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January 27, 1983 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Hoyer, Vice-Chairman Getz, Commissioners Bertucelli,
Grimes, Mantegani, Martin and Terry.
Community Development Staff
Louis Dell'Angela
Daniel B. Christians
Philip Gorny
Maureen Morton
City Attorney Robert Rogers
Director of Public Services/CE Bob Yee
Police Chief Datzman
Sgt Ron Petrocchi
Vice Chairman Getz stated that the State Attorney General IS Office, where he is
employed, has taken a stand on cardrooms.. He stated that it would not be
appropriate for him to take part in that portion of the General Plan which deals
with cardrooms..
City of South San Francisco, EIR-28-7
Final Environmental Impact Report for the General Plan Land Use, Circulation and
Transportation Elements.
City of South San Francisco, GP-28-20
Land Use, Circulation and Transportation Elements of the General Plan.
January 27, 1983 Staff Report Presented.
Mr. Dell IAngela explained the cardroom policy. Reference was made to the letter
of January 24, 1983 from Daniel Modena in this regard. Mr. DelllAngela stated
that the more stringent policy on cardrooms recommended by Staff was not
intended to reflect on the two existing cardrooms in the City..
The Public Hearing portion of the Meeting was opened.
Xenophon Tragouts is (Attorney)
1486 Huntington
~1r. Tragouts is stated he represented the McDona 1 d IS Corporati on.. He obj ected to
the proposal that IIfast food restaurantsll not be permitted on South Airport
Boulevard and in other areas of the City.
January 27, 1983
Nancy A. Butterfield
660 Market St., SF
Ms. Butterfield presented a letter from Flynn & Steward Attorneys, dated January
27, 1983. This firm represented Philip & Elaine Bill who own property on the
northeast si de of Si gn Hi 11 . The recommended pol i ci es (67 and 68) on slope
development were read to Ms. Butterfi el d. Mr. Delli Angel a advi sed her that a
reasonable amount of low density development would be allowed on the north side
. of Sign Hill, subject to certain environmental and grading limitations.
Charles Bona
1131 Mission Road
Dr. Bona spoke of the need to alleviate traffic in the area of Mission Road. He
cited portions of the Technical Appendix which recommended an Oak Street
Connection. He noted that this proposal has been deleted from the General Plan.
It was the concensus of the Commission that a policy statement should be made
that if 1 evel E is reached at the Westborough-Chestnut Avenue/El Cami no Real
intersection that a street connection preferably at Oak Street should be
Dan Modena (Attorney)
421 Grand Avenue
Mr. Modena stated that he represented Al Pascoe, one of the cardroom owners in
the dO\l'mtown area. He presented hi s vi ews on cardrooms to the Commi ssi on.. He
stated that hi s cl i ent wanted to relocate hi s ca rdroom out of the downtown busi-
ness district.
Jim Tevini (Attorney)
415 Grand Avenue
~1r" Tev i ni represented Joseph Pascoe the other downtown cardroom owner. ~1r..
Tevini stated that the Staff position on cardrooms was arbitrary. He \II/as in
disagreement with the proposed cardroom policy..
James Datzman
Police Chief
Chief Datzman presented to the Commission his views on cardrooms and card clubs.
He stated that in the past it was made clear to the cardroom owners that they
woul d be phased out. He stated that the General Pl an regarding cardrooms was
the issue not the parti cu1 ar owners i nvol ved" He stated that the Commi ss ion
should accept the fact that cardrooms generally require additional police ser-
vice. He said the Police Department supports the current cardroom/card club
policy in the General Plan..
January 27, 1983
Sgt Ron Petrocchi
Police Department
Sgt Petrocchi advised the Commission that he had contacted the Attorney
General I s office and was advised that the Attorney General intends to propose
legislation to require licensing and background investigations of cardroom
Jim Keegan
1244 Crestwood Drive
Mr. Keegan noted that the Southwood School site is now vacant and is proposed to
be used for Baden Hi gh School students. Staff noted that such a transfer is
within the jurisdiction of the South San Francisco Unified School District and
the City has no jurisdiction in this case.
Douglas Butler
133 Adrian
Mr.. Butler noted certain conflicts in the EIR & General Plan documents regarding
open space.. He questi oned how much 1 and on the McLell an Nursery site waul d be
left for open space. He felt that a medium density designation was not
appropri ate for the McLell an Nursery si te. He al so recommended that an Energy
Impact Element of the General Plan be prepared.
Tom Vlassic
3240 Alpine Rd
Portola Valley
Mr. Vl assi c stated he represented Mi chael Call an. He spoke on the "benchmark
density" proposed in Policy 13.
David Uccelli (Attorney)
520 E1 Camino Real
San ~1ateo
Mr. Uccell i stated he represented Lawrence Varney the owner of Oak Farms.. He
stated his opposition to the proposed Medium Density designation for his
client's property located on Oak Avenue..
At this point in the meeting, the Chairman announced that the Capital
Improvement Program schedul ed as Item 3 woul d not be heard.. Thi s item was
rescheduled to be considered at the February 10, 1983 meeting.
January 27, 1983
Thomas J. Callan
2790 Junipero Serra Blvd.
Daly City
Mr . Call an questi oned the three story hei ght 1 imi t. He was advi sed that if a
park i ng garage was 50% below grade it woul d not be counted as a story. Mr.
Callan objected to the language for the remaining vacant properties along
Gellert Boulevard. Regarding Policy 10-6, Mr. Callan felt an applicant should
have the right to present an application regarding an access drive to
. Westborough Boulevard. He suggested that the Commission remove this policy.
Walter Marino
Foster & Kleiser
1601 Maritime Plaza
Mr. Marino asked if policy 38, page 30 was still in effect. Vice Chairman Getz
asked the City Attorney (re policy 38) if the City has the right to prohibit
billboards. Mr. Rogers advised the Commission that he is waiting for a Supreme
Court deci s i on on that matter. He further stated there was no problem in the
General Plan with prohibiting new commercial off-site advertising signs.
The Public Hearing was closed.
Commissioner Bertucelli read a prepared statement with regard to the Card Room
Pol icy. He stated that he was in opposition to the pol icy recommended in the
Staff Report of January 18, 1983.
The following changes to the General Plan were made by the Commission:
(Page Numbers are those shown on the Land Use, Circulation and Transportation
Element, December 1982 and will be different in the final published document).
Page 15 - Under Vacant Cl assrooms, second to 1 ast sentence the word "uses"
after IInon-intensive" was deleted.
Page 27 , Pol icy 33, regardi ng Adul t Enterta i nment, second sentence the words
IIlimited in number" were deleted.
Page 30, Policy 37, first line, after the ""ords lIoff-site", the word
"commercial" was added.
Page 30, Policy 38, first sentence, the word "outdoor" was deleted and the words
"off-site commercial" were added.
Page 32 , Pol icy 46, the fall owi ng phrase was added: " . . . and mi d- ri se commerci al
and/or residential structures not exceeding five (5) stories in height should be
permitted adjacent to El Camino Real.1I
January 27, 1983
Page 33, Policy 50, third line. A period was placed after the word lIexistencell
and the words IIby January 1, 199311 were deleted.
Page 51, Policy 82. The following sentence was added to the policy: IIIf the
Hi ckey Boul evard extensi on is not constructed by 1990, then the Oak Avenue
extension between Mission Road and El Camino Real should be constructed.1I
Page 52, Policy 83. The following sentence was added: IIIf Level of Service IIEII
is reached at the El Camino Real-Chestnut Avenue/Westborough Boulevard
I ntersecti on, an addi ti onal connector road between Mi ss i on Road and El eami no
Real should be constructed..1I
Page 60, Policy 1-10, third sentence, the words IIparticularly thosell were
Moti on-Getz/Second Marti n: To adopt the resol uti on recommendi ng that the Ci ty
Council approve the Environmental Impact Report of the General Plan, as amended
at this meeting. Unanimously approved.
Motion-Martin/Second Bertucelli: To adopt the resolution recommending that the
City Council approve the Land Use, Circulation and Transportation Element of the
General Plan of December 1982, as amended at this meeting. Unanimously approved.
Commissioner Getz Abstained only on the Card Room issue. Commissioner Mantegani
abstained from voting on any portion of the Plan relating to Chestnut/Grand Ave.
Adjournment: 12:45 A.M. properties. (3/10/83).
Ange a
Secretary to the Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Herman Hoyer
Chairman, Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco