HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 12/11/1979 MINUTES SOUTH SA-N" FRANCISm PLANNING CONlMISSION REGULAR MFEFING VJEST ORANGE AVENUE LIBRARY AUDI'lDRIUM DECE1\1BER 11, 1979 AGENDA MEETING CALLED TO ORDER & ANNOUNCE1VIENT - TAPE REmRDING OF MEETING ROLL CALL MINUTES APPROVAL - November 19, 1979 AGENDA REVIffiV PUBLI C I-IEARING ITEMS 2. SSFUSDjCi ty of South San Francisco UP-79-524 Categorical Exemption Joint application request (property ovmer and City) to authorize continu ation of various established non- profit uses in Avalon School site located at 375 Dorado Way in R-l Zone District. ACTION TAKEJ\T 7: 30 p. m., Chairman Campredon presiding Present: Chairman Campredon Vice-Chairman Mantegani Commissioners Hoyer, Martin Grimes, Bertucelli, and Getz Others Present: Community Development Drctr Louis Dell'AngelE Senior Planner Daniel B. Christians Assistant Planner Mark vVheeler City Manager C. Walter Birkelo Public Services Drctr. Robert Yee Police Comm.Serv.Ofcr. Sergeant Dennis Sulli, Minutes approved by the following roll call vote: AYES: Commissioners Hoyer, Martin, Grimes, Getz, Vice Chairman Mantegani, Chairman Campredon ABSTAINED: Commissioner Bertucelli AGENDA REVIEW Staff recomnended that Item No. 1 be continuE to January 8, 1980. Staff recommended that the Public Hearing dat for Item No. 13 (the rezoning of Country Clu1:: Park) be set for January 22, 1980. Commission concurred \vith Staff recommenda- tions. PTJBLI C HEARING ITEJI,1S Staff presented Staff Report and noted that this was a City-initiated application. Proponent: Joe Smith, South San Francisco Unified School District Mr. Smith stated that he was available to answer any questions that the Commission migb have. - 4203 - AGEJ\1DA ACTION TAKEN Chairman Campredon asked Mr. Smith if this was a joint application between the City ano the School District. NIl'. Smi th stated that it was not a joint application. Chairman Campredon stated that, since the School District oVIDed the property, they should have to make all of the required improvements. Commissioner Bertucelli asked if the School District was planning to do the hydroseeding Thtt. Smith responded in the affirmative. Comrrdssioner Martin asked why the School District had to come before the Planning Commission. Staff responded that, based on an opinion of the City Attorney, if the School District is using their facilities for non-school uses, they are subject to a Use Permit. Commissioner Martin asked when the ConditionE of Approval would be met. Hr. Smi th responded ttU3-t he would have to go back to the School ,Board for a final answer as tOW-hen the improvements can be ITlr de. Staff responded that we would like to resolvE this matter as soon as possible and that no additional occupancy can be permitted until the Use Permit is approved. Opponent: Elaine Stevenson 297 Alta Vista 1^Jay South San Francisco Ms Stevenson asked if the School District could sublease to anyone, and if they had sufficient parking. Staff responded that a specific list was available describing all of the proposed uses and that they could not be changed without a modification to the Use Permit. Also, there is sufficient parking for 70 spaces in the playground area on the back of the lot. ConlTIissioner GrTITIes inquired about the status of the Guadalupe Health Center and the adver- tising that seemed to indicate the use was already in operation. AGENDA AcrION TAKEN l\1r. Barrie Stewart, representing Guadalupe Health Center, responded that Mr. Grimes might have seen one of the Health Center's flyers which reads as if they are already ir operation although they would not be open fc 30 more days. Opponent Mrs. Wendell stated that she has be following this matter for the past two years and, at one time, a number of people signed petition stating their objection to these us I Her primary concern was with regard to in~ creased traffic volume in the area. She als 1 stated that a health center should not be . permitted in residential areas. Commissioner Getz responded that he felt tha the proposed uses, including the Health Center, were beneficial to the co~mity. Comnissioner Martin suggested that this mattE should be taken up between the Superintendelll of the School District and Staff to resolve the Use Permit. Commission concurred not to allow any addi- , tional occupancy until the matter is resol vec and to continue this case to January 8, 1980 to allow time for Staff to meet with the Superintendent of the School District to discuss compliance with the Special Oonoitior 3. Mr. L. Bertolucci , Staff presented the Staff Report. UP-7~-50~ N"ega~i\Te Decla~ation No. 228 i Appllcatlon .to construct slngle story I Proponent: George Avanessian commercial strtlcture on vacant property 914 Linden Avenue located at southeast corner of inter- South San Francisco section of Linden and Pine Avenues in C-2 Zone District. I ~rr. Avanessian agreed to all conditions. Robert Yee, City Engineer, indicated that he had never seen the revised plan. He stated that he was opposed to parking along 8th Lane due to the potential of causing a traffic hazard. - 4205 - Mr. Avanessian indicated his surprise that there was any objection to this arrangement. Commissioner Getz questioned the appearance oj the rear and side elevations. ~tt. Avanessian indicated his agreement to adding some windows along Pine Avenue to break up the block wall look at that location. TAKEN 4. Broadmoor Homes, Northern California RPD-79-l2jSA-79-62 Negative Declaration No. 237 Applications to construct 156 unit Residential Planned Development Condominium project for individual ownership on vacant property west of Interstate Highway 280 and east of Gellert Boulevard along the east and west side of Appian Way in the R-3 Multi-family Zone District. Staff recommended that the Commission add/-_. revise Special Conditions as follows: 4. The parking spaces located 8dj acent to 8th Lane shall be angl~0~? and provide a minimum back up of itwelve feet on to 8i Lane; and these spaces shall be used for employee parking only. Special Condition 8 be added to read: 8. Store windows to be constructed on the Pine Avenue side of the structure. Motion-GrimesjApprove Use Permit UP-79-509 and Negative Declaration No. 228 subject to the revisedjadded Special Conditions No. 4 and 8 as recommended. Second-Getz Unanimously approved. Proponent: NIl'. James Casper 1tt. Casper agreed with Conditions of Approval and agreed to answer any questions the Commission might have. Mr. Martin commended Staff and the applicants with regard to the resolution of the initial adverse concerns and the expedient manner in which these applications have been handled. Mr. Martin further indicated that the 8 per- cent grade along Gellert is heavily trafficke, by adjacent residential areas. His concerns are based on the traffic backing at the intersection of Gellert and West borough. flis recomnendation is that a double right hand turn be allowed at this intersection. His further concerns centered around the need for left hand turn stacking areas on Gellert for traffic traveling south on Gellert. Commissioner Getz expressed his agreement wit] Commissioner Martin's concern \vi th regard .to the inadequacies in the Traffic Engineer's report with regard to the maximum rating assigned to Gellert Boulevard at peak hours. Commissioner Getz went on to agree \vith certain safety precautions as necessary as discussed by Commissioner Martin. - 4206 - AGENDA ACTION TAKEN City Engineer R. Yee responded to the ques- tions with regard to the traffic report by indicating that the report being questioned was prepared by the traffic consultants re- tained by the developer. Att. Yee indicated that the lack of visibility at the access point of the northernmost one- way, right turn only driveway creates a very hazardous situation. His concerns are based on the steepness of the slope just before this point. Mr. Yee went on to object to the continuous roadway along Gellert. His cOImlents followed in objection to "speed bumps" being a viable solution to the problem from a traffic stand- point. Donald Sandy - Architect for the developer Mr. Sandy indicated his non-preference to the continuous or broken driveway along Gellert. Discussion followed as to the possibility of providing left turn lanes along Gellert, and it was generally agreed, supported by the Cit Engineer, that such a possibility did exist and that it should be added as a condition. Commissioner Martin expressed a concern about the need for rodent control during the construction. The Commission agreed to addjrevise Special Conditions as follows. 2. Delete Condition No. 2 as stated in Exhibit "A" of December 11, 1979 Staff Report and renumber subsequent Conditions 14. The site plan shall be modified to includ the construction of a left turn lane for northbound traffic on Appian Way entering into Lot 3. The applicant shall close the most northerly one-way driveway proposed along Gellert Boulevard on Lot 3 and shall in- stall two (2) turf block landscaped bar- riers along the Gellert Boulevard frontagl roadway. Applicant shall be responsible for rodent control as it may affect surrounding residential areas during the construction phases. - 4207 - TAKEN The applicant shall install stacking lanE at each of the three median breaks locatE on southbound Gellert Boulevard subject i review and approval by the City Engineer. Adequate addressing shall be provided at each of the major driveway entrances intc this project. Motion-MartinjApprove, subject to the additic of left-turn stacking lanes on southbound Gellert Boulevard; the deletion of the most northerly one-way right-tlITn driveway on Gellert; the addition of two landscaped turf- block barriers on the upper driveway located adjacent to Gellert; and the provision of adequate addressing at the driveway entranceE Second-Grimes Unanimously approved. 5. Ron Prive VW UP-79-526 Categorical Exemption Application to construct additional showroom area at #1 Chestnut Ave. in "U" Unclassified Zone District. Staff presented the Staff Report Chairman Campredon questioned whether this permit had been previously approved. Applicant George Avanessian stated he had reviewed and concurred with Staff Report and with recommended conditions. Vice Chairman Mantegani questioned regarding converting the lighting to high pressure sodium. Community Relations Officer Sergeant Sullivan replied that such lighting is more desirable to the:pQ1:iG~ l)ep?-r'1:lTIentand. is cheaper light ing. ConlTIissioner Hoyer questioned whether the Police Department was suggesting the existing lights be changed or if they can stay. Sergeant Sullivan responded that the conver- sion to high pressure sodium was only a recomnendation. Commissioner Getz questioned whether sodium lights provide more powerful light since ther is a concern about additional light power bothering the tenants of the adjacent apart- ments. Sergeant Sullivan responded that high pres sur sodium lights are more powerful. - 4208 - ACTION TAKRN 6 . Patrick & Sheila Brosnan RPD-79-l6jSA-79-64 Negative Declaration No. 250 Application for Residential Planned Development to construct 14 unit residential planned development project and related site improvements on properties located at 526 and 528 Miller Avenue in the R-3 Zone District. 7. The Emporium Tanforan UP-79-527 Categorical Exemption Application to establish semi-annual warehouse sales on property located at 230 South Maple Avenue in the M-l Zone District. - 4209 - Commissioner Bertucelli indicated that he haE seen the use at night and does not think morE -lighting is necessary. Follo\ving this discussion, the Commission agreed that Special Condition 4 be added to read: 4. That additional lighting shall be provide if it is deemed necessary by the Police Department after review of the existing lighting intensity and approval of a revised lighting system that may be re- quired. Motion-ManteganijApprove Use Permit subject t Special Conditions including 4. Second-Bertucelli Unanimously approved. Staff presented Staff Report. Motion-Bert~cellijApprove RPD-79-l6jSA-79-64 application. Second-Mantegani Unanimously approved. Staff presented Staff Report. ~1r. Hughber, Representative from Emporium Tanforan, agreed vdth all conditions. It was noted by Staff that there is a conditic requiring annual review of the Permit. Comrrdssioner Hoyer questioned why only gravel base was required per Special Condition 4. i Staff indicated that a compacted gravel would ; be adequate for the temporary nature of use. ! Conmissioner Hoyer stated that asphalt is not i.I much more expensive and would prevent gravel from collecting on the streets. Mr. Hughber noted that they plan to grade, compact and properly drain the area. ~Vice Chairman Mantegani voiced his concern i that the property should. be thoroughly cleane( ~after each sale. 8. McDonald's Corporation UP-79-525 Certified EIR Application to construct drive-thru fast food restaurant and related site improvements on vacant property located on the west side of Gellert Boulevard approximately 150 feet north of West borough Boulevard in the C-l Zone District. Commissioner Grimes noted that there is a problem because customers park on South Spruce Avenue. He felt that the Use Permit should include a Special Condition restrictin~ parking on South Spruce for the sale; also, customers should be able to pick up merchan- dise at a front door such as on South Maple. Mr. Hughber responded that there are two pick up areas at the warehouse. Comnissioner Grimes noted that the two pick up areas are not being used. Following this discussion, the Commission agreed that the following conditions be added to the Special Conditions to read: 12. That the applicant shall compact the gravel base to mitigate the dust poten- tial for the temporary nature of use. 13. That the applicant shall provide clean up activities along the public rights- of-way to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Services. 14. That the applicant shall control parking along South Spruce in addition. 15. That loading shall be accomplished at thE designated areas along South Maple AvenuE Motion-GrimesjTo approve UP-79-527 subject to all Staff and Commission recommended Condi- tions of Approval. Second-Bertucelli Unanimously approved. Staff presented the Staff Report Proponent: ]\'1'r. Mike Errmert 2025 Galway Place, Suite 330 San Jose ~1r. Emmert indicated his desire to discuss land use issues only at this meeting. He expressed confidence with regard to satisfying City concerns with regard to architectural cOITlpatabili ty with the surrolmding areas. Mr. Emmert indicated his agreement to fund the necessary public iITlprovements, but, because of the liabilities to his company, he would prefer not to do the actual installation. Mr. Emmert continued to address the Staff's find- ings indicating his objection based on the - 4210 - AGENDA ACTION TAKEN _ _",_:-1 1: - gj l_L~ 1L! .n._ ----..\.. ,~ ~lack of quantitative reasons, including the i reference that McDonald's is different than J any other restaurant chain. Mr. Ehmert' s 1 COIIments went on to say that the acceptance 1 of his restaurant chain is proven around the : world. His comments continued based on the I family style orientation of his restaurant j chain and the lack of associated problems, as 1 indicated by Staff, based on similar uses at I and based on Police Department cOOlTIents durinf ~ the hearing for the recently approved locatior I on El Camino Real. i l i Mr. Errmert continued that his estimate is thai i I 68 percent of his business will come from I existing traffic in the area. 1 J , ~1r. Emmert continued to assure the Commission I that his use would be an asset to the area in I general and should be considered a "conveni- I ence'! restaurant that is appropriate in the i C-l Neighborhood 7nne District. ~ I Proponent Mr. Tam Callan, Sr. 1 I 1tt. Callan indicated that the area along 1 Gellert Boulevard is secured by bonds to Ii. guarantee that development would carry its · fair share from a tax revenue standpoint I I return back to the City. j j I I Mr. Callan went on to assure the Comnission ! that a user like McDonald's would be an asset j I to the corrmuni ty and the immediate area from I a revenue return standpoint as well as a property value standpoint. Further corrments followed with regard to past history of the area, centering around the need for certain development standards to be considered as well as future development patterns. Th,tt. Ted Tronoff Mr. Tronoff relayed additional background information indicating that previous parcel maps have included provisions for a future McDonald's Restaurant. His corrments continued that the access road- way traversing the proposed site has always been envisioned as being removed at the time of a permanent development in this area. .- 4211 - AGENDA ACTION TAKEN Opponent: Bill Comer, Property Manager tor ~1edical Building III Elm Street Novato, California Mr. Comer, speaking for the owner and tenants of the building, relayed his concerns with regard to the adverse effects of the proposed use. J-T..is concerns followed that the addi- tional traffic would adversely effect his location. Additional concerns followed with regard to access through the parking area of McDonald's including the increase in customer activities in and around the Medical Building as a resul Commissioner Hoyer questioned the required parking in accordance with the zoning ordi- nance, indicating his interpretation of the ordinance is that drive-in restaurant uses require one space per every 50 square feet. Staff agreed that this standard of one parkinl space per 50 square feet of gross floor area would apply. Comnissioner Getz indicated that his concerns are based not on the use in general but on the use at this particular location, Mr. Getz continued that a different use at this location would lessen the potential for traffic congestion related problems. Comnissioner Getz concluded that there must be other uses that would be possible at this location. His comments included a request fOJ a determination from the City Attorney with regard to the property owner's claim that a Use Permit would not be necessary for a Kentucky Fried Chicken, Wendy's, or Taco Bell. Comnissioner Bertucelli questioned why the request for development is being considered prior to a resubdivision request. The Director responded that both applications perhaps should be considered together. How- ever, the parcel could be subdivided as re- quested and facilitate a user of a different nature. Corrmissioner Martin indicated his concerns for high quality, creative type development for this area. Corrmissioner Hoyer concurred with Staff's preference for the adoption by the Commission AGENDA ACTION TAKEN SUBDIVISION & PA.11,CEL ~1APS: 9. Rich Diodati SA-79-6l Negative Declaration No. 232 Application for a Final Subdivision Map for 24 unit industrial condominium project for individual ownership on vacant property located south of Swift Avenue in the M-2 Heavy Industrial Zone District. 10. Tom Callan PM-79-l8l Certified EIR Application for tentative Parcel Map to resubdivide approximately 7.8 acres of land into 2 parcels on property located southerly of the extension of Gellert Boulevard in the C-l Neighborhood Commercial Zone District. 11. Tom Callan PM-79-l82 Certified EIR Application for tentative Parcel Hap to create 4 parcels on approximately 16.2 acres of land located on the westerly side of the extension of Gellert Boule- vard in the C-l Neighborhood Commercial Zone District. of an overall master development plan for thE entire area. Motion-ManteganijDeny Use Permit based on thE Staff recommended findings. Second-Grimes Unanimously approved. I S(JBDIVISION g(; PARCEL~,1APS: Staff presented Staff Report. Motion-BertucellijApprove application for Final Subdivision Map SA-79-61~Final Map to t forwarded to Council. Second~Mantegani Unanimously approved. Staff presented Staff Report Commissioner Getz expressed concern with regard to cumulative effects of the proposea-~ subaivision:........... ......m~ Sfaffassured the C6rfrI1issiofier ffiat.the sub-- division was strictly to accornmc5date the approved developments along the east side of Gellert Boulevard and to separate the existin pump station on to its own parcel. Motion-~1artinjApprove PM-79-l8l application. Second-Bertucelli Unanimously approved. Staff presented the Staff Report and recom- mended that this case be continued off calend until the land uses for this area are resol ve, The Commission concurred. /I n, ..... AGEl'IDA ACTION TAKEN ) REPORTS i I Do,~town Revitalization I Report presented for Commission review. 1 Negative Declaration No. 197 j (REVISED) I Commission concurred to approve revised An environmental determination I draft of Downtown Revitalization Negative based on a project initiated by the I Declaration No. 197. ! Department of Corrmuni ty Development and , Engineering Division of the City related I to the Downtown Revitalization Project I for the Urban Core area located in the : C-2 Zone District. REPORTS 12. 13. I Country Club Park Area I To set a Public Hearing date for the I pre-zoning of the Country Club Park Area! I I a I I units I I j J I I I i I l .J ! I I i ~ 14. James M. Harris UP-79-49l Review of side yard setbacks at 327 Tamarack Lane for construction for 2-car garage in conjunc~ion with 3 K-Mart Landscaping UP-77-392 15. Election of Officers COMMUNICATIONS _ Ll'J1Ll _ Public Hearing date set for January 22, 1980 Staff presented the Staff Report. Corrmission approved a slight modification in the two side yard setbacks for construction for a 2-car garage at 327 Tamarack Lane. Hr. Steven Cassidy appearing for K-Mart Mr. Cassidy indicated his desire to work wit] Staff and the Department of Public Services to resolve this matter and bring such a resolution to the Planning Commission for concurrence at the regular meeting of January 8, 1980. The ConTnission concurred to continue this matter off calendar. Chairman Marcel Campredon nominated Robert Mantegani as Chairman for the ensuing year. Passed by unanimous roll call vote. Commissioner Bertucelli nominated Don Grimes to serve as Vice Chairman for the ensuing year. Passed by unanimous roll call vote. COMN1UNICATIONS Memorandum directed to the Planning Commis- sion addressing several questions presented during Good and Welfare at the meeting of November 19, 1979. AGENDA ACTION TAKEN GOOD AND WELFARE GOOD AND WELFARE ADJOURNMENT Louis Dell'Angela, Secretary Planning Commission City of South San Francisco Commissioner Grimes asked about the mini- warehouse sign at Oyster Point. Staff responded that the property manager ha been notified that these violations ~dll be corrected. There being nothing further to consider undE Good and Welfare, Chairman Campredon announc that the meeting be adjourned to January 8, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the West Orange Avenue Library Auditorium, 840 West Orange Avenue, South San Francisco. 11:45 p.m. Marcel Campredon, Chairman Planning Commission City of South San Francisco NOTE: The entries of this Planning Commissi meeting indicated the action taken to dispoE of each item. Oral presentations, argumentE and documents are recorded on tape and are available for public discussion in the Offic of the Department of Community Development.