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April 9, 1981 Special meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission
PLACE: WEST ORANGE LIBRARY AUDITORIUM, 840 West Orange Avenue, South San Francisco
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Grimes, Vice-Chairman Martin, Commissioners Bertucelli,
Getz and Terry
MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioners Hoyer and Mantagani
Community Development Staff
Louis Dell'Angela
Daniel Christians
Gisele Sorensen
Director-Public Services/City Engineer
R. Yee
Chief Building Inspector
H. J. Wittwer
Police Services Officer
Sgt Ron.Petrocchi
Deputy Fire Marshal
A. Lagomarsino
Pledge of Allegiance
Motion Getz/Second Bertucelli: To approve Minutes of March 9, 1981 Meeting as
presented. Unanimously approved.
No audience participation.
Commissioner Getz noted a letter was received from Mr. H. Herr regarding inadequate
repairs on Condominiums located at 3800 Callan Blvd. Commissioner Getz was advised
that specifications would be checked by the Building Division and a report would be
forthcoming. Commissioner Getz requested a copy of this report.
Agenda Review
Staff noted that Item Number 8 on the Agenda UP-8l-582 (Paul & Teresita J. Tumakay)
has been withdrawn at the applicant's request.
At the request of Staff, Items 11 and 7 were made items 1 and 2.
City of South San Francisco, RZ-8l-72 and Negative Declaration No. 314
A Rezoning application to rezone certain properties at 316, 328, 338, 358, 362,
400, 416, 434 & 450 Alida Way, generally located on the easterly side of Alida Way
between Northwood Drive and Ponderosa Road, from the "U" Unclassified Zone to the
"R-3" Multiple-Family Zone District.
'- 4346 -
March 12, 1981 meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Comnission.
PLACE: WEST ORANGE LIBRARY AUDlTORIUH, 840 West Orange Avenue, South San Francisco
ME1'ffiERS PRESEl'lT: Chairman Grimes, Vice-Chairman Martin, Commissioners Bertucelli,
Getz, Mantegani, and Terry
ALSO PRESENT: Corrmuni ty Development Staff
Louis Dell' Angela
Daniel Christians
Gisele Sorensen
Director-Public Services/City Engineer
R. Yee
Chief Building Inspector
H. J. Wittwer
Police Services Officer
Sgt Ron Pettrochi
Pledge of Allegiance
Motion-Mantegani/Second Bertucelli: To approve Hinutes for February 19, 1981
Meeting as presented.
Unanimously approved.
There was no audience participation.
Staff introduced correspondence presented to the CDmmissioner's at the meeting.
a) A Report frcm the City Attorney regarding changes to the current Subdivision
Ordinance (Item No. lIon the Agenda). Also included were correction sheets
for inclusion in the proposed revised Subdivision Ordinance reflecting minor
changes and typographical errors.
b) A March 11, 1981 letter from C. N. Chow requesting continuance of Items No. 2 & 5.
Staff noted for the record that Item No. 2 on the Agenda listed as SA-79-59
should be changed to read SA-8l-70.
Habitat Group, Inc./SA-79-63
A Final Subdivision Map for a 36 unit air space condominium project located on
the west side of Blondin Way in the H-3 Multiple Family Zone District.
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March 12, 1981
March 12, 1981 Staff Report presented.
Motion-Martin/Second Getz: To continue this application off-calendar based on
the findings contained in the Staff Report.
Unanimously approved.
BAYLAT\lD . DEVElOPMENT mRPORATION /SA-8l":' 70. and . TJP~"7R-440 (Mod. 1)
A Tentative Subdivision Map to create 70 air space condominium and townhouse units
located on the westerly terminus of Ridgeview CDurt in the P-C Planned Community
Zone District. Proposed modifications of the site plan, floor plans and elevations
for Stonegate Ridge Unit No.5.
March "12, 1981 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present: C. N. Chow
8081 Phaeton Dr.
Oakland, California
Speaking on the Proj ect : Doris R. Agee
819 Ridge Court
Charles Sprincin
50 California Street
San Francisco, California
Ms. Agee suggested that Staff notify all 201 homeowners in the Stonegate Ridge
area when this application is again heard by the Planning Comnission. Commissioner
Getz suggested that Staff send legal notices only to those persons residing with
a 300' radius of the project (as required by law) and provide the President of
the Homeowner's Association ~dth copies of the legal notice for distribution by
the Association. Commission concurred with Commissioner C~tz's suggestion.
Motion~C:retz/Second Bertucelli: To continue off-calendar SA-8l-70 and UP-8l-580
based on findings contained in the Staff Report.
Unanimously approved.
RICHARD DIODA.TI/SA~81~69 and UP-8l~580
A Tentative Sllbdivision Map to create 70 air space condominium to\vuhouse units
and a Use Permit application to construct an office warehouse condominium develop-
ment and related parking, landscaping and drive'lNays located on vacant land at
380 Swift Avenue in the M-2 Heavy Industrial Zone District.
1furch 12, 1981 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present: Richard Diodati
1461 San Mateo Avenue
- 4340 -
March 12, 1981
Speaking for the Proj ect : Arthur "Buzz" Haskins
114 So. Maple Avenue
~~. Diodati explained his project and showed the Planning CDrnmission a picture
of the building. A discussion as to who ,vas to be responsible for street repairs
took place. Mr. Haskins, Mr. Diodati and Mr. Yee will ",ork out arrangements for
street improvements.
Motion-Getz/Second Martin: To approve SA-8l-69 based on findings and subject to
conditions contained in the StaIf Report.
Unanimously approved.
Motion-C:retz/Second Martin: To approve UP-8l-580 and Negative Declaration No.
305 based on findings and subject to conditions contained in the Staff Report.
Unanimously approved.
Fotomat Corooration/uP-8l-579 and Negative Declaration No. 304
An application to construct a drive-through fiLm processing facility ~dth related
signs, landscaping and driveways located in Westborough Square Shopping Center
at 2200 Westborough Blvd. in the C-l Neighborhood Shopping Center Zone District.
March 12, 1981 Staff Report presented.
Applicant's Representative Present: Pete Fov,erty
64 Danbury Road
Wilton, Conn.
Motion-Getz/Second Mantegani: To deny TJP-8l-579 and Negative Declaration No.
304 based on findings contained in the Staff Report.
UnanirrDusly approved.
Commission requested that the Staff look into security measures at the Winston
Manor Fotomat (UP-78-424) and report back.
Lester Dee Ford/V-8l-236
An application to construct a three car garage and workshop to encroach 18 feet
into the reqlured 21 foot setback from an alley required for garage spaces located
on developed property at 822 Maple Avenue in the R-2 Duplex Zone District.
March 12, 1981 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present: Lester Dee Ford
3150 Crestmoor Drive
San Bruno, California
- 4341 -
March 12, 1981
Speaking for the Project: Kathy Aron
820 Maple Avenue
Judy Nolan
822 Maple Avenue
Speaking in Opposition of the Project; Rose:MeNeely
823 Olive Avenue
Lillian Saco
. 826 Olive Avenue
1btion~CRtz/Second ~1antegani~ To continue this application off.,-calenda.T to allow
the applicant and Staff an opportunity to consider other use and design alternatives.,
Unanimously approved.
Doon'and'LouiseToy/UP--80--554and'Negative'Declaration'No~ .252
An application to construct a mixed use, corrmercial and residential development
on developed property located at 307.,..319 Grand Avenue in the C."..2 Central Commercial
Zone District.
March 12, 1981 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present.
Applicant's Representative Speaking for the Project: Mary Dunlap
1569 6th Avenue
Belrront, California
Speaking for the Project: Gene Germaine
Foster City
Vice-Chairman Martin requested that a few parking spaces be added by utilizing
compact car spaces. Special Condition No. 2 was mdified to reflect this change.
Motion-Martin/Second Bertucelli: To approve UP-80-554 and Negative Declaration
No. 252 based on findings and subject to conditions contained in the Staff Report
to inc.lude changed Special Condition No. 2 as indicated above.
Unanimously approved.
. City of South San Francisco/RZ~8l~7l and Negative Declaration No. 307
A rezoning application to rezone certain developed properties including 269,
301, 321.,...333, 415, 501, 555, 575 and 585 El Camino Real all located on the westerly
side of El Camino Heal generally between Ponderosa Road and Hazelwood Drive from
the "T]" Unclassified Zone to the C-l Neighborhood CA)rrrnercial Zone District.
March 12, 1981 Staff Report presented.
- 4342 .,..
March_ 12) 1981
Motion-Bertuce1li/Second Getz: That the Planntng Commission approve Negative
Declaration No. 307 and adopt the Resolution reconmending that the City Council
rezone the described area based on the findings contained in the Resolution.
Unanimously approved.
City of 'South 'Sari Francisco/ZA~81~I8artdNegativeDeclarati6rtN6. 306
A Zoning Amendment to amend Section 4.123 of the Zoning Ordinance relating to
off-street parking spaces for Hotels and Motels and to Section 4.141 of the Zoning
Ordinance relating to compact car spaces.
March 12, 1981 Staff Report presented.
~lIotion-Hantegani/Second Bertucelli: That the Planning COtmlission adopt the
Resolution recotmlending that the City Council amend Section 4 123 of the Zoning
Ordinanc.e based on the findings contained in the Resolution.,
Unanimously approved.
By voice vote the Corrmissioners requested that the Resolution pertaining to Section
4.141 of the 7Dning Ordinance relating to compact car spaces be re,;vritten and
returned to the April 9, 1981 Planning Commission meeting for action at that
City of South 'Sari Francisco/Stibdivision Ordinance 'and Negative DeclaratioriNo. 298
Revised Subdivision Ordinance of the City of South San Francisco ';
Ma.rch 12, 1981 Staff Report presented.
Speaking on the Ordinance: T. E. Tronoff, C. E .
Daly City I California
Mr. Tronoff listed several corrments and concerns.
NIr. Dell 'Angela requested a written surrma.ry of Mr. Tronoff' s comments, By voice
vote the Commissioners requested that the Subdivision Ordinance be continued to
the April 9, 1981 Planning CoIm1ission meeting.
Motion-Getz/Second....Hartin: That the Planning Corrmission approve Amendment to
Section 4.01 of the Existing Ordinance and forward this recommendation to the City
Council for final action.
Unanimously approved '.
Mcfuna.ld l's CcJTpora:tiori/TJP-':79-':523
Final review of the building elevations, signs, landscaping and sprinkler plans
for a proposed fast-food sit dovvn restaurant located on the north side of Gellert
Blvd., east of Westborough Blvd. in the C....l Neighborhood Comnercia.1 Zone District.
- 4343 ....
March 12, 1981
March 12, 1981 Staff Report presented.
Applicant's Representative Present: Dick Slater
Daly City, California
Motion-Getz/Second-Mantegani: To approve the final plans for lJP-79-523 based on
findings and subject to conditions contained in the Staff Report.
Unanimously approved.
City of South San Francisco/Easement abandoriment":' 'EucalyptlisAvenue
Proposed easement abandonment of a portion of Eucalyptus Avenue located north
of Park Way.
March 12, 1981 Staff Report presented.
Motion-Mantegani/Second-Getz: That the Planning Corrmission recorrIDend to the City
C-Ouncil that they adopt the Resolution of Intention to vacate that portion of
Eucalyptus Avenue north of Park Way based on the findings contained in the
Unanimously approved.
City of S011thSan Francisco/Desigri'ReviewBoardGUidelines
~furch 12, 1981 Staff Report presented.
Motion-Bertucelli/Second Mantegani: To adopt the Resolution approving Design
Review Board Guidelines as presented based on findings contained in the Resolution.
Unanimously approved.
Advprtisinp- Sig)ls forWil'low :::Inri Gr:::lnrirnnriominilim/M:::Il1rirpRrosn8n/TTP-RO-S77
Commissioner JJantegani stepped dovm to avoid a possible conflict of interest.
March 12, 1981 Staff Report presented.
Motion-Bertucelli/Second-Getz: To approve the additional 32 square foot sign
shown on Exhibit A based on the findings and subject to conditions contained in
the Staff Report.
Unanimous ly approved.
Revision to Site Plan. 'GellertSquare/BestProductsShoppingCenterUP-79-493
1llirch 12, 1981 Staff Report presented.
- 4344 -
March 12, 1981
Applicant's Representative Present: Dave Senten, Walker-Pinkston
Fresno, California
Motion-Getz/Second-Martin: To approve the revised design as shown on Exhibit "A"
revised at the Planning Commission Meeting and defer action on driveway connection
based on findings and subject to conditions contained in the Staff Heport.
Unanimously approved.
Mr. Dell'Angela requested that the Corrmission take note of the following dates:
1) April 8, 1981 - 7: 30 p.m. - Large Conference Room, City Hall: City Counc_il/
Planning Commission Study Session. Commissioners were requested to furnish
Hr. Dell 'Angela with a list of issues for discussion at this meeting one week
prior to the meeting.
2) March 25, 1981 - 7: 00 p. m. - Large Conference Room , City Hall: Study Session
\ivith the City Council regarding Condominium Conversion and Property ~~aintenance
3) March 20, 1981 - 9:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. - Five firms will be interviewed to
select the firm to prepare the General Plan update. By unanirrDus voice vote,
Commissioner Bertucelli was selected to represent the Planning Corrmission
on the interview panel.
1) The changed store front for "Exclusively Woman's Spa" was discussed. When
interior plans were approved, certain exterior changes were also included.
2) Chairman Grimes noted the sign at "Westborough Royale" and questioned the
sign program in the City. Vice-Chairman Martin noted that cables were holding
up the Eucalyptus trees in front of this project and. questioned the safety
factor . ~~r. Christians advised the Commission that the City was holding a
$10, 000 deposit from Westborough Royale to correct these problems. The Carmission
requested that Staff follow-up and. get a better sign. Further, Staff was to
check the trees from a safety standpoint.
3) Chairman Grimes raised the problem of 2 or 3 car detached garages being built
in the City. He questioned the appropriateness of this being done 'wi thout a
Use Permit. Staff pointed out that the Zoning Ordinance allows detached
garages to be built without a Use PerIni t. Corrmissioner Grimes was requested
to provide specific problem addresses for Sta.ff to check.
Adjournment: 12 Midnight
Next Meeting: Thrusday, April 9, 1981
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Louis Dell' Angela ~,--~,~
Secretary to the Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Donald Grimes
Chairman to the Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
- 4345 -