HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05/12/1983 May 12, 1983 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Hoyer, Vice-Chairman Getz, Commissioners Bertucelli, Grimes, Mantegani, Martin and Terry ALSO PRESENT: Community Development Staff Louis Dell 'Angela Daniel B. Christians Phil ip Gorny Maureen Morton Assistant City Attorney Ell adene Katz Police Department Building Division Sgt. Ron Petrocchi Jake Wittwer PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Approvcit:6f Mi nutes: fvloti on-Grimes/Second Mantegani: To approve the mi nutes of the April 14, 1983 Meeting as presented. AYES: Vice-Chairman Getz, Commissioners Bertucelli, Grimes, Mantegani, ~1artin and Terry. ABSTAINED: Chairman Hoyer. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Commissioner Terry questioned the renovation \Mork done on the building at the corner of Linden Avenue and Hillside Boulevard. Commi ss i oner Grimes noted that the contractors doi ng the grouti ng work at the Moroccan Restaurant in the Brentwood Shopping Center were leaving debris on the sidewalk and street. Staff will check both properties and report back to the Commission. Commissioner Grimes thanked Mr. Christians for his prompt action in having the painted sign at the Sav-On Drug Shopping Center removed. Vice-Chairman Getz requested that Item 7, Reappointment to the Design Review Board, be heard as Item 1 on the Agenda. Commission concurred. AGENDA ITEMS Reappointment of Louis Fornaciari to the Design Review Board ~1oti on-Grimes/Second Bertucell i : To reappoi nt Loui s Fornaci ari to the Desi gn Review Board to serve an additional two year term. Unanimously approved. WMMIG, A General Partnership (Louis Arata), PM-83-209 T entati ve Parcel Map to di vi de one parcel into two parcel s affecti ng property located at the southeast corner of Victory and South Maple Avenues in the M-1 Light Industrial Zone District. 1238 Nay 12, 1983 May 12, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicant1s Representative Present: Louis Arata, CE 1 La Cruz, Millbrae Motion-Mantegani/Second Bertucelli: To approve PM-83-209 and Negative Declaration No. 401 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Michael Callan/Geortom, Inc., Case No. UP-83-644 Use Permit to construct a 132-unit residential condominium project on Carter Drive (Carter Park, Units 1 & 2). May 12, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Representative Present: Tom Vlasic William Spangle & Assoc. Mr. Vlasic requested a continuance of this case to the meeting of June 9, 1983 rather than to the meeting of July 14, 1983 as recommended by Staff. The General Plan Issue was discussed. Commissioner Getz was of the opinion that thi s proj ect was not consi stent wi th the current General Pl an. Mr. Vl asi c advised the Commission that Mr. Callan did not wish to wait for the new General Pl an. to be adopted to process thi s appl ication. The Director of Community Development recommended that the Commission should direct the Staff to process a General Plan Amendment for this application so that action on this item could be expedited. Staff noted that a meeting was being arranged to include the City's geologist, the applicant's geologist, and the State Geologist in order to resolve the seismic concerns related to the properties in question. t40ti on-Getz/Second Terry: To conti nue UP-83-644 to the Pl anni ng Commi ss i on Meeting of June 9, 1983; to find that the density proposed in this project is not consistent with the current General Plan; and to direct Staff to initiate a General Plan Amendment for UP-83-644.. Staff advised the Commission that the General Plan Amendment would be heard at the Planning Commission Meeting of June 9, 1983. Unanimously approved. Wagner-Levine, UP-83-643 Use Permit to place a proposed mobilehome for a caretaker and to store equipment and trucks on the easterly 9 acre portion of US Steel fUSS Fabrication proper- ty located at 205 Oyster Point Boulevard in the M-2 Industrial Zone District. May 12, 1983 Staff Report presented. The applicant was not present. 1239 May 12, 1983 Staff advised the Commission that all conditions previously recommended by Staff have not been agreed to by the appl icant. Additional time is necessary to resol ve these issues. Mr. Dell' Angel a stated that whi 1 e thi s case had been referred back to the Commission from the Council for reconsideration, the Commission1s original decision to deny UP-83-643 need not necessarily be changed. It was Council's desi re that the Commi ssi on shoul d recommend con- ditions of approval in the event that the Council decided to approve this appli- cation in the future. Motion-Getz/Second Bertucelli: To continue UP-83-643 to the meeting of June 9, 1983 based on Staff's recommendation and the appl icant' s request. Unanimously approved. United Parcel Service (UPS), UP-83-649, Negative Declaration No. 399 Use Permit for a proposed private-use hel iport facil ity on a portion of UPS parking lot at 657 Forbes Boulevard. May 12, 1983 Staff Report presented. Staff noted that letters had been received from nearby property owners on this application. Applicant's Representative Present: John Johnson 2222-17th Street San Francisco Commissioner Martin complimented Staff on the Staff Report. Vice-Chairman Getz asked if UPS had any pl ans to sell the area at the western portion of their property. Mr. Johnson stated that UPS has no present plans to sell this property. Motion-Martin/Second Grimes: To approve UP-83-649 and Negative Declaration No. 399 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Nick Sofes, UP-83-650, Negative Declaration No. 400 A Use Permit for a proposed pizza restaurant and video amusement arcade with four (4) games in the Chestnut Plaza Shopping Center at 26 Chestnut Avenue. May 12, 1983 Staff Report presented. The applicant was not present. The Ass i stant Ci ty Attorney advi sed the Commi ss i on that it was not 1 egally necessary for the appl icant to be present in order for the Commission to hear and make a decision on this case. 1240 May 12, 1983 The Commission questioned the possible problems which might arise from having a rear exit to the premises. Sgt Petrocchi told the Commission that the rear exit would only be used as a fire exit and that customers could not enter or leave by thi s exit. The 1 ack of 1 i ghti ng was al so noted. Sgt Petrocchi responded that thi s concern had been addressed in the recommended Condi ti ons of Approval. Vice-Chairman Getz requested that Special Condition No.4 be amended to read as fo 11 ows : "4. The applicant shall comply with all standard conditions and all con- ditions and requirements of affected City Departments and Divisions as contained in their attached inter-office memoranda, especially all con- ditions set forth in the Police Department Memorandum (Exhibit "B")." Motion-Getz/Second Mantegani: To approve UP-83-560 and Negative Declaration No. 400 based on findings and subject to all conditions, including above amended special condition, contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Residential Second Unit Ordinance Proposed Ordinance Adding Chapter 20.18 entitled "Residential Second Units' to Ordinance No. 353, as amended, entitl ed "Zoning Ordinance of the City of South San Franci sco" and Ti tl e 20 of the South San Franci sco Muni ci pal Code enti tl ed "Zoning". May 12, 1983 Staff Report presented. Two Ordinances were considered. One Ordinance limited units to a specific area. The other was City-wide in scope. Speaking on the Ordinances Doris Agee 819 Ridge Court Mrs. Agee suggested that a provision be placed in the Ordinance to indicate that such units would be permitted only if not prohibited by governing homeowners associations. Vice-Chairman Getz stated that it was his opinion that such a prohibition was not legally possible. Assistant City Attorney Katz concurred with Vice-Chairman Getz. A discussion ensued on the merits of limiting second units to the downtown area as recommended by Staff or allowing second units City-wide. Chairman Hoyer com- mented that he felt it was totally unrealistic to require a third parking space for the second units. It was the concensus of the. Commission that the addi- tional off-street parking space should be required. Motion-~1antegani/Second Martin: To adopt a Resolution recommending that the City Council adopt the Ordinance which limits second units to the downtown area of the Ci ty based on findi ngs contai ned in the Staff Report. AYES: Commissioners Bertucelli, Grimes, Mantegani and Martin. NOES: Chairman Hoyer, Vice-Chairman Getz and Commissioner Terry. 1241 ~1ay 12, 1983 ITE~1S FROM STAFF Recommendati on of Staff to set June 9, 1983 as a pub 1 i c heari ng to cons i der Revocation of UP-83-630, a Use Permit for an auto repair facility at 821 Cypress Avenue. Motion-Mantegani/Second Grimes: To set June 9, 1983 as a public hearing to con- sider said revocation. Unanimously approved by voice vote. . The Director advised the Commission that the South San Francisco Unified School . Di stri ct had prepared a development proposal for the Gal way School Si tee The School wished to bring this before the Commission and desired an informal con- census from the Commission concerning this proposal. The School proposal is for a medium density (15 units per acre) project with a mix of three (3) story and two (2) story condominiums. The Commission felt that the School proposal had merit.. ITEMS FROM COMMISSION By unanimous voice vote the Commission cancelled the Planning Commission Meeting of t~ay 26, 1983. Adjournment: 10 P.M. ~,~c.~~ Louis De 1 ;Angela Secretary, Planning Commission City of South San Francisco Herman Hoyer Chairman, Planning Commission City of South San Francisco 1242