HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 01/13/1983 January 13, 1983 Regular Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission PLACE: Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Hoyer, Vice-Chairman Getz, Commissioners Bertucelli, Grimes, Mantegani, Martin and Terry. ALSO PRESENT: Community Development Staff Louis Dell 'Angela Daniel B. Christians Phi 1 ip Gorny Maureen Morton Assistant City Attorney Elladene Katz Director of Public Services/CE Robert Yee Police Sgt Ron Petrocchi Fi re Fred Lagomarsino/Dave Parenti Building Division Jake Wittwer PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINUTES: Motion-Grimes/Second Bertucell i: To approve the minutes of the December 8, 1982 Meet i ng as presented. AYES: Vi ce-Cha i rman Getz, Commissioners Bertucelli, Grimes, Mantegani, Martin and Terry. ABSTAINED: Cha i rman Hoyer. ELECTION OF OFFICERS: Motion-Grimes/Second Getz: To elect Vice-Chairman Hoyer as Chairman of the Planning Commission for calendar year 1983. Approved by una- nimous voice vote. Motion-Grimes/Second Bertucelli: To elect Commissioner Getz as Vice-Chairman of the Planning Commission for calendar year 1983. Approved by unanimous voice vote. Chairman Hoyer presented a plaque to Commissioner Martin in appreciation for his service as Chairman of the Planning Commission in 1982. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Joseph Perry requested the opportunity to present at the February 10, 1982 Commission Meeting a redesigned proposal for a hotel at the southwest corner of Produce and San Mateo Avenues. The Commi ss i on agreed to cons i der the redes i gn but adv i sed Mr. Perry that they st ill had concerns rega rd i ng traffi c and the intensity of the use. The Commission requested that Mr. Perry have a three dimensional model of the project available at the February 10, 1983 Meeting. Staff requested that the Commission place Agenda Items 1,4,9, and 10 on the Consent Calendar. Commission concurred. Irma Stiltner, 146 Gardiner, spoke on Item 4, Kwok/Hardt, V-83-266 and stated that she had a parking concern regarding the project. Mrs. Stiltner was advised - 1202 - January 13, 1983 to return to the February 10, 1983 meeting as this item was continued to that meeting. CONSENT CALENDAR Rotary Plaza, RPD-79-14 Request for one (1) year time extension to finish construction of a 55 unit senior citizen annex to Rotary Plaza, located on the west side of Blondin Way in the R-3 Zone District. Motion-Getz/Second Bertucelli: To approve a one (1) year time extension to January 15, 1984. Approved by unanimous voice vote. Jimmy Kowk/Earl Hardt and Associates, V-83-266 Variance to allow a room addition and the addition of a second dwelling unit to encroach 3'7" into the required 10 foot rear yard setback and 1'2" into the required 15 foot front yard setback and a variance to provide two (2) rather than the required four (4) parking spaces at 149 Gardiner Avenue. Motion-Getz/Second Bertucelli: To continue V-83-266 to the meeting of February 10, 1983 at the request of the applicant. Approved by unanimous voice vote. Conc~t Convention Services, Inc., UP-83-642 A Use Permit to allow a storage facility for convention equipment in an existing warehouse at 519 Mayfai r Avenue in the PCM Planned Commercial and Limited Industrial Zone District. Application was withdrawn by the applicant. No action was, therefore, necessary by the Commission. Wagner-Levine, Inc., UP-83-643 (Revised) Use Permit to allow proposed parking and storage of equipment on a portion of US Steel/American Bridge property at 205 Oyster Point Blvd. Motion-Getz/Second Bertucelli: To continue UP-83-643 to the meeting of February 10, 1983 at the request of the applicant. Approved by unanimous voice vote. AGENDA ITEMS Straw Hat Restaurant Corp~, UP-82-640 Use Permit to allow proposed video game arcade with 15 amusement devices at the Straw Hat Restaurant in the Westborough Square Shopping Center at 2262 Westborough Boulevard. - 1203 - January 13, 1983 January 13, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicants Present: James Chow, Architect Straw Hat Restaurant Corporation Rudy Gizman, District Manager Straw Hat Restaurant Corportation Luigi Latorella, Manager Straw Hat Restaurant Speaking in Opposition to the Application: Ruth Sellers 2230 A Westborough Blvd. Robert Stevens, President Westborough Home Owners Assn. 2435 Tipperary Avenue Sgt Ron petrocchi Police Department Letters from John Anderson and Dr. Ronald Konopaski opposing this application were read into the record. Speaking on the Application: Above noted speakers voiced their concern about juveniles in the area, lit- tering, loitering, and about various crimes including vandalism and burglary at the Shopping Center. Neighbors felt that the video arcade itself was not the prob 1 em but what was occurri ng in the Shopping Center outs i de of the Arcade. Mrs. Sellers said that the gate leading to her jewlery store was not being locked. Sgt Petrocchi stated that with an approved Use Permit the Police Department con- ditions, as well as other conditions in the Staff Report, would control this use to a greater extent. The following two additional special conditions were imposed: 6. Gate located in the breezeway on the north side of the Shopping Center adj acent to Dr. Konopask i 's offi ce wi 11 be locked by the St raw Hat Pizza Manager or his representative at 6 o'clock at night. 7. Use of the video arcade sha 11 be rest ritted by the app 1 i cant on 1 y to patrons of the restaurant. Mr. Stevens advised the Commission that he wished to withdraw his personal objections to the application in view of the conditions imposed. Motion-Getz/Second Bertucelli: To approve UP-82-640 based on findings and sub- ject to all conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. - 1203 - January 13, 1983 Isaac & Betty Guillory, RPD-82-26, SA-82-77 1) A Residential Planned Development Permit to construct a 10-unit resi- dential condominium project with parking, private driveways and landscaping at 631 and 635 Baden Avenue. 2) A Tentat i ve Subd i vi s i on Map to create 10 air-space res i dent i a 1 con- dominiums with common areas located at 631 and 635 Baden Avenue. January 13, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicant's Architect Present: Joseph Amaratas San Francisco Speaking on the Application: Doris Agee 819 Ridge Ct. Mrs. Agee commended the applicant on his project. She requested that a require- ment be made that the homeowner's association be incorporated. The following special condition was added: 6. The Homeowner's Association shall be incorporated. Motion-Martin/Second Mantegani: To approve RPD-82-26 based on findings and sub- ject to all conditions, including above added special condition, contained in the Staff Report. Motion-Martin/Second Mantegani: To continue SA-82-77 to the Meeting of March 10, 1983 based on Staff's recommendation. Approved by unanimous voice vote. Pizza Time Theatre (Chuck E. Cheese), V-83-265, UP-83-64l 1) Variance from required number of parking spaces (180) for proposed amu- sement arcade and pizza restaurant, serving beer and wine, in the existing Brentwood Market building at 249 Kenwood Way in the Brentwood Shopping Center. 2) Use Permit to allow establishment of a proposed amusement arcade with approximately 60 amusement devices and a pizza restaurant in the existing Brentwood Market building at 249 Kenwood Way in the Brentwood Shopping Center. January 13, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: David Wheeler 4220 San Juan Fremont - 1204 - January 13, 1983 Speaking in Opposition of the Application: Sharon Huseman 152 Hazelwood Dr Ron Hampton Margaret Warren 152 Northwood Dr 790 Stonegate Dr Dorothy Schumacher 222 Mosswood Dr Jos i e Compan i Kath r'yn Freeman 232 Wildwood Dr 200 Maywood Dr Mr. Dell 'Angela noted that a marked up City meeting notice was circulated in the neighborhood. He stated that this notice, on yellow paper, was not cir- cu 1 ated by the Ci ty. He added that those who c i rcu 1 ated the not ice had impro- perly marked the notice before it's circulation. Mrs. Huseman advised the Commission that she circulated the above mentioned notice and did not intend to 'have it look like an official City notification. The above speakers voiced concerns about inadequate parking, traffic, noise and the potential for crime related to the proposed use. The Chairman asked those in the audience who were in opposition to this applica- tion to raise their hands. It was noted for the record that close to one hundred people raised their hands. Motion-Martin/Second Grimes: To deny V-82-265 based on findings contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Motion-Mantegani/Second Terry: To deny UP-83-641 based on findings contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved. Foster and Kleiser, UP-78-449 Additional five (5) year time extension to allow the continuation of two (2) off-site advertising signs located a 1 Oyster Point Boulevard in the M-2 Industrial Zone District. January 13, 1983 Staff Report presented. Applicant Present: Wa 1 ter Mari no 1601 Maritime St Oak 1 and Commissioner Martin questioned the applicability of AB1353 to this case. Assistant City Attorney Katz advised the Commission that this Bill was enacted in August 1982 and became effective in January 1983. She further advised the Commission that she would prefer to discuss this at a later time. Mr. Marino advised the Commission that his Attorney had advised him that this Bill would have no bearing on this particular case, as Foster and Kleiser had - 1205 - January 13, 1983 previously signed an acceptance form regarding the conditions imposed which stated that the signs would be removed if changes had occurred in the area. It was the concensus of the Commission that changes had occurred in the area and the advertising billboards should be permitted to remain for a five year period with no additional time extensions. Special Condition No.1 was changed to read as follows: "1. Both off-site advertising billboards at #1 Oyster Point Boulevard shall be removed, so 1 e ly at the expense of the owner, by November 28, 1988. No further extensions of time shall be allowed." Motion-Getz/Second Grimes: To approve a five (5) year, one time only, time extension to November 28, 1988. Unanimously approved. Ricardo M. Camponeuvo/Dr. Quinton Robertson, UP-82-633 A Use Permit to add 754 square feet to an existing Mexican Restaurant and a 3200 square foot office addition to the main building with additional landscaping and parking lot improvements located near the intersection of El Camino Real and Hickey Boulevard in the Winston Manor Shopping Center. Mr. Dell 'Angela advised the Commission that after a discussion with Mr. Yee, he is now recommending that this item be continued since no improvement program has been submitted by the applicant. Motion-Mantegani/Second Bertucelli: Approved by unanimous voice vote. To continue UP-82-633 off calendar. Raymond De Nardi, GP-83-22, RZ-83-76, Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 387 A proposed General Plan Amendment from low density to high density residential and a rezoning application to prezone/rezone an approximately 0.46 acre property from R-l (County Zoning) and "U" Unclassified to R-3 Multiple-Family Residential Zone Disrict located on the southwest corner of Ponderosa Road and Alida Way. January 13, 1983 Staff Report presented which recommended a Medium Density Residential General Plan designation and RPD-15 Zoning. Applicant Present: Raymond De Nard i 453 Alhambra Mr. De Nardi showed the Commission a picture of the existing triplex on the pro- perty and presented the Commission with letters signed by neighbors which indi- cated that they did not object to the rezoning of this property to high density residential. Motion-Getz/Second Martin: To deny GP-82-22, RZ-83-76 and Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 387 based on the following findings: - 1206 - January 13, 1983 1. The proposed High Density Residential amendment to the General Plan and the R-3 Zoning would not be compatible with the surrounding land uses and zoning. 2. The proposed High Density designation would allow an excessive number of dwelling units on the undeveloped site. 3. Due to its size, configuration, and physical characteristics, the site is not suitable for high density development. 4. A high density development would create overcrowding on the site and parking and traffic problems in the area. Unanimously approved. Motion-Getz/Second Mantegani: To prepare a Reso1 uti..Qn recommending that the City Council prezone/rezone the property RPD-8, Residential Planned Development Zone District at eight units per acre based on the following findings: 1. The RPD-8 Zone District would be consistent with the General Plan. 2. An RPD-8 Zone District will allow one (1) additional unit. 3. An RPD-8 zoning would not be adverse to the publ ic health, safety or general welfare of the community nor detrimental to the surrounding properties and improvements. 4. Due to its size, configuration and physical characteristics, the site is only suitable for low densilty development. 5. Low Density Residential and RPD-8 Zoning is compatible with the adja- cent uses and properties. AYES: Vice-Chairman Getz, Commissioners Bertucelli, Grimes, Mantegani, Martin and Terry. NOES: Chairman Hoyer Review of the 1982-83 Capital Improvement Program for Consistency with the General Plan Mot i on-Mantegan i /Second Bertuce 11 i : To cont i nue th i s i tern to the meet i ng of January 27, 1983. Approved by unanimous voice vote. ITEMS FROM STAFF Mr. Dell 'Angela advised the Commission of a Planning Commission seminar to be held in Monterey on March 2-4, 1983. Commissioner Terry expressed a desire to attend. - 1207 - January 13, 1983 ITEMS FROM THE PUBLIC Doris Agee 819 Ridge Court Mrs. Agee thanked the Commission for the decision on the De Nardi case. Adjournment: 11:45 P.M. '--~.... .~. ~~. Louis Dell 'Angela ,- Secretary, Planning Commission City of South San Francisco Herman Hoyer Chairman, Planning Commission City of South San Francisco - 1208 -