HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/28/1981
May 28, 1981 Special meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Comnission
PLACE: WEST ORANGE LIBRARY AlIDIIDRIUM, 840 West Orange Avenue, South San Francisco
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Grimes, Vice-Chairman Martin, Commissioners
Bertucelli, Getz, Hoyer, Mantegani and Terry
Community Development Staff
Louis Dell'Angela
Daniel B. Christians
Gisele M. Sorensen
Chief Building Inspector
H. J. Wittwer
Pledge of Allegiance
:Mr. Dell' Angela requested that the minutes be amended to reflect that the
Acting City Attorney, Bob Rogers, was present at the May 14, 1981 Meeting.
Motion-GetzjSecond Bertucelli: To approve minutes of May.14, 1981, reflecting
above change. Ayes: Chairman Grimes, Vice-Chairman Martin, Comnissioners
Bertucelli, Getz, Mantegani and Terry. Abstained: Carmissioner Hoyer
There was no audience participation.
The Carmissioners discussed the time limitation imposed at the May 14, 1981
meeting. Chairman Grimes stated that it was not his intention to impose a
"gag" on any speaker. The Carmissioners requested Staff to obtain a legal
opinion fran the City Attorney regarding the establisl:ment of time limitations.
The procedure should be published and speakers made aware of the time limitation
prior to the beginning of the public hearing.
It was suggested" by the Carmission, that "Consent" itEmS and itEmS of a routine
nature be placed at the beginning of the Agenda and the more time consuming
itEmS placed at the end of the agenda. The pros and cons of this policy
were discussed.
First ASSEmbly of God,UP-81...:.587
Letter dated May 20, 1981 received fran applicant requesting withdrawal of
the application.
Motion-GetzjSecond Martin: To accept withdrawal of UP-8l-587 based on the
Staff Report and applicant's letter. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
~. 4366 .,..
May 28, 1981
AGENDA ITEMS (Continued)
DavidR. & Martha J . Hoffman ,V...:.81"':'242
A Variance to locate a required parking space wit:hin the easterly side yard
setback and construct a tEmporary 7 foot construction fence, rather than a
permitted 3 foot fence,~ within the 15 foot front yard setback at 529 Grand
May 28, 1981 Staff Report Presented.
Applicant Present: David Hoffman
529 Grand Avenue
Motion-GetzjSecond Mantegani: To approve V-8l-242 based on findings and
subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved.
DavidR &MarthaJ ~H6ffn'1art,T1P"':'80"':'561
A Use Permit to construct a room addition, three additional parking spaces and
rEmOdel an existing non-conforming group of dwellings located at 529 Grand
May 28, 1981 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present: David Hoffman
529 Grand Ave.
Mr. Hoffman asked the Ccmnission if the conditions would prohibit him or
any future owner to request a variance in the future. The Carmission advised
Mr. Hoffman that he could always apply for a variance but that he should
assume conditions were permanent.
A revised set of Special Conditions, dated May 28, 1981 were ma.de a part of
the record.
Mot ion-Mantegani jSecond Terry: To approve UP-80-56l based on findings and
subject to all conditions, including ruTIended special conditions, contained
in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved.
A Variance to construct a roan addition encroaching 8 feet into the required
10 foot street side yard setback and 15 feet into the required 19 foot
setback fran the sidewalk on property located at 416 Spruce Avenue in the
R-l Zone.
May 28, 1981 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present: George Martin
416 Spruce Ave.
- 4367 -
May 28 " 1981
AGENDA ITEMS (Continued)
Mr. Martin presented the Corrrnission with a letter of May 7, 1981 fran his
closest neighbors indicating that they were satisfied with his plans. He
requested that he be allowed to have a 22' 8" back-up area rather than the 25'
which Staff requested as he was unable to modify his plans.
Motion-GetzjSecond Bertucelli: To approve V-8l-238 deleting Special Condition
No.3, requiring a 25' distance between the rear property line and the garage
doors and renumbering the,:re:naining special conditions. accordingly, based on
findings and subject to all other conditions contained in the Staff Report.
Unanimously approved.
Steven M. Detrick, V...:.81...:.237
A Variance to construct a two-story roan addition encroaching 2 feet into
the required 5 foot side yard setback on property located at 342 Arbor Drive
in the R-l Single-Family Zone District.
May 28, 1981 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present: Steve Detrick
342 Arbor Dr i ve
Corrmissioner Getz amended the third finding contained in the Staff Report
and this change was incorporated in the record.
Motion-BertucellijSecond Hoyer: To approve V-8l-237 based on findings and
subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved.
Gateway Specific Plan "':'GatewayRedeve1opmertt 'Project
May 28, 1981 Staff Report presented.
Developer's Representatives Present: John Aguilar
Homart Development Co.
Pat Shanks, Attorney
Homart Developnent Co.
John Bruzzone
Hanart Developnent Co.
A StaffjCorrmissionjDeveloper discussion was held. There was no public input.
Motion-MangeganijSecond Bertucelli: To continue Gateway Specific Plan to
June II" 1981 meeting based on findings contained in the Staff Report.
Unanimously approved.
City of South San Franc isco/GPA"':'8 1...:. 15
Setting of a Public Hearing Date for GPA-8l-15 and Negative Declaration Number
322 General Plan Amendments., relating to condominium conversions.
May 28, 1981 Staff Report Presented.
Motion-MartinjSecond Hoyer: To adopt the Resolution setting June 11, 1981
as a public hearing date to consider GPA-8l-l5. Unanimously approved.
- 4368 ,-
May 28, 1981
AGENDA ITEMS (Continued)
City of South San Francisco, Proposed Condominium. Conversion Ordinance and
Negative Declaration No. 323
A recommendation that the Planning Corrmission adopt a resolution setting June
11, 1981 as a public hearing date toc,LJnsider. a Condaninium Conversion Ordinance.
May 28, 1981 Staff Report presented.
Motion-ManteganijSecond Bertucelli: To adopt the Resolution setting June
11, 1981 as a public hearing date to consider adoption of the Condaninium
Conversion Ordinance. Unanimously approved.
Vice-Chairman Martin stated that he was disappointed with the response which
the Director of Public Services received from the county on the installation
of lights on West borough Blvd. Vice-Chairman Martin will meet with M'r. Yee
to pursue this matter.
Ccmnissioner Terry will attend the Design Review Eoard Meeting on June 2,
1981. Carmissioners indicated their intention to attend Design .Review Board
meetings in the future.
Adjournment: 9:15 P.M.
Next Meeting: Thursday, June 11, 1981
~~". ..~~.. Q. ~QaL~~~'C-,"--
louis Dell' Angela ~ - ~ --
Secretary to the Planning Corrmission
City of South San Francisco
Ibnald Grimes
Chairman to the Planning Canmission
City of South San Francisco
- 4369 -