HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 04/22/1980 MINUTES April 22, 1980 meeting of South San Francisco Planning Commission PLACE: WEST ORANGE LIBRARY AUDIWRIUH, 840 West Orange Avenue, SSF MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Mantegani, Vice Chairman Grimes, Commissioners Bertucelli Campredon, Hoyer, and Martin Commissioner Getz absent ALSO PHESENT: Community Development Staff Louis Dell' Angela Daniel Christians Mark Wheeler Drctr/Parks and Recreation Lyle Norton GOOD AND WELF AHE : No comments. A@ENDA CHANGE: Item 5/Preliminary Redevelopment Plan to be heard first. PUBLIC HF.ARING ITEMS: PRELIMINARY REDEVEIDP11ENT PLAN Preliminary review for "Gateway" redevelopment project as proposed by Allstate on the former Bethlehem Steel site. April 22 Staff Report presented. Representative for Allstate, ~tt. Peter HaverkaIT[)f, presented overview of project. Rick Kerr, swa group, Sausalito, discussed site plan. Commissioners questioned uses proposed in projeet area. Rick Kerr noted these would be offices and small scale businesses, i.e. small elec- tronics firms, Savings and Loan, Bank, "high class" restaurant, possible hotel and convention space. Motion-Martin/Second-Campredon; To adopt the Resolution approving the proposed Preliminary Plan for the Gateway Redevelopment Project and submit it to the Redevelop- ment Agency for final action. Unanimously approved. _ 4?R? - April \22, 1980 SUBDIVI SION AND PARCEL MAPS: JOHN BJORNER/SA-79-56/NEGATlVE DECLARATION NO. 212 Application for a Final Subdivision Map to create 39 air space condominiums on developed property located at 1107 Mission Road in the "U" Unclassified Zone District. April 22 Staff Report presented. Motion-Martin/Second-Bertucelli; To approve Final Subdivision Map SA-79-56 subject to Conditions and Findings in Staff Report. Ayes: Noes: Grimes/Bertucelli/Hoyer/Martin Campredon/Mantegani PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS: ROBERT J. McLAUGHLIN /UP-80....542 /NEGATlVE DECLARATION NO. 255 (TF#15l) Application for Use Permit to construct 2 story office and 2 single-story office/ warehouse buildings on vacant property located on Grandview Drive in the M-2 Zone District. April 22 Staff Report presented. Motion-Grimes/Second-Hoyer; To approve UP-80-54Ei and Negative Declaration No. 255 subject to Conditions and Findings stated in Staff Report. Unanimously approved. YVES EMOND (LANDER.LAJ\1D) /UP-80-547/CERTIFIED EIR Application for Use Permit for a proposed laundromat located at 951 El Camino Real in the C~ Zone District. Applicant: Ron Ehlond, 752 Glenview Drive, Apt. 201, San Bruno Yves Emond, 685 Shelter Creek Lane, San Bruno Applicant stated the use should not present a pfITking problem. Requested continu- ance of this item to document findings. Staff noted project not in conformance with planned uses for area. Commission felt no need for continuance. Applicant questioned Staff Findings. Staff explained that it is applicant's responsibility to prove the proposed use is not contrary to planned uses. Applicant contended that use is similar to other proposed uses. allowed in project. Opponent: Paul Davis, 849 W. Orange Avenue - speaking for Southwood residents. Noted site is for high density residential and office use. - 4263 - April 22, 1980 PUBLIC HEARING ITEMS (cont.) YVES EMOND (LANDERLAND) (cont.) Opponent: Helen Hoopes, 825 W. Orange Avenue was concerned about use. Opponent: Martin Lehrberger, 849 W. Orange, #40124 - concerned about use and future requests for new uses. Opponent: Doris Nicolides, 25 Chestnut Street -. owns laundromat very close in area. She feels area will not support another laundrorrat business. Motion-Hoyer/Second-Grimes; To deny TJP...80....547 based on the Findings contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously denied. HARVEY RIFKIN/UP-80-544/NEGATIVE DECLARATION NO. 257 Application for Use Permit for a proposed sign program and construction of new build- ing on vacant and partially developed properties located on East Grand Avenue and Sylvester Road in the g-2 Zone District. April 22 Staff Report presented. Present for Applicant: Tom Burns Judith Azur, 965 Mission Street, San Francisco Mr. Burns noted that Applicant objects to deed restriction on Parcel "C". He stated that standard parking areas will be provided since Federal Express has five year lease on Parcel "C". The lease will terminate in 1983. At that time, the building will be converted to warehousing, and parking requirements will change. Commission expressed concern about parking on site when Federal Express terminates. Staff noted that only 10 percent of space could be used as office space; remainder would have to be warehousing. Special Conditions imposed subject to approval of City Attorney: 1. No new occupancy of Federal Express building unless sufficient parking provided on site. 2. Use Permit shall be expanded to include all buildings on site. Applications for all uses to expire at same time Federal Express lease expires (2/83). Applicant to return to Commission at that time for approval of new occupancies. 3. Office space is to be reduced to 10 percent on all buildings if no additional parking has been provided. It was noted that all Code violations shall be corrected before new building and occupancy permits are issued. Motion-Bertucelli/Second-Campredon; To approve lJP-80-544 and Negative Declaration 257 subject to all Standard and Special Conditions in Staff Report. Such approval shall be limited to February 1983 and be contingent upon the City Attorney's approval of Covenants for Parcels "A" and "B". April 22, 1980 PUBLIC HEARING I~1S (cont.) HARVEY RIFKIN (cont.) Motion unanimously approved. UPDATED OPEN SPACE ELEMENT (TF#809) Updated Open Space Element of the South San Francisco General Plan April 22 Staff Report presented. Presentation of Plan made by Lyle Norton, Director of Parks and Recreation. Mr. Norton responded to various questions raised by the Commission. Motion-Grimes/Second-Campredon; To approve Resolution recommending that City Council adopt the updated Open Space Element of the General Plan and approve Negative Declaration No. 262. Unanimously approved. REtDRTS: JOSEPH HAC'fuERTY /UP-MOD 2 Clarification of conditions relating to deed restriction on parking requirements. April 22 Staff Report presented. Applicant present: Joseph Haggerty, 3500 Callan Boulevard, So. San Francisco The Commission questioned whether there would be anyon-street parking. Staff responded in the negative. Motion-Bertucelli/Second-Hoyer; To approve the Declaration of Restriction as revised relating to the Parking Requirements for UP-280, Modification No.2. Unanimously approved. COl\1MUNI CATIONS: Design Review Board interviews to be conducted prior to next meeting at 7:00 p.m. KEN FUNK/UP~79-487 (Side 1/TF#154) Application for Use Permit to establish an auto rental facility and related building and site improvements on an existing service st~rtion site at 264 So. Airport Blvd. April 22 Staff Report presented. Motion-Campredon/Second-Martin; To approve six months extension for tJP-79-487. Unanimously approved. - 4265 - April 22, 1980 COMMUNICATIONS (cont.) Walnut Avenue: Discussion about making street one-way. Staff noted problems with minimum 12 feet travel-way due to grade of street. City Engineer and representative of Parking Place Commission not in attendance to respond to questions. Commission decided to delay decision on this matter to May meeting. Callippe Silverspot Butterfly: Staff noted concern over Critical Habitat Design.ation for the Callippe Silverspot Butterfly on the South Slope of San Bruno Mountain. Staff Report forwarded to Council. Staff noted need for outside consultant to assist with completion of General Plan and Zoning Ordinance. Housing Element was submitted to State, no time line on other Elements. Motion-Hoyer /Second-Grimes; To request Ci ty Council approval for flmding to hire outside consultant for completion of General Plan and Zoning Ordinance. Unanimously approved. ADJOURNMENT : 10:45 p.m. (Side 1/TF#277) uis Dell' Ange a Secretary to the Planning Commission, City of South San Francisco Robert Mantegani Chairman to the Planning Commission, City of South San Francisco - 4?RR -