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December 8, 1982 Special Meeting of the South San Francisco Planning Commission
PLACE: Municipal Services Building, 33 Arroyo Drive, South San Francisco
:MEMBERS PRESENT: Chairman Martin, Commissioners Bertucelli, C:retz, Grimes and
MEMBERS ABSENT: Vice-Chairman Hoyer, Commissioner Mantegani
Community Development Staff
Louis Dell'Angela
Daniel Christians
Philip C'JOrny
Assistant Oity Attorney
Elladene Katz
Director of Public Services/CE
Robert Yee
Sgt Ron Petrocchi
Fred Lagomarsino
Building Division
Jake Wittwer
Staff requested that Item No. 8 on the Agenda (Russell Lee, V-82-264) be moved
to 4A. Staff further recorrmended that Item 3 be removed from the Consent
Calendar and be heard as Item 4B. Corrmission concurred.
Isaac P & Betty Guillory, RPD-82-26, Negative Declaration No. 373
A Residential Planned Development Permit (RPD) to allow construction of two (2)
proposed residential buildings each containing 5 condominiums with 20 off-
street parking spaces, a private driveway and landscaping located at 631 and
635 Baden Avenue in the R-3 Zone District.
Isaac P & Betty Guillory, SA-82-66, Negative Declaration No. 373
A request for a Tentative Subdivision Map to create 10 residential condominiums
on the south side of Baden Avenue (631-635) between Magnolia Avenue and Orange
Avenue in the R-3 Restricted Multiple Family Residential Zone District.
Motion-Grimes/Second Getz: To continue RPD-82-26 and SA-82-77 to the meeting
of January 13, 1983 at the applicant's request and based on information
contained .in the Staff Report. Approved by unanimous voice vote.
Joseph Haggarty, UP-82-563, Negative Declaration No. 274
A time extension request for construction of a mini storage unit complex on the
east side of Carter Drive between Meath Drive and Westborough Boulevard in the
Planned Community Commercial (P-C-C) Zone District.
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December 8, 1982
Motion-Grimes/Second Getz: To approve a one-year t~e extension for UP-80-563
to February 18, 1984 based on information contained in the Staff Report.
Unanimously approved.
Russell Lee, V-82-264
Variance to allow construction of a proposed family room addition within the
required rear yard setback at 131 Casey Drive in tbeH-l Single Family Zone
December 8, 1982 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present:
Russell Lee
131 Casey Drive
Motion-Getz/Second Grimes: To approve V-82-264 based on findings and subject
to conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved.
Joseph A. Perry, Jr., UP-82-627, Mitigated Negative Declaration No. 368
A Use Permit application to allow construction of a 12 story, 220 room hotel
with supporting restaurant and meeting room facilities on a 1.65 acre site
located at the southwest corner of San Mateo Avenue and Produce Avenue in the
M-2 Industrial Zone District. (Continued from October 14, 1982 Meeting).
December 8, 1982 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present:
Joseph Perry
Applicant's Traffic Consultant Present:
Garth Casaday
Environmental Science Assoc.
Foster City
Applicant's Architect Present:
William Schuppel
Kearny St., San Francisco
The applicant explained the project to the Commission.
Mr. Casaday explained traffic movements along Produce and San Mateo Avenues.
He advised the Commission that Mr. Perry would be willing to pay a proportionate
share (based, on the amount of traffic generated by the Hotel) for the widening
of Produce Avenue.
Mr. Schuppel explained to the Commission alternatives to providing stacking
lanes along Produce Avenue for entry into the Hotel.
Members of the Commission expressed their concern with traffic generated by
the Produce Market. The Commission requested that the applicant specifically
address this concern. Commissioner Getz requested that the applicant provide
information to the Commission supporting his position that a 200-room hotel
would be marketable in this area.
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December 8, 1982
AGENDA ITEM:S (Continued)
Motion-Bertucelli/Second Grimes: To continue UP-82-627 to the meeting of
December 16, 1982 based on information contained in the Staff Report.
Dominguez Associates, SA-79-53/Mod 1 Revised (12/3/82), RPD-79-8
Revision to Tentative Subdivision MapSA-79-53/Mod 1 and Modification to
Residential Planned Development Permit RPD-79-8 for a 17 unit Residential
Development located northerly of the terminus of Eucalyptus Avenue, south-
easterly of Stonegate Drive.
December 8, 1982 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present: Renan Dominguez
306 Railroad Ave.
Applicant's Attorney Present: Sidney V. Lorvan
Speaking in Opposition of the Application: Doris Agee
819 Ridge Court
Elladene Katz explained the Tentative Map procedure to the Commission. She
advised that Mr. Dominguez's tentative map was approved in 1979. At that time
the Subdivision Map Act had an 18 month life period. Mr. Dominguez has already
used his extensions and his time will run out on January 9, 1983.
Mr. Dell'Angela advised that there was a disagreement within staff regarding
a private versus a public road. He preferred a public road,. A' private road
would be acceptable to Mr. Yee.
Mr. Yee stated that he needed a Title Company's Assurance with regard to the
abandonment ofa City easement ,if a private road was proposed.
Mr. Dominguez advised the Corrmission that he has a condominium situation.
He felt q private street was more in line with the subdivision.
Mr. Lorvan spoke in favor of applying broad interpretation of the State Map
Act to allow a time extension in this case. He felt that since the law changed
since Mr. Dominguez's application and the new law pr0vides a total of 48
months~ the Commission should be able to grant an extension. The Assistant
City Attorney recorrmended a narrow interpretation of State Law regarding
expiration of the Map.
It was the consensus of the Corrrnission that Mr. Lorvan and the Assistant City
Attorney look into this legal matter and have an opinion ready by the meeting
of December 16, 1982.
Ms. Agee voiced her opposition to a private road.
Motion-Getz/Second Bertucelli: To continue SA-79-53/Mod 1 and RPD-79-8
to the meeting of December 16, 1982. Unanimously approved.
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December 8, 1982
AGENDA ITEMB (Continued)
The Chairman changed the Agenda order at this time due to the number of people
waiting for Item No.7, Aristakessian/Malcolm S. Kohn, UP-82-635.
Aristakessian/Malcolm S. Kohn, UP-82-635, Negative Declaration No. 381
A Use Permit to operate a proposed French/Moroccan Restaurant, serving beer
and wine, with live musical entertainment, in the Brentwood Shopping Center
at 120 Hazelwood Drive.
December 8, 1982 Staff Report presented.
Applicants Present:
Mardiros Aristakessian
1881 Kehoe Ave., San Mateo
Malcolm Kohn
144 Brentwood Drive
Speaking in Behalf of the Applicant:
Robert F. Lee - Attorney
520 El Camino Real
Tony Khorozian (Tony's Texaco)
290 El Camino Real
Speaking in Opposition of the Applicant:
Sharon Huseman
153 Hazelwood
Frances Fuidge
151 Northwood
Mary Hayden
130 Manor Dr
Joseph Riccomi
160 Hazelwood
Elizabeth Roberts
237 Mosswood
,Attorney Lee protested the reopening of the entire use permit issue since the
Commission had already approved this application. He said that his letter from
the City Clerk advised that this application was to be referred back to the
Commission to examine the parking issue and that the Commission should only
look at the total parking condition.
Ms Katz advised the Commission that it was her understanding that the City
Council referred this matter back to the Planning Commission to reconsider
its recommendation in relation to all special conditions even if the City-owned
parking lot was not improved.
The applicant's attorney stated that he did not believe the Staff Report
was accurate in regard to the motion by the City Council.
Mr. Kohn also advised the Commission that he crume prepared only to address
parking concerns. He advised the Commission that the Council acted on a Maintenance
District for the City-owned parking lot and that meetings had occurred with
the City Manager and City Engineer.
December 8, 1982
AGENDA ITEMS (Continued)
Mr. Kohn presented the Commission with pictures taken at various times and
dates of parking lots in the area. M-r. Kohn advised the Commission that the
applicants were prepared to accept valet parking but that they did not want
to be bound to use it if it was not necessary.
Mr. Khorozian advised the Commisison that the parking lots were empty from
6 A.M. to 9 A.M. and only a few cars were there at 8 P.M.
Ms. Huseman presented the Commission with a petition with over 120 signatures
requesting that this use not be permitted. The neighbors voiced concerns
about noise, traffic, parking, odors and crime.
Chairman Martin advised the Commission that after examining the rear alley, he
felt that Special Condition No. 6 would be impossible to impose because of
the small width of the alley. He felt there would be no room to put trash
Mr. Aristakessian felt that his restaurant would benefit the neighborhood.
Commissioner Getz suggested the imposition of the following additional special
1. A Valet Parking plan be developed. The proposed valet parking plan
is not acceptable. A potential possibility would be to use the J.C.
Penny Lot (Sav-On Drugs) across the El Camino Real. The applicant
will develop a method of insuring that the valet service is used.
(Incentive Program).
2. That the applicant develop a debris (wet garbage) control plan.
Garbage shall be removed daily.
3. Special Condition No. 8 shall be amended to read that "noise (music)
shall not be audible beyond the premises. II
4. That, if approved, the use permit be reviewed in a period of one (1)
Motion-Getz/Second Grimes: To recommend to the City Council that UP-82-635
and Negative Declaration be denied unless the above additional special conditions
are imposed. Unanimously approved.
Since it was 11 P.M., the Chairman suggested hearing Item No. 11 next as the
members of the audience were waiting to speak on this item. Items 6, 9 and
10 were continued until the meeting of December 16, 1982. Item 13 was
continued to the meeting of January 13, 1983. Item 12 would be heard
afterUP-82-637 at this meeting.
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December 8, 1982
AGENDA ITEMS (Continued)
Robert M. Wild, UP-82-637
A Use Permit to allow an amusement arcade having 15 amusement devices and 6
pool tables in the Brentwood Bowl located at 237 El Camino Real.
December 8, 1982 Staff Report presented.
Mr. Christians noted that references to the 6 pool tables have been deleted
as they do not fall within the category of coin operated amusement devices.
Applicants Present:
Robert Wild, Owner
Brentwood Bowl
Al Lefcourt, Manager
Brentwood Bowl
Speaking in Behalf of the Applicant: Tony Khorozian (Tony's Texaco)
290 El Camino Real
Speaking in Opposition of the Applicant: Clara Carroll
160 Ramona Ave.
Frances Fuidge
151 Northwood
Sharon Huseman
152 Hazelwood
Ron Hampton
152 Northwood
Mr. Christians read into the record letters received from the following three
persons who could not be present at the meeting but who were in opposition
to this application:
James & P. Theisen
212 Hazelwood
Murray Malanca
209 Northwood
Mr. Lefcourt advised the Commission that he agreed with the modified Use
Permit allowing 10 Video Games and 6 pool tables.
Mr. Khorozian advised the Commrrssion that the Brentwood Bowl had a parking
agreement with him for use of the Texaco Station Parking Lot.
Mr. Fuidge presented the Commission with a petition from the neighbors stating
that the Bowling Alley was a detriment to the area. The neighbors voiced
concern about noise, hours of operation, parking and litter at the bowling
alley. Ms. Huseman stated that she was not opposed to the Bowling Alley but
that she was opposed to the video games.
Mr. Wild advised the Commission that the Bowling Alley had been in the neighbor-
hood for 31 years.
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December 8, 1982
AGENDA ITEMS (Continued)
Sgt Petrocchi advised the Commission that the Police Department conditions
are stringent. He pointed to the new lighting requirements for the alley.
He also stated that according to Police Department statistics, allegations
of purse snatching in the area were not a problem. The Police Department
had not had one report of a purse snatch in that area in 1982.
Chairman Martin suggested that the Bowling Alley consider the possibility
of employing a security guard for control problems both inside and outside of
the Alley. Special Conditions 1 and 2 were amended to read as follows:
"1. This amusement arcade shall be limited to a maximum of ten (10)
amusement devices, five (5) of which shall be located within the
Cocktail Lounge and Spectator area and five (5) in the billiard
and game room."
"2. The applicant will provide a security person for both outside and
inside security and such person will be exclusively assigned for
security on Friday and Saturday from 6 P.M. to 2 A.M."
Motion-Getz/Second Terry: To approve modified Use Permit UP-82-637 based on
information and subject to all conditions, including above modified special
conditions contained in the Staff Report. Unanimously approved.
Evergreen Associates, Case No: UP-82-639, Negative Declaration 386
Use Permit to allow proposed exterior and interior remodeling and minor
additions to the Royal Inn Hotel at 275 South Airport Boulevard.
December 8, 1982 Staff Report presented.
Applicant Present:
J. Dail Connor
275 So. Airport Blvd.
Applicant's Architect Present:
Blake Mason
60 E. 'Third Ave.
San Mateo
The Architect explained that the hotel will operate a shuttle to and from
the Airport. The shuttle will also be used to provide transportation to car
rental agencies if required.
Commissioner Terry requested that comments of the Design Review Board be made
a part of Staff Reports in the future.
Motion-Grimes/Second Terry: To approve UP-82-639 and Negative Declaration No.
386 based on findings and subject to all conditions contained in the Staff
Report. Unanimously approved.
Adjournment: 12:30 A.M.
Louis Dell'Ange a
Secretary to the Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco
Louis Martin
Chairman to the Planning Commission
City of South San Francisco