HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/23/1981 M I NUT E S April 23, 1981 Special meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission PLACE: WEST ORANGE LIBRARY AUDITORIUM, 840 West Orange Avenue, South San Francisco MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Grimes, Vice-Chairman Martin, Commissioners Getz, Hoyer, Mantegani, and Terry MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Bertucelli ALSO PRESENT: Community Development Staff Louis Dell'Angela Daniel Christians Gisele Sorensen Director-Public Services/City Engineer Robert Yee Police Services Officer Sgt. Ron Petrocchi Pledge of Allegiance APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Vice-Chairman Martin requested that the record be changed as follows since he voted Aye instead of No in error: Page 4348, Minutes April 9, 1981 second motion for Thomas J. Callan, PM- 81-191 is changed to read: Amended motion adopted by 3-2 vote to approve PM-8l-l9l based on findings and subject to all conditions except Special Condition Number 1 contained in the Staff Report. Ayes: Chairman Grimes, Commissioner Bertucelli, Commissioner Terry. Noes: Vice-Chairman Martin, Commissioner Getz Motion-Martin/Second Getz: To approve minutes of April 9, 1981, as amended above. Ayes: Vice-Chairman Martin, Commissioners Getz and Terry Abstained: Commissioners Hoyer and Mantegani GOOD.AND WELFARE No audience participation. Staff requested that Item No. 6 on the Agenda, Modification of Site Plan - Gellert Square be heard first. Chairman Grimes approved this change. - 4354 -- April 23, 1981 GOOD AND WELFARE (Continued) Commissioner Getz expressed appreciation to the City Attorney for his Memorandum of April 15, 1981 regarding the votes necessary to pass a motion or resolution by the Planning Commission. This was in response to an inquiry of Commissioner Getz at the April 23, 1981 meeting. The City Attorney advised that four members constitute a quorum of the Planning Commission. The general rule is that a motion or resolution may be passed by a majority of the members present, if the members present constitute at least a quorum. This ruling applies with two exceptions: Five affirmative votes are required for approval of any General Plan and a regular meeting may adjourn and reconvene at any specified time and place upon a majority vote of the Commission. AGENDA ITEMS Revision to Site Plan. Gellert Square/Best Products Shopping Center UP-79-493 A modification of the original approved site plan for a revised driveway location. April 23, 1981 Staff Report Presented. Motion-Martin/Second Mantegani: To continue off calendar further action on this matter until the affected parties (Thomas J. Callan, Jr., The Walker-Pinkston Company and Colonel Rhea) jointly agree to propose one specific site plan change based on findings contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Design Review Board Selection April 23, 1981 Staff Report Presented. The Commission interviewed the two applicants. The Commission requested that Staff obtain a decision from the City Attorny as to the appropriateness of having a prlvate discussion and an open vote on this matter at the May 14, 1981 meeting. Final action was deferred to May 14, 1981 meeting by a voice vote. Arthur Haskins, Jr./PM-8l-l90 and Negative Declaration No. 309 A Tentative Parcel Map to create 3 parcels from 1 existing parcel and develop a stub street on a new public right-of-way located easterly of the terminus of Haskins Way. April 23, 1981 Staff Report Presented. Applicant Present: Arthur Haskins 114 South Maple Avenue Staff read into the record an additional three (3) special conditions as follows: - 4355 .- April 23" 1981 8. That the applicant shall comply with all requirements of the City's Subdivision Ordinance, State Subdivison Map Act, applicable City Ord- inances and applicable B.C.D.C. & Army Corps of Engineer Requirements and regulations, where these agencies have jurisdiction. 9. That the applicant shall show on the final map the line of the mean high tide. 10. Declarations of Covenants by the applicant shall be recorded concurrent with the recordation of the final map to run with the land related to the stability and maintenance of fill on the site and the perimeter dike to the satisfaction of the City Attorney and the City Engineer. Motion-Mantegani},Second Terry: To approve PM-8l-l90 and Negative Declaration No. 309 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained infue Staff Report to include the added three (3) special conditions. Ayes: Chairman Grimes, Vice-Chairman Martin, Commissioners Hoyer, Mantegani and Terry. Abstained: Commissioner Getz. Arthur Haskins, Jr./UP-8l-583 and Negative Declaration No. 309 A Use Permit to construct an office-warehouse building with related parking and landscaping located on proposed Parcell of "Lands of Arthur S. Haskins, Jr.", easterly of the terminus of Haskins Way. April 23, 1981 Staff Report Presented. Applicant Present: Arthur Haskins 114 South Maple Avenue Motion-Martin/Second Terry: To approve UP-8l-583 and Negative Declaration No. 309 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Ayes: Chairman Grimes, Vice-Chairman Martin, Commissioners Hoyer, Mantegani and Terry. Abstained: Commissioner Getz Bayland Development Corporation/SA-8l-70 (SA-79-59) and UP-78-440 (Modification No. 11. A Tentative Subdivision Map to create 79 air space condominium and townhouse units in Stonegate Unit No. 5 located at the westerly terminus of Ridgeview Court in the PC Planned Community Zone District. Proposed modifications to site plan, floor plans and elevations for Stonegate Ridge Unit No. 5 located at the westerly terminus of Ridgeview Court in the PC Planned Community Zone District. - 4356 .- April 23, 1981 AGENDA ITEMS' CCd:ritirilied) Prior to the hearing of this proj ect~1 Commissioner Getz said he had discussed the appropriatenes:s of voting on this' matter with Mr. Sprincin (the Developer) as he lives within the 300 'foot radius' of the project.. Commissioner Getz stated that the City Attorney-knew' of no ruling which would prohibit his sitting in on this project.., However, Commissioner Getz 'stated that while no conflict of interest could' be found" he would not vote on this matter if anyone felt that it was im- proper. There were no objections. April 23" 1981 Staff Report Presented., Applicant's Representative Present:. Charles Sprincin ApplicantjLandowner Present; C. N.. Chow Design Review Boa,rd Presentation: George Sinclair Speaking Against the Project~ Doris Agee, David Diller, Linda Stich, Margaret Warren, Dan Balough, Sue Uccelli, Joan Brandt Motion GetzjSecond Hoyer: To continue SA-8l-70 and UP-78-440 (Mod 1) at the discretion of the applicant based on the findings contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved.. Revised Subdivision Ordinance April 23,. 1981 Staff Report Presented. Motion""GetzjSecond Hartin: That the Planning Commission adopt the Resolution recommending to the City Council approval of the Subdivision Ordinance, including proposed changes" and Negative Declaration No. 239 and request that the City Council discuss commercial and industrial condominiums containing less than 5 units, based on findings contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved.. Amendment to Section 4.,141 of the Zoning Ordinance ':relating to compact car spaces/ ZA-8l-l8 April 23~ 1981 Staff Report Presented.. Motion-Martin/Second Mantegani:That the Planning Commission approve Negative Declaration No. 306 and adopt the Resolution recommending that the City Council approve the amendment to Section 4.141 of the Zoning Ordinance based on the recommendations contained in the Resolution. Unanimously approved. Items from Staff Modificatiori.toSitePlan....:AppianVillage.- 'Lot 'S'':'SA'':'79-62 Application to amend the site plan and Subdivision Map and file a Certificate of Correct ion on the Subdivi sion Map., - 43S7 - April 23, 1981 Items from Staff (Continued) Applicant's Representative present: Jim Casper Mot ion-Mant egani/Second Martin: To recommend that the City Council approve the modification of the Site Plan and file a Certificate of Correction on the Subdivis'ion Map, based on recommendations: from the Staff. Unanimously approved. Club View Apartments ",". Parking Lot Expans:ion Proposal Applicant's Representative Pres'ent: Lawrence Menrath Commiss.ion recommended that th,e applicant work with Staff to encourage expansion of lands:caping and us'e less asphalt.. Condominium'Conversion Ordinance A meeting of the three Subcommittee members (Commissioners Getz. ManteQ"ani and Terry) and Staff was s'et for May 11., 1981 at 7: 30 p.m. Adult Entertainment Ordinance A Subcommittee was appointed (Commissioners Bertucel1i, Hoyer and Terry). The subcommittee will work with Staff to review the Ordinance drafted by the City Attorney's Office. Itemsftom Commission Chairman Grimes noted the metal stack on Exclusively Women's Spa building. Commissioner Grimes stated he wanted to go on record opposing the stack and asked Staff to further check into the matter. The Commission was in general agreement that while certain garages and exterior improvements on buildings were not required to come before the Commiss'ion for a hearing that some procedure should be initiated to insure that once a proj ect has' been approved unacceptable changes will not be made. Commissioner Terry noted that the Willow/Grand Condominium Project had 24 advertising signs. Staff was requested to check into this matter since only three (3) advertis'ing signs were approved. Adjournment: 11~30 p.m. Next Meeting: Thursday, May 14, 1981 ~~~G~s".'~ Louis Dell 'Angela ~ Secretary to the Planning Commission City of South San Francisco Donald Grimes Chairman to the Planning Commissio City of South San Francisco - 4358 - April 9, 1981 AGENDA ITEMS (CONT.) Staff Report of April 9, 1981 presented. Staff recommended zone change for 400, 416, 434 and 450 Alida Way be continued off calendar as this change would not be consistent with the current General Plan. Speaking Against Zone Change for 400, 416, 434 and 450 Alida Way: Remi J. Muyllaert 217 Rainier Avenue Motion-Bertucelli/Second Getz: That the Planning Commission approve Negative Declaration No. 314 and adopt the Resolution recommending that the City Council rezone 316, 328, 338, 358 and 362 Alida Way from "U" to "R-3" based on the findings contained in the Resolution. Unanimously approved. StevenM. Detrick V-8l-237,Negative DeclaratidnNo. 310 A Variance to construct a two-story room addition encroaching 2 feet into the required 5 foot side yard setback on partially developed property located at 342 Arbor Drive in the R-l Single-Family Zone District. April 9, 1981 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Steven Moo Detrick 242 Arbor Drive Applicant requested that he be granted a continuance for a hearing until May 14, 1981 Planning Commission Meeting. Unanimously approved. Habitat Group, Inc SA-79-63 A Final Subdivision Map for a 36 unit air space condominium project located on the west side of Blondin Way in the R.-3 Multiple-Family Zone District. April 9, 1981 Staff Report Presented. Applicant's Representative Present: George Avanessian 914 Linden Avenue Question Regarding Ownership of Project: Elaine Stevensen Motion-Martin/Second Bertucelli: To approve SA-79-63 based on findings and subject to conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. ThomasJ. Callan, Jr. PM-8l-l9l A Tentative Parcel Map to subdivide 16.2 acre tract of land into four parcels. Land located on the west side of Gellert Boulevard between the Daly City line and West- borough Boulevard in the C-l Zone. Map to be considered pursuant to recently amended Section 4.0.1 of the Subdivision Ordinance with effective date of May 1, 1981. April 9, 1981 Staff Report presented. - 4347 - April 9, 1981 AGENDA ITEMS (CONT.) Letter dated April 9~ 1981 from D. Richmond opposing driveway from Westborough Blvd. to Subdivision read into the record. Applicant's Representative Present: T. B. Tronoff, CE Daly City, California Applicant Present: Thomas J. Callan, Jr. Daly City Speaking for the Project: Colonel Robert L. Rhea Westborough Water District Motion-Martin/Second Getz: To approve PM-8l-l9l subject to all conditions stated in the Staff Report. Motion-Bertucelli/Second Terry: To amend the motion deleting Special Condition Number 1 regarding relinquishment of vehicular access rights from Parcel "G" to Westborough Blvd. Amendment was approved by 3-2 vote: Ayes: Chairman Grimes, Commissioner Bertucelli, Commissioner Terry Noes: Vice-Chairman Martin, Commissioner Getz Amended motion adopted by 4-1 vote to approve PM-8l-l9l based on findings and subject to all conditions except Special Condition Number 1 contained in the Staff Report. Ayes: Chairman Grimes, Vice-Chairman Martin, Commissioner Bertucelli, Commissioner Terry. Noes: Commissioner Getz George A. Mavroudis., UP-8l.-S81, Negative Declaration No. 308 A Use Permit application to remodel the interior and exterior of an existing restaurant and hotel located at 222 and 224 Grand Avenue in the C-2 Central- Commercial Zone District. April 9, 1981 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: George A. Mavroudis 1260 Roble Road Millbrae Applicant's Representative Present: Joe Hansen, Architect Al bany Motion-Getz/Second Martin: To approve UP-8l-S8l and Negative Declaration No. 308 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. - 4348 - April 9, 1981 AGENDA ITEMS (CONT.) Broadmoor Homes NorthernUP-8l~584 (Diamond Signs) A Use Permit to construct temporary subdivision advertising signs on developing property located southeasterly of Appian Way and Gellert Blvd. in the R-3 Multiple Family Zone District. April 9, 1981 Staff Report Presented Applicant's Respresentative Present: Linda Cabell 757 Commercial St San Jose Applicant's representative requested that the 3 square foot signs be placed in the median rather than along the side of the roadway. The Commission agreed with Staff's recommendations that the signs be kept on the side of the roadway. Motion-Bertucelli/Second Terry: To approve UP-8l-584 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Arthur S. Haskins, Jr. PM-8l-l90 andUP~81-583 and Negative Declaration No. 309 A Tentative Parcel Map to create 3 parcels from 1 existing parcel and a Use Permit to construct an office-warehouse building with related parking and landscaping on vacant property located on the easterly terminus of Haskins Way in the M-2 Heavy Industrial Zone District. April 9, 1981 Staff Report Presented. Applicant Present: Arthur S. Haskins, Jr. 114 South Maple Applicant's Representative Present: Hans Mulberg, C.E. Morgan Hill Mr. Haskins discussed several items presented on the special conditions of approval. Staff noted that soils reports are required for all the parcels. The applicant's representative advised the Commission that these reports would be filed within the next few weeks. The applicant agreed to the Commission's suggestion that PM-8l-l90 & UP-8l-583 be continued to the Special Planning Commission Meeting of April 23, 1981. Motion-Martin/Second Bertucelli: To continue PM-8l-l90, UP-8l-583 and Negative Declaration Number 309 to the Commission Meeting of April 23, 1981. AYES: Chairman Grimes, Vice Chairman Martin, Commissioners Bertucelli and Terry. ABSTAINED: Commissioner Getz. = 4349 - April 9, 1981 AGENDA ITEMS (CONT) Hamlin Land Co/Home Savings and Loan Association RPD-8l-23, SA-8l-7l and Negative Declaration Number 311 Residential Planned Development Permit (RPD-8l-23) and Tentative Subdivision Map (SA-8l-7l) to construct a 102 unit, two story townhouse residential condominium project with related parking and open space on 15.2 acre site (formerly El Rancho Drive-In Theatre Site) located southwesterly of Hickey Boulevard and Camaritas Avenue in the R-l Single Family Residential Zone. April 9, 1981 Staff Report presented. Owner of Property Present: Oliver Hamlin Lafayette Applicant's Representative Present: Charles D. Cencibaugh Los Angeles Speaking for the Project: Glen Hulk (Representative-Winston Manor Shopping Center) 833 Kipling Dan Rosenbleot 144 Brentwood Drive Speaking Against the Project: Carmen Mrozek 868 Alta Lorna Dr Gino Baldisseri 852 Alta Lorna Dr. Stan Scovill 838 Newman Drive Paula Lozano 132 Randolph Ave Questions about the Project: C. Katz 786 Alta Lorna Jim Garbinio 845 Kipling George Freeler 6 Conrad Court Connie Garzia 860 Alta Lorna Staff advised the Commission that no action can be taken on these applications until a rezoning application has been acted upon. The rezoning application to RPD-6 is scheduled for the May 14, 1981 meeting. The Commission suggested that the developer and adjoining property owners have a neighborhood meeting on this project. - 4350 - April 9-, 1981 AGENDA ITEMS (CONT) Motion-Getz/Second Bertucelli: To continue RPD-8l-23-, SA-8l-7l and Negative Decla- ration Number 311 to May 14-, 1981 or until the zoning issue has been resolved. Unanimously approved. Thomas Belvini -,V -81-239, 'Negative Declara tioriNo. 313 A Variance to provide 3 rather than 4 parking spaces for a two unit residential development on partially developed property located at 610 Grand Avenue in the R-3 Multiple Family Zone. April 9-, 1981 Staff Report Presented. Applicant Present: Thomas Belvini 465 Beech Avenue San Bruno Motion-Martin/Second Bertucelli: To approve V-81-239 and Negative Declaration No. 313 based on findings and subject to conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Thomas Belvini, RPD-8l-22 arid Negative Declaration No. 313 A Residential Planned Development Permit to construct a second single family dwelling with related parking, landscaping and common open space on partially developed property located at 610 Grand Avenue in the R-3 Multiple-Family Zone District. April 9, 1981 Staff Report Presented. Applicant Present: Thomas Be1vini 465 Beech Avenue San Bruno Motion-Getz/Second Terry: To approve RPD-8l-22 and Negative Declaration No. 313 based on findings and subject to conditions contained in the Staff Report. Un- animously approved. GeorgeMartin,V-8l-238 A Variance to construct a room addition encroaching 8 feet into the required 10 foot street sideyard setback and 15 feet into the required 19 foot garage setback from the sidewalk on developed property located at 416 Spruce Avenue in the R-I Single Family Zone District. April 9, 1981 Staff Report opposing Variance was presented. Applicant Present: George Martin 416 Spruce Avenue Motion-Getz/Second Bertucelli: To continue V-81-238 off-calendar at the request of the applicant. Unanimously approved. - 4351 - April 9, 1981 AGENDA ITEMS (CONT) City of South San Francisco: Vacation ofEasement~Southeast Corner of W. Orange & Southwood Center A recommendation that the Planning Commission adopt a Resolution recommending that the City Council approve the abandonmnet of a portion of Southwood Center. April 9, 1981 Staff Report Presented. Motion-BertucellijSecond Terry: That the Planning Commission adopt the Resolution recommending to the City Council the abandonment of a portion of Southwood Center based on the findings contained in the Resolution. Unanimously approved. ITEMS FROM STAFF 1) Modification of Site Plan - Gellert Square Staff requested that this item be continued to the Special Planning Commission meeting of April 23, 1981 due to the lack of "As Built" Drawings. Speaking on the Project: Colonel Rhea Westborough Water District Thomas J~ Callan, Jr. Daly City By unanimous voice vote the Planning Commission continued the Modification of the Site Plan - Gellert Square to the April 23, 1981 Meeting. 2) A letter from Mr. Ucelli requesting deletion of certain conditions associated with "Rare Earth" Subdivision was given to the Commissioners. Mr. Dell'Angela advised the Commission that this item would be scheduled for the April 23 or May 14, 1981 Commission Meeting. 3) Club View Apartments - Staff presented a proposed expanded parking plan submitted by the owners and asked for Commission input on the proposal. 4) Staff advised the Commission that the Final Redevelopment Plan may have to be amended. Staff was authorized to set an appropriate Public Hearing Date if amendments were necessary. 5) A Commission Subcommittee consisting of Commissioners Mantagani, Getz and Terry was appointed to review the proposed Condominium Conversion Ordinance. ITEMS FROM THE COMMISSION 1) Chairman Grimes advised the Commission that he did not make the Atlanta & Dallas trip with the Redevelopment Agency members. 2) Commissioner Grimes noted in regard to the Sutter Hill development that a pipe was coming out of the side of the building. He also noted a trash bin over- flowing at the Exclusively Women's Spa. He requested a report on both conditions. - 4352 - Adjournment: 12:10 A.M. Next Meeting: Thursday, April 23, 1981 Louis Dell'Angela Secretary to the Planning Commission City of South San Francisco April 9, 1981 - 4353 - Donald Grimes Chairman to the Planning Commission City of South San Francisco