglia announced that this meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission would be recorded on tape, but that anyone who wished to come before the Commission to be heard, but who objected to having his or her voice re- corded in this matter, could request the Chairman to order the tape recorder turned "off" for the duration of the time that he or she is speaking or is heard. - 3829 - September 13, 1977 UP-75~235 A proposed revocation of the Use Permit for property located at 230 South Spruce Avenue in the PCM Zone District. Secretary Costanzo asked for a continuance on this matter to allow staff time to re-negotiate with the Employment Development Department. Commissioner Mullin moved that this matter be continued to the Planning Com- mission meeting of September 27, 1977. Vice-Chairman Goldberg seconded the motion and it was passed by a unanimous II Aye II vote. UP-77-402 An application of George Cravines to establish a U-Haul rental and storage facility on property located at 1136 Mission Road in the C-l Zone District. Acting Assistant Planner Wheeler presented the staff report. Proponent: George Cr.a.vi nes 4231 Pacheco San Francisco, CA Opponent: None Mr. Cravines noted that he is the lessee of the service station and that he is trying to upgrade the station. He noted that he felt there would be adequate parking to handle the traffic load. He also noted that if he were limited to only being allowed one truck, it would note be feasible for him to have this operation. He noted that he would be satisfied with only three trailers if he could also have three trucks. Secretary Costanzo explained that the site is too small to accommodate three trucks as well as the minimum number of required parking spaces. He also noted that the City has already reduced their parking requirements to allow him to operate the U-Haul facility with only having one truck and that it did not seem to him that three trucks would be feasible. Mr. Cravines explained to the Commission that, with the exception of Sundays, San Francisco dispatches the trucks only to those service stations that can accommodate them. Vice-Chairman Goldberg asked the applicant how he would handle four or five vehicles suddenly coming in for service~ if this were approved with the number of trucks and trailers he was requesting. Mr. Oravines stated that if their racks are full, they make an appointment with the person coming in so that no one sits and waits for service. Vice-Chairman Goldberg also noted that he wondered how the fire department would be able to get behind the building if Mr. Cravines parked his trailers back there. Mr. Cravines stated that the building is metal, and except for the paint, would not burn, so that this would not be a problem. Commissioner Mullin asked Mr. Cravines about his statement that he would reduce the number of trailers to three in order to be able to take three trucks. He wondered if U-Haul would allow him to do this under the contract. Mr. Cravines said he would be allowed to do this. UP-77-402,cont'd September 13, 1977 Commissioner Campredon asked about the planter box between the service station and the 7-Eleven. Mr. Cravines stated that there is existing a driveway be- tween the two facilities which creates a number of problems for him with people hitting his building. He stated that the planter box would successfully close off this driveway. Chairman Teglia expressed her concerns with overflow on the number of trucks on the site. Mr. Cravines explained that the only day that would be a problem would be Sunday because on that day they are required to take any truck that comes in. He stated, however, that he has three people in San Bruno and he would simply give them a call to come and pick one of them up. He indicated that his San Bruno operation is much larger and can accommodate four times the amount his South San Francisco site can handle. In response to Chairman Teglia and Commissioner Bertucelli, Mr. Cravines stated that he has one full-time employee and one part-time employee and that he is the only U-Haul agent in South San Francisco. Secretary Costanzo explained that the proposed Union Oil U-Haul operation never came to fruition. Commissioner Mullin stated that he would like to change Special Condition #1 to read: "That.. .be limited to two trucks and three trailers." He also noted Special Condition #9 should be changed to read: "That the...two trucks shall be..." He also noted that this would change Finding #1 in the staff report. Commissioner Mullin moved that UP-77-402 be approved subject to the conditions of the staff report, with the above noted changes. CommissionerMathewson seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. UP-77-404/V-77-205 A Use Permit application of Ernest Columbell for the expansion of an existing nonconforming structure located at 311 and 311~ Spruce Avenue in the R-3 Zone District and a Variance application of Mr. Columbellfor the reduction of the required minimum 191 to 51 between garage entrances and the property line on the same property. Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report. Proponent: Mr. Ernest Columbell 311 Spruce Avenue South San Francisco Opponents: Steve Bildhauer 315 Spruce Avenue South San Francisco, CA Frank F. & Nancy Cosentino 319 Spruce Avenue South San Francisco, CA Fire Marshal Maguire explained why there were two different recommendations in the staff report. He indicated that there had not been sufficient time to review the application before the staff report was done due to vacations - 3831 - UP-77-404/V-77-205, cont'd September 13, 1977 and that when he returned and had time to review it in depth, he found that his recommendation would have to be changed. He indicated that fires are very difficult to fight in alleys and that the applicant would not be meeting the Fire Code requirements by encroaching into the setback. Mr. Cosentino expressed his opposition to this application, stating that three more units would generate more traffic into an already congested area. He indicated that he would like to see this permit denied due to traffic problems. Mr. Bildhauer indicated his opposition to the application, stating that in 10 years, if the old building is torn down, the new building would then become the nonconforming use. He also .stated that this building would cast shadows onto his property, especially during the winter months. He also stated that he checked with City records and could find no evidence that Mr. Columbell had taken out a demolition permit to tear down the garage and that the porch out in the back looks directly into his bedroom window. Nancy Cosentino expressed her opposition to this application, stating that she is very concerned with the upkeep on this property. She stated that it has been very overgrown with weeds in the past and she wondered if there would be provisions to upgrade and maintain the property. Mr. Columbell explained that when he purchased the property nothing had been done to it in 22 years. He said he upgraded the existing building which has been inspected and which is up to code. He indicated that he did not feel there would be a fire hazard by the granting of this variance. Fire Marshal Maguire again explained his position on this. Commissioner Bertucelli asked if this building was three stories and if the building code required a fire escape. Secretary Costanzo noted that the build- ing is three stories and that they have two means of ingress and egress which is all that the code requires. Vice-Chairman Goldberg asked how many parking spaces were being provided. Secretary Costanzo said there are five covered and one open, but that this meets the parking requirements, including both the old and the new buildings. Commissioner Mathewson stated that this would be a situation of over-building and that he felt we are creating something that we would not want to live with. Secretary Costanzo explained that the lot width is 40 feet. He also indicated that the sideyard setback on a corner lot is for visual aesthetics and site distance around the corner. He said he was not aware of the Fire Department's revised conditions when the staff report was written. He stated that without the Variance, the site's buildability is extremely limited, but that Fire Code requirements cannot be varied from and that if this application would be in violation of the Fire Code requirements, then the Commission can- not grant it. Vice-Chairman Goldberg moved that UP-77-404 and V-77-205 be denied. Commissioner Mathewson seconded the motion and these two applications were denied by a unanimous roll call vote. - 3832 - September 13~ 1977 UP-77-405 An application of Federal Signal Corporation to construct one freestanding sign and one mounted sign on property located at 120 Produce Avenue in the f\1-2-H District. Senior Planner Christians presented the staff report. Secretary Costanzo noted that Special Condition #7 should be added to this report to read as follows: IIThat the time and temperature sign shall not be used for messages or advertising of products or services provided on the premises." Proponen Mr. Loren Corbett, representing Canterbury Carpets Federal Sign Company 950 30th Street Oakland, CA Opponent: None Mr. Corbett stated that he would like to see the freestanding sign have white on black as it is muc..h more readable from a distance, i.e. coming north on Highway 101. He also asked for an adjustment in the size of the letters make the signs more readable. He stated that he would agree eliminate the IIdown" arrow~ but would like to fill the space by using 5 foot letters on the word IICarpet" instead of four foot letters. He also indicated that he would like to have a message such as lisave here" or lisale on now" to flash alternately with the time and temperature Commissioner Mullin asked if Mr. Kass, the owner of Canterbury Carpets, was more interested in the message panel than the time and temperature. Mr. Corbett stated that the message panel was his main interest, and that he was not sure r~r. Kass waul d have the time and temperature panel if the message pane 1 was not approved. There was some discussion on the colors to be used for the sign. Mr. Corbett reiterated that he would like to have white on black. Staff, as well as some of the commissioners, stated that the'white on black appeared to be too stark and that possibly dark brown background with beige letters would be nicer and more acceptable. Mr. Corbett stated that they would consider these colors. There was some discussion on the fact that a message sign would be a potential hazard to motori s ts tryi ng to read it as they travel up the freeway. I twas also stated that even the tim and temperature panel could create a hazard to motorists. Chairman Teglia suggested adding wording to Special Condition #3 which would prohibit the sign from "ratating or appearing flash, rotate, scintillate." Chairman Teglia asked if this would a retail operation or a warehouse the various Canterbury Carpet outlets. Mr. Corbett stated that it would be both. Secretary Costanzo indicated that there would be a warehouse in rear, but that it is a comprehensive operation in that they will be selling and cutting carpeting. Vice-Chairman Goldberg ified in spec; that he would li have the colors conditions. Secretary Costanzo indicated be used t s - 3833 - UP-77-405, cont1d September l3~ 1977 should be the function of the Architectural Committee to work with the appli- cant in the choice of colors and that he would not like to specify ors in the special condi ons. Vice-Chairman Goldberg noted that there vI/ere a lot of carpet remnants outside of the building at the proposed location and that he saw a need for a condi- tion relating to a trash container. Secretary Costanizo stated that Standard Condition #12 can be added stating: IIThat an adequate trash area shall be provided and enclosed with a six (6) foot high decorative block or slump stone wall. Adequate solid gates and vehicular access to such areas shall be provided." Commissioner Mullin moved that UP-77-405 be approved subject to all of the conditions of the staff report, with the above noted changes, additions and deletions, and that the Negative Declaration had been reviewed and considered by the Planning Commission. Commissioner Campredon seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. V-77-202 Aft application of Markling & Yamasaki for the reduction of the rear yard set- back from 151 to 21 on property located at 1430 San Mateo Avenue in the M-2-H Zone District. Senior Planner Christians presented the staff report, reading into the record the special conditions. Vice-Chairman Goldberg asked if the parking met the existing codes and asked what the new building would be used for. Secretary Costanzo stated that they met the parking requirements and that the proposed use would be a warehousing operation. Commissioner Mullin moved that V-77-202 be approved and that the Planning Commission had reviewed and considered the Negative Declaration on this application. Commissioner Bertucelli seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously V-77-203 An application of John and Mary Garcia for a reduction in the rear yard set- back from 201 to 13' on property located at 305 Hazelwood Drive in the R-l Zone District. Senior Planner Christians presented the staff report. Proponent: John Garcia 305 Hazelwood Drive South San Francisco, CA Opponent: None - 3834 - V-77-203, cont'd September 13, 1977 ~~r. Garcia stated that he has looked at the surrounding properties and has found a similar addition on 119 Rockwood Drive and that his next door neighbor built an addition on the top of his existing structure. He stated that he did not understand why he was being required to stay down to one story instead of two, when his neighbor was permitted to put two stories. The Senior Planner explained that his neighbor's addition and the addition on Rockwood both were within the setbacks and therefore, were able to go to the second story. There was some discussion on the fact that this variance really wasn't necessary if the owner wished to build onto the second story and keep within the required setbacks. Commissioner Mullin stated that he would like to see the Variance granted in order to keep the addition on the first level. He stated that the character of the neighborhood is ranch style homes and that a second story addition would tend to look like a fort which he would find offensive. He stated that he would ("'ather grant the variance for an encroach- ment, but only to 151 instead of 131, thereby having some control over the type of construction, than to deny the variance and have the owner build a second story, with virtually no control over architectural theme. Secretary Costanzo stated that he agreed and would change his recommendation that V-77-203 be approved. Special Condition #6 was added to read: "That the rear yard setback shall not be less than 1510"." Secretary Costanzo noted that the encroachment would then actually be only five feet into the setback, instead of the originally proposed seven feet. Vice-Chairman Goldberg moved that V-77-203 be approved subject to the conditions of the staff report with the above noted addition of Special Condition #6. Commissioner Mullin seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. V-77-204 An application of Michael & Ann Rozzi to reduce a portion of the front yard setback of 151 a maximum distance of 3~ feet on property located at 401 Del Monte Avenue in the R-l Zone District. Acting Assistant Planner Wheeler presented the staff report and explained the setback encroachment distances. Proponent: Michael Rozzi 401 Del Monte South San Francisco, CA Opponents: None Vice-Chairman Goldberg asked if Mr. Rozzi intended to keep the curb cut on Del Monte when he converted his garage to a family room. Mr. Rozzi stated that it would be desirable. Vice-Chairman Goldberg indicated that he would not like to see this and asked that there be a special condition added to assure the City that this would be removed. Acting Assistant Planner Wheeler noted that Special Condition #5 would be added to read: "That the applicant shall remove the existing curb cut and driveway and re-landscape this area such that no visible evidence shall exist of the existing garage conversion." Mr. Rozzi agreed to this condition. - 3835 - V-77-204, cont'd September 13, 1977 Commissioner Bertucelli moved that V-77-204 be approved subject to the condi- tions of the staff report with the above added Special Condition #5. Commis- sioner Campredon seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. RZ-77-42 RESOLUTION NO. 2221 An application of the City of South San Francisco to rezone the property located on the easterly side of Chestnut, southerly of Commercial, from P-l Zone to the C-O and R-3 Zone Districts. Secretary Costanzo explained that the purpose of the rezoning is to eliminate the P-l Zone District from the Zoning Map because it is eliminated from the Zoning Ordinance and, therefore, there is no text to cover such a zoning. He further explained that the portions proposed to be rezoned R-3 have mostly apartment complexes on them and that this zoning classification was chosen to conform to the land use in existence already. Chairman Teglia noted that she would rather see the entire area zoned C-O to allow the Commission to have some control over what types of apartment complexes might be developed in the future in those areas. The Commission generally agreed. Secretary Costanzo noted that all places within the Resolution referencing the R-3 Zone would be changed to C-O Zone District only. Commissioner Bertucelli introduced Resolution No. 2221 recommending to the City Council that RZ-77-42 to rezone property located on the easterly side of Chestnut Avenue, between Commercial Avenue and the Southern Pacific right- of-way from P-l Professional, Executive and Research District to the C-O Commercial Office Zone District, be approved. This Resolution was adopted unanimously. Vice-Chairman Goldberg moved that the Planning Commission had reviewed and considered the Negative Declaration on this Rezoning. Commissioner Mathewson seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. PM-77-l42 Final Parcel Map of Cabot, Cabot & Forbes to resubdi four on property located between Grandview Drive and M-2-H Zone District. de three parcels into . Grand Avenue in the Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report, noting that the Final Map was in substantial compliance with the approved Tentative Parcel Map. Commissioner Mathewson moved that Final Parcel Map 77-142 be approved as being in substantial compliance with the previous approved Map. Vice-Chairman Goldberg seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. -3836 - September 13, 1977 SA-76-34 A Final Subdivision Map by Standard Building Company to resubdivide 12+ acres into 84 lots on property located between Randolph and Hillside, east of Arden, in the R-3 Zone District. Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report. Commissioner Campredon asked what was happening with Randolph. Secretary Costanzo explained that they are hesitant to complete Randolph and that there will be performance bonds posted for assurance to the City of the completion of the road. He noted that there may be a temporary road system and that when Hillside extension is completed, then this portion of Randolph will also possibly be completed. Commissioner Mathewson moved that SA-76-34 be approved as being in substantial compliance with the Tentative Map previously approved by the Commission. Commissioner Mullin seconded the motion and it was passed unanimously. SA-77-38 Final Subdivision Map by Frumenti Development Company to create 152 air space condominium units on property located between Carter Drive, Athy Drive and Meath Drive in the P-C Planned Community Zone District. Secretary Costanzo asked that this matter be continued off-calendar to give staff and the applicant sufficient time to complete the procedures necessary to bring it before the Commission. The Commission unanimously agreed to con- tinue this matter off-calendar. STREET RENAMING - STONEGATE DRIVE Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report, asking that the name of Stone- gate Drive be changed to Ridgeview Drive. He stated that Stonegate Court would remain the same as far as the street and addresses were concerned. After a brief discussion on the effects of this name change on the businesses in the area, Commissioner Campredon moved to recommend this name change to the City Council. Commissioner Bertucelli seconded the motion and it was approved unanimously. STREET RENAMING POINT SAN BRUNO BOULEVARD Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report asking that Point San Bruno Boulevard be changed to the name of Grandview Drive with the exception of the cul-de-sac area which would be changed to Pt. San Bruno Court. There was a brief discussion on the effects of these name changes on the tenants in the areas involved. There was also some discussion on the confu- sion that could exist if Pt. San Bruno Boulevard were to remain and the - 3837 - Pt. San Bruno Boulevard Name Change, contld September 13, 1977 cul-de-sac only changed to Pt. San Bruno Court. Secretary Costanzo explained that in times of emergencies, people often neglect to mention whether they are on a court, drive, street, way, etc., and that two streets having the same name could become confusing. The Commission generally felt that a public hearing should be held on this matter since there are many businesses involved and that they would like to have their input. Staff noted that they would set this for public hearing on the first available date. SA-77-4l Final Subdivision Map for Reimer Associates to create six parcels from one existing parcel on property located on Swift Avenue at the terminus of Kimball Way in the M~2-H Zone District. Secretary Costanzo presented the staff report, noting that this Final Map was in substantial compltancewith the Tentative Map previously approved by the Planning Commission. Commissioner Mathewson moved that SA-77-4l be approved as being in substan- tial compliance with the Tentative Map previous approved by the Commission. Commissioner Campredon seconded the motion and it was passed uanimously. DOWNTOWN QUESTIONNAIRE Secretary Costanzo explained the bulk results of the survey. He said that the number of responses was low and that when the interns come on board, they will be going door to door with the survey asking for input. He also noted that there will be a Downtown Merchants I meeting the first part of October and that anyone is welcome to attend. He indicated that there was a decided interest in the need for revitalizing the downtown area. COMMUNICATIONS Secretary Costanzo noted that the Commission had directed staff to bring the Precise Plan of Design to the Planning Commission meeting of September 13, but that there was no physical way staff had the time to prepare the necessary paperwork. He also indicated that the amendments to the Parking Ordinance would be brought back to the Commission the first chance staff had. Secretary Costanzo noted that the owner of the 157 Club appealed the decision of the Architectural Committee. He indicated that it has been the past policy of the City not to have any pictorial representations on signs or on buildings which the Architectural Committee is upholding. However, the owner of the 157 Club has ducks and guns on the face of his building in several locations as well as a sign on the front changing the name from'!57 Club to "57" Shooters Supplies. He also noted that a permit was never taken out for -1818 - September 13, 1977 this sign and that the sign is in olation of Sign Ordinance. He that he would like to appli to be present, but the Commiss d ke on this evening if they wished. He stated that he would invite him to come, but that he did not know if he would want to. The Commission agreed 'th is. GOOD AND WELFARE Secretary Costanzo noted to the Commission that Pamela Bayer, the Planni Division Secretary, was leaving the employ of South San Francisco and duced Rosa Perez who would be taking ~1s. Bayer1s place. The Chairman wi Ms. Bayer much luck and thanked her for her work in the past. The Chairman asked Secretary Costanzo to prepare a resolution for her and asked Ms. Bayer if she would return to a future meeting to be presented with the resolution, which she agreed to do. Commissioner Mullin asked about the status of the Architectural Committee. Secretary Costanzo explained that Bob Ross had resigned from the Committee, but had attended one more meeting after his resignation. He noted that after a determination is made on the Design Review Board, staff will work on filling that spot He noted that there have been several inquiries into th e po sit ion. Commissioner them to remove al longer stops. He and he always has to this location. with SamTrans and ask locations where the bus no noted that there is a sign still up in front of his home to go out and tell people that the bus no longer comes Staff said they would get in touch with SamTrans. Chai rman Tegl ia asked \A/hen the ~1ari na sub-commi ttee woul d be meeti ng. retary Costanzo said it will meet on Thursday at 7:30 p.m. and that this item will be coming up again at the September 27th Planning Commission meeting. Commissioner Bertucelli noted that he would not be able to attend the next Planning Commission meeting. There beinl nothing further to consider under Good and Welfare and no other communications or matters of interest for the Commission, Chairman Teglia announced that the next regul ar meeting of the Pl ng Commi ss i on \1Joul d be held on September 27, 1977, at the hour of 7:30 p.m. in the West Orange ::::::: :::::::;:::;rman 1lM~m ~retarY Planning Commission Planning Commission City of South San Francisco City of South Francisco 3839 - NOTE: The entries of this Planning Commission meeting indi dispose of each item. Oral presentations, arguments corded on tape@ The tapes are available in the Offi Documents related to the items discussed are on file City Planner and are available for public inspection. - 3840 - September 13 1977 te the action taken to documents are re- City Planner. n the Office of the