HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/14/1980 MINUTES of the regular meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission TIME: 7: 30 p.m. DATE: January 14, 1980 WEST ORANGE LIBRA.BY AlJDITORIlJJ\i, 840 West Orange Avenue, SSF PLACE : ~ffiMBERS PRESENT: Vice Chairman Grimes, Commissioners Bertucelli, Getz, Hoyer, Martin, Campredon, and Chairman Mantegani ALSO PHESENT: Director of Public ServicesjCity Engineer Acting Chief Building Inspector Police Services Officer Deputy Fire Marshal Robert Yee Ray Yoshak Sgt. Dennis Sullivan A. Lagomarsino MINUTES: Minutes of the Planning Commission Meeting for December 11, 1979 approved as presented. ANNOTJNCE1\1ENT: Announcement made by the Chairman that this meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission would be recorded on tape, and that anyone who vilished to come before the Commission to be heard was requested to come to the front microphone so that hisjher comments become part of the official record. PHESENTATION: Placque presented to Past Chairman Marcel Campredon by Chairman ~1antegani commending the Commissioner on his service as Chairman for the preceding year. AGENDA CHANGE: A request was made by the Director that Item 11 (V-79-222) be taken out of order as the first item since it was a routine vari- ance, common to the area for which requested and should present no controversy. It was so agreed by the Commission. PUBLIC HF_AJUNG ITEM: MR. LEONARD R. LEVINEjV-79-222jCATEC':DRICAL EXE]Il!PTION Application for 7 foot encroachment in portion of required rear yard setback to construct room addition to rear of existing residence at 375 Altamont DrivejR-l Zone. Staff Report presented. Applicant present. Staff was asked whether this was the first such encroachment in this area. Com- mission was advised that this was the first within past two years. It was also noted that the previous, most recent variance was requested for an additional story but was granted by Commission for one story addition. MQtion-MartinjApprove variance subject to findings and special conditions. Second-Bertucelli Unanimously approved. January 14, 1980 AGENDA CHA.l\JGE: The Director next requested, throuf1"h the Chair, that, due to the overflow crowd present in the meeting room interested in Public Iffiring Items 1, 2, and 6, these Items be continued to Tllesday, January 22, 1980 at a larger meeting place, Ponderosa School, in order that all interested could be present and could be heard. Commissioner Getz stated his desire that the 'named Items be heard with the stipula- tion that, in the event of loud audience reaction, the Chair would Cease the Hearing. The Chairman made the Commission and the audience aware that the room was filled to over-capacity according to the Fire Code. The Deputy Fire Marshal then made the announCEment that the room must be cleared to its posted capacity before the meeting could continue. Commissioner Getz again stated his desire to continue if the crowd would remain manageable. Commissioner Hoyer then noted that the meeting was in direct violation of the Uniform Fire Code as mandated by this City and, as an official City body, the Corrrrdssion could not operate under such violation. The Chairman then announced to the audience that, ei ther the room would be cleared to its legal capacity or the controversial Items noted would be heard at Public Hearing on Tuesday, January 22, 1980 at the Ponderosa School. A citizen pointed out the fact that parking was l~ited at Ponderosa School, which had been chosen due to its proximity to the citizenry of the areas in question. It was agreed that El Camino High School Little Theatre would be the preferable site. The Commission unanimously agreed that Items 1, 2, and 6 on the Agenda for this meet- ing of the Commission be continued to Tuesday, January 22, 1980 to be heard at Public Hearing at the El Camino High School Little Theatre, 1320 Mission Road, South San Francisco. SUBDIVISION AND PARCEL MAPS: 10M CALLANjPM-79-l82jCERTIFIED EIRjffiNT. FROM l2jllj79 (TF#lOOjSide 1) Application for Tentative Parcel Th1ap to create 4 parcels on approximately 16.2 acres of land on westerly side of Gellert Boulevard Extension in C-l Neighborhood CDmmer- cial Zone District. Staff Report presented. Staff noted their request to applicant to provide, in writing, a waiver of t~e to allow for proper disposition of Parcel Map. No such letter has been received. It was Staff recommendation that the request for Parcel ~1ap be denied at this time with the right of the applicant to return at a future date. - 4917 _ January 14, 1980 Proponent: Tom J. Callan, Jr.j2790 Junipero Serra BlvdjDaly Cityj755-6464 1tr. Callan reminded the Commission that, by City zoning and EI~ several choices of buildings had been approved for this land including a restaurant of 6,000 sq~are feet on Westborough, a restaurant on Gellert of 6,000 square feet and one of 4,000 square feet. ~tr. Callan then noted some of the alternatives for the property; that he would, possibly, seek a building permit on a 4,000 square foot restaurant. He could then build two additional restaurants, which the Comnission vDuld be in posi- tion to approve. In lieu of a restaurant on Gellert, he could build a 5,000 to 6,000 square foot medical dental building and, next to that, a 30,000 square foot retail shopping store. Mr. Callan posed the question of which would be to the best interest of the City - a restaurant or shopping store. He also noted that World Savings Bank was interested in occupying the space of the third restaurant approved property. He questioned as to which of these combinations would have the greatest financial impact on the City and suggested a financial impact report regarding a third restaurant. Commissioner Campredon questioned what was to happen to the road along the back to the medical dental building. Mr. Callan responded that that "\vas purely an interim measure until the property was further improved. \~en the additional occupancies are constructed on the property, it would be replaced by a new driveway which would connect with Gellert Boulevard. Commissioner Getz noted that he did not feel that the only options open to the City were those described by the applicant. He reiterated the Commission's concern that, to allow this subdivision now, would continue the piecemeal development to which the Commission has voiced its strong opposition. The Commission would prefer a comprehensive plan for this entire area - not this piecemeal approach. He stated that the Commission and Staff would prefer to work with the applicant to review the needs of the City and the neighborhood on this entire property which is why Staff has recommended denial of this Parcel Map until an overall plan is available. He expressed concern and the hope that he was misunderstanding any veiled threat in the applicant's presentation. ~Ar. Callan claimed, at this point, that a plan had been adopted. Commissioner Campredon asked if this project came under the Westborough Planned Community Ordinance #575. Staff replied that it did not and that the map being shown was not relevant to the entire area. Mr. Callan now agreed that he would agree to a continuance. Commissioner Hoyer expressed his thought that this matter should go back to Staff for further study; that the Parcel Map does not seem organized enough to make sense. Staff noted that they were more than willing to work with Mr. Callan; however, they would not want to approve this Parcel Map just because of the time factor involved; that they would continue to work with Mr. Callan if he would sign a waiver on the time limitation concerning this project. If he chose not to, their only recourse was to recommend denial of the Parcel Map approval. _ 1101 Q January 14, 1980 Mr. Callan then requested continuance of this matter to February 12, 1980 to allow him to work further with Staff. Comnissioner Getz questioned whether Mr. Callan was willing to waive the time factor and agree to a later hearing; such waiver to be submitted in writing to Staff and the Commission. ttt. Callan agreed to waive the time factor by written request and request a continu- ance for this Parcel Map approval to be heard at the meeting of February 12, 1980. Motion-HoyerjThat the Hearing on PM-79-l82 be continued to February 12, 1980. Second-Martin Unanimously approved. BAYLAND DEVElDPMENT CO. (SIDNEGATE RIDGE #4)jSA--78-47jON-C'DING PROJECT (TF#246jSide 1) Request for Final Subdivision Map to construct 30 air-space condominium units in the Stonegate Ridge Planned Community Zone District. Staff Report presented. Motion-MartinjTo approve Final Subdivision Map SA-78-47 Second-Bertucelli Unanimously approved. IDM CALLANjPM-79-l8ljCERTIFIED EIR Request for Final Parcel Map to resubdivide approximately 7.8 acres into 2 parcels on property southerly of Gellert Boulevard Extension in C-l Neighborhood Comnercial Zone District. Theodore Tronoff, Civil Engineer, noted to the Commission that the map contained in their packet was not the most recent - that there had been a water easement modifica- tion. Through the Chair, the Commission agreed that the modifications on Easements B-6 and B-3 were incorporated by reference. Motion-CampredonjTo approve Parcel Map 79~18l including the revised easements as noted. Second-Grimes Unanimously ~pproved. PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: THE S01JTHLAND CORPORATIONjUP-79-529jNEGATIVEDECLARATION NO. 251 (TFjprior to 280j Side 1) Application for Use Permit to constrLlct 7-11 convenience store on Mission Road at Holly Avenue in C-l Zone District. - 491q _ January 14, 1980 Staff Report presented. For Applicant: Joseph Eeljl0320 Bubb RoadjCupertino 95014 Public Hearing opened. It was Staff's recommendation that this matter be continued to allow time to redesign based on the findings. The representative for the applicant agreed to a continuance. Opposition: Ray Leathamj495Holly AvenuejSouth San Francisco Requested Planning Commission to study matter carefully. Noted that the traffic invol ved would be tremendous with a larger store than before. Mr. Leatham expressed his concern about the gathering of teen age gangs and the activities around a store of this type at this location. He stated that he had been allowed to purchase beer at the present location after hours, and it was his concern that the same might apply to underage indivisuals. Mr. Leatham expressed his feeling that a larger store was not needed in the area. The Public Hearing was ~losed. Commissioner Getz asked vIDether this was to be a 24 hour operation. Staff replied in the affirmative. It was requested of Staff that some research be done as to the crime and the juvenile gathering at the present location. Commissioner Campredon noted his concern with the ingress and egress problem at this location. He felt that any entry to Mission Road from the store should be a right turn only movement. He noted that any barrier erected to achieve this movement would stop turns into the medical center across the street. Commissioner C~predon also commented on the fact that landscaping at that location had been a problem for years. He suggested good restrictions on any Permit at this location in order to prevent a future eyesore. Commissioner Hoyer questioned the purpose of a new building. Staff replied that the owner seemed to prefer a corner location. Additionally, the current property is being leased. This property will belong to the owner which will give him better control over the store operation. Staff was also questioned as to what was to happen to the current store. There was no answer from the proponent. Commissioner Hoyer asked if that building was to be torn down. Staff replied in the negative. Staff also assured the Corrmission that, if the problems could not be resolved, Staff v.ould recommend denial. CoITmissioner Hoyer agreed with Staff's concerns. The applicant representative requested that any violations noted in any of their stores be reported to the parent company since all their locations were franchise locations, and franchises would be cancelled if being abused. - 4220 - January 14, 1980 Motion-Martin/To continue the Hearing for Southland Corporation to February 12, 1980. Second-Bertucelli Unanimously approved. MR. DAVID G. PATEL/UP-79-528/NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 252 (TF#362/Side 1) Application for Use Permit to construct 23 unit motel on vacant property on Airport Boulevard and Pine Avenue in C-3 Zone District. Staff Report presented. For Applicant: Paul Dobbins, Attorney/235 Montgomery/San Francisco 94104/421-7755 1tt. Dobbins cited a number of instances that he felt discriminatory toward his client. He specifically noted the Staff's request for parking which was greater than several other like uses which he gave as examples (Super 8, Imperial 400, Hallmark). He also noted that the setbacks required of this project were greater than those required of several of the above noted similar motels. Staff had made comment on the size of the rooms. ~tt. Ibbbins declared they were up to Code. For Applicant: Ron Perner , Architect /105 Rowentree, Hillsborough Referred to police coITIDent that room size was not conducive to family use. Repeated that all areas were up to Code. The architect noted that the Zoning Ordinance does not require setbacks. That they were provided in cooperation with City Staff. The architect felt that the parking requirement was too great in that there was no public meeting room or restaurant in conjunction with the motel. He noted that he felt the project could not be redesigned to meet the requirements of the City in view of the fact that Staff does not agree with a motel use at this location. He stated that this deprived his client of the use of the land as zoned. The Public Hearing was closed. The Chairman requested a response from Staff. Staff noted that the Super 8 Motel does meet requirements on parking. other motels named were older andnon....conforming. TheZ;oning Ordinance requires a 10 foot setback to provide maneuvering adjacent to all.iparl~ing areas. Staff noted there were numerous uses to which the land could be put. One of Staff's were very minimal. was that the intensity of landscaping and the courtyard area Staff noted that street parking in that area to accoITIDodate a motel use was not to be allowed. /I C") C") , January 14, 1980 Staff feels that this is not a good environ for such use. Commissioner Getz noted that room size was not that important as such. He commented on his concern regarding the parking problem due to the location of the proposed use. Commissioner Getz noted that C-3 zoning allows many property uses - that there was no deprivation to the applicant on the use of the property. The Commissioner suggested a continuance for the applicant to work with Staff. Staff replied that they would be willing to work with applicant; however, in all fairness, would have to state that they would probably recommend denial since they do not feel that this is an appropriate area for motel use. Commissioner Campredon noted that the applicant must abide by the current Ordinance regardless of former allowances or non-conformances. He also noted the extreme closeness of a residential building to this proposed use, which he felt very undesir- able. Motion-CampredonjTo deny UP-79-528 to construct a motel on vacant property located on Airport Boulevard and Pine Avenue in the C-3 Zone District. Second-Grimes Motion for denial unanirrously approved. Applicant was informed that he had 10 days in which to appeal to City Council. SOUTH CITY FORDjUP-79-530jCATFJ'DRICAL EXEltJPTION (TF#530jSide 1) Application for Use Permit to establish automobile body shop in existing building at 106 Sylvester Road in M-2 Zone District. Staff Report presented. Staff noted that they had worked with the applicant for two and a half years in an attempt to correct the vtolations. Applicant: David Gonsalesjllll Popoa WayjPacifica Mr. Gonsales informed the Commission that he was withdrawing the application. The Assistant Planner made the request that this withdrawal be put in writing. The property owner, Harvey Rifkin, appeared to speak to Building Code violations which had been a problem at this location for a lengthy period. He agreed that certain violations would be corrected but made note that tenants should be responsible for certain corrections that applied specifically to them. Staff noted that the violations were to be corrected; how, was not their problem; that.certain sign problems to which Mr. Rifkin referred were only part of the viola- tions. The Public was closed. - 4222 - January 14, 1980 SOUTH CITY FORDjUP-79-53ljV-79-223jNEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 253 (TF#602jSide 1) Application for Use Permit to establish used car facility and Variance to waive the required minimum landscaping on vacant property on north side of Miller Avenue at Cypress Avenue in C-2 Zone District. Staff Report presented. The applicant David Gonsales was present and spoke to the Commission. He stated that he did wish to landscape the area; that, in so doing, he would be landscaping 7 feet of City property. However, he stated that they could not give up the additional 3 feet req~ested on their property to meet the minimal percentage of landscaping required. He claimed the space was needed for the used car lot. Mr. Gonsales noted several nearby owners who do not have landscaping. He stated that numerous other such uses in the City have ample room for landscaping which this property does not. Mr. C'JOnsales spoke to the sign change requested. He stated that their sign is stan- dard for Ford and that they cannot change the design. Mr. Gonsales assured the Commission that the lighting and drainage request would be provided. The applicant noted that this use would result in good volume and would be a good tax revenue operation for the City. The Public Hearing was closed. Commissioner Martin made the applicant a\vare of the great concern for the landscaping requirement in the urban core area. He noted the many months of study which had gone into establishing Use Permit requirements for this area which would correct the "blight" effect of the downtown area and lead to better usage of land. Mr. Martin also questioned the apparent efforts of Staff to cooperate with the applicant includ- ing numerous suggested alternatives to his problems with the use. He questioned the applicant's reluctance to conform to the requirements of the City. Commissioner Campredon made mention of the fact that Bertolucci's was landscaped and had been for many years; that this was. done entirely on their own volition and kept properly maintained. He questioned whether the landscaping present would line up approximately with that requested for the Ford site. Staff replied that they were requesting a 3 foot landscaped strip which would line up with the existing landscaping. It was also noted, in response to some of Mr. Gonsales' presentation, that this was not an undersized lot although it is under- sized for the proposed use. This is anew use for this lot. Those in the area cited by Mr. Gonsales were granted under previous requirements and were non-conforming according to our current regulations. New uses must conform to the current standards: Commissioner Bertucelli noted that the Staff Report made reference to entering Cypress from 5th Lane which should be corrected-to Tamarack Lane. - 4223 - January 14, 1980 tIT. Getz addressed part of the applicant's presentation and noted that the City requirements were for a valid reason of proper space usage; that it is the City's concern that the applicant's space is too small for the proposed use - that old mistakes do not apply which is the reason for updating Codes and uses. He also voiced strongly the fact that the sign, in spite of Ford Motor Company, would have to confonn to the applicable Ordinances of the City of South San Francisco. Commissioner Grimes noted that this City area has been highly studied by Staff and the Commission; that it definitely needs improvement; that new uses will be expected to conform to standards. Commissioner Martin clarified the point that automated irrigation is required to be on the landscaped area on the site and not on the City property. The applicant again spoke to the sign problem and was assured that Staff would co- operate in assisting him - that there was no question about using the Ford loga The sign must be smaller in size - a low monument effect - and the height lowered. Motion-MartinjTo deny V-79-223 requesting waive of required landscaping and to table UP-79-53l application for used car lot on vacant property on the north side of Miller Avenue at Cypress Avenue for 30 days to allow further study between Staff and applicant. Second-Grimes Unanimously approved. REPORTS: K-MA-"RTjPROPERTY MAINTENANCE STATUS REPORT (TF#8l7jSide 1) Staff noted that they were satisfied with the Applicant's maintenance program pro- vided for the existing landscaping; the replacement of trees as recommended by the Parks and Recreation Department; that the automatic sprinkler system has been in- stalled. It was stressed that a long term maintenance program must apply; if not, the Use Permit for the property can be revoked. Mr. Peter Calendar, Landscape Architect for the property, 13 Lodato Avenue, San Mateo, addressed the Commission to bring to date the progress at the site. He noted that there had been some replacements of trees, that some were to be moved; some ground cover is to be replaced; that the irrigating system is in good operating order. Mr. Steve Cassiday of Masel and Associates reported that the progress at the site had not been as great as hoped due to the heavy rain storms of the past several weeks. He spoke to Condition 12 of the Use Permit attachment to which he referred as broad and general. He stated that the landscape maintenance restricts the land user too greatly; that the Ordinance does not allow for amendment of Use Permits only revoca- tion; that the further requirements cannot be tied in as a Condition. - 4224 - January 14, 1980 Staff provided information that the Use Permit ,vas not being amended, per Condition 12, only that clarification was being provided stating that landscaping was to be permanently maintained. Bill Eamon, Assistant Manager of K-Mart, assured Staff and the Commission that the business would abide by the requirements and maintain the property to its fullest extent; that the applicant found the Conditions acceptable. mMMUNICATIONS: None GOOD & WELF AHE: RAY LEATHAM/495 HOILY AVENUE/SOUTH SAN FRANCISm (TF#920/Side 1) Mr. Leatham addressed the Commission on a matter that will, undoubtedly, come to their attention at a later date. The Calma Council is being asked to consider a rezoning of 45 hundred square feet of property opposite Gardenside so that the owner can construct a warehouse. Mr. Leatham expressed concern regarding this area and the land use if the sewer hook-up requested of this City is approved. He ques- tions what is to be developed. If the rezoning passes and the sewer hook-up is ap- proved by the South San Francisco City Council, the citizens will request that the project come back to the Planning Commission as ~Duld any other development. It is hoped that the Planning Commission would support the position of the residents of that area and that proper study would be conducted by City Staff. JIM KEEGAN/1244 CUESTA DRIVE/SOUTH SAN FRANCISm Mr. Keegan requested that copies of Planning Commission agenda items be on file at the City's libraries prior to meeting dates. Mr. Keegan was informed that an agenda is filed with each library prior to each Commission meeting. A complete packet is available at the COLmter serving the Department of Community Development and the Building Department. mMMI SS lONERS Commissioner Getz requested the IJ8neral Plan update be available to the Commission within the next month or two. He would request that Staff schedule a hearing in March with, at least, an interim report. Commissioner Hoyer agreed that, as far as he was aware, during numerous meetings held to address the updating of the General Plan, most of the items had been ironed out; that there was not that much to be studied. Staff replied that the EIR and other areas are still to be written. Commissioner Getz requested that the Land Use Element, at least, be readied. Commissioner Campredon felt that a joint meeting with City Council should be set for a discussion on the General Plan. Staff agreed to attempt to provide an update for hearing on the General Plan. _ 11,),)~ January 14, 1980 The Chairman set a tentative date of March II, 1980 for an update hearing on the General Plan. There being nothing further to consider under Good and Welfare, Chairman Mantegani announced that the meeting be adjourned to a Public Hearing, January 22, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the El Camino High School Little Theatre, 1320 ~1ission Road, South San Francisco. ADJOURNMENT : 11:10 p.m. (TF#022/Side 1) -I.. f). . nl . '~. " ~.~~. A Louis Dell' Angela Secretary to the Planning Commission, City of South San Francisco fJ~ Robert Mantegani Chairman to the Planning Commission, City of South San Francisco NOTE: The entries of this Planning Commission meeting indicated the action taken to dispose of each item. Oral presentations, arguments, and documents are recorded on tape and are available for public discussion in the Office of the Department of Community Development. Ann,...