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February 19, 1981 meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission.
PLACE: WEST ORANGE LIBRARY AUDITORIUM, 840 West Orange Avenue, South San Francisco
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Grimes, Commissioners Bertucelli, Getz, Hoyer, Mantegani,
and Terry
Absent: Vice Chairman Martin
Community Development Staff
Louis Dell 'Angela
Daniel Christians
Gisele Sorensen
Director-Public Services/City Engineer
R. Yee
Chief Building Inspector
H. J. Wittwer
Police Services Officer
Sgt. Dennis Sullivan
Deputy Fire Marshal
A.. Lagomars i no
Pledge of Allegiance
Motion-Bertucelli/Second-Mantegani: To approve Minutes for December 9,1980 and
January 15, 1981 as presented.
AYES: Chairman Grimes, Commissioners Bertucelli, Getz, Hoyer and Mantegani
ABSTAINED: Commissioner Terry
There was no audience participation.
Presentation of Plaque for Service to former Commissioner Marcel Campredon.
Presentation of plaque to former Chairman Robert Mantegani for service as Planning
Commission Chairman during 1980.
Introduction of new Commissioner Eugene P. Terry.
Request to extend the one year time limit for a Variance approved on January 14,
1980 for a room addition encroaching 7 feet into the required 20 foot rear yard
setback at 375 Altamont Drive in the R-l District.
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February 19~ 1981
February 19 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present: Leonard Levine, 375 Altamont Drive
Motion-ManteganijSecondGetz: To approve a two-year time extension based on the
findings contained in the Staff Report.
Unanimously approved.
Final Subdivision Map for Hillside Estates, a 40 unit single-family subdivision
located on the southwest corner of Hillside Blvd. and Chestnut Ave. in the R-1
Single-Family Zone District.
Commissioner Mantegani stepped down to avoid a possible conflict of interest.
February 19 Staff Report presented.
Applicant was not present.
Motion-Bertuce11ijSecond-Getz. To approve SA-78-51 based on findings and subject
to conditions contained in the Staff Report.
Unanimously approved.
MAURICE BROSNAN/SA-78-50 Amendment
An application to name certain private streets in the Willow & Grand Condominium
Project to Brosnan Court and and Marcie Circle.
Commissioner Mantegani stepped down to avoid a possible conflict of interest.
February 19 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present: Maurice Brosnan
306 Willow
The Commission requested that the following special condition be imposed:
Approval made subject to final approval of the Street signs by the City
Engineer. The signs shall also indicate that the streets are "Private".
Motion-GetzjSecond-Hoyer. To approve SA-78-50 Amendment (street naming proposal)
based on findings and subject to conditions contained in the Staff Report as
amended above.
Unanimously approved.
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February 19, 1981
The Commission unamiously approved the following policy regarding the naming of
pri va te streets:
Applicants shall show a specific need for naming of private streets. Such streets
will be named in a manner that private streets do not appear to be City Streets.
Names will not conflict with City Street names. Final approval of the form of
the Street sign shall be made by the City Engineer. The signs shall also
indicate that sadd street is a "Private Road". Commission will allow the naming
of private streets in accordance with the above policy statement.
Unanimously approved.
A tentative Parcel Map application to create 2 parcels from 1 existing on developed
property located on the west side of So. Linden Avenue, southerly of South Canal
February 19 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present.
Motion-Getz/Second-Bertucelli. To approve Tentative Parcel Map PM-81-189 based
on findings and subject to the conditions contained in the Staff Report.
Unanimously approved.
Linden Company/UP-81-578, Negative Declaration No. 299
A Use Permit application to construct a tilt-up concrete office-warehouse structure
with related landscaping and parking and site modifications to an existing office-
warehouse use located at 48 South Linden Avenue.
Applicant Present.
The Commission requested that the following additional special condition be
10. Approval to construct substantially as shown on Exhibits "G" and "I".
The Commission also expressed a concern that the Design Review Board not substantially
change the plans for this case without the Commission concent. The Staff responded
that any changes contrary to the Zoning Ordinance would automatically return the case
to the Planning Co~mission for further action.
Motion-Getz/Second-Mantegani. To approve UP-8l-578 and Negative Declaration No.
299 based on findings and subject to conditions mentioned above and contained
in the Staff Report.
Unanimously approved.
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February 19, 1981
HILLER ENTERPRISESjUP-80-572, Negative Declaration No. 303
A Use Permit application to allow the construction of a "Ben Franks" drive-through
restaurant on vacant property located at the southwest corner of West Orange
Avenue and El Camino Real.
February 19 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present: Steve Hiller
795 4th Ave
Redwood Ci ty, CA 94063
Opposed: Keith Ellis
124 Southwood Center Bldg Manager
Sgt Dennis Sullivan reported on traffic violations and parking lot problems at
the 7-11 store parking lot.
The Planning Commission requested that the following two (2) additional special
conditions be added:
6. Approval is contingent on Street abandonment and obtaining of abandoned
land by applicant andjor owner. Applicant and/or owner will be responsible for
all Street improvements.
7. Applicant will pick up trash from his restaurant within a one (1) block
radius on a regular basis.
Motion-GetzjSecond-Mantegani. To approve UP-80-572 and Negative Declaration No.
303 based on findings and subject to the above and all special conditions
contained in the Staff Report.
Unanimously approved.
GATEWAY REDEVELOPMENT PLAN: Redevelopment Agency of the City of South San
A proposed redevelopment plan for the Gateway Redevelopment Project to construct
a commercial-office research and development complex with related public and
private improvements generally located easterly of Highway 101 and the SPRR
right-of-way between Oyster Point Boulevard and East Grand Avenue in the M-2
Zone District.
February 19 Staff Report presented.
Motion-GetzjSecond-Hoyer. To approve the Resolution contained in the February
19 Staff Report recommending to the City Council that it approve and adopt the
Gateway Development Plan based on findings contained in the Resolution.
Unanimously approved.
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February 19, 1981
CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCO/RZ-8l-69 and Negative Declaration No. 301
An application of the City of South San Francisco to rezone from IIUII Unclassified
to IIC-11I Neighborhood Commercial District properties generally located at the
northeast corner of the intersection of Mission Road and Holly Avenue approximately
90' west of Westview Drive and 120' south of Sequoia Avenue.
February 19 Staff Report presented.
Mr. Ucelli, Owner of property to be rezoned was present. He asked questions
regarding the rezoning.
Motion-ManteganijSecond-Bertucelli. That the Planning Commission approve Negative
Declaration No. 301 and adopt the Resolution recommending that the City Council
rezone the described area based on the findings contained in the Resolution.
Unanimously approved.
CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCOjRZ-8l-68 and Negative Declaration No. 300
An application of the City of South San Francisco to rezone from IIU" Unclassified
to "R-31I Multiple Family Residential District properties generally located 100'
east of Mission Road with 150' frontage on the southern side of Holly Avenue
approximately 360' west of Sunnyside Drive and 160' north of Grand Avenue.
February 19 Staff Report presented.
Motion-ManteganijSecond-Bertucelli. That the Planning Commission approve Negative
Declaration No. 300 and adopt the Resolution recommending that the City Council
rezone the described area based on the findings contained in the Resolution.
Unanimously approved.
CITY OF SOUTH SAN FRANCISCOjRZ-8l-70 and Negative Declaration No. 302
An application of the City of South San Francisco to rezone from IIUII Unclassified
to "C-11I Neighborhood Commercial District certain properties generally located
southwest of Mission Road and northeast of Antoinette Lane and northwest of
Mission Road and northeast of Antoinette Lane and northwest of Chestnut Avenue.
February 19 Staff Report presented.
Motion-ManteganijSecond-Bertucelli. That the Planning Commission approve Negative
Declaration No. 302 and adopt the Resolution recommending that the City Council
rezone the described area based on the findings contained in the Resolution.
Unanimously approved.
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February 19, 1981
No. 306.
A recommendation that the Planning Commission set May'ch 12, 1981 as a public hearing
date to consider the proposed amendments to Section 4.123 (E), 4.134 and 4.141 (b)
of the Zoning Ordinance which relates to off-street parking requirements for hotels
and motels and compact car space allocation.
February 19 Staff Report presented.
By voice vote, the Commissioners set March 12, 1981 as a public hearing date for
the above described amendments to the Zoning Ordinance and Negative Declaration
No. 306.
Appreciation from the Commission was expressed to Sgt. Dennis Sullivan who is
leaving the Police Department of the City of South San Francisco.
Mr.Avanessian spoke on rules and regulations for landscaping.
There were no ITEMS FROM STAFF.
9:30 P.M.
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Louis Dell 'Angela ,--
Secretary to the Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Donald Grimes
Chairman to the Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
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