HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/14/1981 MINUTES May 14, 1981 Special meeting of the South San Ji'rancisco Planning Corrmission PLACE: WEST ORANGE LIBRARY ATJDITOHIU]\'1, 840 West Orange Avenue, South San Francisco :MEMBERS PP.ESEr-IT: Chairman Grimes, Vice-Chairman Martin, Canmissioners Bertucelli, Getz, Mantegani and Terry lIDABERS ABSENT: Corrmissioner Hoyer AlSO PRFSENT: Cbmmunity Development Staff Louis Dell'Angela Daniel B. Christians Philip Gorny Gisele Sorensen Bob Rogers Robert Yee City Attorney Director-Public ServicesjCity Engineer Police Services Officer Sgt Ron Petrocchi Chief Building Inspector H. J. Wittwer Deputy Fire Y~shall A. Laganarsino Pledge of Allegiance APPROVAL OF MINUTES Ccmnissioner Getz requested that the following change be made to page 4357 of Minutes of April 23, 1981 regarding his participation on hearing of P.>ayland Development CorporationjSA-81-70 and UP-78-440 (Mocl 1): That the City Attorney in his meeting with Commissioner Getz advised that his opinion was that there was no direct prohibition either way. Mot ion-Get zjSecond-Mantegan i : To approve Minutes of April 23, 1981 meeting as amended above. Ayes: Chairman Grimes, Vice-Chairman Martin, Canmissioners Getz, Mantegani and Terry. Abstained: Carmissioner Bertucelli GOOD AJ'ID WELFARE Doris Agee, 819 Ridge Court., requested that a study session between the Planning Canmission and Design Review E-oard be held. She also suggested that the Planning Commissioners attend Design Review Board meetings on a rotating basis. H. J . Wittwer, Chief Building Inspector noted that May 15, 1981 through May 23, 1981 had been designated as Building Safety Week. He distributed a descriptive pamphlet to the Commissioners. - 4359 - May 14, 1981 GOOD AND WELFARE (Continued) Canmissioner Getz commented on the inordinate amount of time spent on each agenda itEm since there was no time limit for speakers. He suggested that speakers be limited to 5 minutes for presentation. If unusual ciremnstances were present, speakers could be allowed up to 20 minutes. By a voice vote a 5 minute speaker rule was adopted by the Planning Corrmission for this meeting. A further check would be made with the City Attorney regarding making. this rule permanent. Agenda Change - ItEm 13A, Hichard Dicxiiti, SA-81-69 was moved to ItEm lA. ItEm 1, Appointment to Design Review Eoard was moved to ItEm 13. Philip Gorney, Senior Planner, was introduced to the Carrnission. AGENDA ITEMS Richard Diodati, SA-81-69 A Final Subdivision Map to create 24 air space warehouse-office condominium units located at 390 Swift Avenue. May 14, 1981 Staff Report Presented. Applicant Present: Richard Diodati 1461 San :Ma teo Avenue Motion-Martin/Second Bertucelli: To approve Final Subdivision Map SA-81-69 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Ayes: Chairman Grimes, Vice..-Chairman Martin, Carmissioners Bertucelli, Mantegani and Terry~ Abstained: Ccmnissioner Getz Set Public'HearlhgDate A recarrnendationthat the Planning Corrmission adopt a Resolution setting May 28, 1981 as a public hearing date to consider the Gateway Specific Plan. May 14, 1981 Staff Report presented. Motion-Bertucelli/Second Getz: To adopt the Resolution setting May 28, 1981 as a public hearing date to consider the Gateway Specific Plan. Unanimously approved. Rare Earth Subdivision, 'SA-78...:.49 Proposed waiver of Conditions No. 1 and 2 of Final Sutrl:jvision Map SA-78-49 located between Taylor Drive and Country Club Drive, east of Constitution Way in the R-l Zone. The applicant also requested a one-year time extension. May 14, 1981 Staff Report presented. Carrnissioner Mantegani Stepped Down. - 4360 - May 14, 1981 AGENDA Im'TS (Continued) Applicant's representative present: David Ucelli 520 El Camino Real San Mateo After a discussion between the applicant's representative and l\1r. Yee, it was agreed to approve modified conditions as agreed to at the meeting. Mot ion-Mart injSecond Bertucelli: To approve modified Conditions No. 1 and 2 and to deny the request for a one (1) year time extension based on findings contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Dr. K. Pantelides,UP-81-589 A Use Permit application to construct afree':"'standiIlg monument sign" amending conditions 1 and 2 of T~-78-462 on property located at 1486 Huntington Avenue. May 14, 1981 Staff Report Presented. Applicant's Representative Present: Philip Bona PancojSinclair Architects Motion-ManteganijSecond Terry: To approve T~-8l-589 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Antonio Maggi,V...:.81-24l A Variance to encroach 13 feet into the required 20 foot rear yard setback to construct a patio cover and screen enclosure on property located at 212 Rainier Avenue. May 14, 1981 Staff Report presented. Applicant I S Representative Present: Al Hearns Peninsula Patios Belmont Speaking Regarding Drainage Concerns: Ettori Vedoreni 717 Haven Avenue R. L. Morgan 713 B.aven Avenue Based on the concerns of the above two neighbors, an additional Condition was imposed on this application to assure that drainage would be directed away fran Haven Avenue. Motion-GetzjSecond Mantegani: To approve V-81-241 based on findings and subject to all conditions, including above added condition" contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. - 4361 - May 14, 1981 AGThlJ)A ITEMS (Continued) StevenH. Detrick "V..:.81-237 A Variance to construct a two-story room addition encroaching 2 feet into the required 5 foot side yard setback on partially developed property located at 342 Arbor Drive. May 14, 1981 Staff Report presented.. Applicant Present: Steve Detrick 342 Arbor Drive Speaking in Favor of the Project: Mike Gonzalez 641 Zita Avenue The applicant stated that the Planning Carmission had granted similar variances in his neighborhood in the past. Based on this statEment " it was agreed by a unanimous voice vote to continue this request to the May 28, 1981 meeting to allow the applicant time to document similar variances granted in the neighborhood. Juan Diaz"UP...:.81-585andNegativeDeclaratidn 'N6~ '316 A Use Permit to rEmodel an existing nightclub and convert a 13 room hotel into 8 studio apartment units on developed property located at 320 Grand Avenue. May 14, 1981 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Juan Diaz 320 Grand Avenue Speaking in Favor of the Project: M. Bronstein 363 Grand Avenue Frank J. Strazzarino - Pres. Ibwntown Merchant.'s 10 Greenwood Assn" Joe Russo 337 Grand Avenue Chairman Grimes and Canmissioner Getz ccrnplimented Mr. Diaz on this project. In order to assure acceptable noise levels, Special Condition No. 3 in the Staff Report was expanded to include testing by an accoustical noise expert. Motion-GetzjSecond-Bertucelli: To approve UP.-81-585 and Negative Declaration No. 316 based on findings and subject to all conditions (including expanded Condition No.3) contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. First AsSEmbly of Goo, UP-8l-587 A Use Permit to establish a school for kindergarten through fourth grade students, using three or four classrooms of an existing church building located at 100 Arden Avenue. - 4362 - May 14, 1981 AGENDA ITEMS (Cont inued) First ASSEmbly of God, UP...:.8l...:.587 (Continued) According to information provided Staff, it was the applicant's intention to withdraw this application. It was agreed by unanimous voice vote to continue this matter to the May 28, 1981 meeting pending receipt of a written withdrawal request. Linden Associates, UP-8l-586 and Negative Declaration No. 315 A Use Permit to construct t'WO tilt.,...up concrete office-warehouse buildings with related landscaping and parking on partially developed property located on South Linden Avenue. May 14, 1981 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Jack Shevlin Linden Associates Motion-BertucellijSecond Mantegani: To approve l~-8l-586 and Negative Declaration No. 315 based on findings and subject to all conditions, including amended Conditions, contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Bayland Development Corporation, SA...:.8l-70 A Tentative Subdivision Map to create 79 air space condominium and townhouse units located at the westerly terminus of Ridgeview Court in the PC Planned Community Zone District. May 14, 1981 Staff Report Presented. Applicant Present: C. N. Chow Oakland, CA Applicant's Representatives Present: Al SeYran ian, Architect Charles Sprincin, Developer Speaking in Opposition of the Project: Ibris Agee A statEment dated 5j14j8l was suhni tted 819 Ridge Ct by Ms Agee & was incorporated into Da H 11 ve __.1 er the record for this case. 964 Ridgeview Ct Margaret Warren 790 Stonegate DT Speaking in Favor of the Project: Tom Mitchell 720 Stonegate.Drive Motion-GetzjSecond Martin: To deny SA-8l-70 based on the ten (10) findings contained in the Staff Heport. Unanimously approved. BaylandDevelopnent Corporation ,TlP~78-440 . (Modification No.1) Proposed modifications to site plan, floor plans and elevations for Stonegate Ridge Unit No. 5 located at the westerly terminus of Ridgeview Court in the PC Planned Community Zone District. - 4363 - May 14, 1981 AGENDA ITEMB (Cont inued) BaylandDeVe16pnentCorporatiori.; 'l1p...:.78~440CMddifica.tion 'No.1) (Continued) May 14, 1981 Staff Report Presented. Motion-GetzjSecond Terry: To deny the application based on the finding contained in the Staff Report that no valid use permit for the Unit 5 Project was legally in effect. Unanimously approved. Home Savings and lbanAssnjHamlinland Co,; RZ...:.81-73 A rezoning application to rezone 15..33 acres of land from R.-l Singl~ Family R.esidential to RPD-6 Residential Planned Development Zone District. Site is the former El Rancho Drive-In Thea:tre Property located at 157 Hickey Blvd. May 14, 1981 Staff R.eport Presented. Applicant's Representative Present: C. Cincebaugh HOlle Savings & Loan Assn. Motion-MartinjSecond Ma.ntegani: To adopt the Resolution reccmnending that the City Council rezone the area fran R-l to RPD-6 based on the findings contained in the Resolution. Unanimously approved. ,Hone Sa.vings & LoanAssnIHamlinIaridCo,RPD"':'81"':'23 'arid Negative Declaration No. 311 A Residential Planned Developnent permit to construct a 92 unit, two story residential townhouse project with related parking and open space on a 15.35 property (formerly the El R.ancho Drive-In Theatre site). May 14, 1981 Staff Report Presented. Applicant's R.epresentative Present: C. Cincebaugh Home Savings & laon Assn. Motion-GetzjSecond Mantegani: To continue off-calendar based on findings contained in the Staff Reprot. Unanimously approved. Home Savings & Loan AssrtjHamlinland SojSA-8l-71 A Tentative Subdivision Map to create a 92 unit planned townhouse developnent with related carmon area located on the fOImer El Pancho Drive-In Theatre Property. May 14" 1981 Staff Report Presented. Applicant's Representative Present: C. Cincebaugh Home Savings & Loan Assn. Motion-GetzjSecond Mantegani: contained in the Staff Report. To continue off.-calendar based on findings Unanimously approved. - 4364 - May 14, 1981 AGENDA ITEMS (Continued) Olympic Oil Co., UP-80-567 Request for the Planning Carmission to consider an alternate street plan to meet the intent of Condition No.5. Said condition requires the installation of a concrete median in the center of East Grand Ave. from Forbes Blvd. to a point west of the westerly driveway of a truck refueling facility located on the south side of East Grand Ave., east of Harbor Way. May 14; 1981 Staff Report Presented. Applicant Not Present. Motion-TerryjSecond Getz: To approve modification of Condition No. 5 based on findings contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. ITEMS FROM STAFF Report on illegal unit at 203 California Street ONner Present: Mr. Shami 203 California Street The Carmission requested that the City Attorney review this situtation. If deEmed appropriate, the applicant should request Planning Corrmission Hearing. Staff was requested to vvork with the owner. Adjournment: 12 Midnight Next Meeting: Thursday, May 28, 1981 ~~~~~-'-"\:"""'",<,::;.~-: (::S:1~<LC". SLS:ts,J.)--- Louis Dell'Angela Secretary to the Planning Carmission City of South San Francisco Ibnald Grimes Chairman to the Planning CDrrmission City of South San Francisco - 4365 -