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April 14, 1983 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission
MEMBERS PRESENT: Vice-Chairman Getz, Commissioners
Mantegani, Martin and Terry.
Bertucell i,
Chai rman Hoyer
Communi ty Development Staff
Daniel B. Christians
Philip Gorny
Maureen Morton
Assistant City Attorney
Ell adene Katz
Director of Public Services
Rob ert Yee
Police Department
Sgt Ron Petrocchi
Building Division
Jake Wi ttwer
Approv of Mi nutes: Moti on-Grimes/Second Bertucell i : To approve the mi nutes
of the March 10, 1983 and March 24, 1983 Meeti ngs as presented. Unanimously
approved by voice vote.. Commissioner Mantegani abstained on voting on the
Minutes March 24, 1983.
Mr.. Gorny advised the Commission that the Joint City Council/Planning Commission
study session tentatively scheduled for May 11, 1983 had been cancelled.
The City Council has instead schedul ed May 11, 1983 for a General Pl an publ ic
Vice-Chairman Getz noted that Chairman Hoyer and the Director of Community
Development, Mr. Dell 'Angela were out of town and not present at this meeting.
Commissioner Grimes advised Staff of a sign painted on a building in the Sav-On
Drug Shopp; Center proj ect at South Spruce and El Carni no Real.. Staff wi 11
i nvesti
Croatian Association (Earl Hardt), UP-83-647, Negative Declaration No. 393
Use Permit to low proposed remodeling of the existing Croatian Association
Building at 415 Grand Avenue and the construction of new buildings and building
additions to adjacent structures located at 417-4l71k Grand Avenue and 416 Third
April 14, 1983 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present:
Milan Cvitanovic,Pres.
Croatian Assn
419 Grand Ave.
Apri 1 14, 1983
Applicantis Building Designer Present:
Earl Hardt
405 Grand Ave.
The applicant advised the Commission that the maximum occupancy of the building
would not be increased but that the addition would better accommodate large par-
ti es.. The Commi ss i on was concerned about the hours and days of use of the
banquet facilities and dance hall. The applicant advised the Commission that
these faci 1 i ti es were used at ni ght and general 1 y on weekend ni ghts. The
Commission added the following Special Condition:
"7 .. Banquet faci 1 i ti es and dance hall wi 11 not be used duri ng normal bus i-
ness hours of 8 A..M. - 5 P.M., tlionday through Fri day. II
Sgt.. Petrocchi of the Police Department requested that Condition F4, page four,
Police Department Memorandum of February 14, 1983 be changed to read as
"A physical barrier shall be installed in the existing building to restrict
unauthorized access into the suite hallways after hours."
The above changed Police Department requirement was added as Special Condition
No.. 8.
The Commission expressed concern with the parking situation in the Downtown area
and requested that thei r concern be conveyed to the Park i ng Pl ace Commi ss ion"
They suggested that the Parking Place Commission look into in-lieu fees and
check wi th the Ci ty Attorney IS Offi ce on thi smatter. t~rs. Katz advi sed the
Commission that this matter is in the study stage at this time.
Motion-Martin/Second Bertucelli: To approve UP-83-647 and Negative Declaration
No. 393, based on findings and subject to all conditions, including above two
added Special Conditions, contained in the Staff Report" Unanimously approved.
Ernest Maguire, Jr., V-83-267
Variance to allow an addition encroaching 5'6" into the required rear yard set-
back at 120 IIB" Street.
April 14, 1983 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present
Ernest Maguire
120 IIB" St
Speaking on the Application:
Catherine Roelofsen
Property Owner
124 IIB" St..
The applicant advised the Commission that he will comply with all condi ons. of
approval recommended in the Staff report. He indicated that he has a cashier's
check posted to reimburse ~;lrs.. Roelofsen in the event that her fence becomes
damaged during construction of the project0
April 14, 1983
Mrs. Roelofsen stated that she had no objections if the work was legally done.
~1oti on- Bertucell i /Second Mantegani: To approve V-83-267 based on fi ndi ngs and
subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved.
Michael Callan/Geortom, Inc., UP-83-644
Use Permit to construct a 132-unit residential condominium project on Carter
Drive (Carter Park, Units 1 and 2).
April 14, 1983 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present:
~1i chael Call an
82 Isabella Ave.
Applicant's Representative Present:
Tom Vlasic
William Spangle & Assoc.
ApplicantDs Attorney Present:
Joseph M. Gughemetti, Attorney
1961 Landings Dr.
Mountain View
The appl icant requested that this case be continued for a period of 30 rather
than the 90 days recommended by Staff. The appl icant and hi s representatives
felt certain project related issues might be resolved and wanted the opportunity
to return to the Commission for a status report in 30 days.
Motion-Mantegani/Second Martin: To continue UP-83-644 to the meeting of May 12,
1983, without prejudice. Unanimously approved by voice vote.
Prel iminary Draft of Proposed Ordinance Regul ating Second Units on Singl e-Family
Lots (IIGranny Unitsll)
Vice-Chairman Getz was advised that the Assistant City Attorney had made changes
to the Ordi nance prepared by the Communi ty Development Staff.. t~rs. Katz stated
that the revised Ordinance which she prepared had not yet been reviewed by the
Ci ty Attorney. She presented the Commi ss i on and Staff wi th a copy of her
revised Ordinance.. The Commission requested Staff to investigate the ramifica-
tions of allowing second units in all Single-Family areas of the City rather
than only in the limited area recommended by Staff. It was also suggested that
the purpose portion of the Ordinance be amended to reflect that it is the City's
intent that the second units satisfy needs of persons within the family..
Motion-Mantegani/Second Bertucelli: To set May 12, 1983 as a public hearing
date for Ordinance Regul ating Second Units on Singl e-Family Lots.. Unanimously
approved by voice vote.
April 14, 1983
The Commission voted to cancel the Meeting of April 28, 1983 by unanimous voice
Doris Agee
819 Ridge Court
Wi th regard to the Ordi nance on second uni ts, fvlrs. Agee suggested that Staff
'contact 3 or 4 Homeowners' Associations for input.
Adjournment: 9:15 P.M.
Charles W. Getz IV
Acting Chairman, Planning Comma
City of So. San Francisco
ng Commission