HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 02/10/1983 February 10, 1983 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission PLACE: Muncipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco ME~1BERS PRESENT: Chairman Hoyer, Vice-Chairman Getz, Commissioners Bertucell i, Grimes, Mantegani, Martin and Terry. ALSO PRESENT: Community Development Staff Louis Dell 'Angela Dani el B. Chri sti ans Philip Gorny ~1aureen Morton Assistant City Attorney Ell adene Katz Director of Public Services Bob Yee Fi re Department Fred Lagomarsino Dave Parenti Police Department Sgt Ron Petrocchi Building Division Jake Wittwer PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion-Grimes/Second Bertucelli: To approve the minutes of the January 13, 1983 Meeting as presented. Unanimously approved. CONSENT CALENDAR Abandonment of a portion of the north side of Oyster Point Boulevard adjacent to 375 Oyster Point. Motion-Mantegani/Second Terry: To adopt a resolution recommending that the City Co unci 1 vacate a porti on of the north si de of Oyster Poi nt Bl vd. adj acent to the Lands of Richard and Martha Diodati, 375 Oyster Point Boulevard. Approved by unanimous voice vote. Dave Agresti, V-83-268 V ari ance to construct a new garage at 232 Brentwood Dri ve in the R-l Si ngl e Family Zone District. \VIot i on-Mantegani /Second Terry: To conti nue V-83- 268 to the March 10, 1983 Planning Commission Meeting. Approved by unanimous voice vote. Milan Jurkota, SA-83-78 Tentative Subdivision Map for a six (6) unit residential condominium project at 111 Chestnut Avenue in the R-2 Duplex Zone District. Moti on-Mantegani /Second Terry: To conti nue SA-83-78 to the ~1arch 10, 1983 Planning Commission Meeting. Approved by unanimous voice vote. 1214 February 10, 1983 AGENDA ITEMS Review of 1982-83 Capital Improvement Program Mr. Yee briefly explained the Capital Improvement Program. Cornni ss ion di scussed several issues rel ated to the Storm Sewers Program. The Commission recommended that the City Council give Items 10, 11, and 12 a higher priority. Certain Commissioners also questioned what the downstream effects of Items 3 and 7 might be. ~/loti on-Grimes/Second Bertucell i: To adopt the resol uti on certi fyi ng that the proposed 1982-1983 Capital Improvement Program is consistent with the City's General Plan. Unanimously approved. Ernest Maguire, Jr., V-83-267 Variance to allow construction of an addition encroaching 5'6" into the required 20' rear yard setb ack at 120 II B" Street. February 10, 1982 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Ernest Maguire 120 "B" Street Speaking in Opposition of the Application: Kathryn Roelofsen, Property Owner 124 "B" Street Mrs. Roelofsen commented that one room was built on top of another and was built of pl asti c. She wanted to know how the materi al woul d be brought in as the fence \vas damaged once. She commented that there was no room to bri ng the material through to the rear yard. Jake Wittwer Chief Building Inspector Mr. Wittwer advised that a Stop ltJork order was issued by the City. He advised that the existing construction would be brought up to building code standards. He further stated that the fence would be protected. The Commission noted that there were no el evation pl ans nor were there pl ans showing materials to be used. Motion-Martin/Second Bertucelli: Commission Meeting of March 10, Unanimously approved. To continue V-83-267 to the Planning 1982 for submission of complete plans. 1215 February 10, 1983 Norris, Beggs & Simpson, PM-83-206 A Tentative Parcel Map to create two parcel s from an existing six acre parcel located on the south side of Grandview Drive between Point San Bruno Boulevard and Cabot Road in the M-2, Heavy Industrial Zone District. February 10, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicant not present. Motion-Bertucelli/Second Grimes: To approve PM-83-206 and Negative Declaration No. 390 based on fi ndi ngs and subj ect to all condi ti ons contai ned in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Rich Diodati, SA-83-79 Commissioner Getz stepped down. Tentative Subdivision Map for a 300 unit office-condominium project, in two 5-story buildings, consisting of Buildings "E" and "G" in the Oyster Point Busi ness Park, wi th rel ated park i ng and 1 andscapi ng, east of the termi nus of Oyster Point Boulevard in the M-2 Heavy Industrial Zone District. February 10, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present Rich Diodati 1461 San Mateo Avenue Motion-Martin/Second Bertucelli: To approve SA-83-79 based on findings and sub- j ect to all condi ti ons contai ned in the Staff Report. AYES: Chai rman Hoyer, Commissioners Bertucelli, Grimes, Mantegani, Martin and Terry. ABSTAINED: Vice-Chairman Getz. Joseph A. Perry, Jr., UP-82-627/Revised, Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 368 Use Permit to allow construction of an 8 story, 200 room hotel with supporting restaurant and lounge, meeting room facilities, related parking and landscaping on the southwest corner of San Mateo and Produce Avenues. Applicant Present Joseph A. Perry, J. Bri sbane Applicant's Architect Present: Wi 11 i am Schuppel 550 Kearny Street San Francisco Applicant1s Economics Consultant Present: John Love Market Consultant 1216 February 10, 1983 Applicant's Traffic Consultant Present: Tom Klausen, TJKM Walnut Creet Speaking in Favor of the Application: Eugene Martineau, President Liberty Bank 235 Grand Avenue Steve Sanguinetti, Vice-Pres. Steward Warner Association Rich Diodati 1461 San Mateo Avenue Speaking in Opposition of the Application: Douglas Butler 133 Adrian Drive The Archi tect, Economi cs Consul tant and Traffi c Consul tant made bri ef presen- tations to the Commission. Mr. Butl er fel t that the impact of the hotel on 101 and the impact from noi se on Produce Avenue was not addressed. The Commission complimented Mr. Perry on his revised project. Special Conditions Number 4 and 6 were amended. Special Condition No.5 was deleted and the following Special Condition No. 10 was added: 1110. Prior to issuance of a building permit, an accoustical report shall be prepared by a qualified engineer setting forth appropriate construction standards to reduce the interior noise level in the pro- posed bui 1 di ng to 45 dB (CNEL ) . II Moti on-Marti n/Second Bertucell i: To approve UP-82-627 /Revi sed and Mi ti gated Negative Declaration No. 368 based on findings and subject to conditions, including the above amended and supplemental conditions, contained in the Staff Report. AYES: Chairman Martin, Commissioners Bertucell i, Grimes, ~~antegani, Martin and Terry. NOES: Vice-Chairman Getz. Jimmy Kwok/Earl Hardt & Associates, V-83-266 Variance to allow an addition encroaching 2'611 into the required 15 foot front yard setb ack and 6' 711 into the requi red 10 foot rear yard setb ack for a si ngl e family home at 149 Gardiner Avenue in the R-3, Multiple-Family Zone District. February 10, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Jimmy Kwok 149 Gardiner Avenue 1217 February 10, 1983 Applicant's Building Designer Present: Earl Hardt 405 Grand Avenue Mr. Kwok read into the record two letters from neighbors, Ralph Volpi, 145A Gardiner Avenue and Gregg Eichhorn, 145A Gardiner Avenue who were in support of the proj ect. Motion-Grimes/Second Terry: To deny V-83-266 based on findings contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Wagner-Levine, Inc., UP-83-643 Use Permit to allow proposed parking and storage of equipment on a portion of US Steel/American Bridge property at 205 Oyster Point Boulevard. February 10, 1983 Staff Report presented. Speaking in Opposition to the Application: Ed Levine 205 Oyster Point Boulevard Rich Diodati 1461 San Mateo Drive Applicant Present: Motion-Getz/Second Mangegani: To deny UP-83-643 based on findings contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Terrabay Development Agreement Verbal Staff Report was presented. agreement. Staff distributed draft of proposed Questioning Agreement: Mrs. Fiaze 748 Hemlock Motion-Grimes/Second Martin: To continue the public hearing on the Terrabay Development Agreement to March 10, 1983. Approved by unanimous voice vote. ITEMS FROM STAFF UP-914, Valencia Brothers Motion-Getz/Second Mantegani: To set March 10, 1983 as a public hearing date to consi der the revocati on of UP-914, an auto sal vage yard located at 155 Harbor Way. Unanimously approved by voice vote. Staff noted that a joint Planning Commission and Design Review Board study session had been set for February 24, 1983. Commissioner Mantegani stated that the Commission should also meet with the Parking Place Commission on this same date. 1218 February 10, 1983 Staff also noted that a discussion concerning second (granny) units will be held at this study session. ITEMS FROM COMMISSION Commissioner Terry asked if Mr. Perry's earlier appeal on his original project would be withdrawn. Staff advised that it would be. Chai rman Hoyer commented on the Market West Project. Mr. Dell' Angel a stated that he will send brochures to the Commission on this project. Adjournment: 1:00 A.M. l ,l Louis De ! Secretary to the Pl an i g ~rnmission City of South San Francisco Herman Hoyer Chairman, Planning Commission Ci ty of South San Franci sco 1219